What One Thinks is Only A Monster...

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The pup didn't seem to look up as the hunter came near and spoke.
He was nuzzling at several tiny bones with silveryblack fur scattered around them.
The bones themselves were partially white, showing that the pup had been working on them for awhile.
Razgul might not have had any pups of his own but he protected and loved everyone and this little guy didn't deserve to be starved after just being born.
The humans had probably left him because he was too small to really do anything with. A newborn no more than a few days old.

That's when an arrow whizzed past right over his head, clipping a bit of fur on his ear.
Several humans came clambering carefully out of the woods, bows aimed at the pup who didn't seem to even move.
Perhaps he didn't care if this was where he died.
Raz probably though it was fitting that he die where his pack had.
Eska heard and saw the arrow at the same time, immediately turning to it's origins. He called out as the other men came out of the cover of the trees, "Let it be! That's my pet now." His bow was in hand and the man was seriously hoping the four men he just counted respected that kind of thing, or at the very least, hadn't seen him limping through the woods. Not moving from his spot, the hunter stood tall and prepared his bow. He was prepared to fight, but not aiming at any of the other men just at the moment in hopes they'd back down.
The men glanced at each other and laughed.
"Sir, you must have hit yer head! The wolf is a killer! He was the one who had killed over eighteen men in the town and injured several more!
How could you want such a beast as a pet?!
You yourself even shot it before!"
They obviously were thinking the hunter was insane.
Who would want a blood thirsty wolf as a pet?!

Razgul glanced up at the men, pinned his ears and bristled his hackles but didn't growl or charge.
He just wanted his pup's bones to be left alone.
This was no place for humans any longer.
Confidently, as he heard the wolf behind him moving, "A hunter is only as good as the pet he has to aid him, and this one is the best." Yup, totally about to make threats and hoping his bluff wasn't called, or that Raz wasn't going to make it five instead of four. Carefully the hunter's bow lifted, aiming towards the man who spoke, just about gut level so he'd still be alive, as a warning shot to the others.

"There will be four more added to that list tonight if you do not go home and leave this one be."
The pup watched quietly, his eyes narrowing on the humans.

All of them men stared at each other before the bow rose.
Then they stepped back in unison.
One took a hesitant step forward, being smart and keeping his bow down.
He looked at the wolf as it just lay near the others' bones, then back to the hunter.
This was a hard decision but if they made the wrong one another person might die...
"You take it far the hell away from here.
If we see it again it will be skinned and hung with the rest of it's pack."

Razgul started to bare his teeth but remained laying where he was.
He'd understood a portion of that sentence and didn't like what he heard.
Eska knocked his arrow back, keeping aim on the one man, he was entirely silent as his only answer. Thankfully these men had seen his skills a couple weeks ago, the would not question that half of things. Slowly, with much caution, the four men finally retreated. The hunter kept his bow up, aimed at the spot until he could no longer hear the other humans trudging through the woods.

As soon as he felt safe from the other men, his bow lowered and Eska carefully turned around to face Raz again. Silently the hunter stood there, waiting to see if he had another battle to fight, or if Raz would stand down now as well.
The pup remained silent as the humans retreated.
He hadn't been so much defending himself as defending the puppy's bones.
When the hunter turned towards him Raz was already running towards him.
Right before the large wolf would have slammed into the man he shifted and the young human Raz wrapped his arms around his waist tightly.
Burying his face in the others' cloak the kid screamed loudly, the cloth muting the sound for the most part.
He didn't want to be near this human but he was a pack animal and now all of them were dead!
"I 'ate 'umans!" The boy growled loudly against the fabric as his claws fingers dug into the cloth, cutting it slightly.
The man braced himself to get tackled only to have the kid's arms wrap around him instead. Letting his bow drop completely to the ground, the hunter held the pup close. He could feel the kid's pain to a certain extent, having just seen the two creatures closest to him in this world be ripped from him in one way or another in the last week.

Eska made no movements other stroking a hand through Raz's hair softly, trying to comfort him as best he could. He agreed though, "So do I, my friend." maybe it was odd, but the hunter was never really fond of his own species.
The kid was definitely having trouble keeping himself together.
He wanted to just go off and run for hours, or flying for days but all he did was stand there with his arms wrapped around a human.
It was about an hour later that the boy had run out of tears.
He glanced up at the hunter as he stepped back, wiping his eyes with his arms to get rid of the still-wet ones.
Then he just seemed to look confused.

Razgul's eyes glanced around the area they were standing in, then back up to the hunter.
He didn't know what to do now.
He had nothing left except for death here if he stayed...but where would a wolf pup go by itself?
The hunter never let go until Raz actually started to back up. The look on the kid's face was definitely readable, but the man let the pup think for a little bit as he bent over slowly to grab his bow and the arrow he'd dropped. Eska winced a little coming back up, having to steady himself more on the bad leg than he'd wanted to.

