What One Thinks is Only A Monster...

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Raz ruffled his wings behind him, then tilted his head.
It was an obvious sign that he wasn't a 'human man' so the rules didn't apply. At least in his own mind.
"Why can't I? You looked like you liked it."
The boy took another few seconds before responding again.
"Do you need to mate? There are a lot of females here..."
Raz grinned and got up to glance out the window.
"I think they would like to breed you."
You forgot the 'with' Razzy, but close enough.
The man grumbled again, clearly not happy about this situation. The more the pup talked about mates and breeding, the faster the hunter started to rub the bridge of his nose, finally just pinching it altogether. With a slight shake to his head and a short sigh, "Listen, humans don't work like that Raz. We take a long time to find a mate, a partner." Looking back up to the boy again, "And men don't just go out and have sex with any woman they see, it's just...*sigh* Maybe it's too much for you to understand right now..."

The hunter turned and started busying himself with taking out one of his knives and cleaning it to get his mind off sex and everything that came with it, having gotten hard just having to think about it right now after being touched like that.
Raz tried to think about what Eska said but it wasn't really making much sense.
His body had reacted correctly when he grabbed it, the boy could smell the pheromone on him that basically shouted that he wanted to breed...
So why would he not just go find a female?
Surely there can't be some type of alpha thing for humans, right?
Maybe one had a couple females but surely they couldn't own a whole town of them...

Well, when you didn't have a female...
Razgul walked over to Eska and slid his hand into his pants from behind.
"You want to breed...can use Raz till Eska finds a female he likes."
He made sense to himself...Eska said he couldn't just go get a random female but surely his pet male belonged to him thus he wouldn't have to fight someone else to use Raz.
Whoa! Not smart to do while he was cleaning his blades Raz. Eska jumped up from the bed, eyes wide and his hands automatically holding out the knife he was in the middle of cleaning in a defensive stance. "What in the world do you think you're doing, pup? What did I just tell you about human males?"

Despite the protests, it was rather obvious he was aching for more touches, his shirt hem having gotten stuck in the band of his pants. The man shook his head lightly not believing this was happening right now. He'd trained lots of animals for different purposes, but Raz was different, and every time he forgot that, the kid managed to remind him in some of the oddest ways. This was definitely one of those times. Briefly something crossed his mind, maybe he needed to think of Raz more as a person than a pet, but it only crossed for now.
Raz 'hmphed!' and sat down on the floor in front of Eska.
"I knowww. But you said with females.
I'm not a female so why would it matter?"
Hmm...maybe he shouldn't have taught the boy to talk so well.
Then he couldn't argue with what Eska said cause he wouldn't understand it much to begin with.

Then an idea crossed the boy's mind and he grinned.
"Then go outside tonight and find a female. Do what you humans do to court them, then mate?"
The hunter finally realized he was brandishing a weapon at the boy and stood up straight, dropping the hand with the knife loose at his side. Sighing he shook his head at the pup at his feet. "Just...let me take care of it in my own way alright?" Yea, definitely wasn't sure at this point if teaching him better English was good or bad, certainly had both advantages and disadvantages it seemed. Though what the boy said had some clout, he could find the local brothel easy, but he wasn't quite comfortable leaving the kid alone in a city either. This was going to prove a problem perhaps.

As he sat back down on the bed continuing his cleaning without looking at what he was doing, his eyes on Raz, "If I tell you to stay in the room tonight, to not go out anywhere and be good, can you do that?"
The boy nodded once to the first question, then again for the latter.
"I can stay here if Eska wants me too."
He ruffled his wings a bit to press against his back more comfortable.
"Can go now, master. Razgul will wait here, get a pretty girl!"
Oh yes, he knew what the guy was going out after.
Well now he just felt awkward...like he was scheduling sex instead of just letting it occur. And hold up, what did the kid just call him? Master? Where in the world did he learn that one!? With his brows furrowed the man nodded, "Yea, I'll go later, but first, why did you just call me that? I never taught you that word. You've always just called me man, hunter or by my name." This was really weird to him and it definitely showed as he looked over the pup.
The pup grinned and pointed towards the window.
"People walk around behind each other. Some says 'yes master' but always one following.
So you are master to Razgul."
The boy nodded, thinking that was perfectly logical.
Well, it technically was but still, weird.
"I follow master Eska so." He shrugged, cutting off the sentence to leave it hanging.
Hanging his head, the hunter laughed a little then burst out entirely. It was funny how quickly the kid learned, and tried to learn things on his own, like a sponge. The boy really was closer to a human in many regards than the wolves like he'd originally thought. Reaching down with a smile, he pet the top of the pup's head, "Alright, but don't call me master okay? That's slaves, you're...different than that." the man was still smiling but seemed to be checking for an understanding. He didn't hold out high hopes though, as he was certain there was nothing like slavery to the boy's species.
"No understand slaves but different okay. Eska."
The pup seemed a bit confused but didn't want to argue.
So master was only used for certain things and he wasn't that thing. Okay.
He nodded and then stood.
"When Eska comes back we sleep together?"
Well, there was only one bed so that didn't really mean anything pervy to him.
He had to chuckle a little and nodded, "We'll see." He'd gotten used to the kid curling up next to him or in his lap these last few weeks, it wasn't an unusual request, except that it was the first time the kid had actually ever asked to do it.

