"We're Not Insane..Just Broken" The Origins

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(((Not Finished Should Be Finished By Tonight. Needs Tons Of Editing. Need Least One More Person. Got One
Other Person Who Is Joining)))

[BCOLOR=#000000]"We're Not Insane..Just Broken"[/BCOLOR]
The Origins
(^^^Highlight For Full Sentence^^^)

*Naturally all Iwaku Rules Apply
No over kill(Don't kill like ten guards/Docs/Nurses with in 24 hours.)

*Flash Backs(Flash Backs are a big part of this Role Play. It will show your Characters Origins.

*I always feel that if your not comfortable with the Character your playing. You can to start over
fresh with a new Character. Kill off your current character. (PM me for Approval in details ho you want your
character killed off) Max one character start over.

More rules to come​

Quotes Of Wisdom
The Joker

"Remembering's dangerous. I find the past such a worrying, anxious place. "The Past Tense," I suppose you'd call it. Memory's so treacherous. One moment you're lost in a carnival of delights, with poignant childhood aromas, the flashing neon of puberty, all that sentimental candy-floss… the next, it leads you somewhere you don't want to go. Somewhere dark and cold, filled with the damp ambiguous shapes of things you'd hoped were forgotten. Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes. Like children I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can't face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren't contractually tied down to rationality! There is no sanity clause! So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there's always madness. Madness is the emergency exit… you can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away… forever."

"What made you what you are? Girlfriend killed by the mob, maybe? Brother carved up by some mugger? Something like that, I bet. Something like that... Something like that happened to me, you know. I... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha ha ha! But my point is... My point is, I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! Why can't you? I mean, you're not unintelligent! You must see the reality of the situation. Do you know how many times we've come close to world war three over a flock of geese on a computer screen? Do you know what triggered the last world war? An argument over how many telegraph poles Germany owed its war debt creditors! Telegraph
poles! Ha Ha Ha Ha HA! It's all a joke! Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... it's all a monstrous, demented gag! So why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?"

"See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum...and one night, one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape! So, like, they get up onto the roof and there, just across this narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in the moonlight...stretching away to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend daren't make the leap. Y'see...y'see, he's afraid of falling. So then, the first guy has an idea...He says 'Hey! I have my flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!' B-but the second guy just shakes his head. He suh-says... he says 'What do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was half way across!'"

The Plot
You've done it, you've gone nutters, your wires are crossed, Coo coo for cocoa puffs! Delicious cereal by the way! You've gone completely Insane. And who could you blame you? After years of mental and physical torture It was inevitable. These Doctors want to dig deep in our minds and find out what makes us tick?
Shall we let 'em in?
Hell, let's give them a fun story to listen to!
It'll be there last...
Then Onward To Visit Our Old "Friends" Back In The City
What's That? How Will We Escape?
Leave It To Me

***Notes About Role Play***

This Role Is Meant To Be Fun And Not Taken Serious
The Year Is 1998
December 31st
Flash Backs Are Needed To Show How Your Character Came To Be Insane
Needles Filled With Drugs Are Used To Subdue The Patients
Electroshock Therapy Is Hidden Deep Within The Asylum Still In Use
There's Only One Electroshock Therapy
The Electroshock Therapy Is Located Down In The Basement
There's Only One Way To Get To Electroshock Therapy The Elevator
The Doctors, Nurse's, And Guards Are Sneaky Twisted And Enjoy Seeing the Patients Tortured
It Takes Place On An Island Separated From The City

***Character Sheet***​

Patient Full Name


Nick Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Hair Color

Eye Color



Known Allergies

Noticeable Scars, Bumps, Interactions:


Companion(s): None

Johnathan Cove(Main Doctor)
Terry Hillman
Steven Mac
Donna White(Main Nurse)
Jacqueline Amalia
Annetta Bella
Asylum Guards
(Other guards, Nurses, Doctors you may create for a short time to just to have your character "Dispose" of them for Character fun. These Guards, Nurse's, & Doctors are part of the story. Our Characters will deal with them in the end.)






The Elevator Stops In The Dark Cold Silent Basement(All Staff Cares A Flash Light) You See This.
At The End Of The Hall There Is A Small Room That...


waiting On You...


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Neat idea.
I might even have a good character for this. Would kinda fit if she got herself stranded in an Asylum...

