Vigilance: Blood And Justice [OOC/Sign-Ups/Chat]

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Well even if something blocks you I have no need to put you on inactive. As long as you continue to communicate everything is cool. Though obviously we do need you to post at some point haha. If you end up not posting by Monday would you be okay with me taking control of your character for the resolution?

Hey everyone! Slight change of plans, I'm thinking instead of rushing the end of these subplots and shoehorning our characters into another series of disasters I'm going to have a slight break and give us all some time to show off our character's normal lives. Do some character interaction outside of battle, some inner monologuing and all that jazz. That said, if you still wish to pursue a plot the main plot to discover the source of the storm is always open.

In a week's time or so I will be posting new subplots and hopefully a few days have gone by IC. If not, I'll specify the passed time when I introduce the new subplots. Just want to get everyone caught up and on the same page before doing so.
I think having the social aspects will be interesting. I may have Morgan make a ID to go clubbing xD
I think I'm finally done with the Cs, sorry it took so long to make it, just didn't have my usually amount of passion for the character until recently. I will put it up her for easier access.
  • | NAME: | Angela Farcrest

    | ALIAS(ES): | Evil side: Cruoria

    | PLACE OF BIRTH: | Los Angelos, California

    | SPECIES: | Homo-Magnus

    | D.O.B.: | 5/15/1900

    | AGE: | 115(looks to be about 25)

    | SEX: | Female

    | SEXUALITY: | Bisexual

    | APPEARANCE: | Angela is around 5'8 with long flowing scarlet hair, pale red eyes, ivory skin, and always seems to have a subdued expression on her face. She posses a modest bust and hip size, and keeps her hair loose so she can hide behind it when needed. Anela has very litte social presence, tending to fade into the background of conversation and preferring to stay there. Cruoria, however, has a much more prominent one, very likely to draw attention. She tends to wear black eyeshadow to intensify the color of her eyes

    | CLASSIFICATION: | Magnai Adept

  • | ABILITIES: | She possess a divided mind, split by the corruption of the Nox and her own inner turmoil and conflict into two separate, but interlocked personas, one being subdued yet benevolent, the other being a sadistic hedonist who cares for her own well being and nothing else. The good side can construct(or summon if that's a thing) creatures from the Nox to defend herself or attack others. She also can manipulate the Nox into basic constructs, to help her reach things or to protect her when things get dangerous. Her evil side focuses more on using the Nox to increase her own abilities, gaining increased durability, speed, reflexes, and strength. She can also manipulate the Nox into constructs, but they are much more advanced and complex.

    | SKILLS: | Stealth, hand-to-hand combat, sewing, Evasion, playing musical instruments, first-aid, swordsmanship, archery

    | LIMITATIONS: | Good Side: She can only have 3 creatures out at a time comfortably, any more and it puts an immense strain on her psyche and body, running the risk of losing her sanity and letting the other side completely take over. Her Nox manipulation can only go as far as making simple shapes, like a tendril, a wall, or a sphere.

    Bad Side: The boost to her abilities has a drawback that, once she's finished boosting, she suffers from an energy drain equal to the amount expended, so if she goes all out, she is likely to faint once she releases the boost or runs out of expendable energy.

    | WEAKNESSES: | Angela: Very submissive, doesn't have a strong will, caves under pressure, has a confidence issue, loathes her self, Inner conflict between her two sides

    Cruoria: Doesn't listen to reason, Does what she wants, a close range fighter, arrogance, very easy to anger and bait, highly impulsive,

    | APPLICATIONS: | Creature can be used for spying on others, as she can see through their eyes(Can't do anything else while doing this however, and it doesn't better her control over them), their size, shape, and look are all variable, changing into how she wants them to look or reflecting how she feels at the moment if the emotions are strong enough. creature could b used for decoys, as they can be made to look like people, but they can't talk. Nox attacks can be used just basic attacks, can be given an elemental touch, like ice and fire, if needed. Shape manipulation can be used for defense as well as grasping objects, butAngela will not be as good at this as Cruoria, who can make weapons and armor out of it.
  • | WEAPONS: | She has two conduits, one for Nox manipulation, and another for summoning her creatures. She wears a silver choker for Nox manipulation and a golden ring, the kind that cover the entire finger, for summoning.

    | TOOLS: | A special mask that she uses to hide her identity, it looks different depending on who wears it, and masks their voices.

