Wolves on the loose

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( Ummm.........did everyone not notice the post where Tsumitai, you know, passed out? To be honest, she did lose A LOT of blood. Her neck was constantly bleeding, not to mention the new wound she was given on her side...)

Tsumitai let out a puff of air, trying to push herself up again. It was hard to move, and the cold that she usually welcomed pushed it's way into her bones. Her warm blood had gone cold, leaving a crimson shell over her body. She knew she should switch to wolf form, where she'd be far more comfortable, but she couldn't. With a second push, she was on her feet. She didn't want to look at her packmates. Her tears had long since dried, but she still felt sorrow. She wanted to sling away into one of the dens, but she didn't have one. She spent all of her time patrolling, hunting, and fighting that she usually just slept in the forest. Now she was too weak to even change forms. The weak are outcasts; unworthy of the name Blood Scared.
Avalon coughed and let out a sigh. Her red hair was darker, her skin was paler, and her lips had a blue tint. "Yeah, I'm fine," she muttered and stood up. Avalon gave Eclipse his jacket back, grabbed a fistful of her own hair and twisted, water draining water. As she did, she caught a strong smell of blood, causing her stomach to churn in disgust and frown.
Stops running when she reaches a clearing. Stops to catch her breath and looks around. The trees where bright green despite the gloom. She had just walked away without leaving a scratch on the petty wolves, what was wrong with her?!

snorts and lets the puff of air float up in the chilly weather. The coat of the cat burst out into a bright fire for a short while then there stood a girl. Blaise let her dark brown hair fall from the messy pony tail it had been in.

"The wolves have become weak." She mutters to herself taking a hair band from her wrist and retying her hair. Looks up and spots a nice tree to nap in and scales it easily. Clearing the branch of snow she lays down letting her tail hang down like usual. "Weak wolves.... easy prey." She mutters half shutting her eyes.
Eclipse looked at avalon as he spoke. " whats the matt... " he sniffed the air as he smelled the blood he looked over to avalon. " Your hurt maybe we should find a nearby shelter .. " He said as he looked at avalon straight in the eyes.
Opens her eyes abbruptly, that smell what was it? blood, Her nose filled the metalic smell. Grinning as a growls rises in her throat. Sniffs the air again, deepere this time, "Ooh whats this?" Jumps off the tree branch, "Wolves blood" Lands squarly on her feet and starts to creep towards the smell.

Getting closer she crouches down behind a bush and looks at the two wolves. "Oh what fun do we have here?" She mutters under her breath peeking between the bushes. The she wolf was injured and they where both wet, that much was obvious. But wait, wasnt that she wolf part of that clan? "Mustve broken down." She says to no one in particular.
Eclipse stoped what he was doing as he sniffed the air catching a wiff of a scent he is not to familear with..... A feline.. He turned his head as his bright ice blue eyes scanned the area . " Who ever you are get to where i can see you! " He demanded as he stepped infront of avalon.
Lets a low grow mixed with a laugh escape. "petty wolves, dont think you can order me around." She stands up hands on her waist looking at them. "now isnt this cute? two love birds." Smirks at them as she steps out of the bushes. "i just love the taste of birds."
Eclipse took a defenseive fighting stance. " Leave the girl out of this she is allready hurt enough now go back from where you came from... "
"Oh sorry hun," takes another step forward and shifts into the cat. "I dont think i can do that. You see, your kind are the reason I dont have a place to stay!!" She snarls advancing and slashing at the wolves face then springing backwards. "and i cant just let that go!" Snarls again fangs barred, she wasnt letting this one get away.
Eclipse changed into his wolf form snarelling as he bared his own teeth the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as blood dripped from his maw. " I SAID GET OUT OF HERE!!! " This time he was getting really mad he felt a heat flush over his face as he started to see red.
Grins with an approving look. This wolf was rulled by anger, or so it seemed. Whatever he was thinking it was controlling him fully, "tut tut wolfie such manners." Walks in a circle a safe distance away from the beast.

