Vigilance: Blood And Justice [OOC/Sign-Ups/Chat]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Honestly, this doesn't help. 'Not feeling' the character you've spend however much time re-writing begs the question on why you wrote her, and saying you're usually good just half-implies you didn't bother to make it good despite any loose connections.

I can't say the same for everyone, but I've always preferred a writer who just needs touching up and coaching to a writer who's good but lazy.
I assure you that when it comes to writing, I'm not lazy. I was trying to come up with something with this character, but ultimately, I think I just came up short. By that I mean, I write character when I'm inspired by something, and with roleplay, I write a character inspired by said roleplay(unless I have a character that I have lying around that never got used or that I really like), and so I had an idea with my first entry. However I felt I needed to switch to a different character because the one I had in my head didn't seem like he could work in this setting, with the limitations set forth, so I tried to change gears with this character, but it caused me to lose a lot of momentum. That being said, I think that if I do change the character again, I'm going to go with one I have already made, so as to avoid having this same thing happen all over again.
@CrimsonHorizons I was waiting to see if @Blandman would reply, but I'll start working on a post in a bit.

Sidenote- So one of my favourite bands (Halestorm, fronted by the lovely lady in my avatar) releases their new album on my birthday. I'm so psyched.
@CrimsonHorizons I was waiting to see if @Blandman would reply, but I'll start working on a post in a bit.

Sidenote- So one of my favourite bands (Halestorm, fronted by the lovely lady in my avatar) releases their new album on my birthday. I'm so psyched.
Yes new music!
Yes new music!
Yeah, finding that out when I came home made up for the fact that this morning, my chemistry teacher somehow managed to give me and my partner water instead of fuel, so we spent like 20 minutes wondering why our burner wouldn't light. The first song off of it sounds so good.
Yeah, finding that out when I came home made up for the fact that this morning, my chemistry teacher somehow managed to give me and my partner water instead of fuel, so we spent like 20 minutes wondering why our burner wouldn't light. The first song off of it sounds so good.
I'll have to listen once I'm freed from math.
Yeah, finding that out when I came home made up for the fact that this morning, my chemistry teacher somehow managed to give me and my partner water instead of fuel, so we spent like 20 minutes wondering why our burner wouldn't light. The first song off of it sounds so good.
Should have become MacGyver and made a Hydrogen Generator to decompose water into Hydrogen and Water, and THEN used Water as the fuel :P
I'll have to listen once I'm freed from math.
Bleh, I have to take a Math Placement Test I apparently never took when I was enrolling freshmen year and it's been YEARS since I've done legitimate math and not just "How much money can I spend?"
Bleh, I have to take a Math Placement Test I apparently never took when I was enrolling freshmen year and it's been YEARS since I've done legitimate math and not just "How much money can I spend?"

Math is essential to my program unfortunately so I'm stuck with it. We're working with 'imaginary' numbers now. So much for math being logical.
define logica XD
  • I have yet to get a picture, when I findone I will add it, but I just wanted to get this here so I wouldn't lose all my brainchild ideas.
    | NAME: |
    V C. Cheshire

    | ALIAS(ES): |
    Green Eyed Devil, The Child of Chance

    South Jacksonville, Fl, USA

    | SPECIES: |
    Homo Virium (Hyperhuman)

    | D.O.B.: |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    V is incredibly thin, when he was in school he couldn't meet someone with out them wrapping their thumb and pinky around his bicep, he is also unusually tall, with long limbs and long, thin fingers and toes. Having a genetic disorder that appears in one out of 3,000-5,000 human originated organisms. He keeps his hair long, is as such as he doesn't cut it ever. His eyes glow green (like bright green not grass green) either naturally or through special contacts, it is impossible to tell. Specifically he is 6'5" and weighs a massive 115 lbs. Wet. He can be found wearing black cargo pants, black shirts, black flip-flops, and black hoodies, he does own black socks and black shoes, but chooses not to wear them as they wear out much faster than his others.

  • | ABILITIES: |
    V is able to manipulate reality, not in the way that one would usually assume. He has the ability to control chance, or as he likes to call it, improbability.

    Gambling: the weakest level of his power, he can manipulate chance outcomes, like the roll of a die or the flip of a coin.

    Poker: the next level he can manipulate more difficult outcomes of chance, such as causing a well trained fighter to lose his footing, a casino hit-man to miss his shot, or what cards appear in what order from a deck of cards, this may not be easy for other Fortuna, because of the warping it causes on reality, but is was one of the first things he trained himself for.