    Cruoria's mask: A skull-like mask that is dyed red and black, and makes her eyes glow a vicious scarlet color. It is covered in strange moving markings which give those looking at them a feeling of unease, and those who look at them for too long will begin to see images of their own painful death

    Angela's Mask:A simplistic mask, it covers the face, yet seems to have no definite shape. It becomes whatever the viewer thinks it to be, all except her face. It is a reflection of her submissive nature. always giving up her own sense of self.

    Blood-stained Cape: A cape that Cruoria wears mainly, it's a hooded black cape that bears many stains of blood, which seem to stay eternally fresh. It also can store whatever it can wrap around, unless it is living, in a sort of pocket dimension. It can only hold about ten items at a time.

    | ATTIRE: | Angela normally wears a dark grey sweater, some blue jeans, and some sneakers. Cruoria, when she has the time, goes for a more provocative arrangement of a black tube top with really short jean shorts and combat boots.(Whenever

  • | BACKSTORY: | Cruoria has always been a violent one, doing only what she wants and getting rid of anyone who told her otherwise. She performed the Dark Rite on many other Magni to get to adept level, loving the pain she inflicted. But for some reason, she began to have second thoughts, doubts about why this life was even worth living. What point was there in this life, if she could all ways get what she wanted just by stealing for others. These thoughts are what caused her eventual division of self when she was around 92, aided by the corruption of her Nox. Now she just lives in the city, working at a coffee shop and trying to keep her darkness under control. (I know it's not very descriptive, sorry. More stuff will be added to it as I think, but at the moment, this is like the basic skeleton of her BS)

  • | SAMPLE POST: | Angela was all alone in her bed, watching the rain drops splatter against the windowpane. Past it was darkness, the shadows of the night. In her hand was a cup of coffee, steam rising from the cup, carrying a delicious aroma with it. But Angela didn't notice it, her as she continued her vigil, watching the raindrops flow down the glass.

    "So thin, the trails they leave. And the trails evaporate into the sun, leaving nothing behind. If only my evil would be so easily banished."

    'Because this Evil is you, silly girl, I am the truth that you attempt to hide, that you try to forget, that you plead to disappear. But I will not be hidden, I will not be forgotten, I will always be here. I am the original and you are the fake. If either of us are going to disappear, it will be you, and when that happens, I will be sure to keep just a little piece of you around. Then you can see everything you ever knew burned to the ground. This I promise you' The voice in her mind, Cruoria, laughed as it finished its speech, sinking back into the depths of Angela's unconsciousness. Angela didn't show any reaction the words spoken, for she heard such words, and worse, every night. One could only cry themselves to sleep for so long.

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(your image broke)
It works in the editor, but not when I post it, and I even switched out the pic for another one. Have any ideas what the problem may be.
Look very critically at the code. You should only see one imga=right code followed by a url that only leads to that image, and then a imga tag ending it. Anything beyond that will simply fk it all up.

So no img tags, only the imga=right tag.
I saw the problem, I forgot to take the A's out, I thought they were a part of the code, which was pretty dumb on my part.
No, I edited my post. Stupid iPad 'corrected' me incorrectly
I tried it with out the A's, and it works with the picture on top , with them, images breaks.
Remove the image. Save only the http...jpg or whatever the link ends with.
Put the a back in the IMGA=RIGHT codes.
Put the link between the start and end codes.
Do NOT insert an image. Do NOT add extra img or url tags.
Then it works.
What you have now is an incorrect code, not the one that is required in the sheet.
Okay, it finally works, thank you very much for the assistance Olissa. It is much appreciated.
I think I'm finally done with the Cs, sorry it took so long to make it, just didn't have my usually amount of passion for the character until recently. I will put it up her for easier access.
  • | NAME: | Angela Farcrest

    | ALIAS(ES): | Evil side: Cruoria

    | PLACE OF BIRTH: | Los Angelos, California

    | SPECIES: | Homo-Magnus

    | D.O.B.: | 5/15/1900

    | AGE: | 115(looks to be about 25)

