Zombies Go Boom: First Chapter.

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Blake still kept the gun at the man, hearing the girl speak he felt more confident that she was not a threat and wouldn't kill anyone. Blake then heard a loud thud and tilted his head to the direction, he then tilted it back to stare at the man. "Put down the gun or we might be rotter dinner." The man thinking that the thud was the rotter's getting inside the market.
Spencer sighed slightly, a look of annoyance flitting across her face. "No," She huffed. "I'm not hiding a bite or a scratch. Stop being so paranoid. I mean jeez, what do you want me to do, strip for you?"
She was about to make another comment, when she heard the crashing sound coming from somewhere else in the store. She jerked her head towards the sound, biting her bottom lip and frowning a bit. "That didn't really sound like one of the infected." She mumbled. "...I don't think we're the only ones in here... One of got friends or something hiding back there?"

Rolf is as still as a statue as he begins to hear that the small group of people noticed the sound he created by accident. Rolf began to heavily breathe behind the shelves, holding his spear tight to him as if it were some sort of comfort. What was he going to do now? He couldn't just run out of here, they'd be looking his way... Rolf didn't want to just walk out of cover and introduce himself; there were no laws around to stop the people from just stealing everything he had at gunpoint, or from just shooting him right out of the blue. In a state of confusion and terror, Rolf stammers from behind the shelf:

"D-don't shoot me! I'm not a zombie, and I'm not bitten... just... please don't shoot!" Rolf pleads as he shakes in fear behind the counter. They had real guns alright, and it was terrifying to be around something that could end your life quickly or slowly and painfully with a well placed shot. Rolf doesn't show himself however, and remains in hiding, shaking like a leaf. The tip of his spear was visible over the top of the shelf that acted as his hiding spot, and this tip was absolutely covered in blood from his previous encounter with the dead.

Roy looked at the two in front of him before hearing a loud crash come from the other side of the supermarket. The man pleaded that and yelles that he was noy hostile. Roy seemed annoyed at the time being wasted, but was actually relieved about finding other people. He titled his gun up before a clicking noise comes from him. It was the safety being switched on his gun.

He placed the gun on his belt and looked at the man with the spear and then the other two. "Any of you wouldn't happen to know...where the NYPD has gone?" He asked while keeping his hand on the gun just in case.
Spencer shook her head slightly at Rolf's words. The fear in his voice annoyed her. Though she would have been understanding in the past, everything that had happened had caused her to become less caring. She didn't like when people showed weakness, and would have preferred they just kept there fears and insecurities to themselves.
Allowing her bat to rest slightly on the ground, she sighed, glancing in his direction. "If you're not dangerous then drop your weapon and come out!" She called "Prove it! I can't say for sure about these two, but I'm not planning on hurting you!"

She paused, and glanced over at Roy, feeling relieved that he wasn't poised to shoot her anymore. She was happy to see other living people, so long as they didn't want to hurt her.
"Dead, like everyone else, I'd guess." She said, shrugging slightly. "There's got to be some survivors, but they're probably in the wind. Either way, I doubt anyone is coming to help us, if that's what you're asking."
Blake kept the gun pointed at him, till he thought about the man and the girl so he decided to stop pointing it at them. He then pointed the Glock to where the boy called out, focused as he narrowed his eyes looking that direction. "If you don't get over here in ten seconds then we may have a problem boy." He then looked over to Roy who asked if they knew where any officers where, Blake started laughing and waving his head. "Look out the door and across the street, you can see some gnawing at a decaying human." Blake still had his focus at the boy down the aisles, listening to the two survivors talk. "Anyone know where some gasoline is? My...Somebody's truck ran out of it."

Blake heard a bang come from the back which had him turn his head to see what the ruckus was about. "Shit...Stay here and watch the boy" Blake ran to the front to see Rotter's piling at the doors, which meant that they didn't have much time before the rotter's would ruin this party. He then ran back to the other survivors and looked to the back door seeing it not touched. "We should move soon before that herd comes in and wipes us all out."
Rolf was visibly shaking at the demands to come out, and with a nervous gasp, he comes from behind the supermarket shelf, revealing his appearance of a young looking man with sandy white hair, armed with a homemade fire hardened spear. He slowly walks towards the group with his hands up, shaking like a leaf as he drops his spear in front of him, letting it slide on the supermarket floor.

