We are Overpowered

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Shiro glanced up and laughed "Impressive trick. My turn." he said, having had Stage one running ever since he got down in to the labs, and kept the jump to stage two suppressed. "Can you mimic this?" He asked and stood up releasing his suppress on stage two. His entire body turning to metal, his hair becoming spindled blades, long thin ripping blades forming along his arms and then down the back of his legs. "we all have our powers." He teased and grinned as he walked out through the ruined wall. "I'm Alexander, Though most people call me Shiro as they struggle to pronounce it." he said as a huge pair of metal wings erupted from his back, glittering and clicking. The wings flexed a few times and then settled down, he withdrew the metal on his face slowly to only cover his cheek bones, jawline and the bones around his eyes. "Yeah, playing against Nuromancer, Or Wintermute, whichever you want to call her." He said whacking a side panel forgetting which stage he was on for a moment and popping the welds and causing it to pull free, showing a immensely complex data network hidden behind it. "well crap."
Sounds of metal grating against metal could be heard as her form changed to match yours.
" How do you walk around like this, it's so much bulk. No offense but it is so heavy! "
She dramatically let her arms fall limp, looking like she was a wilted flower drooping over on it's side.
She looked like she was going to topple over any second, though somehow she kept herself composed.
A smile beamed on her face when she straightened herself out, resuming her normal form and leaving the
playfulness behind. She walked up to the computer and gave it a good look.
" well that's your problem, your strategy is all wrong. You need to put the knights out right after you move our pawns
to form a sort of protective barrier around the rest of your pieces. Gives you a huge starting advantage. "
"Because you're using steel. this is Necrontyr." He said holding his arm out and shaking it. "lighter than aluminium, stronger than titanium and steel." he grinned and then struck his own blade against its twin on his other arm, slicing in to both of them. "Best thing about it is this." he said pulling them apart and the metal seemed to regrow in to its proper shape. "It regenerates." he said and the blades melted back in to his flesh, folding away as he pushed the stage down somewhat, allowing him to move normally without having to worry about stabbing her.
"Yeah, you can't do that. because Wintermute just takes them. the AI is practically unbeatable." he said and waved a hand. "Call up replay 41" he said and a replay flickered on to screen, going through the motions of a chess game, moving the knights out first. a loss again. "The Ai was made to never lose, or atleast so I'm told, Its fantastic training for combat strategies though. especially when I play on a timer."
Majin Eve was still walking around with a pizza box held in her left hand, while munching on a slice in her right hand, a cheerful expression on her while doing so. Her cheerful expression dimmed somewhat when she heard footsteps approaching her, extending her senses to feel out the approaching life energies, from what she could tell they didn't feel like a threat, they was no hostility in them. When they strangers got to her and started to walk with her she didn't appear startled as she continued to walk, still munching on her pizza.

'I wonder what they want with me? are they just curious about a pink girl walking around?'

She thought to herself with a smile, swallowing the bite of pizza she had before listening to the one named Alexander Flemming. Eve couldn't help but giggle slightly when he asked if she wasn't a local.

"what gave it away? the tentacle hair or the pink skin?"

Eve said with a smile as Alexander held out a hand to her, she raised a confused brow as she looked at his hand.

'....what is he doing? oh, that hand shaking thingy Trunks showed me'

She thought with a smile, she was about to shake his hand when she realised that both her hands were full.

"uh... oh"

Eve said with a smile as one of her hair tentacles stretched around her head and wrapped around Alexander's hand, shaking it gently as Alexander introduced himself, while he did so her hair tentacle retracted to it's normal length. As Alex spoke a somewhat serous expression took over her features, listening to him, taking a small nibble of her pizza slice.

"yeah... I guessed he wasn't..."

She said mostly to herself when she noticed that Alex was taking his leave, she raised a brow slightly towards him as his sudden departure, he wanted her to follow him, but the one of his assistants gave her a piece of paper with an address and instructions before leaving with Alex. Eve looked at the paper and shrugged before pocketing it, a sudden glimmer of light shone into her eye, she looked to see what looked like a camera looking at her, she quirked a brow before she went on her way, finishing her current slice of pizza before getting another one. A cold shiver ran up Eve's spine, her eye's widening in worry, she then looked up to the sky as she felt an all too familiar energy signature approaching quickly.

