Yu-Gi-Oh!: Return of the Shadows

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@Cassette Your post is quite fine, and correct. It was his brown eye that was closed, so his red eye would be the visible one.
Well, I'm using Monster Reborn, and someone else here is using it as well plus Heavy Storm. So.... yeah, that's about it so far.


@Navras I mentioned this before pages back, but special monsters such as the Earthbound Immortals, Egyptian Gods, and Sacred Beasts will not be allowed because of their significance in the anime. Furthermore even if they were.... one duelist holding the powers of most of the Earthbounds and Egyptians? That's a bit much.
Oh. I didn't know we would be following the anime logic with this RP, in that things like Earthbound Immortals and such are super rare and only certain copies are being made of them. Mmm.

Gimme a bit then and I'll edit stuff. Are the Malefics still okay though?
Hang on.

If we're not using cards that are very significant in the anime,t hen wouldn't every one of my decks be mute then? Each one of them serves as a sort of "boss" style deck int he anime at one point or another, especially the Earthbound, Nordic and Yubel (Egyptian Gods are minor and fickle in the series and the malefics if I remember correctly were also minor in comparison to Yubel).

So am I not using any of those decks or...?
I'm pretty sure Nordic Beasts would be okay. Malefics, on the other hand, being from the future, probably wouldn't make much sense in the canon used by some Timmy player.
So no Earthbound, No Egyptian Gods, So Sacred Gods, No Malefics and I'm assuming no Wicked Gods either?

Now I saw someone had Exodia in their deck. Are we allowed to have other Exodia decks? 'Cause I'd love to have an Exodia Necross deck if nothing else. Would also like confirmation that nordics are okay, as well as Yubel.
Wicked Gods weren't actually a big McGuffins thing. The son of Pegasus apparently had them because lel he's the son of Pegasus.
The only deck you've listed so far that I'll allow is the Nordic one. The Yubel deck can be kept as far as I'm concerned.

It should have been obvious, but I'll edit the OP to note that the RP is following anime logic with the cards (hence card spirits and shadow games).
I'll get to editing the decks tomorrow.

Out of curiosity, how come the Galaxy one wouldn't be accepted? I assume it's too quick or somethings long those lines, maybe too powerful.

Also, just to clarify, Nordic and Yubel are okay yes? Just need edits on Yubel? Just making sure as the wording seems confusing to me...
Pretty much. As someone running a Galaxy Eyes deck put it, Galaxy Eyes are basically made to bring out 3000 atk beaters as quickly as possible.

I did say that I wanted no metagame/competitively structured decks, so.... yeah.

Nordics can stay, Yubel can stay.
The player Parser has been banned from Iwaku by the staff team.

Apologies for any inconvenience this will cause in the roleplay.
Yeah! How is our delinquent trio gonna function now?
It won't! Vampire wannabes will now rule over you!
... That aside I suppose:

All my decks edited. Now Up with Ghostricks, Worms, Nordic, Yubel, and an Exodia/Exodia Necross/Exodius build (That's the one I'm worried about...)
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Yeah. Playing against an Exodia and Yubel deck of such variety was quite fun
The temptation to make a flip deck to fight the ghostrick deck is real.
nah, he played against my Yubel and the previous Exodia deck i had up on DN. It was fun! 8D

These decks, especially the exodia one, are much better I think >:3

I'd love to play anyone asap~
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