    Lottery: mid level, subconscious good luck, in which he passively drains the good luck from around him, and channels it to himself causing him to lead a rather pleasant daily life. At this level he can also actively do a number of things: drain extreme amounts of luck from someone, basically guaranteeing that something bad will happen to them. Focus good luck into someone, not his own of course, insuring that something bad wouldn't happen to them. Draining someone's luck can result in memory loss, physical harm/degeneration, and meteoric contact. Though that last one is rare at this level.

    The next level up is where reality really doesn't enjoy him. The first power is one of his newer, and largely unused and untested powers, he calls it jinxing.

    Jinxing, he needs to touch the person he wishes to jinx, or get them to touch something he has touched, when this requirement is met, the person in question loses all of their good luck, and for the rest of their life (which will likely be shortened considerably) will be drained of their good luck. This luck is transferred to V, until the person dies, or the jinx is relinquished by a Fortuna.

    Hexing, this is a misnomer, basically the opposite of Jinxing, he uses this power even less than Jinking, but when he does he always connects the Hex to one of his other Jinxs.

    Curse, the next level up this is a deadly power, similar to a Jinx or Hex, a Curse must be passed though the contact of a common object. He has never used this power before, and wouldn't unless it was necessary to help out his friends. Causes immediate death, generally by a very unlikely way such as spontaneous combustion, or meteor strike.

    Devil Tricks, the most unique of his powers, he can warp reality so much that for a short time anything is possible, he usually uses this, about 30 second time span, to pull things into existence that shouldn't exist, and around him chaos breaks lose. A common side effect is the ground turning into ground beef and people around him having the sudden uncontrollable desire to devour that beef. After 30 seconds everything reverts, except what he pulled into the world. This is currently the focus of his power training as he wishes to extended the time he can use this power.

    | SKILLS: |
    As a 19 year old, he's quite excellent at surviving on cheap food and little sleep.
    Very fast learner.
    He can also make people trust him quite easily, and that is without his powers.
    A crack shot with a rifle.

    He can not run very long, nor is he strong in any sense. His age makes it hard for him to taken seriously, and his comments are often disregarded by older, "more experienced" people. His lack of worthwhile skills limits his ability to capitalize on opportunities.

    Apathy, his curse of not being able to care, or love, it is also a blessing though, as he doesn't mind when bad things happen.

    He can only use his higher level powers when he has high stamina, the more exhausted he is the more chaotic the results will be of using his powers, or the more out of his control they will be.

    His metabolism requires him to consume nearly twice as many calories as a regular person, and he almost always has food in his pockets. (Which can smelled and therefor tracked, by dogs.)

    He's arrogant, and acts on impulse, believing in himself so highly that he relies on his powers to take care of tense situations.

    He is the bane of casinos, when he walks in the doors the owner's face falls and they starts filling out the bankruptcy papers (not really, just exaggerating). He uses his powers to give himself an edge at gambling, and can most of the time be found in a casino spending his time stealing other peoples hard earned cash.

    In combat, first he would drain the targets good luck, then he may just let them hurt themselves as they try to attack him, or he would use their bad luck to give them a Jinx or Curse. He rarely uses his own body to fight, since even being incredibly lucky, he still is rather weak and can't do much damage. With a rifle though, he can hit a target as far away as he wants, as long as he has enough energy to channel the required luck.
  • | WEAPONS: |
    Always on person: A deck of cards, which he uses to place Jinxs, Hexs, and Curses.
    An assortment of coins, used in tricks and as a medium to place a Jinx, Hex or Curse.
    Kept in storage at house for special occasions: L115A3 AWM

    | TOOLS: |
    Combat Knife, about six inches long, with a black sheath, partially serrated on the back, angled just at the tip on the blade side. Has a seat belt cutter in the handle, and a window breaker on the end of the handle.
    Occasionally he will have an ornate cane that he won in a poker game.
    Android smart phone, for when he needs to order pizza or something.

    | ATTIRE: |
    Black; cargo pants, shirts, hooded zip-up jackets, flip-flops or shoes and socks. He doesn't wear gloves, bracelets, rings, necklaces, or glasses, or anything that would help identify him.
  • | BACKSTORY: |
    V had never considered himself lucky. He had been born to a middle class family, had an older sister, and owned several chickens. He didn't know what his father did for a living, but his mother was always switching between jobs. They had money though, enough to keep their two kids satisfied. When he was just a child V and his sister were taking by the state to live with strangers. Turned out his father had a thing for underage girls. So did his half-brother, but that wasn't really important. V spent a most of the rest of his life moving between families, he was separated from his sister after a few years and moved all the way to Crescent City, to live temporarily with some relatives. None of the families he stayed with kept him for long.