"I-It's him, but how?"

Eve said as she visible tensed up, her eye's narrowing, her teeth gritting slightly while she still held onto the pizza box and pizza slice.

"this can't be a coincidence can it? is he looking for me?, how would he know that I'd be here if he was?... can he sense energy?"

She thought aloud to herself as she gulped, worry in her voice. She didn't like this, she still didn't know how powerful she was, and by some strange chance Berk was here, ether way this was bad news, not just for herself, but anyone in the city who might have strong powers. Eve walked into a dark alley, if Berk was looking for her she thought it'd be best to stay out of sight.

'if he is looking for me I can't just be walking around, if he does find me then might ask me more questions that he wont like the answers too... ether that or he'll be very displeased with my sudden departure and try to end me on the spot... both possibilities will no doubt result in collateral damage, putting innocent peoples lives in danger... I... I can't allow that to happen... I have too stay hidden...'

Eve thought in a determined tone as she rested her back against the alley wall, closing her eye's to focus in on Berk energy signature.
Irina shrugged and peeked out. "He's gone. We can get back inside." She left the bush and turned, smiling faintly. "Thanks for getting rid of the body, though."
Alias stared at the girl honestly confused. It was like he was separate from his own mind. "Lauren do you need to see the nurse? Ke Ke Ke." Alias really wanted nothing to do with the girl. She was so rude and this was her first time speaking with the boy. Alias distanced himself slightly from the girl. "I apologize if I did something... Ke Ke Ke." Alias' head bowed and shot back up just as quickly so he could look up. Something powerful zoomed overhead. "...So, I'm sorry... Ke Ke Ke." He looked to Lauren. "Did you feel that? Ke Ke Ke."

His power was rather overwhelming, almost preventing her from sensing other energies. He landed a fair distance from her.


@Eight of Diamonds

He sighed, scratching his head. "Yeah, no prob. Just be more careful, alright? If you threw that body into the other neighbor's yard..."

He stepped out of the bush as well. "We're probably both strong enough to get ourselves, y'know," he said, dragging his finger across his neck. "I'm gonna be careful. I advise you do the same."



Berkaunrora's information was off by a bit. He had set out to find Eve, but ended up landing near Alias's school. "That thing...goes to school? A shapeshifter?" he wondered to himself as he wandered the lawn in front of the school.

Lauren was getting quite frustrated by Alias seeming to just ignore what had happened, oblivious to the fact he actually didn't remember any of it. "Whatever," she grunted, rolling her eyes at his apology. She didn't have any capacity to feel power, though. "Feel what?"
The power was emanating in front of the school and soon the teacher ran outside the classroom throwing a ruler at Alias. "Alias what is my one rule!" Alias didn't even have time to respond to Lauren's disgust. Everything was happening so fast that it pressured Alias to pass out. Mrs. Adams rushed over to his side and carried him on her shoulder. She turned to Lauren with a stern glare. "Get back in the room and behave Lauren. God is paying us a surprise visit." Alias recovered rather quickly. He stood to his feet halting Mrs. Adams. "I really do hate surprises... especially by "Him". Ke Ke Ke." Mrs. Adams released Alias and walked behind Lauren forcing her into the room is she hadn't gone in herself.

Alias stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked over with Mrs. Adams into the room. "Fest. I command thee to forge a gateway! Ke Ke Ke." Alias' backpack unraveled into fest who pranced over and slapped the door with his little stub. Just like that the door turned into a gateway to Berkaunrora's office. A ball of pink energy began to glow in Alias' hand as he got ready for someone to attack through the window. "Fest. Now their memories. Ke Ke Ke." Again Fest floats over to the commanded destination. He begins to shiver with power. Suddenly Fest reaches outward and shadows encase his classmates with the exception of Lauren and of course Mrs. Adams who was surprisingly calm. "Why not Lauren?" Mrs. Adams walked over to her chair and plopped down like this was a norm. "She already contains memories of my abilities in places of her mind I cannot reach. Some things I simply cannot do. Like join God. Ke Ke Ke." Alias' eyes were piercing through the glass as he waited for Fest to finish up.

