Voltaire Academy

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Zed shrugs, he's keeping an eye on the older boy, "That's too bad, I love that class... Well, I love gymnastics." He makes sure to keep a comfortable distance between himself and the one he knows is a vampire. He doesn't know what an "episode" is, but he doesn't want his blood getting drunk.
Katrina decided to sit on the fountain's edge staring at the two boys, "Relax he won't bite you." She gave a little bit of a giggle.
Zed looked at her and half-jokingly said, "If he does, you're responsible for what happens to him." He hops in place and asks "What is an episode anyways. Well, what is it when he has one?"
Damian grabbed ahold of his head as a pain uproars. It was funny how she mentioned an episode and then he gets one. "Bite? No I don't. I don't" mid sentence he changed once more into the pure blood. His hair got longer his eyes turned red and let's not forget his tattoo changes. "Like just any blood. I'm rather picky." He says in his new husky voice.
"Sorry Lord Damian, I did not mean to trigger your change." she lowered her head down-casting her eyes. A pink blush graced her features, she then glanced up at him.
Zed's eyes grew wide. He tip-toed closer and circled Damian, "That's a neat trick. The voice is kind of... itchy on one's ears though." His eyes flash as he is excited, he looks at Kat, "You knew he could do this?"
"Makes sense," Cenric agreed blowing on his painting to dry it. "I think your pretty good, but I'm not art critic." He grinned at Alexander. When Sumiko suddenly he spoke he leaned back so he could see him.

"I'm sure it's no problem dude," he replied glancing at Alexander for confirmation. "Everyone has something their passionate about, nothing wrong with that!"
She nodded her head and smiled, "He never stays long in his form though." She looked to Damian and smiled brighter.
Zed stopped circling and squatted off to the side, making a triangle with each of their individual positions. "Hmm. Maybe you should try to train it Damian." He picked a piece of grass and held it in his open palm, watching it whither rapidly and turn to ash. He smiled and looked around, then scooted over to lean his back against the fountain.
Alexander smiled in agreement with Cenric, nodding."Hes right. Nothing to stress over." He resumed painting, glancing to the other two. He thought over a moment, then decided to do a formal introduction. Sure, he knew there names but just coming out and saying their names would be creepy,right? Besides, it was an oppeetunity to make friends ans so far, Alex's social circle consisted of himself, his sister, and his roommate. "I'm Alexander Glasgow, but you guys can just call me Alex."
"This is my true form. Currently I am weak. And until I am strong once more my other persona will be my cover. After all not just anyone can be the King of monsters." Damian says before looking to Kat. "Its not a problem kitten." He smiles at her before reverting to his old self.
"I'm Cenric Kari," said the shifter with a wave. "But you can call me Cenric or Cen." He waved his hand at his painting trying to get it to dry faster in a semi-impatient way. He hadn't really made any friends the last few days, he hadn't really remembered. But now that he thought about it, it was something his sister had wanted to happen.
Zed shrugs, he doesn't know anything about being a king, or monster monarchies. He starts rocking his head to an unheard beat and smiles slightly. His eyes close and he starts to day dream about food. His stomach growls loudly and he laughs shortly, patting it with his right hand.
Amelia walked towards the building, tossing her can into a nearby trashcan. Her arms stretch above her head as she makes her way to the dorm room. She steps in, grabbing her cello case and a folder with sheet music, then walks back out. She made a long and boring trip to the music wing. She was grateful no teachers happened to be in the hallways to question why she didn't show up to classes. She walks into the small practice room and shut the door. Inside, it had a piano, a bench for the piano, a stand for additional musical instruments, and a chair. Laying down the cello case, she began getting set up.

Alexander glances to Cenric's desperate attempts to dry his paintings. "You do know the paintings aren't due till tomorrow, right? You can let it dry overnight and leave it where it is." He said with a friendly smile. He was hopping he didn't sound rude or like a know it all. He was just trying to be helpful to his new friend.
"Yeah, but that takes too long," whined Cenric. His mind going off on multiple ideas. "I should build something that makes paint dry faster," he muttered with some thought. "I bet I could use a hairdryer if I could find one, it'd have to be made larger though..." He trailed off and then scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, my mind wanders."
Alexander grinned. He found the way the boys mind work to he interesting. Alex thought he could easily become the next big adventure. He tilted his head when the big apologized, and paused his painting. He leaned back, looking at Cenrics painting. "Its fine. But wouldnt just a large dryer or heater work? If you made a large hairdryer it would have too much force or power or whatever and cause the paint to smear. I could be wrong." He said with a shrug. He hopped his suggestion would ease Cenrics embarrassment.
Katrina smiled softly, "until next time my Lord " she bowed her head then straightened up as his cover self came back, "its nearly time for dinner," she commented standing up looking at the guys. "Let us head to the dining hall."
Zed sprung to his feet, "That is an excellent plan of action. I was even thinking the same thing." He shivered and his stomach growled again.
Damian who by that point once again nods. "To the food lab." He says trying to lighten the odd mood. He picks up his violin and looks to the sky before humming the melody in which he played
Zed chuckles and starts moving toward their destination with long strides, dancing along with Damian's humming. He exaggerates a lot of his movements in a show-off fashion.
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