Vampire bonding

She paled. "C-coffinn?" She studdered, stepping back. "You in one?" She asked, swallowing nervously.
Will stayed silent for a moment, then said, "Yes...I don't sleep well in beds, at least, not anymore. I don't know about others like me, I haven't met very many, but I would assume all of us have this problem." His smile turned wan. "It offers greater protection against the sunlight, too, and a good hiding spot." He continued, realizing how grime it must sound, but not knowing how to stop.
"I see." She muttered, hugging herself. "What...uh...time do you usually...feed?" She asked, hoping it wasn't to late at night.
"Never too late, but late enough that enough people aren't on the streets. But, I can change for you. As long as the sun is not in the sky, I am fine." His smile grew warm again, kind of glad that someone was taking interest in his life.
She thought about it. She was usually in bed around 9:30 or 10, and didn't get home from work til about 5:30. She was usually up a couple hours before the sun rose anyway. "Well, I'm usually up around...four am, as my work day starts at thirty? The sun usually isn't up until I to work anyway." A shiver ran down her spine as she discussed when he could feed off of her.
Will nodded slowly. "I will try to be here at the specified time," he said assuredly. Not many people would be around during the lavender hour, his name for that time just before the sun begins to rise. He smiles reassuringly, to let her know that he is fine with four thirty.
She nodded and tried to return the smile, but wasn't very succesfull at it. All of this was just still too crazy for her. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was getting late.

"I should probably get to bed, since I have be up tomorrow for work."

She informed. She sighed and picked up her icecream bowl and went to her kitchen and rinsed it out in the sink before putting it in her dishwasher.
"Do you wish for me to leave, or shall I stay here?" Will called after her, noticing her smile turn into a near-grimace. He heard her turn on the sink, and remembered how long it had been since he had taken a shower. Nearly a week, if his memory didn't fail him. And, his supply of Febreeze to keep him from smelling like a corpse was running low and he hadn't had any money to buy some more. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, and made a decision to return to the grimy and gloomy place known as the homeless shelter.
"I...uh...really don't know." She called out, coming back out to the living room. " want to do I suppose is fine. I really must be getting to bed though." She tried to smile as she stood there in her silky black pajamas.
Will nodded, standing up. "Well, I suppose I will leave, then. There is something I must do before dawn breaks." He smiles, hugging his jacket to him, as he turns back to the door. "Tomorrow, then, Mistress Lena."
"Please just call me Lena." She said as she watched him leave. She closed the door behind him and went upstairs to bed, shutting her lights off and setting her alarm for 4am.

The next morning she was waiting for him, eating breakfast of her usual bowl of cereal. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after 4. She sighed and set her spoon down as she sat at her kitchen table.
Once he was out of view of the house, he sprinted at a speed faster than the human eye could follow, to a park at the edge of town. Once there, he quickly moved to the shadows of an old oak tree, finding a small box underneath the roots. Picking it up, the cool metal giving him chills, he opened it, finding a small piece of paper. Unfolding it, he read what was written on it, and, apparently disappointed by what he read, he wrote down a reply, only a sentence long. It read, "You will not touch the woman."

Sighing, he put away the note, returning the box to its original position. He grimaced, returning to his mausoleum, and saying, "Hello, James." He spoke to the man who was held in the coffin across from the one Will was staying in. It always made him feel better when he spoke to them, the dead. He was the one invading in their mausoleum and their coffins, so why not pay them some form of respect?

He opened his coffin, climbing into the red velvet-lined interior, and he lay there, not closing the lid, but looking up at the ceiling of the mausoleum, thinking. When his internal clock said four-ish, he left, remembering to close the door to the home for the dead, and going to Lena's house. He knocked on the door, hoping she would answer.
She heard the knocking at her door and went and opened it. She stepped aside to let Will in and closed the door behind him.

"Hi." She greeted, trying to make small talk with him and distract herself from her nerves.
Will nodded, an awkward smile on his face, more like a wince. "Hello, Lena. How was your," he coughed, "sleep." Apparently, he was as bad as she was in the area of making small talk. "Nice night tonight." He tried to make little indications of his problem, as it was too embarrassing to say it out loud. Glancing conspicuously to the doorknob, he knew he was acting like a fool, but couldn't bear to tell her what his problem was, that he couldn't enter her house without her say-so.
She noticed that he hadn't come in yet. "You can come in." She told him, giving him permission. Her heart was already beating fast from fear and...thrill? She wondered how long this new rutine would last.
He nodded again, stepping inside at her invitation. "Thank you for having me, Lena." He said, a smile on his face.
"My pleasure?" She closed the door behind him and gave him a smile, though it was shy and nervous. It still hadn't settled in that she was feeding a vampire her blood every monring before the sun rose. "Would to sit down?" She montioned to the couch and sat, placing slightly shaky hands in her lap.
Will nodded, shakily covering his mouth with his hands and coughing in a way that was obviously fake, but better in his mind. He sat down, and tried to smile reassuringly.
"How long do you think you will have to feed from me?" She wondered, and reached behind her neck and moved her hair to the opposite side so it was out of the way.
"Not too much, I don't think. The bit I got from earlier plus what I'm getting now should be enough to keep me from hurting anyone." He said, giving a small smile.