Welcome Back to the Guild [continuation]

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MK didn't budge when the RPers tried to lure him closer, instead only lowering his head even further, leaving his head and paws cutely poised over the edge of the rock ledge while he held his hindquarters in the air, slowly flicking his tail behind him. After watching them like that for a bit, he stood up again, and continued to nimbly climb along the ledge, moving away from the RPers but parallel to the path in front of them. He walked along slowly, occasionally pausing and craning his neck around to make sure they were still moving.
When Rae mentioned concern over not seeing Magnum, Gwazi looked around quickly to try to spot him before stating "It was unlikely that Magnum and the Cat were to stick together... That or that's where we're being lead". He then observed as MK Ultra was starting walk away from the group, but in a way that very clearly indicated that he expected the group to follow. "Well, our best shot for now is to follow him. Though I suggest proceeding with caution" he then noted, keeping his hand near his sword hilt just incase.
Of course Leon had noticed that the dog wasn't there, or at least wasn't making its presence known in a way as obvious as the soft kitty in front of them. But hey, who cares about dogs, especially ones that could likely just be resummoned at any given time by Gwazi, right? Not Leon, at least not at the moment, especially not if caring about said dog would cause harm to come to himself or his comrades.
Speaking about the soft kitty though, that... was not a way normal cats acted. Then again, it wasn't like MK acted like an ordinary cat at any time in the past, so eh. Well, whatever, it was obvious that the cat wanted them to follow it, so follow it they would. "Yeah, I agree, let's follow him," he said to the other two. "Let me go in front though, just in case". One short following sequence later, the group found themselves near a somewhat familiar cave -- of course, lacking any real distinquishing features, almost all caves would look familiar to the untrained eye, but details.
Rae followed along at a steady pace. she searched the area around them carefully, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but seeing as how she'd only been through this area while unconscious, she wasn't sure what she was looking for. she kept looking and stayed close to the boys, with her spear out. the cat was still leading them somewhere. soon they came to a cave "is that the same cave?" she stepped forward to look inside. she looked at MK Ultra.
MK Ultra nimbly scaled the rock wall until he was on equal footing with the rest of the group, then proceeded to walk into the cave. He walked with clear purpose, almost seeming as if he didn't care whether or not the group followed him, save for when he occasionally paused and turned around to make sure that they were still there.

The cave started to grow dark as they progressed, but, it didn't take long before a soft light became visible in the distance. As the group drew nearer, though, it didn't appear to be the light of day outside. Instead, it seemed to be much dimmer, and not very much like sunlight. It eventually became clear that the glow was coming from another chamber within the cave, rather than from outside. MK entered the chamber, crawling across the rocky floor as the ground below them dipped down to a slightly lower level. Once inside, it became clear that the light was coming from what appeared to be eight portals neatly laid out inside the 'room', all swirling and emanating a soft blue glow. Once MK made his way onto the solid ground, he sat down in front of them, and craned his neck around to look at the roleplayers again.
"I... think it may be?", Leon responded, honestly having no idea whether it was the same cave or not. "Either way though, apparently MK Ultra wants us to go inside, for whatever reason." Maybe that whatshisname-dog was inside? What was he called again? Mag-something, if he re called correctly. Mag...mag..maggot? No, that didn't sound right. ...Well, whatever, the name didn't really matter, now did it?

Following the cat - who, by virtue of being a cat could see far better in the dark than any one of them --, Leon stumbled through the ever-darkening cave. "How deep is this place any-wah!, he said, yelping as he tripped over a loose rock, sending him roughly towards the ground. "Ow... I'm okay! Sort of, at least...," he muttered as he got up. Stupid cat, couldn't you have warned me that there was a rock lying there? Or at least move it out of the way or something... After dusting himself off, he carefully looked at the ground around him to avoid tripping over anything else before following the cat again.

