Warfare Ops

"Haha don't underestimate little girls Rocket" Winks at him and begins to play. At first she is pretty terrible but eventually get the hang of it. With Rockets help she becomes a pretty good player picking up on the game quickly. "Haha its been so long since I've had fun, I miss it now I can tell." Smiles at them "Thanks guys."
The team had a nice time together. they had fun, jocked about random stuff, explained some short stories and the lack of alcoholic drinks made it everything more polite. Without even noticing it, almost two hours passed and Aaron finally appeared into the room. "Grab your things, main airstrip, one hour. We are leaving." Ordered the captain and then left. "Well, fun never last forever." Said Allen getting up from his sofa.
"Awww alright." Looks at the others then heads out to get geared up.
Fun... she hadn't had it in a long time, she liked it. What all had she missed out on during her training... was she even really truly human anymore? If not what was she? I wondered all these things while i headed to get dressed. Head hung so my chin touched my chest eyes on the ground my feet guided me.
"Come on! Cheer up 'cat comrade'. We did a good job and even got some fun. I think that's a win." Said Rocket patting her in the shoulder as they got finished with their things. "Let's go, I hate ships." Said Allen as he put some hurry on the team. When they finally made it to the airstrip, a CH-53 was waiting for them, with Aaron talking to the pilots. "Get on the helicopter, we are leaving." Said him as he ordered the pilots to get the chopper engines ready to go.
"Cat comrade?... ok then Rocket" Sticks out her tounge at Rocket with a smile. Gets in her place on the chopper and secures her new blue hat and checks her gear for the mission. Come to think of it, what was their mission?
Aaron got with his team on the chopper and a few minutes later the machine took off. "Okay, team. The high command has decided to take part in that conflict going on between Europe and Rusia, and for now, they have decided to be us their tool to pacify those nations." Said the captain. "What does that mean?" Asked Allen. "Means that we are going to have a pretty busy year... A really cold one." Replied Aaron. "Right now we are going to be deployed in Hast base, from there we will be ordered and sent to whatever place and mission the Command tells us. Any questions?" Said the Captain.
Leans her head back against the wall behind her, more rules. I hate all the formalites and orders here, if I had my own team things would be a little different. I think to myself as he talk, looking up at the ceiling of the chopper, things where going to get complicated now, more rules and regulations to follow. Sure she was a soldier but doesn't mean she liked all the rules. "Captain? So... do I... Do I have to.... no nevermind" there you go again Blaise chickening out as always. Thats not true!! I dont always chicken out!! SHUT UP SELF!! Slams her head back in anger knocking her hat off one ear "oops" Fixes it and looks at the others. "what?"
The team looks at her, not because her features, but because her sudden weird behavior. "Blaise, we are no longer little kids here. If you want to say something, say it. I don't want any trouble or hesitations later, so if any of you wants to be sure of something, now is the best time to ask." Said him again to the whole team.
Groans and looks at them " alright look, my ears alright. They hurt always being hidden... is... is there anytime i can have them out? I dont think you understand how uncomfortable it is to have them pushed against my head at awkward angles constantly." Hesitates then continues, "i know it is uncomfortable for yall to see them I wont do it often its just i would like to know."
The team looked at each other, since such demand was rather odd. "I trust we are all aware of her condition here, right?" Asked Aaron to the rest of the team, and all of them nodded. "Blaise, if so uncomfortable is, you can take your... Ears out when we are not in a mission, but try to keep them unnoticed when you are with other people, I don't want to end up explaining a hundred different people what or why are those ears in there." Explained him. "Eh, and in a mission, I want you fully geared like all of us. Alright?" Said Aaron.
"I do get fully geared like yall! All except for my blue hat to hide my ears right? If im doing something wrong im sorry" hangs her head suddenly downcast but then picks it up with a smile "thank you though for letting do that it means a lot to me, i womt take them out to often i promise ill be careful, promise!"
Aaron sighed and kept it quiet for the rest of the travel. Having her in his team was still weird for him, but if the high command had decided that she was apt for a place like this, then that meant she had some serious skills... Still, it was confusing at a times. "Everybody down." Said Allen as soon as they landed in Hast base. Out there they had to pass all over the usual inscription process and once they had been guaranteed a barracks and a reunion place, Aaron ordered them to go left all their things, get geared and then go to the reunion room to get debriefed.
Noticed Aarons silence. Now you've done it Blaise, keep your mouth shut. Does as shes told throught the whole process then heads over to the barracks carrying her gear. Sets herself up and gets ready to change into her gear then looks around. Gets out all the things the others do and makes sure she has everything shes told, taking off her hat changes into her gear silently then waits for the others they where a team after all.
"You got used to the rhythm pretty quick." Stated Allen. And once they were all set they went to meet with Aaron. As always, Aaron was fully geared and like ready to combat that very instant. He looked at them and then looked at a wall filled with maps and other stuff. "Have you seen the news lately?" Asked him. "This guy, president of 'I-don't-know-histán' got executed yesterday. Broadcasted directly into all the national tv." Explained Aaron. "Putsch, the army took control of that country and it seems that now everybody has their attention in them. My guess? Just a way to distract us." Explained Aaron.

