When Worlds Collide; A Multi-Fandom Roleplay

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Marth smiles as well*. Do you want to have a friendly sparring match perhaps then? After all it is unwrapped, now would be as good a time as any.

Marth nods and prepares, a mage setting up a magic ring on the ground to serve as a sort of arena, the circle having no other effect* so, are you ready?"
- Yilsse -

The Doctor watched Nina with intense fascination and astonishment, "Does your sister have the same power?" He asked.

Robin watches as well, perplexed by the masked figure, wondering who they really are.

Chrom goes inside with Katniss, prepared to get her equipped with something she likes.

Barren hummed inside his helmet, which sounded a bit odd. He staggered along, looking for Marth, his new friend. He saw them about to fight. "What the... the hell's going on here?" He drew his sword, though he could hardly stand, let alone fight.

Marth looks over and notices Barron, starting to look a little concerned* hold your ground stranger, this is but a friendly bout!"

"Oh." Barren tried to sheathe his blade, and ended up dropping it.

"Oh." Barren tried to sheathe his blade, and ended up dropping it.
(Watch this video, the dropped Sword will be important. ^^ at about 0:58 is the english)


(S)he Prepares to Fight Nina. "Who takes the first move, Nina?"
- Yilsse -

The Doctor looked towards Barren and shook his head, "Nothing much." He simply said, before giving the knight an odd look. "Are you feeling alright?"

Barren looked over. "I'm fine. I just have no idea where the fuck I am, the whiskey here is god-awful, and no one here can sing to save their lives." He swayed a bit before deciding to sit down.
- Ylisse -
Katniss followed Chromatic quietly, glancing around. "Wow, quite the assortment..." She commented. Where was she supposed to look?
Chrom smiles and nods, gesturing kindly over towards some more higher end Archery Equipment. "Why not over here?"

Marth nods, before Swinging at Nina in a very Controlled fasion, one indication of just how much mastery over her sword she has*

Robin helps Barron sit* "Whiskey? I'm afraid I don't know the confection you speak of."

Robin Chuckles a bit* You must be drunk. I don't think I have ever seen someone More direct and to the point."
Nina dodges and launches at Marth and swings the chain roughly.
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