Wolves on the loose

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Watches as he eats it. It would fill him but she would have to hunt for herself later. "I'm glad you like it." She says with a motherly tone and sits back on her hind legs. This pup was her responsibility now, she would take care of him no matter what.
It wasn't long before he had finished eating it. He left almost nothing on the bones when he looked back up at his new friend. He runs over to her and half tackles her, though he was the one who fell, and then laughed. He was ready to play, he nipped at her leg, not strong enough to hurt her, and tried to get her to play along.
Looks down at the pup confused, "kid? You alright? What are you doing?" Lays down and looks at him as he runs around. Truly strange creatures wolves were, that or she was the odd one out here.
"I wana play!" He said as he jumped onto her back and nipped her ear, tugging it like it was an enemy in itself though still not hard enough to truly hurt her it may discomfort her.
"Ah kid what the heck?!" Shakes her head but stretching out a paw to catch him. "Kid look, i can't play now. I'm not nessicarily a friend around here."
"But your my friend." He says with his ears back and tail down. He lays down on top of one of her paws resting a head on it. "Please."
Noticing the male fall to his knee's, Evelina's head lifted in a furrowed brow of curiosity. Her next act probably wasn't the most expected, but even though he was the most annoying omega they had ever had in their ranks, he was still one of their own. Trial or no trial. She got up to her feet and walked over to the now collapsed male. Moments ago, laughing to Sang's mockery of him... She now was gripping his clothes in between her teeth and recklessly dragging him aside so attention wasn't drawn to him. Her mouth lifted and she propped his back up against a tree in his unconscious state. Walking around it momentarily to shape up into her human form.

Coming around to the front of him again, she took one of the ripped tethers from her drape, and dowsed it in cold snow to wipe the blood from his face... Giving out a light huff - she didn't tend to stick in this form. Her in-humane features were ugly, and didn't give the pack a particular comfort to look at.. Her aged face showed years of combat and training... Another sigh was revealed as she'd cleaned him up and just stood above him waiting for him to wake up... He didn't see her change, so he most likely wouldn't recognise her in this form.. Considering she held little scent anymore after years of learning how to conceal it..

((This is Evelina..))
Noticing the male fall to his knee's, Evelina's head lifted in a furrowed brow of curiosity. Her next act probably wasn't the most expected, but even though he was the most annoying omega they had ever had in their ranks, he was still one of their own. Trial or no trial. She got up to her feet and walked over to the now collapsed male. Moments ago, laughing to Sang's mockery of him... She now was gripping his clothes in between her teeth and recklessly dragging him aside so attention wasn't drawn to him. Her mouth lifted and she propped his back up against a tree in his unconscious state. Walking around it momentarily to shape up into her human form.

Coming around to the front of him again, she took one of the ripped tethers from her drape, and dowsed it in cold snow to wipe the blood from his face... Giving out a light huff - she didn't tend to stick in this form. Her in-humane features were ugly, and didn't give the pack a particular comfort to look at.. Her aged face showed years of combat and training... Another sigh was revealed as she'd cleaned him up and just stood above him waiting for him to wake up... He didn't see her change, so he most likely wouldn't recognise her in this form.. Considering she held little scent anymore after years of learning how to conceal it..

((This is Evelina..))

"No!!!" Clu yelped and a loud roar escaped his mouth even though he was not in wolf form, it shook the trees and the birds scattered and he woke, but everything was sore, "OWW..uhh god..huh?" Clu looked up and saw a woman standing in front of him "Evelina? Wow..I didn't realize you looked beautiful in your human form, why don't you stay in it that much." he said looking at her, he noticed it was her because of the look she was giving him, "Did you patch me up?" he asked startled at his being and noticing that he wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Do you mind if I ask why you did that? One thing you and I had knifes at our thoats and now your patching me up..I'm just asking, I'm not meaning anything bad or trying to be a smart ass about it." he said trying to smile. He couldn't but stare at her, not in a bad way but in an immpresive way, you could see her battle scars of her fighting over the years, he tried to get it but it hurt extremely bad "You and I..ahh..should spare together one day, just to mess around, test each others skill and strenghts." he said giving off a smile and holding his hand out "Thank you, I'll repay you." he said.
She stood up from his body when he awoke and pulled him a disgruntled and repulsed look, throwing the cloth on him she walked away. Her voice melodic but spoken through gritted teeth. "Don't get used to it kid... Your blood was attracting hungry rodents..." She said carelessly and approached the fire lightly. Her hands folding over her pelvic bones lightly bringing one hand to her mouth and rubbing over it gently. Coursing her thumb over her lip in thought she turned to Sang and spoke lightly to her.. "So what do you now intend to do about a male?... They'll get broody you know.. Want to take his place..."