Mrs. Adams stood back up and walked over to the chalkboard to finish what she was writing for the class before she left to yell at Alias. "I'll play along as usual and will expect work when you return. Lauren take your seat. Do not mention Alias' name in this class again if you don't want to be made a fool of." Fest started to shiver in the same manner again before he fell to the ground slumped over and panting. Alias threw his ball of energy at the door shouting "Destination Switch! Ke Ke Ke" and like that Alias and Fest vanished without a trace. The shadows slowly released the class. They all faced forward like a lesson was occurring and Mrs. Adams sighed calling on a random student who was miraculously able to answer it.

Mrs. Adams didn't seem phased by what just happened at all and in fact was more disappointed in the fact that Alias didn't transfer Einstein's memories to them instead of Mrs. Adams' of the lesson.

Alias reappeared in Hong Kong. "Fest. Why here? Ke Ke Ke." Fest jumped in front of him rubbing his belly. "I see. Ke Ke Ke." Alias raised his hand and turned an invisible nob. This lowered his shadow's transparency thus lowering the power he gave off to a human's standard. He took Fest and turned him into a bag as he walked out of the dark alleyway to find some food. "My puppet needs food, yet I do not. It is more nonsensical than my way of speech. Ke Ke Ke."

Majin Eve gulped, a slight nervousness about her features, her teeth grit lightly with her eye's closed as she focused.

'his energy... it's different from before.... it's immense compared to others around the world... he must have been relaxed when I encountered him..., but now it's hard for me to focus on the energy of others with him being so close.... if I need to get out of here... I'm not sure if Instant Transmission will be able to help...'

Eve thought to herself as she peeked out from the alleyway, looking down the streets to make sure the coast was clear, when she couldn't spot any signs of Berk she left the alleyway and began running down the sidewalk, pizza box in hand.

'I hardly doubt those wings of his were for show, if he is searching for me I bet he has a high ground or aerial advantage, if that's the case I can't risk flying out of here, he'd spot me for sure...'

She thought to herself as she ran down the sidewalk, trying to distance herself from Berks energy, strangely enough she noticed the streets were void of any citizens, she chose not to question it and focused on getting out of the city. A glint caught Eve's eye's as she was running, she stopped momentarily as she looked for the source, a camera. Then a sudden realization came to her as a look of slight shock grew on her.

'those camera's, they're all over the city... and 'He' just so happened to show up here not long after I got here..., it makes sense now! 'He' can't sense energy otherwise he would have found me strait away! 'He' must have been alerted to my presence the second I stepped into a camera's view! Which means that he must be searching for me, and I'm being watched!!!'

Eve thought in worry before a serous look took over her features, without hesitation she firmly held the pizza box in her left hand before she threw it like a Frisbee towards the camera with as much strength as she could without ripping the box apart, the box slammed into the camera, though the box didn't do much damage the pizza left in the box had been splattered over the camera's lens, effectively blinding the device.

'I have to get out of sight, if my suspicions are right, 'He' might be alerted by my sighting'

She looked around before she noticed something in the middle of the street, a manhole, Eve grinned slightly to herself as she ran up to it, she stepped on the edge of the manhole lid making it spin in the air before she caught it with ease.

'perfect! with this I can get out of the city without getting spotted! score one for me!'

Eve thought to herself in joy before she tossed the manhole lid in the air before she jumped down into the manhole, the lid conveniently landed directly over the manhole as if it hadn't been moved, to her knowledge she had taken out the only camera watching her, she silently hopped that there was only one, but she couldn't be sure, she'd have to make her escape quick. She gently hovered down the manhole until she entered the sewers, she made sure not to touch the ground, even though there were walkways made to be walked on, they were... filthy. Determined to get out of the city she began flying through the sewer.

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"Ah, yes ma'am!" Lauren answered the teacher, hurriedly running back into the classroom as she was forced in. Further investigation on Alias would have to wait. As the shadows enveloped her classmates, Lauren started panicking until Mrs. Adams spoke to her. "Yes...ma'am," she mumbled nervously.

