Wolves on the loose

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Evelina took the napkin quite calmly in her mouth and walked over to the now laid down Omega male, and tossed it over his face.. "Clean yourself up... Just a thought.." She said sarcastically. She didn't need to take her rage out onto him, Sang had already done it for her. The kid had attitude, it wouldn't go far unless he didn't seem like a little coward.. Calling people "Ma'am" and offering to be there at their every need was pathetic. It was cowardice, and it showed that he misunderstood the wolves around him to be far from what they were. As well as a pack they were quite capable of taking care of themselves, their independency especially Evelina's own was far from what he seemed to understand..

Returning back to her place beneath the tree she kept upright and onlooking over to the others, she had finished, and was awaiting for the others to finish - keeping her glance on the food at hand just to be enough for the rest of them.
"Go ahead." Auctor said as he walked away and into his new den to find Felicitas sleeping in the bed. He looked around and then sat down at the desk in human form and started to write and drew a couple of diagrams so all points would be guarded at one time when the patrols were going. He worked endlessly until he could no longer write anymore. Their were countless pieces of crumpled up paper in a small weaved basket as he threw yet another one on top of it. He had debunked every single one of his plans with scenarios that he thought were reasonable... he didn't want to leave anything for chance. He took his favorite idea and put it up on an old tree that they had used for notices before and left it there so the pack would know who patrols what time and where, it was not perfect but for now he had to relax. He took an old carving knife and started whittling away at a freshly cut log he had some of the others drag in for him. He wanted to update the furniture in the den.
The word to describe Tsumetai's attitude was absolute frustration. Why couldn't she just eat the root!? Didn't she realize it would dramatically improve her condition? She knew her Alpha was in a foul mood. It wasn't really anger or even Dakota; she was, deep down, scared. She was the only Alpha to the most blood thirsty pack in the forest and she was seriously injured. It was no secret that a greedy wolf could try to take advantage of this. Couldn't she see that Tsumetai was only trying to help and reassure her? She was the only Alpha. This was no time for her to throw temper tantrums or refuse help when she needed to be in top form if she was to keep the pack together. Tsumetai transformed into her human form, snatched the root up, and marched back towards Sanguinem. She would keep pestering her until she gave in, even if it meant that Tsumetai wouldn't be able to eat for the second day in a row.
Clu just smiled at the Alpha, knowing it was wrong for him to do so but in order for him to keep his anger built up he had to. What the Alpha don't know is that Clu took down several packs by himself and wolves 10x his size but he was complaining. He leaned up and whispered in her hear loud enough the she could hear it clearly, "If you want to do it in the shape your in is fine by me, all I'm doing is trying to help you out but if you want to act like this then that is your thing, but when it gets worse and you eat that herb, you'll thank me later. If you want to attack me, punish me whatever you want, is fine by me, I'll take whatever you throw at me, I've-been-through-worse! If you think I'm afraid of you then you are mistaken. And if that is going to 'Piss' you off even more then, please, by all means do your worst." Clu said while laying down still, feeling her hot breath on him. He wasn't afraid of her nor anyone else in this pack.

Evelina came up and through the napkin back into his face as he grabbed it and threw in back at her, and shook his head with a smile and chuckled. He layed their with his sword in his hand and a is daggers in another, whether he was in this tribe or not he isn't letting his guard down. He knew that Sang was watching him, he slithered his eye through his hood and stared deep into her eyes and said to her knowing she could here him "You will die if you don't eat that, Sang. You are at your weakest point right now. Trust me if I didn't care for anything and wanted to act like a badass, I would have fought you off of me. Take it." and then he looked down.
His words.... They hit a nerve and triggered her other side, the anger inside her was unchained besides, she couldn't wait any longer. She snarled while jumping besides Tsumi, once more standing over the new wolf with her ever so sharp claws close to digging into his flesh. " OK YOU GREEDY MUTTS! " She started, as usual demanding their fullest attention with her voice of growls and snarls. " As some of you may have notice Dakota isn't present, that is true, he chose to become a rogue for a uncertain amount of time. BUT " She roared when a mumbling unchained itself between the canines, " he is not your alpha anymore, maybe he will be again one day, if he wants to he has to take that spot back,the old way. However this doesn't mean that you bastards can do what you want, I am still the bloody claw of Blood Scared, your alpha. If you think I am not capable of leading you, fine, try and take my spot but know that each and every one of you who tries will meet a certain death. I will not hold back. "

