Yokai Academy: New Term

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Seems very super powered... Just that alone looks like it'd need more than a weakness to water to balance out..

Also if you could add a bit more to the personality it would be appreciated. I mean we'll be spending more time interacting and socializing than waging war ya know?

Hope I'm not being too bit picky -_-

But this site is pretty chill about reqs and such. I'm just worried that if there's some incident or something that a super powerful S class (competent to exclude Tenma) won't leave anything left over for everyone else :c
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No, no its fine but the problem with Crusnicks is they are mostly emotionless or hide behind a mask. this trait can be seen in the tri-blood anime. And being OP wont be a problem Illya wont be able to remove most of her seals, and though theyare technically a vampire class vampires they are not weak to water due to holy nature of said beings but can easily be won over with their stomach. also keep in mind that she is limited to 25% power atmax leaving only the blood swords, raw vampiric power, blood absorption and wings. In mythology they are supposed to be the natural enemy/predator of the vampire, and only corrupt souls are seen as prey.

plus I am currently going to use these for comic relief and the traditional "bad guy of the day" like in the anime.

PS I'm not planning to eat any of the other OCs or students.
Ah, I see. I enjoy the idea, I know for a fact Murasame, being a demon, isn't a particularly big fan of anything related to the Church...

can easily be won over with their stomach.

Another character Soteria needs to be afraid of ^_^
:) also Illya is designed to developed over time not live as a set program, I make people not characters. Plus this OC was much better than the alternative.... ... ... Unless you all want me to place a xenomorph at yokai?
:) also Illya is designed to developed over time not live as a set program, I make people not characters. Plus this OC was much better than the alternative.... ... ... Unless you all want me to place a xenomorph at yokai?

Xenomorph? You mean like the things from the Aliens movie 0_0?

I'm sure Mary would enjoy another alien, but maaaaybe not that kind :L
Yeah, the last OC I made was a snow woman like mizuri but I don't know how to write for characters like that
Lol okay as long as you dont eat good vampires. And Soteria is food for everyone at yokai one more isnt gonna make a difference XD lol

Also curiosity is killing me, are you making a Crusnick like from trinity blood? If so thats awesome I love that anime =)
Uuighhhhggg... Progress so slow.

Let's keep the ball rolling before it stops <_>
Ohh.. I was also wondering if you yourself can choose the type of rank your character is. Is that possible or is that assigned to you? I apologize beforehand for asking silly questions. xD

I believe we are still accepting. If you join though your character will be rooming with my Phoenix, Sherin.

Monster rank basically denotes the monster's power tier. F being the weakest, S being the strongest. Keep in mind We already have a bunch of S ranks.

Thanks for the information. I'll have to think of the type of character I want. I'll do it quickly so I can join the fun. Also seems like someone came before me with the crusnik idea.... I guess I will have to tweak my own CS abit. xD

Besides that, who are the roomies now? With them new characters?
You choose the rank.

Idk who of the new characters is rooming with who, but Sherin is currently the only character without a room mate currently.

Sherin's room has two beds and a futon, so her room can support 3 persons if we get an odd number. Wow, my foresight actually paid off in an RP for once...
Soooo who's waiting on who?

I'm waiting on Lime

Neo is waiting on Obsidian (keeps changing names every 5 days it seems lol) and O'possum

O'possum is waiting on Lime

Obsidian is waiting on Liam

Is that correct? Did I miss anyone?
It feels like we're really losing steam here :c
Lol Ill post for Sapphire tonight. I think thats right
So, long story short, everyone's behing held up by Lime in one way or another?
It seems like it O_O
Is there an actualy plot in this RP? Like a storyline to follow?
From what I can see, not really. For the most part, the characters can just do whatever they want. The thing is, since we're still in what's essentially the intro phase, we need some help from the GM to get our characters anywhere at all. I'm assuming that, in a short while, we can pretty much do whatever we want.
Merk... It's hard to write for a character who has pretty much zero body language as part of his gig >_>
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