Vampire bonding

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She titled her head to the side, frowning a little and crossed her arms. "Sure it is." She said, a bit sarcastically. "Do you still want to dance?" She asked. For her the dancing part of the night was already over, but if he wanted to try, she would show him.
"If you wish to." Will said, sighing a little. He didn't really care for dancing, not after what had happened, but he was willing to help her enjoy the rest of her free night. "I only wish for you to be happy right now. It is the least I could do after all that's happened."
She thought about it. "At least one dance. Come on. It's fun. It lightens up any dark mood." She said, hoping she was right. She took him by the hand and pulled onto the dance floor.
Will nodded, following her out to the dance floor. Her hand upon his sent a slight shiver up his spine, a sensation he hadn't felt since his first love, but Gabriella's touch had been much more...invigorating. Shaking his head of such thoughts, he smiles at Lena, the grin reaching even his normally-hard eyes.
She winked at him and started moving, showing off her dance moves, dancing on him like a stripper pole, feeling his hard muscles underneath of her as she moved on him.
At her dancing, a light redness appeared on his face, but it went away soon, as he tried to dance with her, and making a complete fool of himself. He wasn't used to dancing in such a way, more accustomed to ballroom dancing.
The song soon changed, though it was all fast past beat music, hardstyle and techno. "You wanna dance some more? Or shall we call it a night?" She wondered, pulling him from the dance floor so they didn't have to shout so much.
"I am fine with whatever it is you desire, Lena," he said, although inside he didn't like the heat emanating from all the moving bodies, their collective heartbeats a thundering sound unlike any other.
She studied him for a few moments. "Why don't we call it a night? Perhpas we can watch a movie or something at my place?" She offered. Her breathing and heartbeat was faster now due to the dancing.
Will nodded, "Okay," he said. The word slightly shocked him. Such a modern mannerism! Was he finally learning the ways of present-day humans, along with the ability to blend more easily into human society? The thought energized and scared him at the same time, but he shook away the feelings, taking her hand lightly in his.
She gave him a smile and winked at him, letting him lead her out of the club. Once to her car she opened up the passenger door for him and got in on the driver's side. "So what did you think?" She asked as she pulled away from the building.
"You dance very..." he struggled to find the words to describe her dancing, "...lovely. I had a good time with you." He gave her a smile, hoping his pause hadn't offended her in any way.
She chuckled. "Thanks. So you've never done that kind of dancing before?" She wondered, glancing over at him as she rounded a corner.
He shook his head, smiling a little. "I am more used to the dancing of the late-nineteenth century, in Italy. One would not notice it, but I have a faint accent from my days there..."
She nodded, but then grew somber as she drove. "I...hate to bring this up, but...why did he make you into a vampire?" She wondered, keeping her eyes on the road. "I'm sorry if I'm being to personal. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said quietly.
He had almost become comfortable with the silence that had befallen the car, when she spoke once more. He almost choked at her question, but composed himself and said, "He had befriended me when I was in school, a private institution. I thought him a good man, and wished to keep in touch after we went our separate ways. One night, he approached me, and told me who--what--he was. At first, I thought him crazy, and demanded proof, so in order to do so, he took my blood, but accidentally went too far. To keep me from dying, he turned me into what I am. When I woke up the next night, I had no pulse, no body heat, and my eyes had turned a fierce red and I had fangs where teeth should be. The eyes and teeth went away when I learned how to control it, but I hated him for what he did to me. Leaving him for the Americas, I only recently heard of his presence on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, and he was more irrational than I had ever seen him. Crazy, even." Will gives a humourless laugh. "I found out he had been drinking blood from other vampires, that is what caused his insanity..." He trails into silence, his eyes growing sad at the memory of his former friend, how happy he had been when they knew eachother previous to Will's turning.
She wasn't silent for at least a minute before saying, "I'm sorry." She drove for a while more before finally making it back to her home. She unbuckled and got out and waited on the sidewalk for him.
He shook his head. "It is not your fault, so don't apologize." He was silent for the rest of the ride, getting out of the car when she did. He gave her a weak smile, but sadness still lingered in his eyes.
She returned the smile and led him inside, holding the door open for him. "So what do you like for movies?" She asked to change the subject. She felt bad for bringing it up.
"I don't normally watch movies. I am fine with whatever you wish to watch." Will said, the familiar set up of Lena's home making him smile a little.