Yu-Gi-Oh!: Return of the Shadows

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Maybe we should've just written this in the IC thread and not in chat? It would've been easier. Just remember that for next time.
Now let's all agree to never duel via PM EVER AGAIN.
It definitely wasn't the best idea ever, and maybe we should just have the actual duel in PM's not the duel +4
Sorry, I wanted to stay up but I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. O.o
And I had everyone in the PM as I thought it might be easier... Obviously not. Well, it's a lesson learned!
My Alerts failed to lert me that anyone had even posted here?! SOMEONE MUST PAY FOR THIS, I SHALL MAKE THEM SUFFER THE WRATH OF MY ALMIGHTY WRATH!!!!
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Summon the Celtic Guardian Yuuugi... It is the only waaaay.... Also are you watching the threads? It works way better.
you bet I'm watching both threads, did you think I'd just leave my own RP unattended xD?
He means using the Watched Threads tab.
I would hope not! I mean, then Vampire Wannabes could tag your turf... And that is just wrong.

And yes, what Parser said. Click the watched thread tab, it works quite well.
I wasn't notified either, and as a pretty robot cleric I'm slightly dissapointed.
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So... are card spirits going to be a thing? Because I might have to do a little bit of restructuring, if that's the case.
Yeah that is a good question. And are they like, -everywhere- or what?
Yes, Card Spirits will be a thing.... sort of. They won't necessarily play a major part in the RP, but seeing as hoe Duel Monsters is returning to its supernatural roots I don't see why an increase in card spirits would be uncommon.

You can choose if you have one or not.
Yes, Card Spirits will be a thing.... sort of. They won't necessarily play a major part in the RP, but seeing as hoe Duel Monsters is returning to its supernatural roots I don't see why an increase in card spirits would be uncommon.

You can choose if you have one or not.
Can we also see other people's card spirits?