Warped World(IC)

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"What is a compromise?" Attila stretched his beard.

"A compromise is a deal between two parties with a lower version of their desired concessions." Fredrick spoke after being silent for so long.

"I see. And yes I do agree, but the Glade Protectors and the Thugs have long warred against each other. I am afraid in order to get them working together you must earn their trust and eventually call upon them when the time is right. That would be difficult itself. The easiest way is to simply help them out or a more dangerous approach is to cooperate with a group to do something to show people can work together. As for your negotiations, you have to speak with the lord Dracula about that. I can call him up if you wish."

Hamzah turned to his odd group."We have a few choices here and preferably I want to help these guys out, but in no way shape or form am I in control of you. Though I do wish I could control you guys." Hamzah formed a weak smile."But at this point this 'Collective' seem to be the only ones who are capable of ripping us from our homes and perhaps by defeating them we can all get back. So, what do you say? Should we attempt to rally the warring factions and defeat the Collective? Or should we attempt to go solo and defeat the Collective ourselves?"
Wolf looked around for a moment and then stepped forward. "Based on anaylsis of survival percentages it would be more benefical to rally the factions. It will not be the easier choice based on how high tensions are between factions, however based on odds neither choice guarantees high survival chances, but the rate of success in the long run will be greater if there are more warriors in our cause. Master Hamzah, I will offer my blade to help you if you wish to lead everyone under one banner." Wolf said approving of Hamzah's compromise.
To go it alone, or to team up with people who know about this place than they do and have a far higher chance of getting this mess settled and getting home. X and his men needed little to no discussion on this topic. It was an obvious decision for them. "To go it ourselves would likely be suicidal. My group and I think we should lend a hand here. The people native to here would make for good allies." X replies to Hamzah. He just hoped it would remain the right decision. The Collective were a problem by themselves, let alone having anyone else against them.
Hamzah nodded his thanks and turned to Wash. Rose, and the rabbit." X and Blade have decided that we should attempt to rally the factions. The options are still in the air. So, what will it be?"
"There's strength in numbers." Rose said. The way she saw it, if there was any possibility of getting the two sides to work together, it was probably the best option. They hardly even knew where they were, much less anything about the area. And they also had limited knowledge about the Collective; basically what they learned in the city and since then. "I think we should at least try to reach a compromise."
Diggersby grunted in assent to Rose's statement.

George Washington nodded in agreement. "For us to survive as a group until we can return to our proper places, we must unite these people not as factions, but as men and women. Perhaps we can then form a true peace in our example. It appears that the Collective is the source of many of the locals' problems; by eliminating their danger, perhaps peace and nobility can return to this world's mankind."
Dante could hear the faint voices that echoed through his head more clearly as he drew closer towards The Glade. It was unnatural to hear such a conversation of allying forces trying to only grow stronger through trust and sportsmanship. These actions were shunned against where he was from, because the inhabitants of his world were all individualists. They only believed that working alone was the best course of action for any situation. That is why Dante halted his walk and focused on the voices he could hear, attempting to link with them. A faint connection reached them and he began to speak.

"People of The Glade, here my voice and listen!" he said aloud with his voice sinking into every mind within the group of people hosting that current conversation. "My name is of no importance to you, but what I can offer may be beneficial. I wish to work along side you all in attempt to help you reach your goal of association." he said. Dante then started to walk again and continued to speak with the group of people.

"However, in return I only ask that the most knowledgeable of you speak with me in person and give me answers as to what this place is. I am foreign to these lands and would like to know exactly where I am." The Glade's entrance grew closer as Dante's speech began to end, and their apparent meeting was only beginning. He said lastly, "If the requirements for my assistance are within your range of service, then I'll look forward to meeting with you all very soon. Until then, I bid you farewell." then broke the link to their minds.

Seeing a strange looking man at the entrance to The Glade, Dante approached and spoke calmly saying "Hello. I'm here to meet with a... Hamzah. I believe he's expecting me."
All Hamzah heard was simply a faint voice among the many others that haunted his mind. However, the others clearly heard it by the fearful expression as if they had experienced something before. Hamzah's eyebrow raised a bit at Arkith who shrugged and mentioned that someone sent a telepathic message. Hamzah guessed that his robotic allies couldn't have received the message due to being made from cold steel rather than warm flesh. Yet again what did he know? Hamzah then looked at Attila who was rambling on about his cowering guards.

"Mind me asking, did this happen before?" Hamzah asked.

Attila ignored Hamzah as he rose from his chair and walked like lighting. He was still rambling as well. And when he slammed the door that lead into the mess hall Attila left his cane behind. Next thing people were starting to recover. The guards readied their weapons and exchanged nervous glances as they awaited for their leader's return.


