WWE 2K 17 Thread

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Here's the link:

This what you'll get:

I already canceled my previous pre-order to get this edition. :)
You'll get banned if you Upload a Chris Benoit face or logos or a CAW of him.
Next Tuesday will be more Roster revealed for WWE 2K 17. Yesterday was Stephanie, Vince and Shane McMahon will be playable characters.
Shane is fair enough due to him returning and well, if it's modern day shane, i do expect to see Shane missing his target with the Leap of Faith as a gameplay mechanic. If it's retro Shane, tis just them using 2k16's Shane. Stephanie, i'm not surprised as she is very self absorbed and well, unlike Vince and Shane, she does not put others over. She does not allow herself to get her arse kicked. Shane? Dude got suplexed through glass! Vince? Stone Cold whooped his arse a lot and made his life hell(in kayfabe). Naturally, Stephanie will be the highest rated woman in the game. :-/

I do hope that they include the four horsewomen and well, i think it's going to be rather outdated because of the draft along with a lot of releases a few months back. Apparently, Brock isn't the focus of scenerio mode this year. Thank god as suplex city is boring and whilst Goldberg more or less had a few moves, at least there was a real sense of "who will beat Goldberg?" instead of boring invincible Brock.

Oh and intergender matches must appear. Both in the game and in WWE.
I think the debut of the Four Horsewomen would be in the game.
19 superstars have been announced. Booker T, Chris Jericho(modern Jericho) are amongst them. No Undertaker but I know he'll be in the game. Same with Kane and Triple H along with the rest of the part timers. Most likely the same roster as last year with updates.

Fighting in the crowd is said to be a thing. :D Hope it's proper fighting in the crowd or just done in a way that resembles two wrestlers beating the crap out of each other before reaching an area that is filled with tables, cans and other things.
Bit of a double post but funk it.

I got to thinking about the Create A finisher system in 14 and how it's kinda crap in terms of damage. I mean, most finishers end up being kicked out. If it is back in 17, i hope it's both more damaging and has smoother transitions. It's rather clunky and seems too quick on certain moves even if slowed down or just looks wrong. I hope that there will be different amount of damage depending on moves. E.g. A chokeslam based finisher will deal as much damage as a chokeslam or more if the chokeslam has lead up attacks. Whilst a DDT won't be as effective. I hope more taunts will appear instead of just having 5 or 6. I don't want to do a DX chop or a Deadman cutthroat unless my CAW is something that may do that.

I hope Create An arena is much better in 17 and they sort out a nasty bug where universe crashes if you use it. At least, on PS3. :( Create an Arena needs more templates and it's not really hard for them to just go back, use old PPVs or just random layouts. Or a complete overhaul. Selection of things in the same style as CAW etc...

Championship belts need more templates. Very limited and SVR's system(original one)did it far better. Allow us to use any and all belts! Or mix and match parts! Also sort out the announcement. Make it flow instead of RAW.......



And Universe mode needs to let us have more then 4 titles. What's the point of giving us titles such as Hardcore, European if we can't really use them at the cost of another one? Same with custom ones. I've more or less justified a Universal title for each brand to replace the old united and intercontinental belts. The World Heavyweight was created as i hated the WWE 13 to 14 belt due to that being it's name.

And let us attack during entrances. Why should two enemies wait for each other? For example, let us do a dive through the rope, or hit a spear on them and start a proper fight before the bell rings. Also have dirty heels cheat. Let them get DQed if a fight is going badly for them and bring back glass refs! I want to knock down the ref and cheat if i'm a monster heel! Not knock them down, get chair, find out they are back up.

Special guest referees shouldn't get kicked out in universe mode if they are being unfair. It adds to the drama and just make it an option. Just more options to let us control what we want.

And i've heard the draft is rather crap. THis needs changing.

Allow all three shows to host a PPV! If i want NXT vs Raw and Smackdown, i have to either do NXT vs Smackdown or Raw. Is it really so hard to have a third show?

Invasion rivalaries need to be a thing. For example, NXT could invade Raw, Raw attacks back and a 8 week rivalry occurs.

Complete control over rivals. The matches are kinda PPV levels. Submission, extreme rules, hell in a cell etc... It's just excessive and kinda kills the rivalry after the stakes have been risen for the 90th time. Just options to control what matches or just let us change matches without cancelling it!

Goldberg Mode in the style of.... wait, no. Thanks to Triple H, Goldberg the monster was buried. :( No beating Goldberg's WWE streak and thanks to HOAK HOGAN, no WCW streak.

I can only hope we will get this theme in DLC, or at least in 2K18
We are going have 150 superstars. I'm not sure if does count DLC or not.
Features have been revealed!

WWE 2K17 Features Revealed

Fighting backstage and crowd areas are confirmed! Create A titanron is back! Highlight Reel is back! New feature is Create a victory! :D No Showcase due to past superstars not being included. I think it's also because Brock Lesnar is kinda boring nowadays and a showcase on him is going to be crap. I mean, who wants to play 5 minute squash matches of suplex,suplex,suplex,suplex and F5? Stone Cold Steve Austin's showcase was pretty much the sign that Showcase has had it's day. Universe mode and Career are being focused on this year. No confirmation if Career is happening for last gen. :( Same with the other features but i hope most of them do make it. Creation is being improved and i think, create a promo is going to be a feature.

Please let Universe Mode be excellent on both versions. Don't want to get 2k17 on PS3, find out it's kinda crap as it's virtually the same and well, the autobooking rivarlies is awful. No, i do not want to do the same tables or extreme rules matches for the 9th time!

May put 2k17 on my to get when i have a PS4 which should be next year if my job fortunes change list.
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I just hope they got my surname on the game. LOL



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I think this Tuesday would be the last Roster revealed before SUMMERSLAM.
oh my god create a victory is back, fuck this pretty much takes away one of the most glaring issues I had with the CaWs.
All I want is for that shit submission system to get replaced with a less irritating one, and for every match not to have finishers look like a joke. Only time they should be allowed to kick out of a finisher more than once is a title match or a really hyped match. Tyler fucking breeze shouldn't be kicking out of any Swanton bomb or spear, or F5 like it never happened. Also better theme music cause if I have to listen to that same undead shit three years in a row. I'm going to be dead.
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