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Your Pokémon Life OCC

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Hey everyone! I am making a new scene. Ya'll can continue RPing at the current scene and I'll post the new scene once the activity slows down.
Oh crap... This is embarrassing. It seems like I didn't get any notifications about those and they weren't showing up when I refreshed the page.
Sorry everyone!! I don't very inspired to rp during the holiday time. I promise I'll get to it once everything goes back to normal.
Please, no! We must revive it. Everyone, lets discuss a plot. the problem is that there is no exact plot. We need a problem, that we need to solve. What if the people come and find us, perhaps capturing someone?
I am officially back peeps! Today is my last day of break from school. So everything is back to normal. Which makes my RP enthusiasm to rise. Sorry for the long delay!!
What if one of the more cataclysmic Legendary pokemon bring about some really noticeable changes and we decide to investigate? Getting stronger as we fight other pokemon along the way? [I can pm specific Legendary pokemon and ideas if desired.]
@Nocturne997 That sounds interesting. We can make an event about it. This would be our official first event. Do PM me and we'll work out the details. Although, I don't want to plan the event too far ahead as I still want it to be interesting for the both of us.
As for now, should we keep RPing the current things we are doing or start a new day?
I suppose we should start a new day. Nobody seems to be doing something important at the moment.
Aye, My name's Iatos in its right capitalization and everything =P.
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