    | SEX: | Female

    | SEXUALITY: | Bisexual

    | APPEARANCE: | Angela is around 5'8 with long flowing scarlet hair, pale red eyes, ivory skin, and always seems to have a subdued expression on her face. She posses a modest bust and hip size, and keeps her hair loose so she can hide behind it when needed. Anela has very litte social presence, tending to fade into the background of conversation and preferring to stay there. Cruoria, however, has a much more prominent one, very likely to draw attention. She tends to wear black eyeshadow to intensify the color of her eyes

    | CLASSIFICATION: | Magnai Adept

  • | ABILITIES: | She possess a divided mind, split by the corruption of the Nox and her own inner turmoil and conflict into two separate, but interlocked personas, one being subdued yet benevolent, the other being a sadistic hedonist who cares for her own well being and nothing else. The good side can construct(or summon if that's a thing) creatures from the Nox to defend herself or attack others. She also can manipulate the Nox into basic constructs, to help her reach things or to protect her when things get dangerous. Her evil side focuses more on using the Nox to increase her own abilities, gaining increased durability, speed, reflexes, and strength. She can also manipulate the Nox into constructs, but they are much more advanced and complex.

    | SKILLS: | Stealth, hand-to-hand combat, sewing, Evasion, playing musical instruments, first-aid, swordsmanship, archery

    | LIMITATIONS: | Good Side: She can only have 3 creatures out at a time comfortably, any more and it puts an immense strain on her psyche and body, running the risk of losing her sanity and letting the other side completely take over. Her Nox manipulation can only go as far as making simple shapes, like a tendril, a wall, or a sphere.

    Bad Side: The boost to her abilities has a drawback that, once she's finished boosting, she suffers from an energy drain equal to the amount expended, so if she goes all out, she is likely to faint once she releases the boost or runs out of expendable energy.

    | WEAKNESSES: | Angela: Very submissive, doesn't have a strong will, caves under pressure, has a confidence issue, loathes her self, Inner conflict between her two sides

    Cruoria: Doesn't listen to reason, Does what she wants, a close range fighter, arrogance, very easy to anger and bait, highly impulsive,

    | APPLICATIONS: | Creature can be used for spying on others, as she can see through their eyes(Can't do anything else while doing this however, and it doesn't better her control over them), their size, shape, and look are all variable, changing into how she wants them to look or reflecting how she feels at the moment if the emotions are strong enough. creature could b used for decoys, as they can be made to look like people, but they can't talk. Nox attacks can be used just basic attacks, can be given an elemental touch, like ice and fire, if needed. Shape manipulation can be used for defense as well as grasping objects, butAngela will not be as good at this as Cruoria, who can make weapons and armor out of it.
  • | WEAPONS: | She has two conduits, one for Nox manipulation, and another for summoning her creatures. She wears a silver choker for Nox manipulation and a golden ring, the kind that cover the entire finger, for summoning.

    | TOOLS: | A special mask that she uses to hide her identity, it looks different depending on who wears it, and masks their voices.

    Cruoria's mask: A skull-like mask that is dyed red and black, and makes her eyes glow a vicious scarlet color. It is covered in strange moving markings which give those looking at them a feeling of unease, and those who look at them for too long will begin to see images of their own painful death

    Angela's Mask:A simplistic mask, it covers the face, yet seems to have no definite shape. It becomes whatever the viewer thinks it to be, all except her face. It is a reflection of her submissive nature. always giving up her own sense of self.

    Blood-stained Cape: A cape that Cruoria wears mainly, it's a hooded black cape that bears many stains of blood, which seem to stay eternally fresh. It also can store whatever it can wrap around, unless it is living, in a sort of pocket dimension. It can only hold about ten items at a time.

    | ATTIRE: | Angela normally wears a dark grey sweater, some blue jeans, and some sneakers. Cruoria, when she has the time, goes for a more provocative arrangement of a black tube top with really short jean shorts and combat boots.(Whenever

  • | BACKSTORY: | Cruoria has always been a violent one, doing only what she wants and getting rid of anyone who told her otherwise. She performed the Dark Rite on many other Magni to get to adept level, loving the pain she inflicted. But for some reason, she began to have second thoughts, doubts about why this life was even worth living. What point was there in this life, if she could all ways get what she wanted just by stealing for others. These thoughts are what caused her eventual division of self when she was around 92, aided by the corruption of her Nox. Now she just lives in the city, working at a coffee shop and trying to keep her darkness under control. (I know it's not very descriptive, sorry. More stuff will be added to it as I think, but at the moment, this is like the basic skeleton of her BS)

  • | SAMPLE POST: | Angela was all alone in her bed, watching the rain drops splatter against the windowpane. Past it was darkness, the shadows of the night. In her hand was a cup of coffee, steam rising from the cup, carrying a delicious aroma with it. But Angela didn't notice it, her as she continued her vigil, watching the raindrops flow down the glass.