A short while later, a glow illuinated the cavern, actually allowing Leon to see where he was placing his feet. "What the... what is that glow?", he asked. Not that he really expected anyone to know the answer, mind you, but confusion leads to people asking stupid questions. Closer inspection of the glow led to the discovery of a round room with eight portals spread around the walls, apparently the source of the glow in question. "...I'm assuming this is what MK wanted to show us," Leon commented. But where did they lead? Of course there was only one real way to find out, but he wasn't about to blindly jump through a portal either.
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"i guess we follow him" Rae said, going forward slowly, not looking forward to the cave. Leon went first and she followed.
she proceeded to trip several times, at least once she knocked into one of the boys and just muttered "sorry" the place was very rocky and dark and she really didn't like it. her first reaction was to reach out and grab someone's hand but for 1) her hands were busy, 2) she wasn't entirely sure either of her companions would want to hold her hand so she just kept holding the spear and her bag.

she sighed in relief when she started to see light, but it also confused her "where do you think that's coming from? we can't have made it to the other side already" and she watched as the light got closer and they came out into a large room "woah..." she looked around "that answers my question i suppose..."

She took a couple steps towards the closer one and looked it over, "what do you suppose they are?" she felt the urge to touch one but wasn't stupid enough to actually do it, she looked around until she found the cat, just sitting there "you think he wants us to do something?" she walked around to the side of the nearest portal and looked it over again.
Eventually the group ended up returning to a Cave. If it was the same one as before or not though he wasn't sure, however like the others vision began cutting out while in the Cave. He made sure to take it slow as to avoid slipping and falling. As they proceeded he felt a sudden thud, Rae had knocked into him. He helped her back up and said "It's fine, just take it easy in here", and before much longer they made it to the portals. Looking around it seemed clear at this point this wasn't the same cave as before... though they still did have one big question now, where did the portals go? As he began circling the portals, looking for an inscription of some kind he said "Supposedly, he wants us to take one of these portals... Though the question is which".

Then after a sudden pause, one could see Gwazi now apply his palm at his forehead before stating "Wow... I just thought of something now" before opening his notebook. In it he wrote "And then Magnum the Puppy showed up behind the grow in the cave".
"A portal, eh…" Muse contemplated. "And MK was there…" he continued, really just as stuck as Callum in regards to what exactly to do next, except for maybe retracing their steps and trying to find that portal again, if that's how all that worked. What little train of thought he had, though, was quickly thrown off when Callum started to ramble about just how exciting the RP world was in comparison to his dull, normal life. "At least you have a normal life to go back to…" Muse commented bitterly. "I mean, a life like this… yeah, I guess it's cool, having these powers, being whatever I want — but it's not exactly ideal, living in a world where everything around you is as fleeting as a dream, ceasing to exist as soon as people got bored of it. All the characters, too! None of them stick around for too long. Everything here is just stuck in this weird limbo… here one minute and gone the next… do you have any idea how lonely that gets?!" he snapped, before recoiling from his own anger and hesitating a moment before continuing. "It's just… all I'm trying to do is protect you guys and get you back home again, cuz you don't belong here — especially not with GM being… GM." he grimaced. "And… I'm not really very good at that, either… urghh." he groaned, rubbing his palm against his forehead in frustration.

"At any rate," he spoke up. "Let's just… see if we can't find another one of those portal things, eh? Just something that'll get us out of this… decrepit-looking place…"
Just as Gwazi had written, it did not take long before the sounds of another animal making its way through the cave had become audible, and Magnum climbed over the rocks as he entered the same chamber as the roleplayers.

Meanwhile, MK stood up and started surveying the room, walking from one portal to the next, bringing his face close and sniffing them the way cats do. Eventually he stopped at one portal in particular and turned his head towards the roleplayers, meowing to get their attention.
"...Well, we can't exactly play Eeny meeny miny moe," Leon stated. "I mean, I guess I can check the portals one by one, but-", he continued before being interrupted by Gwazi. Apparently he had a plan to solve the problem? Well, as long as it didn't involve him dying unnecessarily, he was all ear to said plan. Not that his ears were going to help him discover what the plan in question was though, because apparently it involved Gwazi writing something in that notebook of his. Not wanting to wait out the result of Gwazi's action, Leon peeked over Gwazi's shoulder to read what he was writing. 'And then Magnum the Puppy showed up behind the grow in the cave'. ...The dog? How was the dog going to help them? "Uhm... Gwazi? I don't want to be a jerk, but how exactly is this going to solve our problem of being surrounded by over half a dozen portals?"

