Vianne's rp :P

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Justin lays hiding behind a car. He whispers, "what now?"
Ben stands up, a bat in hand.
"We attack!" He charges at each of them, swinging left and right. A loud bang sounded through the air and a group of men and women walk through the hoard of zombies and blow them down.

Ben stands back, out of their way.
Justin eyes widen, "who...."
Within a few minutes, the whole hoard was knocked out. The group of people wore masks and helmets to protect themselves, one takes her stuff off to reveal a head of black and orange hair and eyes of honey brown underneath. She smirked at the boys. "Well looky here boss, we found some cute ones.."

(You add an OC too!)
(I gotta go later...big party. But I will.)

A man walks next to her, chuckling. "To bad there all dudes..." he takes off his helmet. He had shiny brown hair and a little tan of white skin. He had pink eyes and a white smile.
(See ya!)
Autumn nods. "Yeah, but the blonde one looks like he can does the auburn haired guy.." She bends down, her face a few inches from Justin's "You're real cute though, you can come with me."

Steven stands up and pushed Autumn back. Ben backs up further. "Woah, we have our own refuge. No thanks.."
(not leaving till like five :P)

Chris (that's his name) pulls a gun up facing the two other men, "you want him? i'll get him for you..." he looks up at Ben and Steven. "we won't kill him, i just got to make Autumn happy..."
Justin blushes once he hears what she say, he looks up and down at her. She was cute looking.
Autumn smiles, she grabs Justin's arm and chuckles. "Well you're mine then. Thanks Chris." She winks.

Steven frowns. "He's in a relationship.."

Autumn scoffs. "I could care less.."
Chris smirks, "your welcome my darling.." he steps back and aims a gun at them. "what about these two?"

Justin squeals, "MEEP!" as he is dragged away.
Autumn frowns. "Aww, what's wrong sweetie?" She looks at Chris. "Leave 'em I guess.."

Steven and Ben both run into Autumn. Ben takes Justin with him and runs and Steven stays back. "Lay off! He's one of OUR residents."

Autumn smirks. "Yeah, but we're better.."

Steven groans. "Step off PLEASE! Leave him alone! He has things to care for! People to look after!"
Chris grins, "i'll fry em..." he pulls out an assault rifle.

He aims and fire two rounds into Steven chest, then aims at Ben. "nighty night..." he fires four round into his back side.
Ben falls back, blood staining his shirt. He tries limping on, but he can't.

Steven's eyes widen, he looks down at his chest. He immediately runs back and grabs Justin. "Run!"

Autumn scowls. "Don't kill 'em, you scared him off! Whatever, he's not even worth it..." She walks back towards the group. "But next time there's no messing around.."
Chris smiles, "nah...he's to scared to move...." he approached them.

Justin stood over Ben, he bends down. "Guys...."

(Gotta go!)
(hey! i was tired last night and checked in. i didn't comment cause i was tired.... i'm back for a little.)

Chris grabs Justin by the neck, he drags him down the alley towards Autumn. He gives them to her and holds his gun up to the other two. "next shot will kill!!"
Autumn grins. "Aww, you're so sweet!" She grabs Justin and holds his arm. "We're gonna go back to base. You're mine now, and if you run you'll die."

Steven holds his side. "Th-thats not fair..! We all have-"

Autumn scoffs. "I dont care! This one is my pet now, got it?!"

Ben remains unresponsive on the ground.
Justin shrinks down, letting her hold him.
Chris smirks, "let's go...." he turns to Autumn and nods. "before theses two do something stupid..." he backs away, gun still raised to them.
Autumn walks along back, Steven follows silently.

Once they reach the base, Autumn immediately takes Justin upstairs. "This is your new bedroom. You are required to share with me or you sleep with the zombies.." She says.

After everyone gets back, Ben gets up and runs to the hotel. He runs to Damian's room and bangs on the door. "Hey! You awake?! Some of our runners were captured!"
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