Berkaunrora had taken some of his army's equipment with him, using the goggles to look for supernatural activity. He didn't see much, except in a certain classroom. He moved with such a speed it seemed he had teleported in there, his large figure suddenly appearing...in his own room? "...Clever," he said to himself, rather amused at the turn of events. As far as he was concerned, he'd just been teleported, so he felt that he was on the right track. "Well, saves me a return trip I suppose," he said, taking a seat, beginning to order a fairly large number of soldiers towards Atlantic City and watching the cameras, unaware of Alias and that he'd gone somewhere rather far.

Alias would see a few food carts in Hong Kong, serving Lo Mein, fried rice, and interestingly enough, a cart with martabak manese. Indonesian food in Hong Kong? Strange.



Eve would probably recognize the sudden disappearance of Berkaunrora's energy thanks to Alias's trick. However, as she flew through the sewer, she'd notice a few energy blasts fly her way.
As Eve was flying through the sewers, a smile on her lips, she couldn't help but notice the sudden disappearance of Berks energy from the immediate area, a concerned expression grew on her as she slowed down to a walking pace as she hovered.

'he just, left, instantly, back to where I found his energy before... but how?'

She wondered to herself as she crossed her arms.

'it makes no sense if he could teleport, if he could surely he would have just teleported to this city instead of flying to it, and if he's fast enough to seemingly travel instantly across the world, why did he take his time getting to the city?'

As Eve thought this she lost her train of thought when she noticed a few energy blasts flying through the sewer towards her, Eve's eye's widened in surprise as she raised her arms to defend herself, but just as she raised her arms she noticed a small beam of light shining down on her wrist, she quickly looked up to see another manhole. Thinking quickly she dropped to the ground and jumped strait up the manhole to evade the energy blasts coming at her. The manhole cover was sent flying into the air as Eve jumped out of the sewer and landed near the manhole, she looked around quickly, spotting an alleyway she ran to it and hid in the shadows, watching the manhole she jumped out of intently.

'what was that just now? I was so wrapped up in my train of thought I didn't sense anything that could have warned me of those blasts...'

Eve thought to herself as she furrowed her brow, she closed her eye's and focused as she began to expand her senses to see if she find out where the shooter of the energy blasts came from so she could track it's location.

'where are you?...'

She thought to herself as she waited

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(Fuck notifications, I guess. Sorry for the inactivity. I hadn't gotten the reply until just now)

Briana looked to the shadows, frowning as she crossed her arms. She felt God moving. It was not going to be a good few minutes.

"We.... We need to leave. To go far away. Somewhere even God cannot find us..."

She grabbed Kat's hand and began to run, fear easily written on her face as she moved. She couldn't stand the thought of trying to fight God. She also couldn't stand the thought of losing Kat. Not right now. So, whether he was coming to this city or not, they needed to get out of it. She would go to China. She had been there before. It wasn't hard to get there, with the right tools. She didn't bother to check if Kat was still following her. She was too busy trying to run.

Someone leapt out of the ground, shattering it and leaving a hole in the ground. As she didn't hide her energy, Eve would've detected her even before she had hopped out. She landed fairly quietly despite the loud exit from the ground, a faint glow in her eyes.

"You're not from around here...who are you?" she asked, pointing her trident forward as she looked around for her. The 6 tentacles on her back spread out, pointing in different directions. For now, the girl was an unknown. Her energy didn't seem as high as Eve's own, but if the blasts from earlier had hit they certainly would've done some damage. It was a little strange that someone so strong was still around, though perhaps Eve didn't have any way to know that.


@Daws Combine

(No prob, it happens)

Kat's body ran automatically, separate of her thoughts. She was still in shock over what had just happened. But for all the power she'd displayed, Briana looked scared as well, which helped Kat calm down a little bit. With nowhere left to go, she decided to come along with Briana.
"Okay, but where are we going? And how are we going to get there?"
Briana didn't look as she ran, trusting that Kat could hear her fine enough.

"We're going to China! I can get there through the shadows, but you cant. So I'm gonna go with you!"

