Vigilance: Blood And Justice [OOC/Sign-Ups/Chat]

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Longshot as in long shot, as in something that seems improbable.
I just made a grilled peanut butter, banana, bacon and Nutella sandwich and yes it is amazing.
Poor jelly. Always gets so much flack. Peanut butter would be NOWHERE without jelly!
Poor jelly. Always gets so much flack. Peanut butter would be NOWHERE without jelly!
Lies. It still has chocolate :P
Peanuts and chocolate is a bearable combination.

But besides that, I can't stand peanuts, to be honest.

My mom and sister love the Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup ice cream though.
You colonials and your quaint eating habits.

*Tucks into a bowl of Spotted Dick*

My Irishness is really going to show here, but you can't beat beef stew and mashed potato on a cold, rainy evening.

i've had to force shut down my laptop three times this evening, twice because it didn't start properly, and once because the screen just went grey. Time to do some backing up, I think...

EDIT; make that four times.
Thank god I backed up my writing last night, because my laptop has only let me log on twice so far- after which it froze- and has just gotten stuck on turning on every other time. So this is two nights running of no writing.

If I don't manage to get it to turn on and actually do something besides let me log on before the screen just goes grey or blue or whatever, I'll post tomorrow from my tablet. The post might be a bit rough as a result, but yeah.
Apologies for the short post, but writing on this tablet is awkward and annoying. My new laptop should be here Tuesday or Wednesday though, so I'll wait to post again until then.
No worries!

Just about everyone is wrapped up, we'll give you time to do some personal stuff and then launch into some more plots. Anyone who has no idea on what to do for a 'personal day' should look to the main plot. There's always something to do in Vigilance!
There's always the usual too. Going to school or work, meet up with friends, go to the mall or wherever to encounter others, or wreck havoc yourself. Ah the endless beauty of possibilities.

Just testing this out, appreciate any thoughts anyone has on it.​
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It looks interesting as far as I'm concerned. Don't know if it was a style choice to have the name be so pixelated/have rough edges, and it falling slightly off the image, but other than that it suits him I think.
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