    V couldn't tell you much about his family history, or tell anybody about who his great grandparents were, he had never cared as a child, and didn't develop an interest in such. He was content to live in the present, taking each day as it came. He succumbed to that most blessed of psychological illnesses, apathy. It was common for children who suffered broken families and constantly changing families and friends, to stop caring about people. What good was it to care for someone you would not be seeing in a few weeks or even days? Other kids like him would go on to become criminals, or maladjusted individuals, not being able to control their emotions, or actions. V didn't concern himself with this, he overheard it, observed it, and experienced it first hand from other foster children. He grew distant, his apathy made it hard to punish him, take away his toys, he play with sticks. Take away his books he'd go into his imagination. Physical labor was deemed the only effective punishment. But not really, because he never changed his ways.

    V had first experienced his powers when he noticed that if he wanted to, he could control the outcome of a coin flip, or die roll. He looked back in his past and picked up on anomalous events that he seemed to have influenced. V noticed that when ever he had desired strongly, for something to happen one way or the other, it did. He was just a young teenager when he learned this, but he spent the rest of his life finding out what the extent of his power was. He would go to the library, and study anything he could find on the science of probability. He was surprised to discover when looking to see if there were others like himself, that there was, and more, there was accounts and records of people with all sorts of amazing powers. He was saddened by this news, but he would shrug and cast it off as unimportant.

    When he was in high school he learned he could drain luck from other people. He noticed this one day when he was watching someone bully a freshmeat, the bully was senior, and he was trying to get the younger student to give him his lunch money. V knew that this particular senior was going to use the money for drugs. The kid insisted that the bully leave him alone, before he got in trouble. Mr. Druggie thought that was a threat to his apelyness and swung a fist at the kid. V found himself hoping that the senior would screw up his attack, but unlike his other chance alterations, he didn't hope for a specific outcome. The bully missed the kid, of course, and punched the lockers behind him. The kid ducked out under his arm and went behind him, the bully turned swinging his arm, at the same time a teacher came out to see what the ruckus was. Sadly for the freshy, the arm made contact with his face. Sadly for the senior, the teacher saw it.

    V spent the rest of high school building up a following. It became known that when V wanted something to happen, no matter what the odds were, it would happen. He graduated, not top of his class, since he didn't use his powers to cheat in school for himself. He left his current home, and picked up gambling as the source of his income. He quickly made a lot of money, but didn't act like he did, he bought a simple apartment, and drove a nice, but not absurd, car. He didn't dress in suits and didn't wave fat stacks of cash around. His bank account though, had more digits than many people have ever seen. He would make donations to foster programs, and orphanages, but he never made appearances around those places. He despised kids, and knew that if he saw where the money was going, he wouldn't bother sending it.

    His young mind was still impressionable and he had learned of other vigilantes. He reasoned that if he actually tried he could probably become a vigilante too. When he personally witnessed some criminals getting stopped by vigilantes he made up his mind. He would not actively seek out criminals, they were kinda scary, but if he witnessed them in action, he would intervene. His powers made it easy to keep himself from being pinpointed as a vigilante though.

  • V resides in the West End, and sometimes hikes into the mountains.

I'm not a an official GM, but I know Wraith pretty well and have a good knowledge of what things he'll pick apart. On that note, the latter half of your power-set is considerably over powered. There's also not a good checking system besides his own morality and his stamina.

Generally, from what I've seen, when people with reality altering powers use them on a larger scale, the body's stamina being affected isn't the main crux. He's not using his body at all with the powers so the stamina shouldn't really be drained. But, he is thinking and putting his mental energy out there, so I THINK it would go over better if he suffered from headaches that ranged from minor annoyances to full on migraines (and not those commercialized migraines people have made a misnomer but the legitimate ones). You have a good base because of the ranking system you've established, so it shouldn't be hard to balance it out.

There's even a Marvel character named Longshot with similar powers that, the large scale on which he brings himself and others good luck, the more bad luck will happen randomly somewhere in the world or even to him later on (karma and all that).