"Look... l-look...! I'm not bitten, and I'm not just going to attack any of you out of nowhere, am I? I... I know this is the apocalypse, but we're all survivors... why does nobody trust eachother in this damned world?!" Rolf stammers with his hands still up, nervously looking between the men and eyeing their guns with fear, then looking to the girl with somewhat hurt eyes.
"You... You want me to prove it... w-wha... what would I achieve to you by lying? If I was bit I'd just end myself-"

Rolf was cut off at the sight of zeds at the windows. Shit... shit! They weren't there earlier... they must have been following him from the city! Rolf gives a nervous gulp with his hands still up, looking between the survivors unsurely.
"So... so now what? Do you believe I'm not going to try to kill you all with that spear... or turn into a zed any second? All I wanted is some supplies so I can... find... my sister..." Rolf whispers, looking at the ground blankly with his hands still up. He just didn't want to get shot... and this darkness was making Rolf much more scared than usual.
The door blasted opened, The grim had kicked down the door, his gun now aimed down the hallway awaiting for and rotters to come out of hiding due to his loud entrance. It was a stand alone building, two stories high with a pointed roof and a nice extended porch. The building looked untouched, no one had even raided the damn place, maybe it'll be a nice score.

no response, Derek made his way down the hallway. He turned into what appeared to be the living room, only to be halted by what might just be a usual sight. a man hung himself, and was now one of the infected, reaching out in Derek's direction, snarling and such. "wonder who gave you that fate...hope you don't mind if I take what's left in your house...well maybe this isn't your house, and i'm just here talking to a fucking rotter" he said turning around to look around the building.

it didn't take long before he found packs of chips, months from being old, and this old chest, locked with a bolt lock, he took the stock of his gun and slammed it down on it till it broke off. when he opened the chest...he froze.

Inside the chest was like a damn shrine, bullet shells a clip for a mk mod 11, no gun, a knife that said to the fallen and a picture...The picture was the same damn man that was hanging. why would he do that? The man was a soldier, lower ranking, but to Derek, everyone in service was a brother or sister in arms. He took the knife and the holster it came with. And made his way for the living room. "so, I hope you don't mind if I take this...I might need it more than you." Derek allowed his gun to hang by a strap on his chest as it was always hooked too. He put his left arm on the rotters chest and put the blade to the creatures head, putting it to silence. afterwards he cut down the rope and laid down the walker on the floor, and proceeded to leave the building. Why that? was the man above trying to fuck with him? maybe.

Derek made his way for the for the store, it was a large building, probably stop and shop or something, he couldn't tell as the sign was missing. It was a risky move, but why not try it, what was the worse that could happen?
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Shitty life . Even more fucked up than before. It was no time to contemplate about it . Olivia took a deep breath before barging inside the building from th back door, slamming the crossbow over her big boobs, making her body to ache for a moment. Then with a heavy breath, she looked around just as more zombies came at the door trying to get inside .

Suddenly, her eyes met of one of the guys inside and took the chance to speak.

" Sorry to interrupt your little family reunion but we have bigger issues ! The hoard will break this door in no time if more of theM will come here ..
We better get some killed and then come with a plan.!
Any takers ?!" Her voce came in huffs and gazed at the People waiting for a reply.

It was now or never .
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Rolf looks to the crossbow wielding girl with a bewildered face for a moment - could this night get any crazier? He knew it was a bad idea coming in here... but, at least he found some survivors - this one didn't even threaten him, which gave him a tiny bit of confidence at the least.

"Family reunion my ass..." Rolf quietly mutters under his breath, bending over and grabbing his spear out of instinct; he didn't care what the others thought, if there was any time to use his weapon, it was now.
"Okay, okay... this is crazy, I hardly know any of you, and I just met you, lady... but I'll help, I'll prove to you all I'm not against you..." Rolf sighs reluctantly, and his face suddenly loses it's nervous look and become calm and collected as Rolf takes a few deep breaths; approaching the doors, holding the lightweight spear in front of him, waiting for the zeds to be let inside. A little adrenaline was pumping in his veins; he taken out the odd zed or two before, but not a whole hoard of the things. With four able fighters on Rolf's side, he considered the odds, and knew everyone had a fighting chance.

"You guys with ranged weapons: get in cover, I'll handle them at close range. Just... I know we hardly know eachother, and it might be too much to ask, but... if I get bit... you know what to do." Rolf says gravely, and it was obvious what he meant. The only cure for a zed bite was a bullet to the skull.

Rolf readies himself by the door, slowly pulling his fencing mask out of his pack, and placing it over his head with a deep breath through the metal slits.
"Unguard..." He mutters to himself, awaiting the zeds' to break through.
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Blake was in the aisles when he heard a door open and close, he ran over to where the other survivors were. He was shocked but hesitant when he saw a girl blocking the door wielding a crossbow, he looked over at the boy as he muttered.