Looking back at Raz he made an off-hand comment, "I just told those men you are with me, do you understand? MY pet...until we're away from the village here, they'll have to be shown it's true or we'll both be in trouble." That was when he started to turn and limp back towards the tree line.
The boy listened as Eska spoke, only understanding a few words.
However, he did know what 'my' was and especially listening to it because of the tone of voice used.
Wolves listened to sounds and signals more then human speaking words.
So, when the hunter turned to walk away Razgul followed after a few minutes.
He didn't catch up but walked a yard or two behind him.
The kid seemed a bit dazed still but at least he was following the human instead of going to attack the humans in the city.
It was nearly morning when the pair reached the edge of the road just a few miles south of the Village. The hunter was struggling some, but trying not to let it show. When they were about twenty feet from the road, Eska nearly collapsed, catching himself on a tree and cursing. Slowly he slid down the trunk, holding the injured leg. The man knew he'd pushed it too far, and unfortunately for him, he didn't heal as fast as Raz seemed to.

"We'll rest here today...not sure where to go either, but south is likely the best direction at this point."
Razgul knelt besides Eska when the man fell against the tree.
He eyed the area where the wound was, frowning as a thought hit him.
Without asking the boy reached over and shredded the area over the injury.
Then he was biting at his left wrist until blood pooled and started to drip.
Ignoring any protests from the human he moved anything in his way of the injury and then moved his left hand over the puncture before squeezing his fingers tightly into a fist.
Blood dripped easily into the wound, sizzling slightly at first but then cooling and then numbing the entire area.
The hunter had barely energy left by the time his leg took him down for the day, so when the pup started attacking his pants, the best he could do was swat like a girl at him. At first Eska glared at Raz, his pants ruined, but then he started to watch the kid's action with curiosity. As the blood dripped into his healing wound, he hissed through clenched teeth at first before looking down and inspecting the area as it began to sting less and had less pain.

The man ended up sleeping right there against the tree under the shade the whole day and when he woke the next night, the wound was nearly entirely healed. His brows furrowed, daring to test the strength of his leg. Standing, Eska shook his head lightly, he could put nearly his full weight on it. All that just from a little bit of this pup's blood. A thought crossed his mind, better not let that get out, or Raz will become highly sought after again for the wrong reasons.
That little ability had been previously banned for use in front of or near any human population in fear of that exact thing happening.
But seeing as Razgul had no one left to get hunted he wanted to help the man.
By the time Eska fell asleep his wound had completely numbed.
While the male slept Raz started to lick the wound clean in human form.
He saw no difference from wolf or human in terms of his job so why bother shifting.
Once the injury was nice and healthy looking he curled up in the grass next to the hunter to sleep.

The next morning the pup had some type of plan.
When the hunter woke up Razzy was already up but still remained on the ground.
Looking up at the man he grinned and spoke.
"Can Razgul come with Essa? I...want pack..."
He was acting like a pup who'd wandered upon his pack, wanting a home just for the sake of one.
The hunter squatted down, reaching out to pet Raz and nodding. "Yes you can come with me, pup."

And so they headed further south. The man didn't know where he was going, or what to do with himself now, but he was glad to not be alone. Whenever they stopped for rest, he'd take time during it to try and help the boy learn more words, pointing to the trees or whatever food they were about to eat. Eventually after several days (weeks?) the pair found their way to another small city. Figuring it'd be good for Raz to be around more humans to learn better, the hunter took up a small room at the inn for a while. Maybe while resting here he could figure out what he was going to do now.
As the travels grew longer Razgul learned quite a bit.
The boy picked up on everything he was told and seemed to store it like a book.
Each thing he was asked he answered, his speech became more understanding and correct.
So, once they reached the new city Raz actually could hold a decent conversation with anyone about just about anything he was told.
Now, inside the inn he pushed the hunter lightly down on to the bed.
They'd done this several times during their trips and now the man's leg looked rather good.
However, Raz wasn't satisfied with good, he wanted to make sure it was fully healed.
So, he bit into the scar on his wrist as his other hand slid the human's pants down past the wound.
...at least he doesn't shred them anymore.

Then he was adding his blood slowly.
The man what the pup was planning to do, and didn't fight back. But as he looked around the room, he tried to keep his mind from wandering to thoughts about how awkward this was. He had his pants half down, exposing himself to the boy, who was rubbing his own blood on his leg. Anyone who walked in would be severely confused and likely embarrassed. Hell the hunter was embarrassed just thinking about someone seeing what had become a ritual. He'd told Raz several times in the last couple days that he was fine, but there was something the pup just wasn't satisfied with in terms of the recovery and kept it up.

Eska had to admit, it still felt good to have Raz's blood rubbed into his skin still, which either meant the pup was right that there was still something to heal, or it was acting more like a muscle relaxer, soothing from the long nights of walking or flying on his back. The man couldn't look the kid in the eyes right now, instead watching the door and praying to the gods it stayed closed.
The pup noticed Eska's hesitation and raised his eyes to try and catch the others.
He wasn't looking at him?
That's not very nice...
Well. Razgul knew how to get his attention, just like any other male.

The boy reached up and promptly grabbed Eska's length, hard.
The hard wasn't really on purpose, he just wanted the other man's attention.
"Why your not looking? Need to make sure wound healing."

He was doing much better with his sentences say yay for understanding!
Oh it worked alright, the grab had Eska jump and push the kid off him immediately. He'd managed to pull his pants back up before anything really started to show, and left his shirt untucked to hide any inadvertent excitement being touched had caused. After all, it'd been months since he'd had a woman, and with the kid around all the time, he didn't really have a chance to relieve that part of himself.

Waving a finger at Raz as he stood on the opposite side of the bed, "Don't do that. Human men don't touch that, understand?" but there was still a light flush of embarrassment to his cheeks.