Straightening herself she sits back on her hind legs and looks at him, "you think youre in the right here? well ok then, but lets not jump to conclusions." Grins at waits for him, in all his seething rage to attack her.
He holds himself back as he started to calm down. He looked straight at the cat blood still dripping from his maw. " What do you want and if it's the female i say no you can't have her. "
((Cmon gimme more to work with please))

Glares at him, "what not mad at me? the one who kills off your kind yearly? oh no?" stands keeping both eyes and ears focused on him. his anger was subsiding this would not do. "And yes, i have come to kill off the weak." Looks around, " i think that means," Steps foward intentionally licking her chops and staring at the girl, "HER!"

She lunges out appearing to go towards the girl but over shoots hits the ground and bounces back landing on the males back. Digging her claws into his back she snarls, "For all that have come before me!! you will die!"
Feeling the cat land heavily on his back and the claws raking through his skin Eclipse takes off in a full sprint. Crashing into the woods he feels the branches whack at his face. Turning to looks back at Avalon he shouts "AVALON I WILL BE BACK!!" As he keeps running he lets out a long howl. The other members of his pack would come and fight.... he hoped

As the creature hung onto his back he ran fast and faster. He wouldnt risk avalons health, she was already hurt enough. Snarling at the feline he stops and slides to a skidding halt throwing the creature into a tree.
This scene was far too sappy for Dakota at the moment. He looked around quickly to see if he could locate the monster.She couldn't have just left but he found her across the cold river. Shrouded in a mysterious mist, the deer had come back to flock around her and they all stared at Dakota. The monster didn't look violent, but he knew even monsters could be deceiving. To his own surprise, the monster gave a nod and a small nudge towards the other end of the open field. Where the deer looked content and well, but she must mean the forest the wolves dare not go. He swallowed his fear and trotted across the cold river towards her. He expected the deer to run but they treated him like he was one of their own. He smelt no fear between them. He took a seat in front of the large monster, he felt like an ant compared to her size and it hurt his neck to stare up at her. "I need to speak with you" He said calmly as the deer began to walk in a small group into the woods. The monster began to walk with them and Dakota froze, that was the forest of demons.

Gaia Rae was ready to discuss with this wolf. He deserved answers to his questions, all things in nature deserved to know their purpose. She began to lead the deer into the forest, no wolf dared to go into the woods alone. But Dakota wasn't alone was he? The deer trusted Gaia's judgement, if she decided that Dakota was a deer, he was now a deer in wolf form. She stopped and turned her neck to see him, wide eyed with fear staring up at the big trees
"I give you my word, you will not be harmed by these forests. You are with a monster now. You have saved your alpha from getting killed. That compassion is enough, I will answer your questions. Come" Gaia watched the small wolf pad to her side and keep a relatively close distance to her. He had guts, she had to give him that. The forest was dark, the moon rarely shined in a place so feared. But little fireflies flew in a line on both sides. As if they were making a path to the answers. Gaia walked slowly, her eyes never leaving the deer as they flowed between the trees "You are troubled wolf. This has nothing to do with me does it?" Her voice was soft, full of wisdom and curiosity.

"I almost killed my mate. I feel angry, like a demon that refuses to leave, then I feel alone. Like I'm not where I belong, some part of me is missing. I need to know why. My pack believes you are the reason I am slowly going insane. That you have caused this" Dakota cranned his neck to look at her, then to the deer, the fireflies that seemed to lead them to a secret place only they knew of. This forest scared the alpha, it was different to be in a place alone.

"You run by a different set of rules and responsibilities. I should be to blame. But I stand for the balance of nature. The first time I layed eyes on you little wolf. I knew you had unresolved problems in your life, things your own mate doesn't understand. Your pack is strong, they hunt and thrive for themselves everyday. They live for a purpose and the alpha's keep that purpose alive. It's what you are alive for, whether you realize the purpose or not. My purpose is different and it gets mistaken for something else." It wasn't far into the forest but with her walking slow so the wolf could keep up with her was taking too much time. But they were almost to safety and almost to the right answers. Only in time. "My purpose is to keep the balance of nature alive. The trees and animals that reside in them are my pack, I gaurd them with my life everyday and I will keep doing so until the day there is nothing left to protect. I protect the chaos, the peace, and the hope of animals. Even wolves. This is what I do and this is why I am a monster, your kind doesn't understand what I live for. I cannot change what you all know, I am different in every way, a hybrid, a chimera, a monster. I am a protector as you are to your pack. Your insanity is what you make of it. I told you mentally what to do and you took it the way you wanted. You took it as insanity, so it must be"