"Speak up boy cause we got no more secrets in this world anymore." He then looked over at the girl with the crossbow, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. "God dammit why the hell is everyone showing off right F***ing now!" He sighed and ran over to the door to block it, pushing at the handle. The rotters started pushing harder and Blake pushed off the door. "Hell no kid, get behind the register and let people with guns handle it, a spear can't handle a hoard. Besides if you get bit i won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull" Blake wasn't as mean before the apocalypse, but everything changed since then.
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"what the hell?"
The grim's eyes met a girl as she broke open the door and got into the shop... a horde behind her. "ah, is that a cutie I see... unfortunately rotter's do tend to kill the mood..." Derek spoke to himself trying to find some fun in this. But inside, his legs were shaking, his heart began to race. And suddenly, every little sound around him was very clear. His senses heightened, and then he had his at his chest, ready to go if needed. "how am I going to save her.... I do have enough bullets...but will I make each shot count?" Derek looked around, there was a truck in the middle of the parking lot. "better hope what ever dipshit had that thing locked it and the alarm is still good"

Derek crouched down to get better stability in his shot, even though the silencer had taken the kick down a notch on girl. He aimed down his sights and shot the glass, first bullet didn't make it through, the second though...broke the glass, and with luck the alarm went off. one by one the rotters turned around and began walking toward the truck. eventually all but one had moved to the truck, he took out his knife and ran up to the walk and jammed the knife so hard into the walkers skull, that the body just slammed into the ground with a gooey splat. just as it did, Derek booted the door, the first kick didn't break it, though the second...busted it wide open.

Derek came in with his gun at his arms, his helmet, wind goggles and face mask. He obviously appeared to be a soldier, his appearance screamed it. His gun had been aimed at Blake, he had the most threatening weapon. "GUN DOWN NOW!" Derek shouted loudly, he wasn't fucking around, a finger on the trigger and the green laser pointer was on Blake's chest. He came in to rescue the damsel in distress but only met some others. He then saw the danger he threw himself in, but hey! there was the girl!​
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As Blake focused his eyes on the door, he waited for the Rotters bust through the door and ready to gun them down. But then heard another person bust through the door. What the fuck? Blake asked himself as he turned his head that direction, seeing a man that looked like a soldier, which almost had him believing that was a soldier but then came to a hoult that he thinks that all the military is gone. "Better put down that gun unless you are going to use it" Blake starred the boy down for a couple seconds before he heard a bang, the Rotters were getting to tough for one person to hold but then started limping away towards the parking lot. "Well that will stall us some time to get out of this place"
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"Oh, for the love of-" Rolf groans behind his fencing mask at the arrival of yet another person. There must be much more survivors than Rolf expected around this area... but this one... he was well armed, but Rolf didn't like the look of this 'soldier' one bit. Besides, why would he just burst in here... nonetheless, brooding on problems wasn't really going to dove anything. When Rolf wore his fencing mask, his fear was eliminated and his mind was a rally of tactics; the survival instinct really kicking in to his mind.

"Congratulations, you've just burst in to a zombie surrounded and looted building... moron..." Rolf whispers to himself at the last word, and twitches a little at the shouting that occurred.
"Would you two idiots stop pointing your guns at eachother? They aren't toys. Focus your fire on the incoming threat! Although... they seem to be distracted for now..." Rolf growls, pointing his spear ready at the door. He was seemingly a completely different person, and much more confident when he wore his fencing mask.

Rolf stepped up to the door of zeds, flourishing his spear a little and taking a deep breath. Zeds were slow and clumsy, and could easily be dodged from their clumsy attacks. The only reason they were such a threat was the fact that if you took one bite, that was it. And a hoard was usually frenzied, making their movements considerably quicker than before.

"They're going to come back very soon, kicking open the door probably wasn't the best idea... nonetheless, most of the walkers are distracted by the truck alarm. Usually they last for thirty seconds - so we don't have long to prepare. Let's run and get out of here; we'll probably run into a few zeds on the way, but it's a start." Rolf mutters calmly, yet still a little shakily from under his fencing mask.
"You two can settle your differences later; we've got a slight hoard to flee from here, in case you didn't quite catch on. Oh, and I'm Rolf; let's get out of here... alive." Rolf mutters carefully. He didn't know what made him feel so calm and confident when he wore the fencing mask; probably the years of matches and training done whilst wearing it, but this was a life or death situation, not a petty fencing competition.
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Roy looked around at the commotion going on. The responses about the NYPD had frozen him a bit as he coulden't help, but think about the fact that his brother was probaly apart of the bodies laying on the streets. Shaking his head, he heard the woman mention that the infected were coming through one of the back doors. "There's too many of them! With the noise we'll make, we're bound to attract more."

As he took out his gun from his belt just in case of more infected, he walked towards the door that he had come in from before that led up to the employee lounges and upper level of the market. "We go through here and we should be good!" he said. Roy didn't care for the survivors much at this point and went through the door.
Blake starred down the man for a while debating to let his guard down and focus on the bigger task at hand, getting out of here before the Rotters start to realize we are still in here. "Your lucky that there is something bigger happening." Blake looked over at the window where he saw some walkers started walking away which had him sigh. "Right behind you" He replied to Rolf then he told them his name. "That's some name...Rolf." Blake replied as he walked out the door after Roy.
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Olivia sighed deeply when all the guys begun to have this Unlimited discussions of where to go and what to do. She had a plan though. Not that any of them would even listen.
However, for now she had to fallow them, as just maybe they will reach to a safer zone and she could rest for a while.

