Yokai Academy: New Term

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Polar opposite characters, go! :P

Seriously though, I just know that Mary will take them mufflers off at some point in the future. Or, failing that, Sarah could knock them off by 'accident.'
Polar opposite characters, go! :P

Seriously though, I just know that Mary will take them mufflers off at some point in the future. Or, failing that, Sarah could knock them off by 'accident.'

Murasame may attempt to borrow them as well...
Murasame may attempt to borrow them as well...

In order to protect himself from a certain Incubus jerkface, right?
Lol, Homura should be fun to tease
I gotta wait for Tess to do something with Soteria XD
Why? Can't you just post for Sapphire only? I mean, I know I waited for you to post too with my last post, but still.
Lol I could I guess but that will have me posting 2 different times, at least until Tess responds XD
Well, with most RPs I've been in, it's an unwritten rule -- or sometimes even a written one -- to just post whenever you can instead of waiting until you can post for all your characters. Otherwise you could get stuck in a situation where everyone is waiting for everyone, causing the RP to die -- something I've also seen more than once.
Ah okay ill post later today, me with no sleep = brain dead
Do you guys still accept new students? xD

I was also wondering about why or what does the monster rank mean? from F to S?.
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Do you guys still accept new students? xD

I was also wondering about why or what does the monster rank mean? from F to S?.

I believe we are still accepting. If you join though your character will be rooming with my Phoenix, Sherin.

Monster rank basically denotes the monster's power tier. F being the weakest, S being the strongest. Keep in mind We already have a bunch of S ranks.
thats true, it's the reason why I haven't posted my own OC on here. S class are the most well known though.
Ok. I need to rant a little.

So today is my birthday, I preordered Bravely Default at gamestop months ago which came out today. The clerk person calls the manager who tells me they didn't order enough to fill the preorders! I explain to them that it is my birthday and the manager says "oh. We will get another shipment some time in March for you"
The moral of the story is that gamestop sucks and I will never buy from them again. I mean the whole point of preordering a game is to actually get it! It's like gamestop is asking me to call for battle toads or something...
Sorry for the mini rant...

Anyways today is my birthday so I probably won't be able to post tonight.
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Ok. I need to rant a little.

So today is my birthday, I preordered Bravely Default at gamestop months ago which came out today. The clerk person calls the manager who tells me they didn't order enough to fill the preorders! I explain to them that it is my birthday and the manager says "oh. We will get another shipment some time in March for you"
The moral of the story is that gamestop sucks and I will never buy from them again. I mean the whole point of preordering a game is to actually get it! It's like gamestop is asking me to call for battle toads or something...
Sorry for the mini rant...

Anyways today is my birthday so I probably won't be able to post tonight.
Awww that sucks! =( Im sowwy, gamestop can be real jerks.

Happy Birthday though! Hope you have a great night =)
meh I feel like posting a OC accepted or not.

Name: Kagara
Apparent Age: 17
Actual Age: 16
Gender: female

Personality: Kagara is a caring preson whou always puts others first if in danger. Though this is mostly toward those she knows

History: Kagara is one of the few of her species left alive. She like most if not all Crusnik vampires are very close to the church, being considered holy beings by many. Though unlike others of her species is the first Crusnik to ever have been birthed. An anomaly that was thought to be impossible due to the imortal status they carry. As such Kagara is much more powerful than most other Crusniks requiring four physical seal to help her control even if the fact stands she is the youngest of her kind.

On another note Kagara is very low profile for one of her kind, having little notability in her history compared to many. having been raised in the Vatican ever since her birth. She was taught the art of combat at a young age do to 'family' tradition to become God's fist of judgment. Though this leads to the only other notable detail Kagara is a living scanner possessing a memory that is able to comprehend most anything she reads, watches or does. Leaving one flaw Kagara has never had a friend her age or talked to her peers.

Monster Type: Crusnik "The angels of death"
Monster Rank: S+ depending on power limiter release level.
Abilities: Crusnicks possess a variety of abilities holy and not.
Flight: Crusnick sprout from two to six wings when allowing more power to flow freely from their seals starting at 25% and ending at 100%.
Blood of life: Crusnicks attract spilt blood to themselves.
Mage craft: they posses magic circuits allowing for the usage of said craft.
Body of God: Bodily Crusnicks are superior to most other yokai including the super vampire.
Blood of a familiar enemy: Crusnicks are capable of sensing their natural enemy by their blood, Vampires.
My body is made of swords: The most feared ability of Crusnicks the ability to manifest weapons from their own seemingly endless blood supply.
other may be put later.
Monster Appearance:
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Eeep! *Sapphire hides behind Murasame*
Stares at Sapphire for a few seconds thinking to self 'must not eat... must not eat' and waving hello thinking that making friends is more important than making meals.
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