Us against the World

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Ruby ran at speed but she did not attaked him at the front insted she went through him like a ghost and smashed him at the back with alot of impact from the end of her scythe..
X studys raven " you look like youve bin through hell" He says before helping her to her feet
"I wish." She took his hand and stood thanks to his help. "My father is free. And I was going to take him on one on one and well he learned a new trick." She decided to see if she could use her powers she looked at out and decided to try and lift a twig. "Azreath Metrion Zenithos." She stopped after a bit noticing no difference. 'Great I can't use my powers.' "Well the bastard deferentially did something to me."
" well i got a little call from the titans" He says dusting some dust from her robes . He listens to her and finds out she had lost her power " lets just say there not really happy right now"
Ruby jumps as she landed on a safe place looking at the ghost an d some place not far from here she can see two figures talking..... 'must be the girl...' Ruby thought .. but it was getting late so she'll have to come back for him when she finds him.....
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Chrome starts to read the tablet, a few words as he sweated with anticipation as he tried to read.

'SUBJECT - 021'


Just as Chrome was about to read on, his eyes widen in horror as the tablet explodes in his hands, leaving them dented and a little damaged as he howls in pain. He looks up in absolute rage to Red X.

"DAMN YOU!" He yells, so loud that it may as well have been audible from the streets. Before Chrome could react, Red X had dissapeared and the police had smashed through the door. Chrome was devastated. His past, so close to him about what in detail happened... but it was only a fragment of it. He turns to the police and scowls at them in utter rage, his eyes glowing gold and absolutely terrifying. Some of the police even ran away at what they saw.
"You fellas picked the wrong day to mess with me..." He growls in a voice that didn't sound like Chrome at all. The voice was harsh and low pitched, and evil as sin as he menacingly brandished the katana. He was going to murder every last one of them. He didn't want to kill him, but a voice in his head - a voice triggered by the event of rage - was whispering to him to kill all the policemen. And he'd do just that until bought back to his senses.
"Great what now?" She looked at him with worried eyes. "What are they mad about now?" She said with slight annoyance but sorrow as well. She glanced to make sure she didn't blow anything else up and then looked back at Red X to know what the team wanted.
While escaping she heard the screams of bloody men taking a little peak she saw the gore and the monster attacking them when she recognized him.... "woah..." Ruby watched while she wished to bring popcorn and about the disk....... she'll have to wait.
X holds out one of his blades " well they wanted you returned" He looks at the blade and then back at raven " but since im such a nice guy" He puts the blade back in his belt " im going to help you. until your powers return.... for a price" He says as he tilts his head.
"Returned?" Raven questioned the word. "Ravager said Cyborg was pissed off at me still." She was confused at this. "And thanks I guess. But what price do you mean cause if it's finding Trigon sorry I can't help you there I was paying much attention to the coordinates I was just worried about how I would face him."
Watching she stopped and stood walking across the warehouse while finding a way to get the data disk back.. but that disk only has a quarter of world information but not any information from here its with the other disk in her home city inside a technology facility..... She continued watching Chrome as she hides somewhere silently..
" theres something you guys took from me a few months ago" He was referring to the old red x utility belt that Robin managed to take from him. " i dont really know or care about your issues with your team" He looks around " but as far as i see .. you need a friend"
Foxtrot kept running through allies trying to find raven,he needed her help to find ravens father and try to end him, he found her in the street with X, he ran over to them "Raven, you need to help me find him, even my scent won't help,and why are you here?" foxtrot looked at X and growled

Hawkeye looked at his bow on his lap, he sat on the motel rooms bed, he kept going through his mind, the avengers never accepted him, hes not hawkeye anymore, hes hitmarker, his new persona changed what alliance he was on, "For now on, clint isn't known as hawkeye, hes hit marker" he needed cash so he came a cold blooded mercenary

By the time Chrome looked up, his silver-coated body was scattered with blood, and his katana was dripping with it. He takes a deep breath, and falls to his knees with a light clank, dropping his katana with horror. He'd done it again, and tears started to roll down his chromelike cheeks. So close to his past, but what made him silently let loose two tears was the seven men turned to mere ribbons by his own hand. He slumps on the ground, hoping no one was around to see him like this as he sat weakly on the floor.
"I've done it again... why... it's all that damned X's fault... b-bastard... Damn bastard! Look what... *Sniff* l-look what I've done now. These cops probably had families, wives... Shit... It's all my fault - what was I thinking to work for him?!" He growls, then guiltily starts to weakly wipe more tears into his metal coated arm.
Raven looked at him. "Well I could probable get it but then that would mean... A what the hell sure I can get it for you." She looked at him and gave a faint smile. "A friend hu? Your asking me a Titan? Interesting but okay I won't object." She heard the man who had chocked her earlier from behind and turned to see him. "I would love to help but can't right now. I have to research a few things first."
Raven looked at him. "Well I could probable get it but then that would mean... A what the hell sure I can get it for you." She looked at him and gave a faint smile. "A friend hu? Your asking me a Titan? Interesting but okay I won't object." She heard the man who had chocked her earlier from behind and turned to see him. "I would love to help but can't right now. I have to research a few things first."
"Your saying you have no time to save the world, fine, ill murder your dad in cold blood" he jumps on th ebuilding and keeps jumping from each one
X stands between Raven and the man " sorry buddy but she taken" He holds out a device and hands it to Raven " hold this for me will yhea" He says before watching the man " you mind not being a third wheel" Seeing that he ran away X turned around " is he really going after ur pappy ..... its not going to end well" he says shaking his head.
Ruby frowned 'poor man......' she sighed silently as she wears her hood and walks behind him silently 4 ft away as her red coat flows along the wind as she thought of something... 'the disk..... maybe...' she wonder.... she took a small step foward but stepped on a broken glass as she widens her eyes...
Raven was glad her powers weren't working but at the same time she wasn't she grew angry at this man who keep asking about her father couldn't he tell she was weak after her first visit. "Hey I do but I can't with out my powers o,h and the father away from my father till I know his true plan the better for not just earth but every plant, dimension, and galaxies out there. If you must know I the gem." Once she said that she regretted it and put her hood up she never got that way before. After Raven burst-ed out with all that she took the device X wanted her to hold. "Sure"
hitmarker walked out of the motel, and got a call from a mysterious man "H-hello?" "i WILL GIVE 10,000 to capture the man named foxtrot and bring him to me, you have 24 hours" clint didnt ask any questions, he took his crossbow and walked through the streets