Vampires, Werewolves, and Clockwork. A Steampunk Fantasy RP(Stay tuned for more details)

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Changed the year a little bit.
Hmm what character to make next....Human, elemental, vampire...Frankenstien? Lol
Lol could be a cat shifter, but I already have a wolf chick right now
Sorry! I might have gone overboard creating a world >.<
Name: Styxx Belindora
Height: 6'6
Weight: 225
Age: 22
Race: Elf
Appearance: 76091_115428135189725_100001676162291_113214_5020492_n.jpg
Magical Abilities (If any): Blue 12 years.
Martial Abilities: Master of archery, hand to hand combat, and daggers. Increased agility, speed, and strength.
Education: Educated by his elf kin but new to college.
Equipment and Clothing (Include artifacts with in depth description): A black shirt open in the front (in the pic) brown trousers, and dark green boots.
His daggers that are hidden in sheaths throughout his body.
collectible dagger.jpg daggers_007.jpg Egyptian_Dagger.jpg
images (5).jpg
His bow that lays across his back with a brown quiver.
Family: Mother and father deceased, little sister alive (15), she lives in his village and hes very protective of her.
Titles or Societal Positions: Known as Neart (Gaelic for strength) in his village.​
The endless possibilities in this RP makes it so difficult to decide.. And what is the limit on characters you can have? I might or probably will make two, so I was wondering..

Also, can someone link me to the latest/updated character sheet?
Age: (Add apparent if applicable)
Appearance: (Picture or text description)
Magical Abilities (If any): (Place years of study next to each field)
Martial Abilities:
Equipment and Clothing (Include artifacts with in depth description):
Titles or Societal Positions:

@Khaleesi I'll assume she dyes her hair, otherwise Accepted.
Thanks.. And the char limit is?

One more silly question before I start making my character

How many magic colors/ abilities are you allowed to begin with?

I apologize if this question has been asked earlier..
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What character limit?

Try to keep it reasonable, if you're really good at one of the magic types, make sure your character has devoted a lot of years of their life to studying that one in particular. There are no young archmages.
A cat. Just a cat. Meow.

Name: Addie

Height: 1'0

Weight: 12 lbs

Gender: Female

Age: 7

Race: Feline


Magical Abilities: None

Martial Abilities: Scratching people's eyes

Education: None

Equipment and Clothing: None

Family: Owner is Efeurohm/Xavier

Titles or Societal Positions: Overlord of Xavier's house.

I don't even know if this is serious or not.

Edit: Changed title
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LOL! Here kitty kitty

@BoB (Best of Boxes)³ Yay ty

@Akashi There isnt a character limit I think, I already have 3 and Zero has like 9
@BoB (Best of Boxes)³ When I asked about the character limit. I meant, how many characters can one person have in this RP? Is it unlimited or can you have a certain number of characters? Like 2?

So I guess from the next thing you said earlier, you can have more then one ability to start with? Only that one must be like your primary ablity/magic?

@~ Xypher Doragon ~ What the hell... 9???? And thank you for letting me know that there is no limit in how many characters you can have.. but... 9??????? o.O
Name: Leliana Corvius




She looks to be in her mid twenties when really she is only slightly younger then her older
brother Lysander.



Magical Abilities (If any):
Surprisingly Leliana despite her animalistic roots has actually dabbled quite a bit in green magic. She does it as a past time and is generally not that bad at using it. She's been practicing such magical arts for the past ten years.
Martial Abilities: Leliana is well versed in fighting when it comes using her halfway form, she's much quicker and agile then her brother easily capable of more complicated maneuvers. She moves with a quick savage grace in both her transformed forms and despite obviously lacking in muscle strength compared to some other werewolves she can still hold up on her own pretty decently. When in her human form Leliana is like I said acquainted with green magic and different weaponry. She also has a curiosity towards the development of guns and so has some experience with different prototypes.

Leliana has also lived quite the long time period but aside from solely relying on past experiences the werewolf also has spent many hours indulged in different studies. She has a doctorate degree in chemistry to even prove the fact that she took schooling rather seriously. Leliana also rather ingenious often creating weird contraptions with different steam technology available. She also lately aside from magic has been studying the development of guns.

Equipment and Clothing:
Leliana usually wears a rather noticeable attire. Casually speaking she wears simplistic, rustic and well fitting clothes that more times then often show skin in different ways - they are usually on the darker side of the color spectrum. On formal occasions she usually wears a lot of lace. Her blonde-brown hair is usually let out in graceful and natural tumbles. She wears makeup rather often as well. Aside from that she almost always has a pocket book on her and a personally invented prototype flintlock made of the same silver like material of her family necklace. She often has a dark lace ribbon tying her hair up.

Her closest confidant is her only sibling Lysander.

Titles or Societal Positions:
She is known to be the brains of the illegal operations ran by her and her brother. It's not that her brother is brutish in anyway but for some reason Leliana has always had a way with people and along with both her street and book smarts well its because of her that they managed to become rather infamous in the underground world.
The reason I have that many is because I can manage that and they're already existant within the RP, though Dukan is a new one
Lol, I see. :)
@EraSonata Uh... I... Er... Alright then... It... Seems fine to me? Accepted?

@Rufiya Accepted, though it might be of note that in one of the first few events, one of my characters will take exception to the nature of some of the things they deal in.
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