...As it turned out, the dog in question didn't do anything to solve their problems. Instead, the cat, being made out of contentrated pure awesomeness, was able to sniff out the scent of whatever it was searching for. Well, either that, or Leon was reading way too much in his catlike behavior. "Well... I guess that solves that?," Leon spoke, not sounding entirely sre about himself. "I'll go first. If you hear me screaming as I suffer a horrible death, don't follow me." With that, the young man stepped through the portal.

A few seconds later, Leon appeared once again. "It's not a horible death trap from as far as I can tell. At least the air itself is breathable, which is a good thing. Anyway, there's some sort of futuristic RP setting on the other side, which I hope means we won't get attacked by insane tribal idiots. Anyway, shall we go? You too, little buddy, you're part of the crew too," he spoke, the last few words in a high-pitched cat-lovers voice.
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Gwazi looked up and gave Leon a confused look before replying "Um... This wasn't about the Portals. I just forgot about the Book to bring Magnum back", and almost right on cue Magnum arrived to which Gwazi knelled down to begin petting him. It was about this time that the Cat was seemingly referencing a specific portal and Leon took that as a reason to go through and did so before anyone could argue back. So with just him and Rae left Gwazi asked "You know, he could be screaming at the other side, or it be a silent death, or he's not dead but trapped...".

But that ended early when Leon popped back through the Portal and gave them the all clear to cross. "Sci-Fi? Now THAT'S my kind of realm! Technology, Galactic Travel... Who can't love it?" Gwazi rambled as he picked up Magnum and followed Leon through the Portal.
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Rae smiled when the dog showed up "Hi Magnum! I was worried!" she chuckled a little at Leon's response, he didn't seem to really like the dog. then she noticed the cat "MK? what's up?" she was only slightly surprised that she was talking to the animals as if they were people who would actually answer her.

Leon decided he'd go through first "Be careful!" she cried as he went through.
they waited, Gwazi kept talking. she sighed "i suppose"
then he came back "Leon! what happened?" she listen intently "a sci-fi world! wow! and it's safe?" she looked between the two, she smiled at Gwazi's enthusiasm and Leon's cat-lover voice, they were both kinda dorks and she was pretty happy she was with them. "let's go!" Gwazi went ahead of her "Come on MK!" she followed after him and stepped into a new world.
Callum grimaced as Muse went on a small rant about how Callum should basically be grateful with his normal Life. "Oh, Please...You massively overrate how nice a normal life is. Where there's no way to sort things out with fireballs. But rather you are put in a place and expected to stick to that place for your entire life-" Callum looked around. "We are in a spaceship! I know that might seem normal and boring to you. And how you hope for a normal life. But why!? Who cares if this place is chaos. Everything is chaos. this just happens to be chaos where you can shot lasers and control water." Callum took a step forward, before glancing behind him to Muse. "I would gladly swap you" He commented before they continued on.

"GM is a obvious worry, but...I don't think we'll have to worry about him for much longer" Callum turned to Muse with a cold stare. "I'm going to kill him" He said bluntly. Before going back to his normal slightly confused smile.

"This place is nasty all right. Survival rp, probably a monster somewhere at that. Who knows I mean-" Hearing voices, Callum backed up against the wall. Listening in silence, Callum titled his head at the sounds. Familiar voices...

Mentally saying "fuck it", Callum headed towards the voices. A floating ball of ice in his hand, he rounded a corner to see the trio of roleplayers. And MK-Ultra....and a dog, that was new.

"Oh, hey....guys" Callum stared blankly at the five. "How.....are.....you?" Callum spoke slowly. "I'm, uh....not dead. Which is neat"
"Oh. Yeah, we cold've done that right from the start, couldn't we," Leon muttered at Gwazi's words, facepaliming at their collective stupidity. "It would have saved us a whole lot of trouble, that's for sure. That said, yeah, let's go." With that, Leon too headed throgh the portal.

Err, wait. Did this side of the portal always look this way? ...Strange. He thought it looked different the first time he went through the portal. Meh, he probably just didn't look right the first time around. Well, whatever, no sense in beating over it. They might as well look around a bit, to see if they could find out more about whatever this place was. "Hey, MK, do you know where to go ne-" Leon asked, being interrupted by something he heard in the distance.