Now her glance went down again, staring at Clu below her, he had way too much confident, it had to be broken down. Piece by piece.
" By the way, as you can see there is a new wolf among us, he doesn't really get the social rankings in this pack. A new omega, treat him that way. He needs to learn his place. " She underlined every word of her last sentence with a snarl. When her eyes locked on his she made sure she wasn't the first one to break eye contact. Sang was the alpha, sang was the highest ranking wolf of her pack, the most dominant. Those who would think they could do what they wanted had to be taught where they were standing, they needed to be put back in place. "Don't think you're worthy enough of the Blood Scared name, so far you have failed all the tests, now let the one of dominance not fail, it means your death my dear. " She whispered and turned his face with her paw. " You are always the first one to look away. " With most of the things she wanted to say done she moved away from clu and to Evelina, a sly smirk curling her dark lips. " Now for the other part, we welcome back Evelina who finally chose to return to us. Welcome home my friend. " She said with a ever so slight smirk. Yet when she stopped talking she felt her anger flow away and the pain return, she was moving around too much.

With her head still high she moved back to Tsumetai, snatching the root of the ground and laying down with it besides the fire gnawing on it casually. She knew it would help her, that it was better for her. But she wished to gt better on her own strength. Only now she knew she didn't had the power to both rule the pack and focus on her healing. Her words had been clear, the alpha male spot was clear and could be taken by a wolf of the pack. Yet they had to be accepted by her which could for a problem. Each wolf ho tried and got rejected would end up in a fight, they had to be capable of dealing with her eternal rage. Almost happily she was chewing on the root, her tail flicking every few seconds and her fur adsorbing the heath of the flames. Her bones would heal, her pain would go numb and her flaming rage would be lit again. This pack was going to keep standing, even without a male alpha. Sanguinem would make sure of that.
Lara could smell that someone was close, three other beings. She caught one scent which was familiar to her, until she finally caught the idea of who it was. Avalon, Lara thought mostly to herself, not wanting anyone else to hear her thoughts. Silently & gracefully, she stalked over to the place where Avalon, Eclipse, & Clu stood, watching them. Lara stayed hidden, not wanting to be attacked. Lara was basically every werewolf's enemy, their immediate death. To them, her scent would be like strong smelling acid, but a smell of rose would lurk in her scent.
Tsumetaifelt an immense wave of relief, but it didn't last long. The new wolf's arrogance bruned like a lit match inside of her. He, who dared to come unto their territory and ask to join their pack and yet have the nerve to insult their Alpha! If her Alpha hadn't already done it, she would have ripped him to pieces herself. Instead, she smothered her anger, knowing it would do her no good. Arrogance or not, he was a pack brother; she would not provoke him. Quietly, Tsumetai returned to wolf form and padded over next to Sanguinem; laying down at her feet. The pack would know that she would support Sanguinem as Alpha no matter what and she wouldn't tolerate the peace being broken by petty fights for power.
Dakota waited. He sat at the end of a large bar. He had stolen himself a smart phone by some human he kissed on the street and almost slept with. But he was a trickster not a cheater, he still had feelings for Sanguinem and even if she had already chosen a mate, he would still return for the sake of Sang and the promise he made to Tsumi. He would return even if he did so on his last dying breath, this much he was certain. Even now as he spoke to the bartender who poured him a small glass of scotch, Dakota was at a loss at how to start finding her. He barely knew what city he was even in, he ran as fast as he possibly could towards any city within proper range and he made it to this one. Out of pure luck he noticed a male not too far off in the corner of the pool table reading a magazine which the front cover was his sister holding a fox. Dakota nearly choked on his drink, set it down and basically ran towards the stranger. "Excuse me, do you know who is on the cover of that magazine by any chance?" Of course Dakota knew, but he had no clue that modelling was his sisters chosen human job. The brunette shifted in his seat, lifting his head up and flashing himself the cover. His green eyes staring at it for some time before he closed it, using his thumb to save his place and took a long glance at Dakota "Yea, that's Megan Fox. She's an actress and model....How could you not know her?!"