She made a sharp turn into the street, running in the direction of the airport. She didn't care if the soldiers saw her. If God was coming here, it didn't matter. Her shadow was starting to take on a different shape. Heavier and more lumbering than Briana was.
@Daws Combine

"O-oh," she said, following Briana to the airport. As they ran, she noticed Briana's shadow twisting and transforming, not matching the girl from whom it came at all. So this was her power, shadow manipulation or something along those lines.
"What're you doing?" she asked.

The airport wasn't particularly busy. People with flying-type abilities tended to put a dent in airport activity. However, there was a very short line to buy tickets for flights. Yup, flights weren't heavily in demand anymore and could be bought on-site. Also, thanks to powers becoming the greater threat over weapons, security consisted only of soldiers scanning with their goggles. As long as nobody used supernatural abilities on-site, they couldn't really detect anything though. Berkaunrora had been pushing for the development of better power-detection technology, but so far it hadn't been successful.
The child slowed down as she spotted the soldiers, frowning. She was constantly exhuding power due to the nature of her abilities, making her incredibly easy to spot. She looked up at Kat.

"They can't see me. It wont be good. I'm going to go to the plane. Buy two tickets and go on the plane with me."

She sank into the darkness and appaeared on the plane, curling her legs up to her chest. She scoped the plane out for soldiers while she waited for Kat, frowning all the while.
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Majin Eve opened her eye's the split-second the streets surface began to crack, she looked around the corner on the alleyway as the road around the manhole exploded into debris from someone smashing through it. Eve's eye's quickly found the one who did so, a strange sight to be sure, a girl with tentacles coming from her back and glowing eye's. Having a good read on the girls energy calmed Eve down, lucky for her it was nowhere near as powerful as the energy she felt coming from Berk.

'so she's the one who attacked me?'

Eve thought to herself before she heard the girl speak to her, she watched as the girls tentacles spread out in different directions, most likely to defend herself Eve thought to herself. Eve hid back in the alleyway to decide what to do with this situation.

'what should I do?... I could just confront her, try to talk to her and see what happens... no, I bet there's camera's all over the streets, if I got spotted then 'He' could be right on top of both of us within minutes... then again, if the camera's haven't already seen the street just explode I'm sure they see the damage now, ether way 'He'll' probably be alerted to the commotion, meaning this place isn't safe to just be standing around anymore... if that's the case I should warn her...'

As Eve thought this another train of thought entered her mind, what if that girl was working for Berk.

'on the off chance that girl is working for 'Him' I should just leave... but... if she isn't working for 'Him' she could get in trouble... gah! why do decisions have to be so hard!?'

Eve thought as she clenched her hands into fists, a slight frown on her lips.

'alright... I know what I'm gonna do...'

She thought to herself as a serous expression took over her features, her muscles tensed slightly in precaution just in case she needed to move.

"I could ask you the same question..."

Eve's calm voice came from an alleyway to the right of the girl, a dozen meters or so away, still obscured by the shadow of the alleyway, Eve made no motion to step into sight.

"I-uh-okay," Kat stuttered as Briana disappeared. "Two tickets, two tickets...wait, how will she know which plane to go to?" She panicked for a bit until she realized there was only one flight to China at the moment. It would arrive in Hong Kong. And besides, Briana had seen those soldiers, somehow. Perhaps she could see the flight schedule from wherever she was as well.

"...Wait, crap," she said to herself. She had been practically homeless, just making use of an empty place to live with the others. There was no way she could afford a flight. She paced around.

"What do I do, what do I do, what do I..." An idea hit her. She didn't like it, but desperate times, right? She waited until a couple had bought tickets and then approached them, bumping into a man on "accident."

"Ah, sorry!" she exclaimed, falling onto her rear.

"No, no, I'm sorry," a business man apologized, extending a hand to help her up. She took it, and quickly grabbed his tickets while he was distracted with her. She dusted herself off and headed for security, apologizing mentally.

She made it through security and headed for the plane.


At the plane, Briana would see two soldiers standing outside the plane. They seemed to just be sitting down playing some sort of card game, their equipment set on the ground for now.

@Daws Combine


If Eve had planned to stay hidden, speaking was a mistake. A sphere of darkness enveloped the area. It couldn't easily be passed through.

"So there you are."

