Vieuxpont Academy for the Supernatural

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And with that, Ichigo has had his first interaction with someone.
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@Asriel yeah, there are still a ton of spots open (I'm exaggerating a tiny bit, but whatever...) I believe Tarieles is looking for more females and professors, but it would obviously be okay to make a male character. You could always PM Tarieles to be super duper safe, though.
@Asriel Yep, still accepting. Really would like professors the most.
If this is still open, I'd like to join. I don't have a problem RP'ing as a professor either.~
*peeks head in*

Also wondering if this is still open? If so, I would love to sign up as a half angel/half human (if that's allowed)
@EddiEddi, Leone has a spotty knowledge of Old English because it was occasionally spoken by his parents when he was way younger. Also, it would be conceivable that some of his spell books had spells written in Old English, and in order to properly cast a spell, one must know what exactly they're doing.
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@EddiEddi, Leone has a spotty knowledge of Old English because it was occasionally spoken by his parents when he was way younger. Also, it would be conceivable that some of his spell books had spells written in Old English, and in order to properly cast a spell, one must know what exactly they're doing.
I'll give you that, but then some of the wording would still be odd, IE the use of the suggestion of a bitter herbal drink in a spell
This is definitely still open. Having more professors would be great.

Also yes, I will allow an angel-human hybrid, so long as she/he's a bit more angel than human.

And soon, I'm gonna have the Dean announce a meeting, so if anyone who hasn't posted yet still needs to post, that'd be nice.
I may do a Professor, Just not sure what race to give him. trying to do something that dosn't feel way to contrived or cliche like a archangel or demon or something like that (no offence to anyone who is playing one,) and give him a class. Mind if I do a Alhoon and take advanced magic?
What classes are available? I may make a professor if anything catches my eye.
I suppose an Alhoon would be okay, if you're talking about the ones I'm thinking of (undead mindflayers? If not, I have no clue what they are.) And advanced magic could be a thing, yes.

You can pretty much just make up a class. Some examples could be: Magical Biology, Herbology, Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, Magical History, Anti-Magic (like breaking spells and becoming immune to effects or something), and others along those lines.
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I suppose an Alhoon would be okay, if you're talking about the ones I'm thinking of (undead mindflayers? If not, I have no clue what they are.) And advanced magic could be a thing, yes.

You can pretty much just make up a class. Some examples could be: Magical Biology, Herbology, Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, Magical History, Anti-Magic (like breaking spells and becoming immune to effects or something), and others along those lines.
Alright. I will think about it.
Placeholder and WIP as I construct this.


[fieldbox="Data, #330345, dashed"]
Name: High Arch-Lich Vor'Zul
Nickname: DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME ANYTHING BUT MY FULL TITLE! (Professors, MIGHT get away with calling him 'Arch-Lich')
Real Age: 2000 and something, he lost track long ago.
Appeared Age: N/A
Species: Alhoon
Powers: Necromancy, Black magic, Unholy spells, 'Mastery' Over death (he can't be killed,) Psionic warfare (he will invade your mind!) Hive mind (acess to every memory of every Illithid ever + those that were devoured by them), Brain/Mind Devouring.
Class: Advanced Magical Theory. Undead and Combat Against the Undead (Needs partner teacher, since it would make sense to have a undead and a paladin/cleric/angel teaching that class)
Vor'Zul is long dead. Not that he ever let that stop him. He is cold, calculating, and puts full precedence upon his learning and upon that of his students. Any student who catches him out of lesson will often find him in the library studying complex rituals or complex ancient languages. Any student who is in his lesson will find themselves given any information they ask for and Vor'Zul will allow his students to grow with their own desires. Any student who finds his or herself late to Vor'Zul's lectures/lessons better have a VERY good excuse or find their brain missing.

Family: Non
Vor'Zul was a standard Illithid up untill he encountered a young group of adventurers They attempted to murder him, they just about failed but this reduced his body to a near-destroyed state. He underwent the process which converted him in to a lich. from then on he spent his years learning.
Discussing Life and death.
Teaching others.
Mastering new powers and skills.

People who see no value in survival
People being late
people who do not want to learn new things.

Near Infinite knowledge,
Almost perfect Logic,
Master of Psionic abilites and warfare
Capable of absorbing knowledge from others minds
Understands any and all languages
Hive Memory

Overly Logical
Overly Analytical
Refuses to accept anyone could have more knowledge than himself,
Terrible at Paperwork
Relies on his Psionic powers

He lacks any clear outside fears, however he does fear a student going down the wrong path due to his teachings, or one of his students not learning anything.

Crush: Non
Significant Other: Non

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This is definitely still open. Having more professors would be great.

Also yes, I will allow an angel-human hybrid, so long as she/he's a bit more angel than human.

And soon, I'm gonna have the Dean announce a meeting, so if anyone who hasn't posted yet still needs to post, that'd be nice.
The IC is up? D: Where's the link? And I finished my student, I just need to finish my professor.
The IC is up? D: Where's the link? And I finished my student, I just need to finish my professor.
Oh wait xD I didn't finish my student actually! I got confused with the Freakville rp.
Alright, I'm heading off to work, but I'll have a professor cs up in the next 24 hours or so. (:
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I have to go now, and I will not be able to read any posts until Friday or Saturday afternoon. Once I return, I will make sure to post something on the IC as soon as possible if needed (I understand the Dean is making an anouncement, hopefully I won't be too late on the IC).~
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