Just some general questions (I'm new here, so apologies if I ask something obvious): How many people do you plan to have in the game? When do you plan to start? And how often should be posted?
I think I'd want to try this, though I'm not sure how well I'd do with an insane character.
It does sound fun, though, so I'll definitely do my best if I join. I'll hang around to see the other characters posted, first.

How many people are allowed to join?
@Desperado - GM wants only one more person, but maybe we can change his mind to allow more...?

(come on Desperado, the more the merrier! ♥)
@Plaetzchen I was going to do three. But I am open to have more Six max. I want to start tonight before 12(My time central time) As for how often? I haven't figured that far yet. I do know that I don't want everybody to like post so much and so far that the other person might get left behind. Give me time to figure that out. :)

@Kaz That's fine, I will send you the link to the Role Play so you may watch everybody's and get the feel. Sound good?
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And thing is about this Role Play. Is that I want to make it like a series. To continue just not stay at the same place(So I am hoping with in two months or less) we can get our characters to move on. And bust out of the asylum to the city.
Here is the Character Sheet. Remember Flash Backs of your character is needed in this Role Play.

***Character Template***
Patient Information

When did your character enter the asylum? What date and time?(All before 1999 please?)

Name: Dr. Johnathan Cove Date & Time Month???_199?____

Patient Full Name

Nick Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Hair Color

Eye Color



Known Allergies

Noticeable Scars, Bumps, Interactions:


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Name: Dr. Johnathan Cove

Date & Time of Patient Admittance
December 10, 1992

Patient Full Name
Marcus Todd Bolmon

Nick Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Hair Color

Eye Color


6' 1"

162 lbs.

Known Allergies

Noticeable Scars, Bumps, Interactions
Various scars on arms and legs (self-inflicted)

Parents: Suellen Bolmon (mother), father unknown

Siblings: None

Companion(s): None

Diagnosed: Schizophrenia


Notes About Patient: Does not like to be touched, does not like loud noises
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So I would like to join, it does sound simply too interesting to let it pass. I am not here for 12 central time, would be too late for me, but I should be able to start posting tomorrow. So if that's fine, here ya go:

Patient Information

Name: Dr. Johnathan Cove Date,

Time and Date of Patient Admittance:
2.30pm February-29-1996

Patient Full Name
Dana Cleo Foster

Nick Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Hair Color
natural ash blond

Eye Color


1.59 meter / 52.1 kg

Known Allergies

Noticeable Scars, Bumps, Interactions:
criss cross of scars on the whole of the back and front, varied size between nearly invisible to 47cm length and 3cm width, some minor scars on the thighs
visible, but fairly old burn scar on the right upper thigh




Paranoid Schizophrenia
rare occasional catatonic state


PS: I have no picture yet. Maybe an anime one, but nothing like amberlin
I added a picture. If I should change it to a real photogragh, tell me. I can try to find something.
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I forgot to add Picture if you don't mind add a picture? I totally forgot about that. My honest mistake. >.< I will try my hardest to finish up before 12 to start the thread for ya.
I did a bunch of reading and feel more comfortable with the topic, now. :I I'll put together a character with Dissociative Identy Disorder to post in a bit, if that's alright.
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Also every character has a certain appointment with Doc. John everyday, every post. I will PM each of you your times of appointments. I hope some of your characters are early birds! :)

All characters have a certain appointment time for there time with the Doctor.
As well as time in free time(Like the lobby to just hang out interact with all our characters)
And time to take there meds.
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If Plaetzchen is doing schizophrenia as well, i might change my diagnosis
Also every character has a certain appointment with Doc. John everyday, every post.
Does that mean every post is supposed to be one day? I might have misunderstood that.

Also I added a picture. It's only an anime one, so feel free to critizise and motivate me to look for another one.

And @Amberlin I didn't mean to be the second character with the same diagnosis. C. exists already quite a while, I simply adjusted her a little. Hope you're okay with that.

EDIT: Too slow. If you want to do it, I can think about getting a completely new character. I was deciding on her while you haven't posted yet. I guess I am slow typing.
Honestly I thought about it, and having been in and out of hospitals, no one person has the same problems as another despite their diagnosis. That's just a label anyway, doesn't really explain what the individual goes through, so it's all good. ;)
Well you're certainly right with that, still if you feel like I should change it, tell me. You were first, so you get to choose.
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Nah, it's all good - if this rp was real life, all kinds of people with the same diagnoses would be in it
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