Wait a minute... That voice. Was that...? No. No way, that was impossible! He'd seen him die, right? But yet here he was, standing right in front of Leon's eyes. "C-Callum? You're ALIVE!," Leon called out, a bit louder than necessary. "How did you get here? Are you okay? Did you see anyone else?", he asked, firing off one question after another in rapid succession.
Gwazi appearing on the other side of the Portal immediately noticed the change of surroundings... Which made sense, they did just teleport after all. At first all he saw was Leon, but almost immediately after a voice alerted him to the presence of others, and judging by Leon's reacting it was a friend, hopefully. However there was also another individual beyond the source of the voice... "Muse! Holy shit I thought you were dead!" Gwazi exclaimed excitingly, thrilled that everyone was still breathing and now reunited.
Rae stepped through and looked around. she whistled quietly. "this is... kinda incredible," she looked at the boys "it's funny i can still get surprised" then she stopped, there were voices. she instinctively pulled the spear up and shifted slightly behind the boys. then she saw them, it was the man Callum that they thought had died, and Muse! she practically jumped "Guys! you're alright!" she smiled wide "what happened to you guys? how'd you make it out Callum? Muse, that was a portal you fell through then?" and she realized she was talking a lot and chuckled and rubbed her head.
Tapping his foot awkwardly, Callum mustered up a smile as Leon, almost shouting, showed his surprise of Callum still being alive. "Yes, I am.....definitely alive. I think" As Leon posed the question of how he survived. "Well, I...um, the thing is, I don't really know. I'm going to go with 'Mystical Magical Force'. Because I still have no idea" shrugging, Callum bit his lip as he thought for the second question.

"I went through a portal. So, yeah. Landed here, which in my opinion is creepy as fuck. We should get out of here. Some weird ass survival rp going on here. Spook-yyyy" Callum shivered a little before looking back at the trio. "But still, glad to see you three are alive. Leon, Rae and-" He stared at Gwazi for a moment, squinting before frowning. "And.....you" Whirling around to face the door that him and Muse had now passed through. Callum seemed to cock his head to one side. "Huh....." He turned to Leon.

"Oh I haven't seen anyone aside from Muse....and MK technically when I woke up. Not dead and all"
Muse clenched his fists, patience thinning as Callum continued to ramble on with his naive point of view. He would have gladly continued to debate the subject, but, when Callum so coldly expressed his intent to kill GM, only to so quickly return to his quirky commentary, Muse decided not to bother. This wasn't just some kid who didn't understand the turmoil of this place — this was a kid who was already far too damaged by it all, and all his talk from before was probably just… coping.

Pulling him away from the thought, though, he then heard what seemed to be a familiar group of voices not too far off. "Wait, is that…" he murmured, before quickly turning the corner alongside Callum. "Ah! It's you guys!!" he exclaimed, thrilled at the sight of the other RPers. "And, when did you get a dog? Oh, it's not important. How did you find u-" he started to ask, but cut himself off as he spotted MK Ultra within their group. "Ohhhh, you must've had something to do with it, huh?" he chirped, smiling as he crouched down to the cat's level, petting him as he approached. "But, yeah, not dead!" he continued, looking up at the RPers. "That wormhole I got sucked into before must've brought me here. Sorry I didn't think to go looking for you all sooner — I didn't exactly expect to run into this guy." he explained, laughing as he cocked his head in Callum's direction. "Sure is a good this we have this little guy on our side, huh?" he grinned, still petting the purring feline.

"Oh, but, yeah, Callum's right — this place is creepy and probably dangerous and I think it would be wise to start looking for a way out." he added, Callum's comment bringing him back on-track. "Unfortunately, we were both pretty stuck on how to do that just a moment ago…" he told them. "But, wait, how did you guys get here, anyway?"
Gwazi pointed back at the location of the portal behind them and replied "That Cat lead us to a series of Portals within a Cave. He entered one of them, Leon followed, then I followed, then Rae followed and then we were all here". He then glanced about their current location briefly before continuing "Did find anything suggesting a way out yet at least? Wind? Distant Light? A Long drawn tunnel?". Just then registering Muse's earlier question he responded "Oh this guy?" picking up Magnum, "this is Magnum. I sort of... Summoned him while trying out his notebook I found. And he's stuck around ever since", he said then laughing from the absurdity of that entire sentence.