The man's answer was ignored after he said his sisters name. So Angel, this was the life you chose. Very well then. I will find you still.
"Do you know where she lives?" Dakota gave a wave of relief once the man nodded "Of course, she lives alone on the last house up Hoboken Drive. Can't miss it, the gate has her initials. She lives right here in Malibu, California" Dakota was overjoyed. He gave the man a kiss on his forehead, muttered a thousand thank yous and bolted out of the shop. Running past people till he found the right sign 'Hoboken Drive'. Gated houses every where.He could feel his heart lurching him forward like he was a puppet on strings. His heart knew she was up there. He ran once more and by the first gate, he turned wolf. Knowing that in this form, she would be able to feel him coming, siblings had connections. His heart leaping as he landed in the courtyard of a giant white mansion. the gate labeled with a wonderful cursive MF that twined like vines together. He was here, and she was home.


The house was roomy, much too spacey for his likes. He had entered in and once she saw him, something connected and she was no longer furious that her brother had broken into the home like an animal. He changed human and they had hugged. But she soon bolted to her room once he told her the purpose he had come. To take her back. She was 21 years of age, and all of this happened in one day after she had a movie release. The producers would go crazy if she didn't make it to the viewing. But Dakota needed her. And he decided to entice her and work his magic. He had walked into her room, a black, red and white motif. Set their mothers picture, the three of them on the corner of the bed and requested that he stay until she had fully made up her mind and that he was going to bunk on the couch. Her decision could take a day or could take a year. It was all up to her and it didn't matter, Dakota wasn't leaving without her.
His words.... They hit a nerve and triggered her other side, the anger inside her was unchained besides, she couldn't wait any longer. She snarled while jumping besides Tsumi, once more standing over the new wolf with her ever so sharp claws close to digging into his flesh. " OK YOU GREEDY MUTTS! " She started, as usual demanding their fullest attention with her voice of growls and snarls. " As some of you may have notice Dakota isn't present, that is true, he chose to become a rogue for a uncertain amount of time. BUT " She roared when a mumbling unchained itself between the canines, " he is not your alpha anymore, maybe he will be again one day, if he wants to he has to take that spot back,the old way. However this doesn't mean that you bastards can do what you want, I am still the bloody claw of Blood Scared, your alpha. If you think I am not capable of leading you, fine, try and take my spot but know that each and every one of you who tries will meet a certain death. I will not hold back. "

Now her glance went down again, staring at Clu below her, he had way too much confident, it had to be broken down. Piece by piece.
" By the way, as you can see there is a new wolf among us, he doesn't really get the social rankings in this pack. A new omega, treat him that way. He needs to learn his place. " She underlined every word of her last sentence with a snarl. When her eyes locked on his she made sure she wasn't the first one to break eye contact. Sang was the alpha, sang was the highest ranking wolf of her pack, the most dominant. Those who would think they could do what they wanted had to be taught where they were standing, they needed to be put back in place. "Don't think you're worthy enough of the Blood Scared name, so far you have failed all the tests, now let the one of dominance not fail, it means your death my dear. " She whispered and turned his face with her paw. " You are always the first one to look away. " With most of the things she wanted to say done she moved away from clu and to Evelina, a sly smirk curling her dark lips. " Now for the other part, we welcome back Evelina who finally chose to return to us. Welcome home my friend. " She said with a ever so slight smirk. Yet when she stopped talking she felt her anger flow away and the pain return, she was moving around too much.

With her head still high she moved back to Tsumetai, snatching the root of the ground and laying down with it besides the fire gnawing on it casually. She knew it would help her, that it was better for her. But she wished to gt better on her own strength. Only now she knew she didn't had the power to both rule the pack and focus on her healing. Her words had been clear, the alpha male spot was clear and could be taken by a wolf of the pack. Yet they had to be accepted by her which could for a problem. Each wolf ho tried and got rejected would end up in a fight, they had to be capable of dealing with her eternal rage. Almost happily she was chewing on the root, her tail flicking every few seconds and her fur adsorbing the heath of the flames. Her bones would heal, her pain would go numb and her flaming rage would be lit again. This pack was going to keep standing, even without a male alpha. Sanguinem would make sure of that.