Although they were friends, Evelina was no liar - what she was saying was the truth.. "You'll have to find a new Alpha male if Dakota doesn't return... Or at least, if he doesn't return in time.." She paused lowering her hand from her mouth and coughed slightly spitting her phlegm aside. "Why not give him a 'deadline'.. So to speak.." Her smile cracked the dry skin around her lips, "It might even be entertaining... watching the brutish boys fight for you.. trying to woo you with gifts and sparring sessions with each other to represent their strength." Her mouth lowered to a straight line when her gaze turned forward... She'd stayed in this spot a little too long for comfort. She knew that most of them were ill, but the course of action was always the same, to expand... Even if they had the biggest amount of land - she would take it upon herself to invade the others territory soon... Maybe without the injured.
Clu over heard Evelina, "I can search for him to bring him back? Plus I need a little fresh air. It could also help me gain respect toward all of yall." he said looking around hoping that no one is gooing to try and yell at him again. "So..what do you say? Can I?" he said once more.

((sorry for the short post. needed to be somewhere real fast))
Tsumetai was throughly disgusted with the arrogance of this welp. It was quite hard to keep herself from putting him down there and then, but she didn't want to look uncontrolled. As if he knew anything about their pack leader. Besides, they already had an Alpha and they didn't need another to be able to keep things in line. But at the same time, she was worried. Surely Sanguinem wouldn't replace Dakota? Not when he promised to come back! She knew that the pack would get...restless, but all they had to do was keep their attention on something else. The Silver Moons. Of course. There was only one thing that could keep a Blood Scared wolf happy and busy long enough for Dakota to return. War

(Evelina looks like DA BOMB)

(EDITED. You guys posted right when I posted.)
She stood up from his body when he awoke and pulled him a disgruntled and repulsed look, throwing the cloth on him she walked away. Her voice melodic but spoken through gritted teeth. "Don't get used to it kid... Your blood was attracting hungry rodents..." She said carelessly and approached the fire lightly. Her hands folding over her pelvic bones lightly bringing one hand to her mouth and rubbing over it gently. Coursing her thumb over her lip in thought she turned to Sang and spoke lightly to her.. "So what do you now intend to do about a male?... They'll get broody you know.. Want to take his place..."

Although they were friends, Evelina was no liar - what she was saying was the truth.. "You'll have to find a new Alpha male if Dakota doesn't return... Or at least, if he doesn't return in time.." She paused lowering her hand from her mouth and coughed slightly spitting her phlegm aside. "Why not give him a 'deadline'.. So to speak.." Her smile cracked the dry skin around her lips, "It might even be entertaining... watching the brutish boys fight for you.. trying to woo you with gifts and sparring sessions with each other to represent their strength." Her mouth lowered to a straight line when her gaze turned forward... She'd stayed in this spot a little too long for comfort. She knew that most of them were ill, but the course of action was always the same, to expand... Even if they had the biggest amount of land - she would take it upon herself to invade the others territory soon... Maybe without the injured.

