|Zodiac : Japan Arc|

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Sam Sarith
The Bus
Open for interaction/ @Kal.

Sam sighs, knowing he's not going to get much more out of Kaivent. But he did notice he tapped his necklace thing...maybe it was important? With a shrug he enters the bus, meager bag placed down below in the storage compartment, but His Laptop would remain by his side, in a laptop bag that he bought a few months ago. It served him well, he just hoped it'd last him. Along with that were a few other things, including the black credit card thing he would use to buy food. With a reluctant shrug he boards the bus. he just hoped Adonnna and len were a strong enough force to hold down Brookfield, he had an uneasy feeling, but Japan called, and it seemed like they'd need all hands on deck.

Pulling out a phone, he fires a quick text to Adonna.

"Adonna, Sam here. heading out to Japan as I send this. Got a bad feeling about something...if shit hits the fan let me know and I'll try and get back."

Sam sighs, sending it as he leans against his seat. He hoped things wouldn't go bad, and if they did, he hoped he'd have a way back.

Looking around, he waves to the others on the bus.
"You guys excited? Personally, I've never left America."
[Parking Lot, Going into Limo]
[Japanstronk, chilling with Val]
Oh, so she wasn't on a diet after all. Amused by scar-face's reaction to all dat meat, Darius turned his attention to his own food, scooping up the strips of bacon using his fork. Each salty, meaty explosion brought shivers down his spine, as he chewed with his mouth open, trying to cool down the food that was already in his mouth. It tasted so good, but he had so little time to enjoy it, so Darius accelerated his eating, violently mowing through his pile of food. In the background, he could vaguely hear the white-haired girl ask for his name, but he paid no heed. After all, he was serious about eating enough for breakfast that he could abstain from shitty airplane food.

Finishing his plate in recommend time, the brunette stormed up to the tent, disposed his greasy plate, wiped his oily mouth with a paper napkin, and marched back to the limo, just in time to catch her invitation.

A part of him wanted to go 'yeeeeeeeeeee'.

Another part of him wanted to go 'oh baby, we gonna have a good time tonight'.

But the part of him that prevailed simply made him nod, and say, "Yeah, sure. I'm Darius Jacks, by the way. And you?"

He climbed into the limousine, waving at the super-serious playboy, before seating himself on what of the abnormally plush, leather seats that filled the space. He whistled, impressed at the pointless luxuries invested in this trip, before patting the spot beside him and motioning scar-face to sit down. It was all sorts of amazing, and definitely made him feel more than just a little rich. He stretched out with a yawn, before remembering that, no, the limo wasn't THAT big, and shrunk himself again.

Turning his attention to one of the chaperones of the trip, Darius replied airily, "Same here, really, unless you count Canada."

- suitcase with tons of clothing and tools and travelling stuff
- wallet with black credit card
- passport
- MP3 player for da music
- backpack full of assorted papers, notebooks, writing utensils, laptop stuff
- house keys
|Late Morning|
|Bus --> Airport Bound|
Their departure was slightly behind schedule given the late arrival, yet all in all, they had plenty of time till their flight. Given that it was private, their window of clearance was far more flexible than that given towards a commercial flight That being said, a definite time did exist, and the airport was located in the next town over. Fushinsetsu and Cecilia stepped into the bus shortly after the last student boarded, and after a nod towards Kaivant who was waving from afar, Fushinsetsu gave the order to begin their departure. A majority of the students chose to occupy the bus' rear, and so it was toward the front where the two professors bided their existence. In Cecilia's hands was a checklist that the two began discussing to ensure they were sticking somewhat to schedule. At the end of the day, minimal care was actually directed toward the students in their care, yet the necessity of appearances forced proper mannerisms from the supernatural presences.

"We won't be arriving until the afternoon, so now is a good time to have a little discussion. I hope everyone has their boarding pass and passport, though please let me know if you do not. In addition, seeing it fell through yesterday, I'd like for everyone to introduce themselves. It can be short and sweet, but considering we will be together for the next month, we should have an understanding of each other."

After his declaration, Fushinsetsu pointed toward Cecilia who in turn glared daggers at his existence, but without protest, she began the introductions.