She dashed towards Eve, thrusting out her trident. "If you don't wish to die, tell me who you are and why you're here," she demanded.

"Can I help you?"

A simple, kind question rang through the overwhelming silence of Ryan's mind like a candle's light through pure darkness. He snapped back to reality, finding himself staring at a mannequin in some display for the newest trend in clothing. How long he had been standing there for was a mystery; not that the empty-headed man minded too much. The mannequin, or rather the clothes it was wearing, were stunning. Colourful patterns going down from a headless neck to plastic toes were hypnotic to Ryan, who was wearing nothing more than a plain white shirt and some jeans with bare feet underneath. While he loved fashion, he wouldn't know what to wear himself, nor have the money for extravagant clothing. Perhaps someday he'll buy himself that floral dress he'd seen so many times before.

"Sir, are you alright?"

That voice again. A woman. Ryan had been so surprised with where he found himself that he forgot all about the woman calling out to him. She worked inside that store. How long had he been standing there that an employee not only noticed, but felt the need to check on him? Another mystery. No matter, he had to respond; staying quiet like this wasn't polite and Ryan was raised better than that. Probably.

"Oh, uh. Certainly, ma'am. Don't worry about me, I was transfixed by the design of your wares." Ryan answered the concerned woman, who looked a lot more relieved after hearing him answer.
"I don't mean to sound rude, but would you please come in and buy or leave. You're disturbing some of our customers." She told Ryan, feeling a little bad for having to send him away, but a strange man standing in one spot for an extended amount of time was a little distressing to people and bad for business. One man didn't outweigh multiple potential buyers.
"Yes.. Yes, of course. I won't trouble your clientele any longer." He said, already turning away from the window. With his back turned towards the woman, he continued. "Never lose that smile, miss. You look better than anything in there." And with that, he left. Never to return there.

And so he walked. Unsure of his surroundings, unsure of his destination and unsure of what he would do once he got there. But so had his life been for as long as he could remember, although that wasn't anything to go off on. Ryan liked his simple, nomadic lifestyle. Sometimes moments seemed to last for hours and other times hours passed in the blink of an eye, both counting towards nothing but killing time until his death. The man literally had no driving force in his life other than curiosity. No responsibilities, no goals, no desires just wonder for what's to come. And what was coming was a.. manhole cover?

"Huh?" Ryan wondered out loud and looked towards the opposite direction the cover was rolling. Up ahead, he noticed a hole in the ground. Dust was still settling, this had only just happened.
Ryan decided to investigate.
Fest took off before Alias immediately seeking out the Lo Mein. Despite not needing food to survive Alias wondered what the martabak manese tasted like. Alias then remembered; Fest took off. His head snapped away from the martabak manese and toward Fest who was about to get the attention of the vendor. Alias tried to go through a shadow, but remembered he limited himself and bolted for the puppet. He jumped off a wall and over the crowd clinging onto an archway. He paused looking for Fest and when he spotted Fest beneath him, Alias dropped. He squeezed the puppet forcing it into its backpack form and then stood looking at the vendor with a blank face.

"Give me five bowls of just the noodles. Ke Ke Ke." Alias looked up at the prices behind the man and then back to him. "What's that like forty? Ke Ke Ke." Alias reached into his pocket and conjured up from his 4000 years of life on earth a one-hundred dollar bill. He dropped it on the counter and stepped aside waiting for his food and just soon enough to see all the angry glares at him for cutting. "I've got to feed this thing more often. Ke Ke Ke..." Alias sighed feeling overcome with pressure. His nerves have been on edge since the near miss with Berk- God. "I hate men like him. Ke Ke Ke."

The vendor tapped Alias' shoulder and he turned to see the noodles done. Alias thanked the man and walked away dumping the giant mound straight into his bag. The man was astonished, but quickly dismissed it when a customer greeted him. Fest's flap was jumping up and down as he ate the food. "Now we find Madame Chang. Ke Ke Ke..." Alias paused thinking about the old lady. She was infatuated with the magical arts, but couldn't conjure a single spell. To top this she was also a grumpy old apartment manager. "Such an odd old woman. Ke Ke Ke." Alias pushed through the crowd with his hands in his pockets.
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