Also, Wraith likely isn't going to accept anything that leads to "immediate death" or any other terminology similar to that. The ONLY way he would consider it is if the character using it has a near-crippling time hurting a person even slightly because of their morality, which isn't really the case with your character.
Longshot is an odd name for someone with such a superpower. I'll go through later and edit it. Probably when I get a picture I want to use.
I'm not a an official GM, but I know Wraith pretty well and have a good knowledge of what things he'll pick apart. On that note, the latter half of your power-set is considerably over powered. There's also not a good checking system besides his own morality and his stamina.

Generally, from what I've seen, when people with reality altering powers use them on a larger scale, the body's stamina being affected isn't the main crux. He's not using his body at all with the powers so the stamina shouldn't really be drained. But, he is thinking and putting his mental energy out there, so I THINK it would go over better if he suffered from headaches that ranged from minor annoyances to full on migraines (and not those commercialized migraines people have made a misnomer but the legitimate ones). You have a good base because of the ranking system you've established, so it shouldn't be hard to balance it out.

There's even a Marvel character named Longshot with similar powers that, the large scale on which he brings himself and others good luck, the more bad luck will happen randomly somewhere in the world or even to him later on (karma and all that).

Also, Wraith likely isn't going to accept anything that leads to "immediate death" or any other terminology similar to that. The ONLY way he would consider it is if the character using it has a near-crippling time hurting a person even slightly because of their morality, which isn't really the case with your character.


Anyways, on subject...

  • I have yet to get a picture, when I findone I will add it, but I just wanted to get this here so I wouldn't lose all my brainchild ideas.
    | NAME: |
    V C. Cheshire

    | ALIAS(ES): |
    Green Eyed Devil, The Child of Chance

    South Jacksonville, Fl, USA

    | SPECIES: |
    Homo Virium (Hyperhuman)

    | D.O.B.: |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    V is incredibly thin, when he was in school he couldn't meet someone with out them wrapping their thumb and pinky around his bicep, he is also unusually tall, with long limbs and long, thin fingers and toes. Having a genetic disorder that appears in one out of 3,000-5,000 human originated organisms. He keeps his hair long, is as such as he doesn't cut it ever. His eyes glow green (like bright green not grass green) either naturally or through special contacts, it is impossible to tell. Specifically he is 6'5" and weighs a massive 115 lbs. Wet. He can be found wearing black cargo pants, black shirts, black flip-flops, and black hoodies, he does own black socks and black shoes, but chooses not to wear them as they wear out much faster than his others.

  • | ABILITIES: |
    V is able to manipulate reality, not in the way that one would usually assume. He has the ability to control chance, or as he likes to call it, improbability.

    Gambling: the weakest level of his power, he can manipulate chance outcomes, like the roll of a die or the flip of a coin.

    Poker: the next level he can manipulate more difficult outcomes of chance, such as causing a well trained fighter to lose his footing, a casino hit-man to miss his shot, or what cards appear in what order from a deck of cards, this may not be easy for other Fortuna, because of the warping it causes on reality, but is was one of the first things he trained himself for.

    Lottery: mid level, subconscious good luck, in which he passively drains the good luck from around him, and channels it to himself causing him to lead a rather pleasant daily life. At this level he can also actively do a number of things: drain extreme amounts of luck from someone, basically guaranteeing that something bad will happen to them. Focus good luck into someone, not his own of course, insuring that something bad wouldn't happen to them. Draining someone's luck can result in memory loss, physical harm/degeneration, and meteoric contact. Though that last one is rare at this level.

    The next level up is where reality really doesn't enjoy him. The first power is one of his newer, and largely unused and untested powers, he calls it jinxing.

    Jinxing, he needs to touch the person he wishes to jinx, or get them to touch something he has touched, when this requirement is met, the person in question loses all of their good luck, and for the rest of their life (which will likely be shortened considerably) will be drained of their good luck. This luck is transferred to V, until the person dies, or the jinx is relinquished by a Fortuna.

    Hexing, this is a misnomer, basically the opposite of Jinxing, he uses this power even less than Jinking, but when he does he always connects the Hex to one of his other Jinxs.

    Curse, the next level up this is a deadly power, similar to a Jinx or Hex, a Curse must be passed though the contact of a common object. He has never used this power before, and wouldn't unless it was necessary to help out his friends. Causes immediate death, generally by a very unlikely way such as spontaneous combustion, or meteor strike.

    Devil Tricks, the most unique of his powers, he can warp reality so much that for a short time anything is possible, he usually uses this, about 30 second time span, to pull things into existence that shouldn't exist, and around him chaos breaks lose. A common side effect is the ground turning into ground beef and people around him having the sudden uncontrollable desire to devour that beef. After 30 seconds everything reverts, except what he pulled into the world. This is currently the focus of his power training as he wishes to extended the time he can use this power.

    | SKILLS: |
    As a 19 year old, he's quite excellent at surviving on cheap food and little sleep.
    Very fast learner.
    He can also make people trust him quite easily, and that is without his powers.
    A crack shot with a rifle.

