Where you from?

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I am actually from Hong Kong, a small village / community bit that is close to the border between HK and China. ^^ You see, from where my house was, you could just walk for a couple minutes and then you'd be at the wee bit where you cross over to China.

Though, me and my family moved to Scotland when I was a few years old and I've been living here ever since. Due to the fact that I came here very early in my life, I have picked up on a lot of british / scottish habits. For example, I love tea and must have a cup every morning or I become a grumpy Moxie and no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy. xD
Oh, wow! I visited Hong Kong back in August to see my grandparents who also live in a small village that is close to China. I must say, it's an awesome city.
Oh cool!

Hardly payed attention to HK as much as I probably should have when I visited with my uncle, but I was a wee lad then, I didn't care that I was halfway across the world, I was sleepy the whole time. The city was so pretty in the rain (Not sure if it's childhood memory intensification but everything had a sort of calm blue tone) ... However, the main issue actually was the rain, some days we actually wanted to make it back to the hotel dry, you know. Besides that we couldn't read Chinese and we couldn't understand Cantonese, but those were just minor inconveniences.

And then there's Scotland, Something keeps telling me it's very cold.

Haha, well, I went back there for a holiday earlier this year, and it was astonishingly hot. At least in my terms. ^^; Also, HK now has many places / signs with English translations.

It really is. Today, it hailed for an hour before a thunderstorm took place for 30 minutes then it was just incredibly windy for the rest of the day.

Oh, wow! I visited Hong Kong back in August to see my grandparents who also live in a small village that is close to China. I must say, it's an awesome city.

Awesome! It is, it's got a lot of places that would be ideal for visitors.
I demand that the title of this thread have the word "Bitch," in front of it and an exclamation mark at the end.
I was born and raised in California :) It's alright, though it does get pretty hot here in the Summer ; w ;
*appears in an aggressive ray of sunshine*


*Australian laughter*
I'm kidding. We're actually having a weird summer at the moment. Storms everyday. It's usually 35 degrees but not this time.
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Saskatchewan. If you know where it is either you're Canadian or I am impressed.
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Though, me and my family moved to Scotland when I was a few years old and I've been living here ever since. Due to the fact that I came here very early in my life, I have picked up on a lot of british / scottish habits. For example, I love tea and must have a cup every morning or I become a grumpy Moxie and no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy. xD
How many people have you stabbed in the back with a knife? Been stabbed yourself?

I'm from Norway.
The glorious state of Wisconsin is best state.
Western Pennsylvania, I don't like associating with the Eastern half.
Swedentown in Swedenland in Scandinavian Europe, glorius Sverje and Välfärd. Heja kungen och knegen och Zlatan.
Pio XII, Brazil. Tiny city, rural, there's nothing really special about it. Nothing. Drugs are being a big problem and the police isn't doing much to help. It's pretty hot here, and the rains haven't been around (rain season starts 21/12). Today was 37ºC, so yeah, pretty hot. It's mostly a poor community, small, nobody asks any questions. The turism is non existent. Welcome.
I Live in a Russian hospital
You live in a hospital, you have a cat named Neko, and your hero is Aristotle.

Geez if you ain't something bright and cheerful, despite whatever it is that's got you stuck in a hospital. :bsmile:
Noooooor caaaaaaaaal
Yes! I can't stand it here. I wish I could go back to my homestate of Connecticut or back to New York. Oh New England how I miss you...
I'm getting the hell out of here February of next year! I can't wait. It's not coming fast enough for me.
I'm originally from the heroin capital of the United States.....A.K.A hell on Earth, A.K.A the worst place in existence, Baltimore. Oddly, as much as I hate it, it's where my family is which is the only reason I'm going back.
Wait a tick...you're from Baltimore??? My god...we're so close to one another.
I'm from Nebraska. I have lived in California and I currently reside in Florida.


No... really.. Nebraska is full of creepy old men. You done good to escape .-.
You live in a hospital, you have a cat named Neko, and your hero is Aristotle.

Geez if you ain't something bright and cheerful, despite whatever it is that's got you stuck in a hospital. :bsmile:
Thanks I've got multiple heart defects much physical trauma could kill me...

Glad I'm an optimist!