Us against the World

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X notices the girl trying to slip something into her pocket . " its a simple question?" He tilts his head " and what do you have there?" He was interested now.
"Ummm......a disk?" Ruby said unsure of but she badly wants to see the files on the disk..:"ummm..yea its a data.........[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]disk" she said .... ooops so much for her slippery talk she gave him the name of a secret disk that is not supposed to be revealed...[/BCOLOR]
X shakes his head " honestly" He teleports next to her and takes the disk before teleporting to the next building with his back facing her . He holds the disk into the air and looks at it " you dont try and hide things, it only makes me want to steal it more" He turns back to her flopping the disk around " what kind of data?"
"H-hey!! Give it back!! I just found that!"
Ruby exclaimed she shot her rifle on the floor as she takes the disk flopping around the guy's finger at lightning speed as she end on top of a water tank. Hugging the disk "O-oh my god disk?" She said looking at the disk hiding it on her pocket beside her family's symbol "Cresent Rose".... she jumps down the tank and looks back at the guy next roof "It holds the secret information from enemy bases and.....from some certain laboratories and the criminal records from world.."
[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)] [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]She said she knew there are three disks around the world and this is the second one...[/BCOLOR]
X dosent bother to turn around He just turns his head " that was good" He teleports behind on her placing his hands on her hips while he leans over her shoulder again " but you still have a lot to learn" He says whispering into her ear.
Ruby gasp as she closes her pocket zipper from getting the disk from being taken again she was glad her fabric was made of something special which cannot be sliced..
"....what do you mean " Ruby asked as she turned around to face the guy man.....she didnt even know his name!!
" alot to learn? "
" about technology" He says while lifting up his hand." like hacking .... it does not take alot to read a disk" he starts to laugh as he leans back on the water tank " never mind .. its not like you will understand" He says crossing his arms. "
"You both have alot to learn." A disembodied voice said to X and Ruby. Ghosts hand had phased through Rubys pocket and taken the disk out. He turned visible a few feet from them.
"Yea i guess... wait wa?! " Ruby exclaimed as she turned to another guy 'Another creep? Yeeesh' she taught really? Man.... for a guy like him...... he sure is creepy.. "Really? My Disk? AGAIN?! Ugh what do u want with the disk anyway ? " she asked man all she ever wanted to do is take a few looks and bam! Done sent back to Vale....
Chrome continues to stomp through the research facility, the long white-floored corridors and futuristic lamps lighting up the place. Guards were to his left, pulling from another corridors and aiming their guns at him threateningly.
"Sir! Get down on the groun- w-what?!" One of the security guard yells, and simultaneously Chrome crunched all their metal weapons into mere scrap, and walked past them as if they were nothing. One of the guards tries to hit him with their baton, but it gives a useless clang as it bounces off Chrome, and Chrome doesn't feel a thing.
"Piss off." He mutters, and it wasn't long before the guards started to run away. Finally, Chrome had come to the huge metal door, following the directions through the twisting tunnels of the lab. The door was huge... absolutely huge. But that didn't matter, it was made of metal. Might as well have been thin air.

Chrome spreads out his hands whilst the alarms were blaring - this facility had poor sercurity in his opinion. Chrome struggles in effort to move such a large amount of metal, his nose bleeding as his muscles tense and his face cringes with effort. The door's bolts started to ping off as the door ripples and starts to crunch up, and Chrome was feeling exhausted trying to rip off the huge door.
"Come on..." He mutters, and he suddenly gives a scream of effort, and the door flies off into a scrunched pile in front of him, revealing the room inside. There were rows and rows of all this... well, special element, all sealed in jars. Chrome hadn't seen anything like this material before, but nonetheless he collected all he could in the duffel bag round his back, filling the bag up with what he presumed this element Red X wanted was. Chrome turns around, and he looks in horror to see a security guard armed with what he thought to be a rocket launcher. Before Chrome could think twice, he saw a smoke come from the end of the rocket launcher and a huge *WHOOSH*. Instincively, Chrome throws his hand to the side, and it seemed he managed to move the metal explosive rocket away from him just in time - to be precise, leaving a huge hole into the open in a wall in the corridor right of him. Chrome knew this led to the staircase back upstairs, so he considered that the guard had essentially given him a shortcut.
"Cheers." He says to the guard with a cheeky thumbs up, and sprints through the hole in the wall and back up the stairs with the duffel bag around him.

