Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!

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Sorry, sir. I'll call the hospital. Now, that fork will be $429.

Waiter, There's an American in my Anime!
Here, write their name in this! *Hands death note*

Waiter, there's a fish stick in my custard!
Call the Doctor.

Waiter, there's an Error in my Website! (Totally random!)
Click refresh. If you have a virus that's your problem.

Waiter, there's a duck in my chicken.
Yes, sir. It's a special. Buy a chicken, get a duck free!
Waiter, there's a mutated virus in my species!
That's our zombie apocalypse special. Enjoy.

Waiter, the flies in my soup are riding tiny bicycles.
Indeed, I hear it's quite the hit with the ladies.

Waiter, there's a parasitic alien in this food!
That's the John Hurt special. It will burst out of your stomach. Great Party trick.

Waiter, there's an Angry North Korean leader at my table!
Send him back to North Korea?

Waiter, there's a bullet in my soup! :o
That's our James Bond special. Enjoy.

Waiter, there's Dwarves that have made a home in my caves!
That's nice. Now eat your soup before the dwarves come and steal it.

Waiter, there's a bowl of soup in my bowl of soup!
So there is! You will not be charged extra, sir.

Waiter, there's a Heretic in my Religion!
Then take that Heretic to the Spanish Inquisition.

Waiter, there's sadness in my heart.
I'm sorry sir, but happiness is going to cost extra.

Waiter! There seems to be shenanigans in my Internets.
Tell them to shut up and go to sleep

Waiter! There's a suburban mom in my soup she demands to see the manager about this
Tell her the manager was offered as a Sacrifice to satan. We'll escort her out.

Waiter, there's drugs in my Vegetable juice!
They aren't drugs, sir, they're our special blend of healthy vitamins. :) Drink up!

Waiter, there's a time machine in my bowl of soup! :o
Congratulations, now you can get a two for one deal!

Waiter, there's a waiter in my waiter.
Yo dawg, I heard you like to be waited upon....

Excuse me waiter, I have a slinky in my soup.
Throw it down the stairs.

Waiter, i have a Gilgamesh drinking all of my wine!
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