"As I mentioned yesterday, my name is Dr. Cecilia Aldricht. I am the head researcher at Ravenwood, specializing in genetics. If any of you end up attending Ravenwood, perhaps we will meet again if you pursue Biology or Chemistry tracks."

As per the usual, Cecilia's tone of voice sounded bored and uninterested, which in turn caused Fushinsetsu to heartily chuckle. Waiting until his composure had returned, Fushinsetsu then proceeded to continue the introductions with his own.

"And I am Dr. Shun Takumi, the President of Ravenwood and Head of the Art Department. In addition, I am a lecturer for the university's painting and piano tracks."

With his introduction complete, the man nodded toward the student nearest him, and the introductions continued in an orderly fashion.

|Shuttle → Destination|
|Breaking the ice|
|Interactions: "Japanstronk"|

Damain sat closer to the shuttle's front side, near the door. He lazily leaned back into the comfortable cushion seat, crossing his arms over his waist. The ride was smooth and seamless, not too many bumps on the rode to give it that authentic amusement park ride feel. The students were chatting amongst themselves, collected further into the back. It was almost nostalgic to watch as it reminded Damian back in the days of middle school where the niche of cool kids sat in the back for optimal privacy. He chuckled, Damian could tell it was going to be a decent trip as long as their classes and his Hollow investigating were kept far between. Suddenly, Professor Takumi rose his voice to garner everyone's attention, reminding everyone to give a brief introduction so everyone can know who they will be working with. Breaking down any walls kept between one another. However, it looks like some of the students were already hitting it off. Less work for them, but more for him now that everyone was present. Then another began speaking subsequent to Takumi. A Cecilia Aldricht. She too gave off a familiar but also peculiar presence similar to Hosts, but far more pugnent. Similarly to Takumi. Damian had only one assumption but pushed it back as to try and ignore any feelings he chucked up over the span of 3 seconds. Damian looked about his peers, the fellow chaperones. Only Sam introduced himself, which left Dominic and Clark to do the talking. He would like to save himself for last but Damian truly wanted to get what he needed to say done and over with. There was no avoiding it now, everyone was in one spot and he's only made himself known to one person. It was finally time to walk across that bridge. "I guess I may as well start." Damian grumbled to himself. He rose from his slacking position in his seat and sat upward. He quietly sighed before starting, "My name is Damian. I'm one of the chaperone's attending this trip. One of you already know me, but.. That's beside the point. I guess if you need anything come get me. I'm generally available." And with that, Damian said his peace. He had nothing of real importance or anything other than keeping an eye on things to contribute to the students. In fact, he doubted they'd pay him any real mind at all throughout the trip.
Location: Ravenwood Bus
Time: Late Morning
Interactions: Japanstronk, Shimako @PandaChu

Aaron waited patiently for the bus to fill up. Despite the presidents words it seemed like many of them were still busy enjoying the provided breakfast. One of the friendlier chaperones posed a question to the group. After Darius answered Aaron also spoke, "I've traveled before but never to Asia. Really looking forward to it." The excitement of the previous days was returning as his body began to wake up thanks to the caffeine in his system.

As he waited for the stragglers he pulled out his phone and typed up a quick message to Shimako, though he doubted she would respond anytime soon as she'd have class still.

To: Shimako

Message: Konichiwa! On the bus about to head to the airport. The trip has begun!

Putting his phone away the two trip organisers finally got everyone on the bus and introduced themselves again and asked everyone else to continue the introductions. The little interaction between Cecilia and Shun during their own reminded him of siblings, or at least very old friends. One of the chaperones then introduced themselves, a man who had his left eye covered up by a white eyepatch. Aaron didn't think he'd be forgetting him anytime soon. It seemed like after that no one else was coming forward so he broken the silence.

"My name is Aaron Wilson. I'm a third year and I live in Brookfield itself, not the dorms." He didn't know what the dorms were like but he guessed they crated a more social environment between the students. If so it was possible most of the people here knew each other while never having seen him before. With his introduction said he rested back against the lounge seat.