"Our informant in Ukraine has sent us those photos." Said him pointing at the maps. "I don't know what do you see in there, but what I see is a abandoned, cold war missile silo." Said Aaron. "Why are those people doing in there if it's abandoned?" Asked Allen. "Because it isn't, but nobody has been warned about that. Command want's us to go in there, meet up with Sergeant Chevshenko and help them drive those unknown forces out of their abandoned facilities." Explained Aaron. "Chevshenko? Is that bastard still alive?" Asked Allen. "Yes, it looks like he made it out of Kosovo alive." Replied Aaron. "Everything clear, team?" Asked him.
"hah good thing or bad thing Allen?" Looks at him curiously. AFter the meeting is over she answers with a curt nod and waits for further orders. Don't mess this one up Blaise got it? Got it.
"Good. Now, we will be deployed here. Chemo and Oxyde will be Sierra; you both find a nice advantage point on this cliffs over here and provide sniper support. The rest of us will be Bravo, we will meet the Sergeant in this clearing over here and advance through the woods to this side of the facility. Get in, drive them out, find what they were doing. Come on, plane is leaving in and hour and I want all equipment double checked before." Said Aaron as he walked to the entrance of the room. "Are we deploying into the are by air?" Asked Chemo. "Yes, Sherlock. Hope you all enjoy skydive."
Ears prick up under her hat knocking it off "No way! skydiving!? Sweet!!" Grabs her hat and stands "lets go check that stuff! Lets go lets go lets go!" Has a big smile on her face. Finally a thrill in this place! I love skydiving!
Rocket chuckled once Aaron was left. "Hell, Blaise. Is not supposed to be fun... But yeah, I like that spirit!" Said him with a smile. "Yes, yes. Is super fun. Can we move on. Parachutes and weaponry must be checked before we leave, and there is not too much time to waste. And so, the team went to check their gear. Once everything was set, Aaron appeared with a uniformed men in one side and another one geared the same as the team did. The uniformed man talked to Aaron for a couple of minutes and them left the captain and the unknown geared man walk to the plane.

"This is agent asshole, from the C.I.A or something like that. He has been ordered to come with us and supervise the operation." Explained Aaron. "Is agent Wylde, Captain." Replied the agent. "Well, I don't care who you are." Said Aaron and got into the plane. A couple of minutes later, the plane was ready to go and took off without any problems.
Helps check the weaponry and gear with the rest of the team. Then there was the agent, she didnt like him one bit. No not at all, the whole ride she didnt take her eyes off him, ears pricked under her hat listening to everything he said. I said not a word to him, He didnt seem the chatty type. No, I definatly did not like him.
"45 seconds to the drop area." Said the pilot through the comms. "Come on, get ready!" Ordered Aaron as the ramp of the plane started to open and a small orange light was turned on. "Try not to get to separated. We will meet in the meeting point." Said Aaron. "15 seconds." Said the pilot. "Yeah baby! Let's do this!" Yelled Rocket. "Order is green. You are good to go." Said the pilot and a small green light replaced the orange one. "Go go go!"