Unity of the Universe | Animesque Ben 10 AU | OoC

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A lot of these Bounty Hunters will be of species from the later parts of Omniverse, most of which are canonically unnamed. I'm going to throw in my own species names, and maybe we can discuss some too, but we've got to make these names sound as fancy and scientific as possible. Can't make it too simple.

Astrodactyl's species will be a Pturbosaurian, since that's kinda-sorta close to official. Not that it matters since none of the Bounty Hunters will come from Terradino. Or Apploplexia.

There are also species not listed on the wiki but on other sources. Jury Rigg's species and Eatle's species for instance to have official names.

And we'll need to avoid putting -sapien on everything. I mean, we can put it on one or two of these guys.
Hmmm, A bounty hunter character never crossed my mind... may just make one later... after we get a sheet to make villains and I post the ones I have now... I much like the Magic user and one other I have and hope you like them
I got two characters planned, both brothers. One's a Plumber of Magister rank and the other is some sort of antagonist, very likely a space pirate after the Omnitrix.

They'll both be this species. I'll take a while to decide what kind of birds I want them to be. Thinking of making the space pirate a menacing, gun-wielding owl. Head-turning is pretty menacing.
Here's a funny thought, base one of them off a toucan
Toucan was actually one of my considerations.

My other consideration was Puffin.

One Toucan Magister coming right up, eventually that is.

Hmmm... how does the species name Ornithoeira or Ornipoeira sound? Maybe Muayvian or Muavian would be preferred?
Toucan was actually one of my considerations.

My other consideration was Puffin.

One Toucan Magister coming right up, eventually that is.

Hmmm... how does the species name Ornithoeira or Ornipoeira sound? Maybe Muayvian or Muavian would be preferred?
I may be able to work around that. Give me a moment
How about Ktypónta Ornis, It's based of the word Ktypóntas which means kicking in greek. and Ornis roughly means bird
So, Kickin' Bird? Kinda reminds me of Fourarms with Tetramand quite literally being four arms.

Mine derives stuff from 'Capoeira' and 'Ornis', and 'Muay Thai' and 'Avian' respectively, since Muay Thai was an ancestor of kickboxing. Kickin' Hawk always felt more kickboxer than just plain kicker to me, using fists and feet.

Let's see what the others think.
So, Kickin' Bird? Kinda reminds me of Fourarms with Tetramand quite literally being four arms.

Mine derives stuff from 'Capoeira' and 'Ornis', and 'Muay Thai' and 'Avian' respectively, since Muay Thai was an ancestor of kickboxing. Kickin' Hawk always felt more kickboxer than just plain kicker to me, using fists and feet.

Let's see what the others think.

As soon as they get on... God I wish the Villains and "Others" Character sheets were up. then I could have something to do to pass the time. Also would like their input of what I came up with
I've had a busy week, too busy to get on the comp. Haven't even replied to most of my RPs.
I've had a busy week, too busy to get on the comp. Haven't even replied to most of my RPs.

Indecently, when do you think you will have the time? I myself am quite eager to start, and introduce my other characters
Likely soon, but I am unsure specifically when.
Likely soon, but I am unsure specifically when.
Can you give an estimate? Hours, days, weeks?

I don't think there are words for how excited I am
(Why must I double post)

So @Outlaw-SSS & @Nim... wanna talk villains until @Crow get's their Sh*t together? I could start a conversation
@TyranntX sure, i could also use help filling up my character's omnitrix
Well, since you removed your Galvan, why not think of another smarts-based alien?

Galvan were the closest things on that list to water-based so I guess thinking of a water alien could work too.
Well, since you removed your Galvan, why not think of another smarts-based alien?

Galvan were the closest things on that list to water-based so I guess thinking of a water alien could work too.

Maybe some kind of Really smart fish?

Maybe it could be called 'Brain coral', and be a fully aquatic fish alien with corals lining its back.

When I think 'smart' and 'aquatic', I think Octopus.
Maybe it could be called 'Brain coral', and be a fully aquatic fish alien with corals lining its back.

Or MAYBE it could be MADE of coral
So, a hivemind of sorts?

Yeah, An intelligent Hive mind controlling a single body. Kind of like Ermac from Mortal Kombat
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