Backpack with snacks and books
Folder with Japan Trip Info
Wallet with some money and cards
Fancy Watch
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|William Manton|
|Ravenwood Car Park|

"Hi, Akira. Did you sleep well?" William responded. She seemed happy to see him, perhaps because they'd both finally gotten the incident off their chests, knowing someone else actually believed it too. He knew that that was certainly the case for him, and hoped the feeling was mutual.
It was then that Dr. Aldricht introduced herself once more, and they were being told to introduce themselves again, seeing as it had kind of fallen flat at the meeting.
Before he could do so himself, one of the chaperones introduced himself as Damian. He remembered seeing him with... Val, was that her name? He hadn't really met her. Then, Aaron, who of course he knew, dis so as well. He needed to talk to him, maybe with Akira backing him up. He had to convince him, one way or another, but for now he needed to introduce himself as well.
"Hi, I'm James, I'm just a student at Armstrong."
~ Time: Late Morning ~
~ Mood: Shy ~
~ Location: Ravenwood Bus ~
~ Interaction: Japanstrong ~

Vivienne had fallen quiet after her short and admittedly embarrassing conversation with Aaron and her looks for the morninb, and she'd been the last to board the bus as everyone piled inside to hit the road at long last. She didn't fall too far behind though, in fear she'd be the one holding up the trip and irritating the other students. It seemed she was alright though as she climbed inside and found a seat, choosing an area near the back but still a few rows ahead of where everyone else had settled. She liked the peace after all, and she wanted a little time of more quiet before they boarded the plane and possibly sat next to one another. That would be loud, and probably even scary for her at this rate of shyness. Her socializing could be done then, and now it was Vivienne time. Well, for a short while at least. Soon, her peace was interrupted in a relatively gentle way.

Introductions were being done by those present in the bus, with Dr. Aldricht And Dr. Takumi starting things off with brief introductions. Thereafter followed a chaperone, Damian, two students, Aaron and James, before silence settled over the group with no more introductions being fired off. This silence quickly formed awkwardness within Vivienne, and in a jerky fashion she rose to her feet to end the quiet and get her introduction out there and over with. She probably should've calmed herself down first, but knowing eyes would now be set on her where she stood, Vivienne blurted out a hasty and obviously unplanned introduction to her travel companions.

"H-hey! I'm Vivienne, a-and I'm a third year student at Armstrong. It's nice to meet all of you before the flight. Uh, thank you for organizing this trip and bringing me along!" Vivienne spoke somewhat quickly and with red cheeks, bowing gratefully to Dr. Takumi and Dr. Aldricht before she sat down again, praying she'd gotten any needed information out and wouldn't be asked to repeat herself more slowly or something else embarrassing. She'd just need to wait though, and hope someone else stood up for their own introduction soon so she could focus her energy on cooling back down again. If she didn't, well, her flight companion may be very annoyed by her. Unless it was Aaron perhaps, but even he likely had limits of how much of her he could take at one time.

General school supplies
Phone charger
Full water bottle
Japan packet

Cell phone
Credit card A (personal)
Credit card B (school issued)
Flight ticket
Dorm key
$20 cash
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Sweet Ravenwood shuttle

Thankfully, by the time that it was ready to leave, the coffee had kicked in such that Iphie was not the mindless walking zombie that had walked into the school parking lot fifteen minutes before. She cursed herself for staying up so early into the morning… Well, at least, staying up later than usual. It couldn't be helped with some of the more recent events, though.

Climbing into the bus, Iphigenia felt right at home with the posh upholstery and amenities in the limousine-like mass transit vehicle. Finding a seat towards the middle of the bus, she pulled out a phone charger and plugged it in, taking advantage of the electrical outlets in the luxurious vehicle. As she inserted the charger into her phone, two familiar faces sat down in the seats across from her, prompting a greeting from the tired girl. She hadn't seen the two together before, but from what she'd seen of Darius, it was not like she didn't expect him to be with a girl, anyway.

"Hey King Darius, Val. Ready for the trip to Japan?"

It was only a couple days into her new year in America, and she'd already met a playboy coward, a broke rich girl, tour guides with swords, and a loli scientist. A bit of this made her irritated, with so many unknowns and uncertainties, but she seemed equally pleased at the potential for opportunity, here and perhaps in Japan as well. So many unique personalities! So much room for activities!

Speaking of which, Iphie didn't recall Valerie being called on the intercom yesterday evening. Was this the reason the white-haired girl appeared in the large lecture hall?