Gunshots blaring around him and narrowly missing, Chrome didn't look back as he blindly sprayed bullets from the AKM behind him, hearing the screams of pain as he hit the legs of the security guard. A security guard pops in front of him with what looked like to be- SHIT. A tazer. This was one of the things Chrome knew would work against him, and instinctively chops off the guard's hand with the katana, and Chrome only felt a little bad as the guard falls over in pain.
"Sorry, pal..." He says passively as he continues to run, and it wasn't long before he had finally made it out the door with the prize in his duffel bag. He continued to sprint through the alleyways, and he made a jump into an abandoned building, catching his breath in gasps.
"Job done..." He says to himself with a smile as he panted for breath, then stood up as he dropped the AKM and katana behind him. "Now all I need to do is wait for that X dude." He mutters to himself.
X shrugs his shoulders before leaping into the air and land on the water tower " what a surprise" He takes a seat . " o well " He says before laying back with his arms behind his head. " good luck kid" He teleports away . A few minutes he arrives at the warehouse where he was to meet Chrome. He enters through one of the skylights and lands behind Chrome " miss me?"
"Classified." He said as he tucked it into a pouch on his hip. He looked at X. "I have unfinished business with you." Ghost drew a lazer SMG. An upgrade from his older pistol.
This.Is.Not.Cool as Ruby would have said she took her rifle as she transforms it into a scythe .... "And this is what i get for not having a dose of sweet cookies..." She said as she brings the scythe on her back ready to run as she pull the trigger of her scythe running towards the guy with lighting speed almost blurry despite for her gift of speed
"No." Chrome blandly replies as he unzips the duffel bag, and pulls out a smart, reinforced black case, and threw it to Red X.
"Here's your crappy Xenothewhatever-it's-called. Now then... tell me everything you know." Chrome says coldly, bringing the katana into his hands and circling around Red X menacingly.
"Or else." He said, then turned to see Ghost pointing an SMG at Red X, and Chrome scowls as he levitates the SMG out of Ghost's hand and onto the floor.
"That's gonna have to wait, pal. This bitch owes me something."
Raven looked at X "I'm not always making new friends. And sorry I couldn't be much help." She realized she said all this when another girl was there and was trying to deal with something about a disk. She could barley keep up or pay attention finally the affects of what her father did do her powers finally took full affect. "Gkk" Was all Raven could say for the sudden pain was to much and she passed out.
X knees down and opens the bag checking the product. " hmm ... good job" He places a device over the bag " easy tiger" he says when he noticed Chrome. The bag teleports away while X stands back up. He teleports a little further away facing chrome. " whats wrong" He says before teleporting around the room " you think im playing you" He stops on the catwalk of the warehouse and leans on the railing looking down at Chrome. " as promised" He tosses down a small tablet " thats all i have" waiting for chrome to read the contents " its not much, but its a good trade"
Hurriedly Chrome grabs the tablet, his heart pounding inside his metal chest as he looked to read the tablet. This was what he's been waiting for his whole life - his past. The truth. Answers. And where his family could be. Maybe now he could go back to his family, and possibly live with them again... once he reminded himself what they looked like, of course.
Ghost shot at the incoming girl. That is some speed. He thought. He lowered his gun at let her run at him.
Mean while X's gets a mysterious call on his communicator from some one. When he answers it he talks for awile before hanging it up " interesting" He looks back down at chrome " i love it when the good guys win" He presses a button on his belt which causes the x on the back of the tablet start to glow and explode. at the same time the police begins barge into the warehouse yelling freeze. X saulutes and teleports away . A few minutes later he returns to the spot where raven was and finds her passed out. He knees down and pokes her head " her birdie"
Raven slowly comes to but still not feeling completely better. Once she saw she was on the floor of a street she shot up in panicked but then clams down remembering where she was and why. "What?" She asked in her usual monotone voice.