Clu got up, but still smiling, but one of his ribs where broken which he tried to hide, her words kept him on guard but his smart comments was going to get him in serious trouble but he has been through worse. He looked at the alpha and watched her start eating the herb that he had gave her and smiled even more. She was going to be in a better state then she was in before, what she didn't know is that he had a way to get through to people even if it meant pissing them off, she didn't want to eat the root and now she is, He hoped that one day that Sang and him would be come friends and trust each other, but right now it didn't seem so...yet.

Clu walked over to her den and knocked hoping she would let him in so she can talk to her privately and tell her the reason why he is, he looked around and spotted Evelina, she came back and he wondered why she left. And his mind wondered of who was Dakota and if he needed to be found, he wanted to do as much as possible to help the pack and change the cocky attitude and have everyone treat everyone like family and eat as ONE not individually but looking at that..it doesn't seem like that was going to happen. He knocked on the Alphas door waiting for her permission to come in..well hoping really.
( not in a den, not eating your herb, read it again if you please. )

Sanguinem grunted softly at Tsumetai, always so loyal, always so willing to help and protect them. Maybe she would be a good beta if she wasn't already. the new omega apparently still didn't get it as he walked to what he possibly thought it would be a den, was he blind, or was he just testing her patience again. Even if it was a den he wouldn't be allowed to sleep in it. Yes her pack did have dens, did they use them often? No. Of course not. They could take the cold and the wind, the only thing they really needed was the fire. Dens were used by the weak and elders, those who simply were too... She didn't finish her thought and simply grunted, breaking pieces off the rood Tsumetai had given to her and swallowing it whole, only taking a few seconds to grind it. Her black tail had come to a rest and wrapped slightly around her dark body. This new wolf, he had so much to learn about her pack, now she was thinking why he didn't chose Silver Moon, after all, those were the weakhearted ones, they wouldn't murder without hesitation while her pack would. Evelina was a great example of that. "Look at what new kid is doing. " She grumbled to the wolf at her feet. "Knocking on a piece of wood.... " A laugh rumbled in her chest and her teeth bared, the root, whatever it had been, did lessen the pain. Lacking of social ranks was dangerous, something which had brought the downfall of Misted Shadows. Alphas first, then the betas etc etc... omega was last and was doomed to be alone most of the time. Especially when eating. The alpha decided who could eat and who couldn't and at this moment in time Clu wasn't behaving like he should, it made Sang even think of eliminating him already. Kicking him out or anything really, maybe let Evelina have some fun with him....

She didn't know how he had survived this long alone, nor did she care. though finally she decided to help the omega with his pitiful performance
" Hey kid, stop knocking on that piece of wood. Are you blind or something? If you expected us to be living in dens like those kitties from Silver Moon than you're quite wrong. " Her voice was hard and she chewed up the last bit of the strange root, nuzzling her snout against Tsumi's for a second to thank her before sitting up. "Something you wanted to share with us? "

(Sorry I read it wrong, SMH (Shaking My Head) please forgive me.)

Clu chuckled a little bit but it hurt him to do so. "Yea I know sorry, I didn't want to be rude and disturb you so I knocked first. And yea kinda.." Clu said still holding his sides and hiding the pain, he wanted to sit down but couldn't because of the pain. "I want to apologize for my..mmm..my attitude, my day haven't been so..greeting in quite some time, plus.." Clu said and paused and a flash back hit him, of people screaming and death falling to his feet, "..nevermind..I'll work on everything. I see that your feeling better." Clu said feeling a little dizzy he was hurt but that wasn't the only thing that was hurting him, his ribs, he was in 15 different fights in the past couple of days and alot was hurting and cuts was not probably wrapped and taken care of.

