Zayn/Elvira/Niall? Who will win?

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Elvira couldn't laugh, but she grinned widely, and pulled a funny face at him. She rose to the surface, and took a breath before diving back down again, and began tickling him underwater.
Zayn smiled back at her and watched as she needed breath, he was okay for the moment and started to laugh when she tickled him and went back to the surface still laughing a little but also choking on sea water
Elvira rose to the surface with him, and burst out laughing. She couldn't stop - it was the funniest sight ever! "I've only ever seen you like this once - remember when you were dared to dunk your head in the kiddies pool when you were eight, and you ended up spluttering?" She laughed.

Harry bit his lip. "One problem - Elvira knows Zayn like the back of her hand, and knows when he is telling the truth. If she asks him, then she'll know."
Zayn looked at her and nudged her playfully and hit his chest a little before he stopped chocking and looked at her "Yeah i remember that, that water was horriable and this salkt burns your throat" Zayn said and smiled at her "Want to go back to catching the sun?" Zayn asked her with a smile and his throat burning from the salt in the sea

Naill groaned "That is a point there, didn't think of that, you have any ideas?" Niall asked looking at Harry
( - I have found an awesome website!)

Elvira nodded, and waded out of the water. As she walked up the beach, she pulled her wet hair back from her face into a loose plait. "I don't think you need any more sun, gorgeous." She called back to him with a grin.

Harry thought, and then had an idea. "Maybe if we get Zayn drunk, and then push him together with some girl, then he might actually cheat on her." He didn't like the idea of ruining their friend's relationship with his girlfriend, but he didn't have any better ideas.
[you find some of the most amazayn things ever! :D]

Zayn follwed her out of the water and watched as she put her hair into a plait and he just left it so his hair was flat and normal and grinned, "I don't really no" Zayn said looking at the colour of his skin and hurried to catch up with her, as people were looking at him and muttering to there friends, Zayn sat back down on his towel, his trunks dripping wet and his feet had sand all over them

Niall looked at Harry and smiled "That is a good idea, when Zayn gets really drunk, he normally kisses any girl he sees" Niall said and then grinned, "I think we should give it some time before we do this" Niall said with a smile
(I used this roleplay and turned it into a fanfiction on the site - check it out -

Elvira flopped down on the sand and began to apply sun cream to her skin - she would normally start to tan, and then burn after a while if she didn't put sun cream on. "Hey, Zayn? Can you put some cream on my back please?" She held out the bottle.

Harry tossed the ball up in the air and caught it. "Yeah, probably. But not too long though - Zayn and Vira are getting closer every moment."
[hehe, i shall read it :) <3, i have a Zayn fan fiction btw if you want the link to it :) <3]

Zayn smiled and tryed to get the sand off his feet and groaned a little, he hated it when sand got stuck to your feet and looked at Elvira when she called his name and smiled "Yeah sure, don't want you to burn and then be in pain" Zayn said and took the bottle, putting some in his hand and rubbing/massage it into her back and smiled at the tattoo on her shoulder again with his name on it, he thought to do the same then

Niall watched harry and then thought "Like next week or something" Niall said and shrugged
(yes please!)

Elvira lay on her stomach, and relaxed as she felt Zayn's firm hands rubbing the cream into her back and shoulders. She felt him rub the cream onto her tattoo, and smiled. "You like my tat, then?"

"How about next Saturday?" Harry suggested, feeling worse about this now.
Elvira smiled. "I have been wondering about another tattoo to get - the word 1D tattooed on my ankle?" She stretched her arms out in front of her and grinned.

Harry quietly said, "We'll take him out to a bar or something." He stood up, and began to play keepy-uppy with the ball, his thoughts muddled now.
Zayn finished her back and layed down next to her and then smiled "Really?, you have some really good taste in tattoo's" Zayn said with a grin and crossed his arms "I was thinking about getting another one as well" Zayn said thinking of gett Elvira'a name tattooed either on his on his wrist/arm or somewhere on his back, ir he would let Elvira choose, Zayn looked as the people walked past

Niall nodded "Yeah, just us 3?" Niall asked thinking, he thought he was going to back out of this but then again he really wanted Elvira
(OMZ, Zak is so cheating on Adsila! I love the story!)

Elvira rolled over onto her back, and gazed at him. "I think you have more tattoos than enough - but if you do get one, you should maybe get it on your shoulder." She then added at his questioning gaze, "You don't have any tattoos there."

Harry nodded. "Yeah - Liam's going to be out with Eleanor probs, and Louis will be with El." He couldn't help a small smile creep onto his face as he talked about Eleanor.
[or is he ;), only i know if he is or not :D]

Zayn looked at her and laughed "I like tattoos, can't you tell" Zayn said with a grin "This one will be an important one and will also have another meaning to it, like all my tattos do" Zayn said and smiled kissing her cheek "Then a tattoo on my shoulder it is" Zayn said and smiled a wide grin

Niall grinned "Sounds like a plan then, i just hope i don't back down" Niall said getting a little guilty that he was going to break Zayn and Elvira up
They sat there for hours, just talking about everything and nothing - from what the concerts on tour were like, to "Did Zayn eat well on tour?" Elvira loved how there was no awkward moments and they could just be together and be happy. It was nearly five o'clock when she realised the time as her stomach rumbled. "I think it's time we head back now - I'm starving."

The boys played for several hours, and then headed into town. After that they headed back to the hotel. Harry glanced at Niall as they stepped into the lift, "Niall? Do you think it's a good idea? The plan?" This was the first time since they had planned it that it had been brought up.

(want to do a roleplay based on your story?)
Zayn loved that he could just talk to Elvira about anything and laughed "Yeah i think we should, i'm also hungry" Zayn said and put all his things away and put back on his shirt and waited for Elvira to get herself ready to go

Niall sighed and looked at Harry "I don't know, i don't want to lose Zayn as a friend but i also don't want to break them up and Elvira not even come to me which is a chance she won't" Niall said and sighed

(yeahh sure hehe :), if you like i can tell you if zak is cheating or not, if you really want to know :)]
(yay to the roleplay, but don't tell me - I want to wait and find out :) )

Elvira pulled on her jeans just left her top off, and just shrugged on her jacket over her bikini top. "Dinner at my place? I want to introduce you to Mum and Dad as my boyfriend and not just my best friend." She took his hand, and stood up.

Harry sighed. "Why does love have to be so freaking complicated? There is someone up there who hates us." He looked up at the ceiling, and frowned.
[ahaha, looks like we are doing a RP on it then ;), okayyyy hehe :) <3]

Zayn smiled as she got ready to go and smiled "I would love dinner at yours" Zayn said and then raised an eyebrow "That's fine with me but your dad isn't going to freak out on me is he?" Zayn asked looking at her

Niall nodded "It really is too complicated" Niall said and groaned, laying his head on the back of the sofa
Elvira climbed onto her bike, and slid her helmet on. She glanced at Zayn, and laughed. "My dad is probably gonna be happy that I'm dating you and not some other guy." She handed him the other helmet.

Harry asked, "Do you want to go through with it?"
Zayn watched her get on the bike and done the same as her and smiled "I hope so, otherwise i will end up getting a lecture" Zayn said and laughed a little taking the helment and putting it on his now flat hair and put his arms around Elvira's waist

Niall shrugged "I don't know, what do you think i should do" Niall asked looking at Harry for his opinion
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