her eyes quickly shot towards Clu, a rough voice fired towards him. "You are going nowhere, it is not your right to go after a rogue. He is not with our pack anymore and as I said earlier, he as well needs to prove he is still worthy of the name alpha male. " Her voice had been loud but now it softened again so only Evelina and Tsumi could hear it. "You should know why I accepted Dakota as my mate, why I wanted it to be him. " She said, a faint smile coming back on her lips. "So far he is the only one who has been capable of controlling me while going wild. " And so far, he had been the only one she had actually wanted to be with, the first one she was willing to give her life for. Dakota was special but as always, the words of Evelina were the hard truth. One month she was planning on giving Dakota, and of course there would be males trying to impress her. There always were, but she wouldn't budge. The feelings she had developed for her mate were stronger than that. And Sang wished with all her heart he would come back soon. Her eyes still were aimed towards the new omega, he was using his wolf form too much in her taste, she didn't like it. They were wolves, not humans. It was also a reason why she was surprised that Evelina chose to appear in her two legged form. "I already gave him a deadline, the amount of time he said he needed. After that other males could try and take his spot. Though I doubt they will succeed. I have faith in Dakota, we need him as well, and he knows that. And makes sure omega isn't all alone, I do not want him to go after Dakota, you know what he does with weak males."
She relaxed her body gently, lowering her arms as she quickly fell onto all fours and shaped back into her larger black wolf. Lifting her head over towards Sang slightly furrowing her brow in a stern manner, like a grandmother would when trying to give her child a little talk.. Her voice went through her mind telepathically.. "You can't let your emotions get in the way of pack affairs, Sang... 'Love' is just a word under us.." She couldn't feel sorry for telling her, her burly figure sitting by her. Naturally as expected when trying to be soothing - it would be thought that she would comfort her with a nuzzle, but she just came close and assured her with her presense. "After some time, if he doesn't return, you'll have to come to a decision... Leave the ranks to somebody who can cope with it - and their mate... Or get over your 'emotions' and for the sake of the pack.. Take on a new mate. You do not need to tie your emotions to this new one - but for the rest of us, we need a alpha male..." She said and lowered her head with a nod turning away from her and walking to the trees acknowledging what she says with a meer glance.. "Think this through carefully..."

Bounding off into the woods she made her way out onto the snowy plains.
Eclipse woke up as he turned to his human form but.. Only with his shorts on. " Hmmmm well my wounds is almost all healed up. " He said as he looked down at avalon and knelt down and patted her head. " Thanks you are a life saver.. " he said as he sniffed the air he smelld something of a foul rose. " Hmmmmm... meh.. " He said as he turned to his wolf form amnd walked off to hunt for food.
At the same time, Tsumetai tried to reassure Sanguinem that she would be fine. She sat up, brushing her nose across her cheek, then she padded over to the fresh kill pile and retrieved the last two cubs. Padding back, she dropped a cub for Sanguinem. Laying down again, Tsumetai began nawing on the cold prey. With a symphony of growls, the rest of the pack decended on the remaining prey. Sanguinem and Dakota were the strongest wolves she had ever met before, in both mind and body.
Clu was pissed, he was doing nothing wrong but trying to help, he nodded and turned around, his eyes turned black, and walked to his stuff and picked it up, and started to walk by himself. He didn't know why everyone was being the way they are, he walked off and punched a tree to the point he snapped it in half, while in human form, "God damn it!" he yelled as he punched it, "Take a deep breath, Clu. It'll be alright. You'll get the man who killed your family." he said to himself, he looked back hoping he wasn't being followed or watched as he was trailing off to a distance. He hated people calling him weak and all that, they had no clue what his strength was, and they won't if the don't give him a chance to prove himself, which isn't going to happen.

He was still pissed, he looked up at the sky and roared loud to the gods in the sky, he was wanting blood for his woman that was taken from him, but at this rate that wasn't going to happen. Clu took off his shirt to cool off and opened his bag, pulling out a picture of is wife and smiled, "I miss you so much.." he said with a tear roling down his face, he didn't want the others seeing him like this or they would really start calling him weak."