Clu turned away to walk away from Sang so he wouldn't do anymore damage to the tribe and stopped and looked back and bowed down even though the pain was so painful he nearly pasted out "I can leave if you wish me too..I'll do my best to follow the rules and keep my opinion to myself." Clu said and got up he felt everything in his body turn and crackle it felt like a bolder was crushing his body. "I'll see you later.." Clu said walking away. All of a sudden, Clu was bleeding through his nose and his mouth, his shirt was starting to drinch with blood and his arm was dripping as well, he was losing blood before he could get to his destiantion, Clu collapsed and he chuckled when he hit the floor, "Damn..haha.." Clu said while coughing up blood. "I'll..be..fine.." Clu then pasted out..blood trailed through the snow making the snow look like veins.
Feels the little pup nudging her. Slowly opening her eyes and lifting her head she looks at him, hurt filled her eyes but whether it was for her or the pup was unsure. The pup was tiny and malnourished,"hey... I'm alright, are you hungry?"
Clu was unconsious, but having horrible memories of his past. Clu heard the screams and people dying, he rushed through people trying to get to the house in time "Where is she! Where is my wife!" Clu yelled at a friend, his friend pointed down to the house that was being bombed and shot at, Clu hawled ass to the destination, he ran up to a guy and tore right through him and fighting off these people trying to kill his family and his people. "CLU! HELP!!" he heard, Clu looked up and saw his wife scream his name and someone was grabbing her and pulling her aside, "NO!!" Clu yelled and ran to her trying to fight them off. The other people, these military guys, grabbed him and pinned him down, "You'll watch and see what I'll do to your wife and family and to your people!" the man said, the man grabbed his wife and put a knife to her throat, "NO!! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!! NO PLEASE DON'T!!" Clu yelled at him, the man just stood their and smiled and slice his wifes throat. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!" Clu yelled and had a horride roar to it, they scattered and sworn all around, facing him, and they started firing which didn't help, he turned into a hidious creature and started tearing them apart and saw the man who killed his wife, and chased after him but was too late, he already got away.

Clu turned back to his origanly self, and ran to his wife, "Olivia! Oh god baby! I swear to god I will avenge you death! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE!!" Clu said while pressing on her stomach, she was pregnant, and he lost the baby.

Clu moved around and mumbled in his sleep not knowing he was doing so.
Shadow nodded and gave a single wag. He wiggled himself out from under her arm and climed onto the big cats back and layed down looking down at her from ontop. He stumach growled as he lay there looking at his new friend wrinkling up the top of his head.
Stands up and stumbles around for a couple seconds. The pup was thin, she needed to hunt. Flicks her ears back and laughs as the pups stomach growls, "alright, lets go shall we?" Turns around and grabs the pup gently by the scruff and starts to jog off into the woods. Crinkling her nose at the wolf stench she accidentally lets a hiss escape.
He lets her pick him up and as they walk he watches his feat dangle over the ground until he heard her hiss. He looked back trying to figure out what she was looking at, 'Could it be blood scared? If its Dekota we are fine.' He thought as he looked around trying to see if he could figure out what she was hissing at. He didn't bother asking because she couldn't respond anyways. He ended up getting board and looking back down, entertained by his feet slowly swaying back and forth with eat step.
"Kid, stop or I'm gonna drop you." She snarls slightly through her teeth. Loosing her grip she tosses him up and catches him lightly in her jaw. The kid was tiny and obviously bored. Starts to run a little faster picking up the scent of prey.
He laughs as he is thrown into the air and caught again then they start to run. It hurts a little as they run because she had to tighten her jaw a little and each time she hit the ground it would pull at his scruff. He let out a small whimper but tried to hold most of it back knowing it was the only way she would be able to get him food.
"I'm sorry kid." Hearing his whimper slows and sets him down. Nudging him with her nose, "you okay?" Lifts her head quickly and sniffs the air, squirrel.

Looking into the near by tree spots it, "stay kid alright?" Runs to the base of the tree and scales it quickly but silently. Knocking the squirrel off the tree looks down at it and jumps. Her paws land squarely on its chest with a loud crack. Picking it up she carries it over to the kid. Slashing a claw down its side letting the warm blood ooze out and looking at the kid," this okay?"
He nods when she asks him if he was all right but she had already jumped up a tree and was aiming at a squirrel. She easily caught it and walked over to him. Cutting it open she asks if it was ok and he nodded with his tail wagging. He loved squirrel and dear, though it didn't matter, he was hungry.