    He can not run very long, nor is he strong in any sense. His age makes it hard for him to taken seriously, and his comments are often disregarded by older, "more experienced" people. His lack of worthwhile skills limits his ability to capitalize on opportunities.

    Apathy, his curse of not being able to care, or love, it is also a blessing though, as he doesn't mind when bad things happen.

    He can only use his higher level powers when he has high stamina, the more exhausted he is the more chaotic the results will be of using his powers, or the more out of his control they will be.

    His metabolism requires him to consume nearly twice as many calories as a regular person, and he almost always has food in his pockets. (Which can smelled and therefor tracked, by dogs.)

    He's arrogant, and acts on impulse, believing in himself so highly that he relies on his powers to take care of tense situations.

    He is the bane of casinos, when he walks in the doors the owner's face falls and they starts filling out the bankruptcy papers (not really, just exaggerating). He uses his powers to give himself an edge at gambling, and can most of the time be found in a casino spending his time stealing other peoples hard earned cash.

    In combat, first he would drain the targets good luck, then he may just let them hurt themselves as they try to attack him, or he would use their bad luck to give them a Jinx or Curse. He rarely uses his own body to fight, since even being incredibly lucky, he still is rather weak and can't do much damage. With a rifle though, he can hit a target as far away as he wants, as long as he has enough energy to channel the required luck.
  • | WEAPONS: |
    Always on person: A deck of cards, which he uses to place Jinxs, Hexs, and Curses.
    An assortment of coins, used in tricks and as a medium to place a Jinx, Hex or Curse.
    Kept in storage at house for special occasions: L115A3 AWM

    | TOOLS: |
    Combat Knife, about six inches long, with a black sheath, partially serrated on the back, angled just at the tip on the blade side. Has a seat belt cutter in the handle, and a window breaker on the end of the handle.
    Occasionally he will have an ornate cane that he won in a poker game.
    Android smart phone, for when he needs to order pizza or something.

    | ATTIRE: |
    Black; cargo pants, shirts, hooded zip-up jackets, flip-flops or shoes and socks. He doesn't wear gloves, bracelets, rings, necklaces, or glasses, or anything that would help identify him.
  • | BACKSTORY: |
    V had never considered himself lucky. He had been born to a middle class family, had an older sister, and owned several chickens. He didn't know what his father did for a living, but his mother was always switching between jobs. They had money though, enough to keep their two kids satisfied. When he was just a child V and his sister were taking by the state to live with strangers. Turned out his father had a thing for underage girls. So did his half-brother, but that wasn't really important. V spent a most of the rest of his life moving between families, he was separated from his sister after a few years and moved all the way to Crescent City, to live temporarily with some relatives. None of the families he stayed with kept him for long.

    V couldn't tell you much about his family history, or tell anybody about who his great grandparents were, he had never cared as a child, and didn't develop an interest in such. He was content to live in the present, taking each day as it came. He succumbed to that most blessed of psychological illnesses, apathy. It was common for children who suffered broken families and constantly changing families and friends, to stop caring about people. What good was it to care for someone you would not be seeing in a few weeks or even days? Other kids like him would go on to become criminals, or maladjusted individuals, not being able to control their emotions, or actions. V didn't concern himself with this, he overheard it, observed it, and experienced it first hand from other foster children. He grew distant, his apathy made it hard to punish him, take away his toys, he play with sticks. Take away his books he'd go into his imagination. Physical labor was deemed the only effective punishment. But not really, because he never changed his ways.

    V had first experienced his powers when he noticed that if he wanted to, he could control the outcome of a coin flip, or die roll. He looked back in his past and picked up on anomalous events that he seemed to have influenced. V noticed that when ever he had desired strongly, for something to happen one way or the other, it did. He was just a young teenager when he learned this, but he spent the rest of his life finding out what the extent of his power was. He would go to the library, and study anything he could find on the science of probability. He was surprised to discover when looking to see if there were others like himself, that there was, and more, there was accounts and records of people with all sorts of amazing powers. He was saddened by this news, but he would shrug and cast it off as unimportant.