    "So thin, the trails they leave. And the trails evaporate into the sun, leaving nothing behind. If only my evil would be so easily banished."

    'Because this Evil is you, silly girl, I am the truth that you attempt to hide, that you try to forget, that you plead to disappear. But I will not be hidden, I will not be forgotten, I will always be here. I am the original and you are the fake. If either of us are going to disappear, it will be you, and when that happens, I will be sure to keep just a little piece of you around. Then you can see everything you ever knew burned to the ground. This I promise you' The voice in her mind, Cruoria, laughed as it finished its speech, sinking back into the depths of Angela's unconsciousness. Angela didn't show any reaction the words spoken, for she heard such words, and worse, every night. One could only cry themselves to sleep for so long.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject this CS. Firstly, the backstory is very lacking for a character who is 115 years old. Where did she come from? Who are her parents? Who were all these Magni she performed the Dark Rite on? It also strikes me as very odd that the corruption of the Nox produced a 'Good Side', instead of her starting as a good girl who performed the Dark Rite and the trauma created her 'dark side'. Like the backstory, the sample post is also very lacking. Two blurbs of dialogue and slight description isn't really what I'm looking for. Due to the Magni's wide range of abilities and powers I'm looking for lots of detail and higher quality than that of a Hyperhuman CS. The other thing that really bothers me is how you've set up your powers. It's painfully obvious that it was done this way because you couldn't have the two Hype Types with one character and thus it has compromised your CS since it now doesn't feel like a Magni but two Hyperhumans who inhabit the same body. I'm afraid for the time being it's going to be a no to Angela.

On another note, Shard has departed the RP and it is Monday! So @virtual_girl and @Nightrunner will both be moved to inactive. If either posts within the next week they'll regain their active status but if they do not, they'll be removed from the roster all together.

@Stein and @Goldmarble, I'll be PMing you sometime today to figure out a resolution to the break-ins.
Looking for a quick resolution?

.....So, what I'm reading is you want Sarks to go deus ex machina and drop a Nuke Block on the neighborhood and miraculously escape with Wade in tow, riding off in to the sunset?

....Or am I misreading that?

Also, would you mind if I helped @Raijinslayer with his(her?) character? I know the general feel for characters that you look for and I think I can help him (her?) translate that vision and keep the integrity of the character. And, I think out of anyone in this thread besides you, I might be the best equipped to give Magni advice.
Looking for a quick resolution?

.....So, what I'm reading is you want Sarks to go deus ex machina and drop a Nuke Block on the neighborhood and miraculously escape with Wade in tow, riding off in to the sunset?

....Or am I misreading that?

Also, would you mind if I helped @Raijinslayer with his(her?) character? I know the general feel for characters that you look for and I think I can help him (her?) translate that vision and keep the integrity of the character. And, I think out of anyone in this thread besides you, I might be the best equipped to give Magni advice.

Lol Maybe not quite that kind of resolution. Need the neighbourhood standing. And yeah as long as Rajin wants help I have no problem with you giving him a hand.

Do you know if you will be able to get a post up or if I may continue with Morgan.
Lol Maybe not quite that kind of resolution. Need the neighbourhood standing. And yeah as long as Rajin wants help I have no problem with you giving him a hand.
Need? Or want? Need or want, Wraith?

Awesome sauce!
I would definitely appreciate some help. I just haven't been feeling my character, cause I usaully am rather good with backstories and what not. Maybe I should do another rewrite, though I'd stick with the Magni character.
I just haven't been feeling my character, cause I usaully am rather good with backstories and what not.
Honestly, this doesn't help. 'Not feeling' the character you've spent however much time re-writing begs the question on why you wrote her, and saying you're usually good just half-implies you didn't bother to make it good despite any loose connections.

I can't say the same for everyone, but I've always preferred a writer who just needs touching up and coaching to a writer who's good but lazy.
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