She learned towards their seats, with a hand up by her mouth and speaking in a marginally lower voice. "You didn't fill out an application, did you?"

On Person

Keys, with a usb stick on the keyring
A wallet, containing her ID, $226, a £20 bill, a bank card, an oyster card, an international credit card, and a JP Morgan credit card
An Android smartphone, rooted and running a custom secure ROM
Swiss Army Knife
A razor

Messenger Bag

Ultrabook laptop and its charger
7" Tablet and pen
A couple assorted USB cables
A thin Campus brand A4 notebook
Mechanical pencil
A retractable fountain pen
2" leatherman knife
6pc mini screw set
Japan trip materials

Suitcase, with mainly clothes

Nylon Carrying bag, with a desktop computer and relevant accessories
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Clark Wilson
Location: Bus
Interaction: 'Japanstronk'
After putting his suitcase into the storage compartment underneath the bus, Clark sat down on one of the comfy leathers seats on the bus, not concerned as to where he specifically sat. The bus slowly continued to fill up until all the students were finally seated and ready to go. The bus hadn't moved far before the idea of everyone introducing themselves was brought up. Clark sighed, just when he thought he'd escaped doing so yesterday. Unfortunately for Clark it seemed he would have to go through what he thought was a painful process of giving some pathetic five word introduction.

Clark was surprised to see how diverse the personalities were among the group of Armstrong students. While he hadn't spoken to them directly he had been listening in to some of their conversations from a distance as best he could while they were all outside the bus. Mostly out off curiosity rather than attempting to garner information about all the students that he probably wouldn't even need. After a few introductions Clark decided to introduce himself next so he could get it out of the way.

Clark let out an audible sigh before standing up. "My name's Clark, another one of the chaperon's that'll be here on the trip." He paused for a moment, trying to think of anything else he could add before continuing. "Uh... I also know Japanese quite well so if anyone needs help with translation or something then you can ask me I guess." Clark sat back down again, waiting for another to introduce themselves. He hoped that no one actually asked him for help with Japanese but he felt like he needed to make himself at least seem useful to the Armstrong students during this trip.

School bag:
Various school supplies
Passport and ticket

Wallet containing $30, ID, black card and a few other cards with extra cash
|Val, Iphi, Darius|

"Oh, introductions..." Val said halfheartedly as she finished her plate of breakfast deliciousness. Standing momentarily from her seat, Val placed her right hand over her chest taking a deep breath before speaking aloud. "I'm Valerie Hartzog, introduction complete!" And then sitting right back down, looking to Iphi whom was now sitting across from them. A familiar face was refreshing, but this Darius guy didn't seem too bad, though his name was a lot more manly than his appearance.

"I heard some people talking about it. I'm not all for paperwork, so I skipped out of the initial signups and just showed up to the meeting anyway. Worked out for me, so no harm done on this day." Val responded to Iphi's question before setting her sights back to the older people in the front of the bus. All of them looked more interesting than your average run of the mill people, though the little brat was still an enemy in Val's book. Firing a glare towards the small 'teacher' before returning her sights to the two acquainted nearby.

"So, Darius, Iphi, what's your reasoning for coming here?" Val leaned her head forward, pulling some of her bangs behind her eat and shifting her gaze between the two. Making herself look a lot more suspicious than she was actually trying to be, but that could be a part of her charm as well, when she wanted to show an emotion- she did, and then some.

Debit Card
Coin Pouch [$2.28]
Pen, etc.

Suitcase (Red):
Bathroom Stuff
Packet of Detergent Pens.

Suitcase (Blue):
More Clothes
Laptop Charger
DVDs - Toxic Avenger, Pan's Labyrinth, Evil Dead Trilogy, Evangelion Series.
Phone Charger

[Late Morning]
[Japanstronk, with Val and Iphie]
Wow, Darius was impressed. How many introductions was he going to have to do this week? He'd already done it…what, five times already? In the span of three days? Man, after a while, all this introducing was tiring him, especially when he realized that he didn't particularly care about remembering the names of so many people. All things considered, if they so enjoyed doing self-introductions, they might as well go do it every time he asks for their name again, huh?