    When he was in high school he learned he could drain luck from other people. He noticed this one day when he was watching someone bully a freshmeat, the bully was senior, and he was trying to get the younger student to give him his lunch money. V knew that this particular senior was going to use the money for drugs. The kid insisted that the bully leave him alone, before he got in trouble. Mr. Druggie thought that was a threat to his apelyness and swung a fist at the kid. V found himself hoping that the senior would screw up his attack, but unlike his other chance alterations, he didn't hope for a specific outcome. The bully missed the kid, of course, and punched the lockers behind him. The kid ducked out under his arm and went behind him, the bully turned swinging his arm, at the same time a teacher came out to see what the ruckus was. Sadly for the freshy, the arm made contact with his face. Sadly for the senior, the teacher saw it.

    V spent the rest of high school building up a following. It became known that when V wanted something to happen, no matter what the odds were, it would happen. He graduated, not top of his class, since he didn't use his powers to cheat in school for himself. He left his current home, and picked up gambling as the source of his income. He quickly made a lot of money, but didn't act like he did, he bought a simple apartment, and drove a nice, but not absurd, car. He didn't dress in suits and didn't wave fat stacks of cash around. His bank account though, had more digits than many people have ever seen. He would make donations to foster programs, and orphanages, but he never made appearances around those places. He despised kids, and knew that if he saw where the money was going, he wouldn't bother sending it.

    His young mind was still impressionable and he had learned of other vigilantes. He reasoned that if he actually tried he could probably become a vigilante too. When he personally witnessed some criminals getting stopped by vigilantes he made up his mind. He would not actively seek out criminals, they were kinda scary, but if he witnessed them in action, he would intervene. His powers made it easy to keep himself from being pinpointed as a vigilante though.

  • V resides in the West End, and sometimes hikes into the mountains.


First off, V.C. is not a name. I'd like his actual birth name whether that's Vince Carter, or Victor Cain. V.C. can be put as a nickname or Alias if you prefer he goes by that, but I'd really like to see a full name in the name spot. What's the name of the disease that has cause his appearance, I ask because at 6'-5" and only 115lbs, that's horrible unhealthy. He'd literally be a walking skeleton essentially.

As Stein has already pointed out to you, the latter half of his abilities are far too overpowered. Furthermore, I don't like the concept of luck as a tangible force. 'Luck' is just a series of fortuitous coincidences, essentially your character makes these series of coincidences much more frequent for himself however I don't agree with him being able to rob someone of these coincidences for the rest of their life. If you were to do that to a player character, they're essentially god-modded and screwed into a series of unfortunate events for the remainder of the RP unless you decide otherwise. You also need to be really careful about how much reality V can warp, as Saturns are the Hypes with true control over the fabric of reality whereas Fortuna are only able to subtly manipulate it to their own gain. Ensuring he's dealt a good hand, a die lands on his needed number, an opponent trips or knocking over an object sets off a domino effect are all applicable uses of the Fortuna ability. Making anything possible for a limited time is a definite no however, even a Saturn I wouldn't approve that ability for.

On a lighter note, can you even get into Casinos in the States at the age of 19? Or is it dependent on the State you're in? In Canada, while the legal gambling age is 18, you can't go into casinos until 19 due to the alcohol.

Also as Stein said, the Limitations and Weaknesses don't really leave much opening for opponents. Even drained of most of his stamina, he still is able to use his lower tier abilities to remain untouchable. While I understand the ability is hard to limit, what if he had to use some sort of physical or verbal command. The Smallville version of Mister Mxyzptlk had to issue a vocal command in order to use his abilities, such a variation on the power gives the character and exploitable weakness.

The backstory is alright, though I'm curious about when he discovers his powers. You noted he remembered his past and thought of other times when the outcome was what he had wanted. The Hype gene is non-existant before puberty and as such before it activates there is no evidence of it let alone effects. Though the wording was vague enough I'm not sure just how far back he was remembering. Other than that I'll wait until the CS is fully finished to add any further thoughts.
Should have become MacGyver and made a Hydrogen Generator to decompose water into Hydrogen and Water, and THEN used Water as the fuel :P
Considering it took us twenty minutes to realise that it was water, and even that required someone comparing the smell of theirs to ours, I doubt we could have built a hydrogen generator. xD And the lighter we had ran out. Basically that experiment was a bit of a trainwreck, so it was probably a good thing that it wasn't actually on our course and our teacher was just making us do it so we could compare it to a proper bomb calorimeter.

The joys of chemistry.
I've lost interest in that character anyway after learning about superheros and the like that had such ability. I may work on a different character, not the same type.
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