What is your "dere" type?

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What is your "dere" type?

  • Tsundere

  • Kuudere

  • Dandere

  • Yandere

  • Deredere

  • Kamidere

  • Himedere

  • Mayadere

Results are only viewable after voting.
Do you know nothing about the occult power in virgins? Bruh, I'm a demonic overlord god, I've got concubines handmaidens for days if I'm looking to interact with a woman as something other than a source of power to feed on. This is Religion 101 level stuff: virgins = power. Duh.
HEY @Jorick



Total tsundere tactic from them, by the way
HEY @Jorick



Total tsundere tactic from them, by the way
Good thing human sacrifice of any kind is still worthwhile! :bsmile:
I got Dandere. Who would have thought.


A Dandere is often a quiet or antisocial character. A Dandere often wants to be sociable but are too scared or embarassed to talk to others. They often fear saying the wrong thing, or something that may get them into trouble - they will say nothing to be on the safe side rather than embarass themselves of get on someones bad side. Of course, once danderes are befriended, they tend to lose their social inhibitions and become rather cute and happy—especially with the ones they love.

Mayadere is a psudo-Tsundere or a "Tsundere character's scary twin". A Mayadere character does not fall into the Yandere category, it's closer to Tsundere. A character that starts as a villain trying to kill the protagonist but then switched to their side after falling in love with them, but still makes jokes about killing them once in a while...​

Damn, my inner crazy is showing.
I'm going to have to go with belvedere.

A summerhouse or open-sided gallery, usually at rooftop level, commanding a fine view.​

A Dandere is often a quiet or antisocial character. A Dandere often wants to be sociable but are too scared or embarassed to talk to others. They often fear saying the wrong thing, or something that may get them into trouble - they will say nothing to be on the safe side rather than embarass themselves of get on someones bad side. Of course, once danderes are befriended, they tend to lose their social inhibitions and become rather cute and happy—especially with the ones they love.

That is literally me exactly, I swear whoever made this quiz has clearly been stalking me.
And don't just stop at blood and skulls either! I demand virgin sacrifices too. Half of them onto the altar, half of them into my bedchamber. Preferably the bottom half if they're cut in half width-wise, preferably the left half if they're cut in half length-wise, and if you're gonna be cheeky and cut them into front and back halves I'll take the front half. But I mean half a virgin is half a virgin, whatever works. I'm not that picky.

Virgins are overrated

C'mon, your avatar is freaking Littlefingers

You know that
Do you know nothing about the occult power in virgins? Bruh, I'm a demonic overlord god, I've got concubines handmaidens for days if I'm looking to interact with a woman as something other than a source of power to feed on. This is Religion 101 level stuff: virgins = power. Duh.
HEY @Jorick



Total tsundere tactic from them, by the way
It's almost like nobody actually understands anymore.

Here's a lesson I hope you both will hold dear, cause in truth the answer's one that's quite clear...

"Now, I am a dragon. Please listen to me.
For I'm misunderstood to a dreadful degree.
This ecology needs me and I know my place.
But I'm fighting extinction with all of my race.

Well, I came to this village to better my health
Which is ever so poor, despite all my wealth.
But I get no assistance and no sympathy,
Just impertinent questioning shouted at me.

Yes, virgins taste better than those who are not.
But my favorite snack mixed with peril is fraught.
For my teeth will decay and my trim go to pot.
Yes, virgins taste better than those who are not.

Well, I'm really quite kind almost all through the year.
Vegetarian ways are now mine out of fear.
But a birthday needs sweets as I'm sure you'll agree.
And barbecued wench tastes like candy to me

As it happens our interests are almost the same.
You see I'm really quite skillful at managing game.
If I ate just your men, would your excess decline?
Of course not, the rest would just make better time.

Now, the number of babies a woman can bear
Has limits, and that's why my prunings done there.
And an orphan's a sad sight and so when I much.
I'm careful to eat only virgins for lunch" (Claire Stephens McMurray's parody)
Now that you all learned a valuable lesson, I hope you all understand this great session
It's not about power, fortune or fame, It's all about the taste of a sweet virgin dame.

EDIT: I'm also a Kamidere.
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It's almost like nobody actually understands anymore.

Here's a lesson I hope you both will hold dear, cause in truth the answer's one that's quite clear...

Now that you all learned a valuable lesson, I hope you all understand this great session
It's not about power, fortune or fame, It's all about the taste of a sweet virgin dame.

EDIT: I'm also a Kamidere.

This person rhymed

Therefore this person is awesome
Hah. Got waifu material here. Dandere.

Because I'm quietly spontaneous I guess?
Evidently when I actually took the quiz I came up as a dandere.


My colleagues would argue I don't shut up. Heck iwaku would argue I don't shut up.

This quiz is bunk!

Fix it!

Where's my god complex?
Kuddere huh. I can't even get a personality test right I guess.
I'm more of a "Sleeps all day then wakes up to go to eat then returns to sleep"-dere.
Hmm, I don't think the quiz was intended for us critical thinkers.
Unless it mean our "Moe"
Either way, It's still wrong.
Psssh who cares about moe?

MAY WAIFU is where it's at

A Dandere is often a quiet or antisocial character. A Dandere often wants to be sociable but are too scared or embarassed to talk to others. They often fear saying the wrong thing, or something that may get them into trouble - they will say nothing to be on the safe side rather than embarass themselves of get on someones bad side. Of course, once danderes are befriended, they tend to lose their social inhibitions and become rather cute and happy—especially with the ones they love.

Lol of course this was "in all ways possible" intended to just be something fun xD

Not many have been getting "accurate" results it looks like (which is quite amusing) XD
I got Dandere on this test. >:[