((Why is everyone yelling at him and everything, and he usually stay in human form most of the time, and only in wolf form when he needs to like in a fight with another wolf, please read it more carefully. And if yall don't mind and chill on the yelling, it could help me out alot with this RP, I don't want to sound like a RP-Nazi but I just want to be cool with everyone in the pack is all. So can we mix it up alittle bit and lighten up on Clu? Please.))
( It's because he's helping. We're Blood Scared. We deny help from almost everyone, especially Omegas, the weakest of the pack. It's considered disgraceful. Besides, if you wear your heart on your sleeve, you're more of a Silver Moon pup than a Blood Scared wolf to them. By the way, who killed his wife? Surely not one of Blood Scared? Oh wait, that's definitely the most likely place he'd be. Being murderous and all. )

Tsumetai's ear twitched. Looks like their Omega had issues controlling his rage. He should use it to go stir up trouble with the Silver Moon. Teaching them a lesson would almost surely gain him respect, if he didn't botch the job and get his butt kicked. Nawing absent-mindly on the cub's ribs, Tsumetai pondered how to start war with the Silver Moons. Territory would be the perfect scapegoat for war. It normally was, but she knew she'd have to be careful. They couldn't risk destroying the Silver Moons. Even though they were many, it was obvious that they were too soft to hold up against the fury, skill, and hatred of the Blood Scared. If the Silver Moons were driven out, who would be left to break? Even if they owned even inch of the territory, it would not be enough. They were in this for the blood shed, not something small like land. Without realizing it, she had picked clean the cub. Pausing, she began to crack the bones between her teeth. Still she doubt it would come to destruction. All she had to do was start it.
Sanguinem ignored the cub, she had eaten already. Her head was moving up, snout up in the air and letting out a long, deep howl. Time to let every wolf in this save zone within the dark forest know they were still in the run. Te root had its effect on her,the mad spark was back in her eyes. She took of running, only a few minutes she would be away to mark their whole territory, she ran fast, the snow beneath her paws getting thrown into the air. Her worries about Dakota became less, he would return, she was sure of it. But she would go looking for a new alpha if it was needed, he would be able to claim his spot again once he returned. He was the strongest wolf she knew. the rogues were probably the ones going to try and take his spot she thought. She herself was born in a line of alphas and had no trouble with taking down her sister. Automatically claiming her Alpha spot.

She was already heading back up with a freshly marked territory to live in. She came across Clu, the usual blood lust of a Blood Scared wolf was back in her eyes and she raised to her hind legs, this wolf... She looked at him differently, an admiring whistle through her teeth accompanied by a slow clapping of her hands. Her wolf legs stood stronger in the snow, her fur moving up and forming into her tank top, a moment the skin on her rib case was shown, the bruises were gone.
"Did you just do that little wolf? " She said with the sharpest tone in her voice, interest it carried but with a dark tremble in it. She licked her lips and snickered softly. "I told you not to leave alone now did I....? " Her hand was fast, she moved faster than she had done with her warning attacks, yet the grip she took of his shoulder was softer. Not rough enough to be a serious threat. Nonetheless she dragged him back, a toothy grin on her lips. "You're not going anywhere little omega. And maybe you should eat that herb of yours... You seem a little hurt." Power, she admired it... maybe he wasn't that weak after all. Time would tell.
Felicitas exited her den slowly and groggily. Sleeping in mid day always made her tired. Shaking the sleep from her eyes Felicitas gazed about. She had another of her dreams of blood shed and it had left an angry and bitter taste in her mouth. Feeling strangely angry Felicitas had knocked over all of the furniture in her room and broken it all down. Now that she was outside she realized how cold it had gotten and it angered her even farther. She didn't know what had triggered this instant anger in her, but it was only increasing as time went on. First she went over to the fire and discovering that it hadn't been stoked she tore into the nearest wolf, sending him away yapping. Irritably she sat back on her haunches and gave an angry look to any who dared to look at her. One wrong word and she would kick the next wolves ass that talked to her.
( ~Noooooooooooo. I don't like him!!!!!!!!!)

Tsumetai was happy that things were almost back to normal. Leaving her scraps, she decided that is was time to leave for the forest again. She would have to come back more frequently than she was used to, but they all had to do their part to keep the pack together. Taking off through the trees, she glanced up at the sky and was pleased to see that it would soon snow. She jogged easily through the forest, preparingto take on her duties once again. She danced on the borderline between the territories, searching for intruders or monsters. She leapt across frozen puddles and pounced on old snow drifts. She was completely at home in her forest. Though she loved her home and her Alphas, the forest and darkness were her's alone. She was a ghost within her own home, haunting any who trespass without her consent.