Leaning back and already feeling a food coma coming over him, numbing his senses and making him sleepy, Darius was about to nod off, when a familiar voice called his name once more. Well, less familiar and more distinct, considering the whole English accent thing she had going on. Turning his gaze to the blue-haired lady, he tilted his head to the side slightly, before asking, "Sorry, what was your name again? And eh, it's not like we're heading out to a war or something, right? Not much to prepare for other than school in a different country."

He listened to Val go on for a bit, eyebrows lifting upwards in mild surprise. Were the Ravenwood peeps so desperate for students to join in on this sudden trip to Japan that they'd go out of their way to allow randoms to get in? It felt a bit unfair for those who applied but weren't selected…but it didn't matter in the end. Darius shrugged it off and said, "Personally, I just signed up for it because I could. After all, it's free, and it's not like anything exciting happens in Brooksfield anyways."

- suitcase with tons of clothing and tools and travelling stuff
- wallet with black credit card
- passport
- MP3 player for da music
- backpack full of assorted papers, notebooks, writing utensils, laptop stuff
- house keys
Sam Sarith
The Bus
Sam laughs as Clark speaks up. "You speak a lot better Japanese then you let on, your a walking dictionary. You need to give me some tips or I'll be pretty much screwed." He chuckles. "Like I said earlier, my name's Sam. I'm another one of the Chaperones on the trip, and attend Ravenwood." He shrugs. "I'm afraid my japanese isn't quite that good, in fact you could see it's more or less nonexsistant, but I plan on hooking up a program on my computer when I get the chance, maybe a crash course would do us all good, unless one of you knows enough Japanese to help Clark with translation." Turning his attention to Clark, he grins. "It's probably a good idea for you to teach me some of what you know if you get the chance." With a shrug he returns he attention to the main group.

"So, why'd you guys signed up? I've never been outside of America myself, looking forward to this, especially the sushi." He chuckles. "At least I hope they got sushi, I love that stuff." He shrugs, looking out over the group, they seemed interesting, almost like the old hosts back a few years ago, he just hoped they wouldn't have to get involved. "Personally, besides Sushi I've always liked Japan's culture, should be interesting to check it out. As for specialized classes, I plan on taking anything technical."

Black Card
House Keys
Passport/Trip Stuff

|Road --> Airport|
Sutterville, Alabama, located an hour away from Brookfield and the current destination for the party of students in the bus. Compared to any major metropolis, Sutterville's size paled in comparison, yet in contrast to Brookfield, the presence of skyscrapers, albeit minuscule, gave the feel of a true city rather than another suburbia. Following the interstate, led the group along the outskirts of Sutterville which in turn left the view of the city on the horizon; however, it was in due time that the sight of airplanes became visible in the sky. Port Sutter International Airport was ordinary in the sense that all roads leading toward its interior were clogged with vehicular congestion. Though, rather than become halted by the traffic of the main road, the bus took a detour that seemed to lead away from the airport. Along this path which winded through a wooded area, minimal cars were present, and soon, the bus came to a halt in front of a majestic, metal gate decorated with the image of ravens. A quick flash of a badge from the bus driver gave clearance for their entry, and their final destination soon became a large building, which resembled the Victorian style of the Ravenwood, titled under Ravenwood Aerospace Campus.

"We have time until our evening flight, so we will be spending the afternoon here. This building is a sub-campus of of Ravenwood, and it is fit with quite the dining area I'm told. There is an underground tunnel connecting this building to the airport, so there is no worries in that regard. In addition all of your luggage will be handled for you."

Fushinsetsu and Cecilia were the first to depart from the bus, and it was on the steps of the building's entrance that they waited for the remaining students to arrive. In their hands were a total of twenty badges with that would have been handed out after Fushinsetsu's quick speech, describing the hours to come. On the badges were the words "Ravenwood Aerospace Guest", and the classic Ravenwood seal which legitimized its worth.

"There are about three hours for you guys to burn. Here at the campus, this badge will give you access to free food at the dining room, and free entry into the aerospace museum. That being said, you are not required to stay at the campus, and may choose to go to the airport instead. There you will find ordinary restaurants, and minor attractions; however, they will cost. If you have activated your credit card, feel free to use it as you will; however, the limit will not be replenished upon arrival in Japan. We will be meeting at Gate R by four thirty. Departure is at five. Any later, and you will be left behind, so take prudence in biding your time."