Tim was shuffling about in a bored trance. Nothing had happened on his shift. Not even a flock of birds coming to raid the grain silo they had set up. Then out of nowhere a voice spoke inside his head making his neck hairs stand up. With head darting, Tim looked for the source thinking it of Collective origin. A boy then appeared and mentioned someone was expecting him. Yeah right.

Tim trained his crosshairs between the boy's eyes and hostile in tone, spoke." You have about 30 seconds to leave or this fine rifle will place a good sized chuck of metal inside that hollow skull of yours."
Wolf heard a loud ringing followed by static as the faint voice went through his mind, but he was unable to decipher the message. Instead he dropped his sword and pulled out the small chip in the back of his head to make it stop. After the communication went silent he noticed a chip similar to his near the sword. He set his chip on the table and grabbed the new chip setting it in the originals place. After it locked in a small screan appeared showing only the K-9000's head with the word Wolf under it. Freedom...unchained...alpha...truth It repeated in a mix of a static for him to hear.

He simply stood there, frozen with as close to a thousand yard stare as his expressionless face would show. "Freedom..." He said lowly. A word he always wanted to hear. But who was the Wolf? How did he know about his problems? He was lost in his questions with no answers to be found except for a beacon that activated on his visor of a location. Where it was exactly he was unsure, but that would be where his answers were. "Freedom..." He repeated as he seemed to stare at a wall where the beacon seemed to point him.
A quick burst of static picked up in the Reploid's comm system, though it vanished almost as suddenly as it appeared. Some sort of message that didn't quite make it. "Commander, did you hear that too?" the radar Reploid of the group asked X. He nods in response. "Yeah, but I didn't pick anything else up. Almost on cue, another quick burst of signal came through, though there was no audio. As X consulted the terminal in his left arm, the static briefly cleared to a picture before turning to nothing after a moment. He saw a face of a familiar bearded old man. He was in disbelief for a moment as the face of the late Dr.Thomas Light looked at him before the signal faded. As he looked back up he noticed Blade Wolf's odd reactions to whatever it was he was seeing. "Hey, are you alright?" he asks as he slowly approaches.
Wolf could hear X, but he didn't move. He merely kept staring in the direction of the signal. "Uncertain..." He said in response to X's question. The message continually played in his head making him question its origins. Was it trying to tell him something? Or was it really just a well placed trap specially for him. He had questions with no answers, but perhaps this would be where he found at least some of them. It would be a risk, but he was willing to take it. "Forgive me, I must leave. I will hopefully return soon." He said with a slightly troubled tone as he left the building and ran out of the camp leaving his data chip and sword behind.

One of the guards looked at the strange mechanical wolf as it left before looking at the group. "Seems like your little companion has a screw loose. That or he's being contacted by the Collective and should've been shot long ago. Might want to send a few after him to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Course you could just let him become a member of the Collective or a snack if they like mechanical treats as much as flesh covered treats. Just a thought."
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Dante gave an innocent smile towards the strange man holding the gun at point blank range. Dante fixed his posture and placed only two fingers upon the nozzle of the gun and twisted it so that it looked of a spring. Dante removed his hand took a deep breathe and said lastly "As I said, I believe a man named Hamzah is expecting me. Are you willing to guide me or not?" Before the man with the rifle could answer, a bit of a commotion could be heard with Dante's ears. Lots of unsure negative emotions were heading his way and that only gave Dante a slight headache as he braced for what was to come next.

"Oh boy, here we go again..." he said taking a polite and respectful pose awaiting to stare down the barrels of many guns and a leader who only wants answers he would most likely not understand, but that was an unsure accusation. Nevertheless, this was going to prove pointless in the end and time wasting. If nothing else, it was good of a sport to entertain him before the main event were to begin.
Diggersby's ears twitched, and the rabbit Pokémon turned to George Washington, and then to Rose. Diggersby thought he heard a voice.

Washington indeed heard the voice as well, and that voice seemed to promise the union between the two native factions. At this point, the general was willing to give any shot at peace a try. "You heard that, correct?" he asked Hamzah.
Hamzah raised an eyebrow at Wash." To be honest I hear voices everyday so it was likely lost among them. Though I did hear a faint, young voice enter the fray. Arkith, you heard it so mind telling me what it said?"

Arkith leaned forward and spoke as the guards were marching out of the room leaving only the group." Yeah. In short it appears the creature wants some information on where it is and in exchange it will help us reach our goals. It would apparently be a newcomer with some basic info of what's going on." The dragon then turned to the others." So mors- I mean people, I suggest we go out and figure out who this guy is. Are there any objections?"

