We're in this War Together (AngelFire and CrimsonMaiden)

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Any other time she would have been shocked by the sudden embrace in the dark but this time she was soo grateful for it. Similar situations had happened and she was alone but she wasn't this time. Her mind flashed back to her dream and she grabbed Rikyo's arm, not wanting to lose the warmth that reminded someone else was there. Her eyes were opened now but she could barely see in front of her. The activity outside elicited a gasp from her. Her heart was beating rapidly and her breathing became heavy.
Rikyo could hear her breathing and knew she needed comfort. he moved right next to her and put his arms around her again, this time, keeping them there. "Shhhh." He said softly. There were more booms from outside. His ears went back. The marching feet faded, but the booms were still close. They must have found someone in the shops on the other side of town. One boom was especially loud, making Rikyo jump and tighten his embrace on Isis.
Isis gasped when an explosion sounded and leaned into Rikyo. She had been so confident and sure in her movements but now she was reduced to a child, practically, cowering like one to Rikyo. There was no helping it though; not against an enemy she couldn't run from or fight back against.
Rikyo squeezed his eyes shut. After what seemed like forever, The booming moved away, then disappeared completely. He relaxed, but just stayed still, holding Isis. "That was scary." He said.
Isis slowly opened her eyes into her darkness. It was finally quiet. She blinked a few times then sighed heavily. In her mind she didn't want to go back outside but run up to the room and stay there for as long as they could. She was so glad that she wasn't alone but it was still even more scary for Rikyo, wasn't it? As it occurred to her that it would be so much worse to watch his own kind kill him as opposed to her own death. He was still holding her and she sort of wanted to protest, except that it kept her legs from dropping out from under her. "Is it safe?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"They're gone." He nodded. "You must be shaken up. Are you okay to walk? I know my knees are wobbling right now." He took his arms away, but kept one hand holding her wrist. he just wanted to go back to the room where it was comfortable an safe.
"I-I can manage," she stuttered shamefully. "I think I need a nap after that much excitement..." She felt out for the door and slowly opened it in a crack, making as little sound as possible. She looked back at Rikyo. "Is it bad if I want you to go first?" She did feel guilty about it, but guys go first in dangerous situation. Besides, he could probably take a hit better than a human.
"you're really shaken up. You can barely stand." he frowned sympathetically. He wrapped one arm around her and helped her go out of the closet. "it's fine." he whispered. They started up the stairs.
She would have blushed, if her complexion was light enough, but it only allowed her a little heat to feel her embarrassment. She accepted his support. "Thank you..." Her voice was small, even to her own ears. It was almost shameful how ridiculous she felt now. He seemed all the more helpful for it but she felt helpless and that was not good. She should have been used to this kind of unexpected happening, it was all too frequent in most other towns she had camped out in. Still, she was grateful that he was so kind and not about to judge her.
he let her sit on the bed. "You want something to eat?" he asked, peering into the drawer of food. He kept his voice and appearance calm, even though inside he was shaking with fear.
Isis pulled her feet up onto the bed and hugged her knees. "No thanks... I'm not hungry." She looked at him from across the room. He seemed so calm it just made her feels even sillier for being so easily shaken. "Are you okay?" She was pretty sure he was but bothered to ask anyhow. The differences felt so obvious now. She was a civilian and he had been through training for a war. She put her forehead to her knees and sighed. It wasn't as if she could help it, but it still made her head hurt thinking about it.
He pushed the drawer closed and sat on the bed next to her. "No, honestly, that was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I've never gone through anything like that before." And I was mostly scared for you, for your safety, He thought. I thought I was going to lose you. He stared at the floor. "Not even in training."
She lifted her face to rest her chin on her knees. She still couldn't look at him. "Really... They din't bother with much then, did they?" Her voice sounded a little col but she couldn't help that he shame as coming out in her voice. "Still, you handled that better than me and I've been through things like that a few times. Before I found you, I had just escaped from a group of them and hidden. And then I act like a total coward..." She sighed aloud.
"Keeping yourself safe is not being a coward. It's okay to be afraid."
Isis sighed again and shook her head. "No, I know it's kept me alive all this time but it just felt so terrible back there. I suddenly remembered my dream and I just got so scared." She slowly stretched her legs until they and covered her face with her hands. What was she doing? Was she really going to sit here and wallow in a moment of cowardice? She sniffed then looked up and pushed herself from the bed and stretched. "Okay, it's over, we're safe, they're gone- that's all that matters now. Right?" She put on a small smile then turned to the dresser. "Maybe I am hungry after all..." She took out a bag of chips and ate them as she leaned back against the dresser. Why is it that food tastes so much better when you're emotionally unsettled? She breathed out through her nose and shook her head.
Rikyo didn't know what to say to make her feel better."It's good that you're eating." He smiled and took a chip. He popped it in his mouth and smiled. "Wow! Those are good!"
She nodded. "This is what we call comfort food. At least, my comfort food because there was no ice cream or cookies left in that stupid abandoned supermarket. So now what? And if you say let's go for a walk I'm going lock myself in the bathroom." She wasn't sure he'd pick up on her humor but it made her feel a little better.
"No,no, I wouldn't ask you to do that." He laid down on the bed. "That was exhausting. I think I'm going to take a nap, if that's okay with you."
"I don't mind, go ahead. I couldn't sleep after that. I'll be up in case something happens." She licked her fingers then dug back in the bag. She went to the window and stared out into the empty street where smoke was still rising from the explosions. She was sort of curious if the shop she came across when they first went there was still standing.
Rikyo only slept for a few short minutes, then woke up. He instantly turned and looked around for Isis. "You were alright while I was asleep?" He asked.
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