With his speech, the pair of professors would have entered into the building and disappeared into the main office for business that required their attention.
The layout of the building's front atrium was fairly simple and well labeled. Toward the left was the campus' main office and a corridor which led towards the aerospace meseum, while towards the right was a corridor that led towards the dormitories and dining area. Directly in front of the view from the entrance were two stairwells, one of which led upstairs to the various classrooms, while the other led downstairs towards the airport tunnel.​

| Ravenwood Aerospace Campus Dining |


Morning -> Afternoon
Bus -> Airport

Oh, that sly motherfucker. If Iphie hadn't been selected for the trip, she would have been at least mildly pissed that Valerie weaseled into the program so easily, even if her own interest in it was not the highest. But since she was chosen, Iphigenia honestly couldn't give two shits about the misfortune of the other applicants. She gave Val a pat on the back instead; after all, it was something she would have done if she found herself in the same position. But of course, Iphie was still stunned at the laziness of her counterpart.

"Paperwork?" she responded, scratching her cheek. "I finished the application between the time I pressed the power button on my computer and to when it booted into Windows. That's less than thirty seconds."

Iphie's attention was drawn away briefly as her less favored classmate piped up, gaining the ire of the British girl as he always did. That cheeky cunt definitely knew her name. She'd introduced herself twice in his plebeian presence already. Was he daft or was he pedantic enough to force her to make yet a third introduction? Maybe stabbing him as he should have been in the alley would put him in a better state of m—No wait, that would be a horrid idea for many reasons. Instead, Iphigenia gave him the next best thing, a piercing glare and an ill-meaning jab. But since she wasn't sure if he actually forgot or not, and since the older Ravenwood chaps didn't know them, she relented and gave her umpteenth introduction before speaking to Val again.

"My reason for the trip?" She innocently cocked her head slightly to her side. "It's mainly because I can, I suppose."


Quickly enough, the bus reached its unexpected destination in the city over. Instead of the airport, they arrived at a terminal building that was reminiscent of her new school's architectural style, an observation which was validated as the bold letters atop the structure came into view. Interesting, so that was what the odd building she saw was when she flew down from New York. An aerospace museum, connected directly to the airport proper, and an expensive jet for small school excursions. Ravenwood was mightily well funded for an institution that was enjoying its first year of classes. It was so well funded that it was almost suspicious, considering the circumstances, but she wasn't complaining. She was sure that at least some portion of her family's wealth came from some suspicious origin as well, although she never cared enough to prove it. Looking at the small card she received, she turned to the two behind her.

"Well, I can't exactly turn down a magnificent museum or a restaurant like this. You two aren't making the mistake of going to the airport cafeteria, are you?"

On Person

Keys, with a usb stick on the keyring
A wallet, containing her ID, $226, a £20 bill, a bank card, an oyster card, an international credit card, and a JP Morgan credit card
An Android smartphone, rooted and running a custom secure ROM
Swiss Army Knife
A razor

Messenger Bag

Ultrabook laptop and its charger
7" Tablet and pen
A couple assorted USB cables
A thin Campus brand A4 notebook
Mechanical pencil
A retractable fountain pen
2" leatherman knife
6pc mini screw set
Japan trip materials

Suitcase, with mainly clothes

Nylon Carrying bag, with a desktop computer and relevant accessories
Akira St.Claire
|| With Japan group || Attention on William @The_J || At tent ||

"Hi, Akira. Did you sleep well?" William responded. She nodded and placed her hands in her lap. "I did thank you!" She gave a small smile towards him. "Honestly I was very excited about the trip so I didn't get as much sleep as I should have..." She gave a little nervous laugh. She pulled shook her head slightly, letting all of her hair fall on one shoulder. It being a abnormality and uncomfortable sensation to have it all out of ponytails. But she wanted to be just a little bit fancy for the occasion. She reached her hands up to stroke her hair. "How about you?"

"Hi, I'm James, I'm just a student at Armstrong." William introduces himself. Akira bit her lip, wondering why he said his name wrong but guessed it was an accident. "I'm Akira, nice to meet you all. I hope we get along." She said to the general vicinity when she heard an opening.