"What about my dreams, you have been giving them to me. They aren't nightmares but they aren't what I want" Dakota sucked everything she said into his mind. But he heard her chuckle softly and his head went to examine her once more. He was no longer angry he couldn't be. Her voice and presence was so calming. He felt completely at ease with the world, so free.

"Dakota, they are your desires. I simply brought what you have been hiding out. You want to be free once again, to be yourself without responsibilities. It's what you want, to be free means to be with your sister and her daughter once more. That is what you want, you want her home and you know that she is the missing part that you are feeling. If you tell yourself that you want her there then it must be true"

Dakota froze "Are you saying I need to leave my pack to be at peace with myself??"

"No, I am saying do what you feel is right. Find your sister, regain that missing part of you and them come home"

Dakota understood now. He felt renewed and he knew it would be hard but he had to get what he was missing. He turned and without a second thought gave a goodbye to the monster and ran as fast as he could out of the forest. He had new meaning. He felt bright and ready for any obstacle. He needed to tell Sang his news.
Slams into the tree, knocking the wind out of her. "that its little wolfie" She gasps standing shakily on her legs. "I'm going to take that weak little she wolfs life, dont think you can stop me either." She snarls.

What better way to get back at the wolves than take what they love most, their packs. Destroying a pack would take time but she had patience. Staring him in the eyes she grins, he was desprate it would make him sloppy. "Dont think those other wolves can help you much either, i out run everyone in this forest."She snarls and takes a shaky step forward. she needed to make quick work of him before the pack got here.
He thought this throughly as he looked to the left he saw another tree right there he looked to his right and saw a tree there too, he moved swiftly as he jumped into the air he then placed his paws on the tree to his left bounced off of that and made his way to a tree branch atleast three feet above the ground. He transformed back into his human form but this time he had a weapon in his hand a rather blunt object. " C'mere kitty kitty. " he said as he kneeled down on the branch.
((this cat is panther size -_- plus what branch is 3ft off the ground? \(0.0)/ just saying))

Snarls at him and jumps straight up into the branches above her. Looks down at the boy she bursts into flames. When the flames subside there stands Blaise in female form, ears alert and tail flicking angrily. "Kitty huh? well MUTT dont mess with this cat" She snarls and leaps to the branches above him.

grabing on she flips and lands on a branch diagonal to his and behind him. Kicking out she shoves him off his branch. as he falls she drops to the ground and stands over him when he lands making sure he cant move. "too easy" she mutters bending down and grabing his hair to look him in the eyes.
He looks her dead straight in the eyes keeping his grip on the blunt object, " You think you have me?.... Think again! " He said as he struck the female who is attacking him in the back of her knee makeing sure to injure it to the point of almost being useless. He pushed the female off of him as he quickly got up and ran fast into the bushes to take a knee for as long as he could before standing again looking aroun to see which way she would come from. " Cmon cmon...... "
Falls to her good knee keeping pressure of the other. Glares at him as he disappears, "coward!!" she screams. Almost to the point of tears she stands, looks up at the branches again. Crouching down on her good legs she jumps off it awardly and grabs the branch closest to her. Sitting on the branch she looks down, she was directly above him. "hmmm."

Climbing out to the edge of the branch she swings down the one under her and so on and so forth until she close enough to hang down and grab the boy. Sees his back turn to her position she snarls and jumps out.

Grabing his back she wraps her legs around his legs and yanks them out from under her. careful not to but pressure on her bad knee she places his hands squarly on his back and spins on them, knocks the object out of his hand with the boot of her heal and then lands holding down his legs.