Hamzah nodded and then saw Blade leave. He shrugged thinking that the robot needed to do something and then the guard popped up. He said that the Collective liked fleshy treats. He was then corrected by a annoyed person who mentioned that the Collective don't eat anything.


Tim stared in a horror fascination as he witnessed his rifle bend. He released the rifle and with trembling hands pointed at Dante. He was about to ask what he was when Attila appeared out of thin air in front of Dante. The elder did not speak, only examined the young man. A smile formed across his face for some reason.

"So you are the one that caused my men to cower in fear? You're at least 17 years of age, 21 at the latest. Tell me, who are you and why have you come to the Glade? Then we will see what happens then." Attila pulled out a necklace with a small, round orb attached to the chain.
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Wolf continued through the Glade until he reached the wasteland city following his beacon. It wouldn't determine how many meters he was away which either meant something was blocking the exact location of the signal or the data chip itself was incomplete. He stopped to scan the area of any threats once he entered the city. Whether it be the thugs or those strange drones again. He had to be careful for his combat effectiveness was well under its original setting alone. He then continued on deeper into the city cautiously watching for any traps or threatening signatures as he continued to follow the signal.
The signal originated from a hole in one of the streets. Wires lead out of the hole going in various directions and were sending electricity somewhere. The electricity was also causing the wires to glow blue, but a echo of thunder warned a storm coming. The thunder also caused the wires to begin retracting into the hole itself with a few Ales crawling into it. A new creature towered over them standing on two legs and held a weapon akin to a rifle. It stood over the hole as if it was protecting it.
Wolf continued until he saw the Ales crawl into the hole seeming to be watched by a strange being which made him stop where he was. "Those small creatures again. But that taller creature, what is it? Its not human, it has to be of Collective origin." He questioned himself on how to take on the matter. If that creature's weapon carried emp capabilities he would be in extreme danger. But the signal he was looking for was so close. He lowered his head as his he decided to approach the creature carefully trying to keep an escape route ready in case it was hostile. "Excuse me creature. Are you the one called Wolf?" He said as he slowly approached, even as a machine he could be seen to be a bit nervous of the encounter.
"I suppose it would be better than nothing." X says to the suggestion of going to meet the newcomer. It was a bit disappointing that it wasn't someone with more information, but at least another person to bolster their numbers was welcome. But first he had something in mind. X opened his arm terminal, then looked to his unit. "I'm sending you guys a transmission I received while everyone got that message. I'm counting on you to figure out the origin of the signal." X says. He was sure of what it was, but was still wondering how one of the capsules found its way here.
The orb necklace pulled out who Dante believed to be the commanding officer in check surprised him. It felt so familiar yet Dante was certain that he's never seen such an accessory before. Dante cleared his voice and said "In your way of speaking and knowledgeable categorization, I'm what you consider 19 years of age. And I assure you I did not 'Make' your men cower in fear. The mind fears what it cannot understand, therefore their lack of information makes them scared."

Dante made unwavering eye contact with the elderly man and said, "Now if you must know..." then stopped for a minute and took a few steps forward. He continued speaking after approaching the elderly man "I am Dante Roth, and what I am is none of your concern. All you must know is that I can offer help for the right price. That price of course being answers." Dante gave another innocent smile and scanned the elderly man's mind and emotionally link memories. He knew he wasn't a bad person, although what he could find was little and faint. This elderly man was strong willed and cautious; that alone was enough to impress Dante.

Dante folded his arms and asked once again, "Now, can you, Mr. Attila take me to see the one called Hamzah?"
"What? You don't have the technology to locate this signal?" Fredrick was surprised." You should get your equipment upgraded to pinpoint specific signals, but after we're done talking with our friend I'll transfer the data I got over to you. If you want I can send a software upgrade to allow such an advantage to become available."


The Hafiz reacted to Wolf's presence by somersaulting backwards and crushed the roof of a rusted car. It placed its weapon agaisnt its shoulder taking aim at Blade's head. Yet a wire, unseen by both, tugged at the Hafiz's leg as if it wanted to tell it something. The creature then lowered its weapon still keeping eyes on Blade. The Hafiz pointed the weapon's barrel towards the hole.


Attila crossed his arms." Well that wasn't very nice scanning my mind like that. You should also know that my warriors have experienced their minds being hacked and things didn't go so well." The elder pointed to a husk of some creature that looked as if it was of the Collective." So they are wary of having their minds being penetrated. Now, Tim, can you go fetch some tea?"

The guard nodded and backed away slowly. He kept his eyes on Dante as if as soon as he left then Dante would attack the elder. However, Attila gave off a relaxed air so Tim left.
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