When they stopped Akira stood.
"William, where do you want to go first?" She asked him, looking over at him. She figured he might want to be in private and discuss more of their suspicions.

Luggage containing clothes and necessities
A wallet containing various cards: Three gift cards one visa and identification
A smartphone along with it's attached case and charger
Various cosmetics all inside of a clean cosmetics bag
A laptop along with it's attached case and charger
A lanyard with various keys, a USB and novelties on it
Earbud headphones
Japan Trip Items
Loose hairbands and a couple different colored hair ribbons
|William Manton|
|With Akira @Brøken_Serenity |
Listening to President Takumi, William noted all the things to do. He'd activated his credit card when he'd packed, but he didn't want to waste his money for Japan while he had the option of free, likely high-quality food here.
It was then that Akira asked him where he wanted to go.
"Well... I guess we could go get some lunch in the cafeteria here? It's free, so i guess we ought to make the best use of it. We can... find somewhere quiet to sit down and talk. Maybe, afterwards, we could go to the aerospace museum? It sounds pretty interesting.
Clark Wilson
Location: Bus--> Airport

Clark responded to Sam's lighthearted comments about Clark's fluency in Japanese with a very unamused look on his face. He really didn't want to have people clarify some Japanese words every five minutes but Sam seemed to be making that a reality. Clark just hoped some of the other students already knew Japanese, or at least knew the basics.

"It's probably a good idea for you to teach me some of what you know if you get the chance."

Clark turned to look at Sam, a smile also on his face. "Fuck you too." He replied in Japanese. While Clark didn't seriously mean it (not that Sam would've understood what Clark said anyway) he was a bit annoyed at Sam now, and he found it amusing to say whatever he wanted to someone without them having a clue. "That means 'No problem'." Clark's smile remained on his face, trying his best to refrain from laughing. Feeling like a silly young child trying to not laugh at some stupid, immature joke the whole time.

Once they were given their instructions and had gotten off the bus, Clark made his way to the dining room, curious as to whether any meals there peeked his interest. After having entered, Clark took a quick look at the menu. After squinting at the menu a few times in an attempt to understand the words and a few terrible pronunciations spoken aloud Clark decided 'this' type of food wasn't for him. He decided to instead just buy something at the airport, or eat something on the plane, if there was anything. I wonder where everyone else has wondered off to...

School bag:
Various school supplies
Passport and ticket

Wallet containing $30, ID, black card and a few other cards with extra cash
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~ Time: Early Afternoon ~
~ Mood: Nervous, Timid ~
~ Location: Aerospace Campus Cafeteria ~
~ Interaction: Clark - @Flabbysaurus ~

With the words 'free food' mentioned along with the pass in her hands, Vivienne believed she'd not have any issues at all with making use of the three hours they had before needing to work their way to the airport to set out. She was excited though, very much so, and thus she took her time burning skills with a grain if salt that impatience may slow the flowing of time between now and settling into her seat. She could do little about that however, so no use to fuss over it all. She could worry when time actually began to feel slow and her legs began to feel weak with boredom and anticipation. That wouldn't be very long, probably beginning as soon as she found herself sat before a plate emptied of the foods it once offered.

Briefly, Vivienne wondered if she should try to buddy up with someone to go exploring around the area rather than stray away by herself. She didn't want to be left behind or hold back everyone else if she was late to return, but she was too shy to bring that up to the people around her right then. Besides, everyone else seemed to have taken up talking while she'd stood there amused by what she'd just been given. Hopefully no one saw her staring off into space like that... Even the thought turned Vivienne's face red, and she soon turned away to dash towards where food had been suggested. She probably could've grabbed Aaron to bring along, seeing as she was most familiar and on friendly terms with him, but she didn't want to turn back now after speed walking halfway to her destination. He probably wanted to meet other students anyways too.

Soon after her embarrassment and walking away, Vivienne found herself in the campus cafeteria. Almost right away her stomach rumbled lowly to encourage her to eat, but before she'd dashed somewhere alone, she saw someone unfamiliar sitting down alone at a table for two. It was a guy who seemed a tad older than herself, with brown hair and green eyes. Not too bad, but not the most friendly looking ever. She saw no one else really around though, and so under the assumption that only students and chaperones for the study abroad trip were here, Vivienne walked over with a gentle and shy smile, as per usual when greeting someone unfamiliar.