Therefore, she gulped the nod at her throat and took a deep breath when she went just behind Blake and the other guy, making a sign with her fingers as the others to fallow their lead.
" Guys and their toys. I guess some things would never change especially.. The alter Ego of the men." Whispering to herself, a tiny smile formed at her lips. Her steps were slow, but certain as she was just behind the guy called Rolf.
Her weapon at all times engaged, with her eyes gazing at the view in front of her and ready for any uncertain or stupid move of an walker or a Living one.

" I would say we should go east. Try to get a car and move out of the town. It is way to populated here..
I know a shop that might have some weapons, like swords and knives just five blocks from here.
I would need a secondary weapon anyways.. " Olivia said to the other guy, with her breathing becoming heavier as they continued their way through Hell.

From that angle, she did noticed the broad shoulders of the guy, as just for one second, her mind flew to other Not -so-childish areas And more to the adult side.
No time for stupid things now.
"This isn't the normal world anymore Derek, things are different now do to the current situation. sure some of them don't have a license for those weapons...but this world will need weapons like that for people to defend themselves, and well...lets just hope they know how to use it"
He looked over to the one who was named Rolf, "well good thing I set off that alarm then...my name is Derek, Grim Reaper squad, navy seals" he said following behind the group making his way through the parking lot, hands on his gun, finger on the side of the trigger. Standard safety protocol the instructor said, if your not firing your damn weapon, then fingers off the trigger. Don't want any accidents happening.

It felt weird to be with a random group of civi's, he didn't think he'd side so quickly after what had happened back at the camp. But with the walkers everywhere in the certain location. Rather leave the trust issues to later when its safer, then they can talk. "weapons store might sound nice, you guys might want to equip better anyways....they're more than the dead to worry about..." he muttered the last part not making any eye contact, just making quick glances left and right as the group slow jogged.​
Blake had his gun out ready if any rotters come and attack them, nodding his head at the idea to find a second weapon, guns were too loud and a bladed weapon would be way better. "You really think just because we are all survivors that I'll just jump at the opportunity to come with all of you to God knows where?" Blake used to trust people but stopped when... As the survivors made it up the stares, Blake opened the door and the rest of the group made it to the outside. "Okay the hoard has lessened since we went out here, we should take the opportunity to get as many supplies as we can."
He had told her; trying to save some random girl from who knew what was just going to be a waste of time, and seeing as the two of them had almost been swarmed because of some random woman. Elliot only sighed, wondering what he was going to do with Elia. Her stupidity and easy to manipulate mind was going to get the two of them killed. The Russian boy knew this, which was why he had pulled her away from the horde fought his way towards the nearest opening. Of course Elia protested this, but Elliot didn't give a damn. He'd rather sacrifice the life of some random woman who graciously ran for the alley than sacrifice their own.

But after such a thing, they had run off, and now they were in a predicament.

It all begun when the two of them went off in another direction to try and get away from the mobbing group of infected around those buildings. Of course some of them followed, but the Russians had to cut some corners and bash skulls to get away from them. Elliot was so indifferent about murdering what used to be a normal human being, it was becoming scary.. Elia still felt her stomach churn at the sight of blood and gore coming into view. She was used to seeing cadavers, not fresh corpses.. For God's sake, she would never get used to it... Elliot had seen blood and wounds from street fights, while Elia would be more than happy to kiss a boo boo if it meant making someone happy...

But then they met him.

They had been minding their own business, scavenging for food and other type of clothes when a random male survivor had approached them. Elia, of course, was happy to see another human come along, and the man was so friendly to them. So friendly.. Elliot didn't trust him, because he was so opening and welcoming to them. He even invited them to come to his safe spot near a little convenience store. His little sister, all too willingly, agreed, but Elliot knew this man meant trouble. Just by the look of those beady eyes of his. He knew there was going to be trouble... And he was right. He managed to apply drugs to his sister's water and knock him unconscious. It had come to find out that this man was a theorist, who believed that the cause of the infection had come from the Soviet Union to the United States as a sort of biological warfare against the Americans. This was far from true, but the Russians were currently tied up in an abandoned weapons store. Though this man was a theorist, he wasn't very bright.

He left the room with Elliot's bat and Elia's crowbar, though didn't account on taking the pipe on the floor when the building had just about collapsed on itself. Ammunition scattered about as well as some guns, but that didn't matter to either twin. And the fact that this man didn't even have a gun with him, it meant that the Russian boy could overpower him with just the metal piece of equipment. All they had to do was get out of the ropes and (hopefully) everything would be fine.
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