After another hour or so, the hunter went downstairs and brought up for Raz a bunch of pastries and different foods he knew Raz had never probably tried before, as if he felt guilty for leaving him and was trying to bribe the kid to be good while he was out. After assuring the pup, like a mother hen, several times over that he'd be back soon and to not leave the room for anything, the man finally left to go get "things" taken care of.
Raz behaved himself real well and was actually a good puppy while Eska was gone.
He ate the pastries and actually used the bathroom!
Yes, potty training was a bit harder than language for him.
He wasn't to keen on sitting on a weird wooden or plastic thing to go bathroom.
Why should he when there were woods only a few blocks away?
But still, he said he wouldn't leave and he didn't.
The boy would be waiting on the bed, reading one of the books Eska had bought him to help with understanding.
Of course he didn't get it all but that was part of the learning.
The man was gone a few hours, having left before dark, it was night by the time he'd returned. He'd started off with a few drinks to loosen up, which felt good. At the pub he'd also heard stories of a creature that was causing havoc on a small farming village nearby, something that was killing the dogs and cats, anything that was smaller prey, but leaving most of the carcass intact. At first the townsfolk thought it was some kind of fox, but it didn't seem to be killing for food. The other strange thing was that all the dead animals had no blood, completely drained without a drop spilled. Eska wanted to check this out, it sounded interesting. After getting drunk enough, he'd made his way to the whorehouse and, like he said he would, took care of that little problem in his own way.

By the time he got back to the room, he was in fairly good spirits. Opening the door the first thing the hunter did was sit down on the bed with a long sigh. He didn't act drunk, as most of that had worn off and he held his alcohol very well, but his cheeks had the slightest flush to them still.
The boy could smell Eska coming from a few yards away, before the door was even opened.
He put the book down on the bed, not really minding if the page was lost.
Then a few seconds later the hunter came through the door to plop down close to his feet.

Raz grinned and crawled over to him, sniffing lightly.
"You smell of drinks and sex."
Guess he had actually done what he said he'd do.
Too bad Raz's species didn't have something like a brothel.
That would be awkward...

"So, sleep...?"
The pup was tired but if the other wanted to stay up or go out again he wouldn't argue.
The man grinned a bit over to the pup, ruffling the kid's hair as he kicked off his boots and promptly laid down, stretched out on the bed. "Mhmm, sleep time. Good boy for staying put." his eyes were closed the second his head hit the pillow. Eska might be used to sleeping out doors, but nothing beat getting a couple nights in an actual bed with a pillow and blankets, especially after a night of drinking and fucking a woman till she collapsed exhausted. (>.>)
Someone was a tad bit horny.
No wonder Raz smelled more sex then alcohol on him.
Either way, the pup slid easily underneath one of Eska's arms to nuzzle right up against him, head on the pillow and everything.
The kid gave a few small licks to the man's cheek, feeling the heat coming off of it.
He was still drunk...good thing he was asleep then.

Heh, wonder what the pup would act like drunk...
If Eska had his way, it would be a very long time before the boy got his hands on any alcohol. The hunter slept until half the next day was over, ending up curled around Raz over the course of the night, snuggling the boy up close to him. When he woke, Raz was still there next to him and he had to push him off to stretch and get up. Shaking his head, he sat on the edge of the bed. He'd fallen asleep with everything but his bow, quiver and boots on, so there was a large area on either side of his hips that was sore where the sheaths had pressed hard against him.

As he removed the weapons, he groaned rubbing the sore spots through his pants. Yea, that was gonna bruise and not even for a good reason.
Raz awoke when he was shoved away.
Well, that wasn't very nice, especially since it landed him on the floor with a 'thud'.
He was still a bit asleep when he sat up and yawned widely.
Then the smell hit him and he blushed, looking away from the hunter.
"Bath...you smell like mating..."
Razgul was an adult male of his species now, and had previously been an alpha, the ones allowed to mate.
Smelling it on someone who had just slept besides him all night was a bit weird.
Yeah, he was turned on but eh, he was just a pet, wouldn't matter.

"Eska...can I go find mating?"
There's plenty of large dogs around, he could just shift and get himself off.
"Yea yea, I know, you should take one t..."the second question giving him pause enough to turn around and stare with a perked brow at the kid. "Are you even old enough for that?"

As he was waiting for an answer, he stripped his shirt off and walked over to the small water basin and poured some fresh water into it. Dipping the cloth hanging near the bowl, he started to wash his top half. As expected, he was rather toned, especially on his arms from the work he did with his bow. "I know you were an alpha and all in your pack, but really? You're like what? twelve?"