"H-Hi there, would you mind or want some company? It, erm, seems most of the other students have grouped up, and you're just by yourself here..." Vivienne asked and commented, still seeming friendly despite the stutters and shakes in her voice. A good sign, and that was better than her usually fearful sounding voice when talking to strangers. She prepared for rejection though, and if that did happen this particular time she'd be sure to try hard not to let it bug her too badly or linger in her mind. After all, there still were several other students she could try to familiarize with later on if this first attempt on the trip flopped and failed like a fish out of water. She only needed the courage to attempt.

General school supplies
Phone charger
Full water bottle
Japan packet

Cell phone
Credit card A (personal)
Credit card B (school issued)
Flight ticket
Dorm key
$20 cash
Campus pass
Clark Wilson
Location: Cafeteria
Interaction: Vivienne @ElBell
Just as Clark was preparing to get up and leave, a quiet, and quite shy looking girl approached him. It was obvious to Clark that it was one of the Armstrong students. Clark paused for a moment to think of an answer even though he already had one. His answer being yes. Clark didn't feel like this was a situation were he could decline, while the two were strangers, only knowing each other from their introductions earlier, the two were a part of a group that would all get to know each other to some extent. Plus, the girl seemed shy enough already, Clark didn't like the idea of making her confidence worse by bluntly declining her and leaving.

"Sure, I was just trying to decide what to eat. All this seems a bit fancy, at least for me." Clark replied, trying his best to appear at least a little more friendly than he usually did. While Clark was a bit surprised that the girl had chosen to sit with him rather than sit by herself or wait for other students from Armstrong he didn't linger on the thought of why she chose sit at the table he was at. Just because he was quite anti-social didn't mean she was.

"So, what made you want to take part in this tri-" Before Clark finish asking his question a waiter had arrived. The man was well dressed to say the least.

"Are you two ready to order?" The man asked politely with a small, friendly smile on his face. Clark looked up to the man and give a quick nod.

"Yeah, I'll have... The assorted selection of sushi and rolls, and just a glass of water, please." The waiter nodded as he wrote down Clark's order and looked to Vivienne.

"And you, ma'am?" After taking her order, the waiter smiled at the two again and made his way back to the kitchen.

"Anyway, back to my question, what made you join this trip?"
School bag:
Various school supplies
Passport and ticket

Wallet containing $30, ID, black card and a few other cards with extra cash
[Ravenwood Aerospace Campus]
[Japanstronk, Val and Iphie]
After eating so much, Darius had taken a short nap, nodding off as his neck was cushioned by the luxurious leather seats of the limousine. Instead of waking up to the bustling airport, however, when the car stopped and he opened his eyes, the boy found himself in a secluded area, with a building that definitely wasn't an airport. Rubbing his eyes, he walked out of the car and stretched out his arms, before skipping over to where everyone else was gathered. He listened to the professor's explanations for a bit, eyes drawn mainly towards all the opulent decorations that the building had, before wondering if there had been a gate as well.

While badges were being handed out, Darius stood on the tips of his feet, peering over the car and out into the horizon. He couldn't make out the details, but there was, indeed, a magnificent gate.

Ah, but with these badges, he could get more free food as well! It definitely was a painful decision, having to choose between going to the gates to see how much money was dumped into their design or heading to the restaurant to dine on even more free food before the evening flight. All these tough decisions…

Wait, with so much time, he could just do both. And probably more. Aerospace museum sounded nice as well. Maybe he'd get to see some of dat glorious Aryan engineering?

Walking past Iphie and into the air-conditioned building, he picked up a brochure of the building from an unmanned information desk, before flipping it open. "Think I'll be heading to the museum myself," he called, turning his head back to Iphie and Val, "You two getting a late lunch first?"

- suitcase with tons of clothing and tools and travelling stuff
- wallet with black credit card
- passport
- MP3 player for da music
- backpack full of assorted papers, notebooks, writing utensils, laptop stuff
- house keys
-swag badge
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