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Dracula could sense Kryos he might have been freed from the castle, but not from Draculas influence. He could feel that cat girl he had must have her, he thought, " Kryos I have need of you." He whispered into the cold winds his voice reaching out not in voice but command. His arms were spread wide as he gazed upwards into the skies. " bring her to me Kryos you never truly believed you were free." The paladin was injured he would be no aid, had Kryos stayed in the city his commands would have been lessened but not gone. Oh yes but here he was in the wild and the weight of his commands were heavy indeed. Dracula was sure the lycan would heed his command.
Kryos growled, two feet. Just two d***ed feet. Commands were commands, he'd been so close to those d*** gates. He growled again, but didn't move yet. Blood connections. Even diluted, that connection should be there still. "Hector. Up on your feet, paladin." Kryos growled, taking a few steps back. "The vampire still has sway over me, you want Blaise to live, come and take her from me! I cannot fight his orders...not like I once did." Kryos's faith was nothing these days, the vampire having broken him long ago. He took a few more steps back, trying not to turn around. All he needed was Hector to take her. Then he'd run. He'd run again, like he tried doing years ago.
"Do not resist return her to the castle so your friend may rescue her. And die in the attempt." Dracula wanted to truly test the paladins might in another battle and what better way to do so then capture a friend? If his commands were not followed he would have to desecrate the lands taking away their holiness. That would take time he did not wish to waste
Kryos growled, but sighed, turning away and walking back the way he'd come. "Coming...m'lord..." He growled again, disgusted with himself. If he was half the lycan he used to be he would be able to shrug off the vampires control. Most of his clan could in the past. But not anymore. Broken, beaten, destroyed; he could no more shrug off the vampires words than he could his own thoughts.
Feeling Kyros give in he headed back to the castle. His library was in shambles. Yet there was one book with the orb showing. Legends said the orb came from another dimension and love could destroy it. It was also sentient. But next to it was a black spiked orb said to be able to increase ones powers of darkness tenfold however it was lost in a war before Dracula was even born now it was lost to time. Closing the book he tossed it in a fire. It was of no use now and he could not let the castles weakness be known
Ella stopped racing when she noticed the Kryos was not behind her. She looked for him but couldn't find him anywhere. She hoped that he was safe because she needed to return home. And return she did. Ella entered her castle and collapsed onto her bed.
Blair ran back to the castle not wanting to face or talk to anyone back there. "Is he even back from the city? I hope I didn't leave him behind." Walks back to the library and sees the book being burned. "Why is that book being burned?"
-The wolf had left his stronghold that inkling at the back of his neck had finally passed perhaps he seen the wolf while out hunting a long time ago.was of no import now. He took his armor to the smith and had him repair it. he had some pressing issues he would like nothing more than to lead the mission to help out Sir Richard but his friend was missing she had come flew in the air and disappeared this was unlike her. But he knew where she must be .Making his way to the top of the stronghold wall he looked to the dark splotch on the horizon and the cleric put her hand on his shoulder.
What ails you my friend?her voice was soothing you fought him and lived that in itself is a blessing. It is time i showed you what limited magic i can" she sighed as he began to speak

He bleeds and can be injured that sword he has is the same as mine "he rubbed the pommel of the blade then to the scar along his face.
He has Blaise you know " his head never moving from the darkness beyond" I have to go get her. " his voice turning somber. as eyes fell on the cleric "what was the wolf doing here?",there was something about it and i cannot figure it out.
he turned and faced the woodlands behind.You know there are Lycans in those woods?" he pointed "They fought with us once" he clasped his hands behind his back and paced the length of the wall thought milling through his head
Maybe just maybe they would stand with the light once again. I will fight the devil again and this time will be to the death . He had plans to make he would seek the help of the shifters and assemble an army the like of legend and the devil will fall .
Summoning the red Guard he waited for their arrival-
Kryos looked ahead before glancing at the trees around him. Eyes, ranging in height, watching him. Waiting for orders, just as they had for the centuries since his capture. If Dracula could give order to Kryos, could force the lycan to obey, then Kryos still was Alpha of his pack if they were waiting on him. Back to Hector, his orders are mine. Ready a war, and reviel to the human why we fight with him.

At once, father.
The young lycan's voice was a comfort to Kryos, but he contiued on to Dracula's castle, stepping through the gate, eyes hiding the seething beast within.
The lycan looked up at the castle before him, Hector's home. His father had wanted his pack to cooperate with the humans and that was what they would do. They hadn't fought together in years, but that didn't stop Chronos from obeying. The twenty young, strong lycans behind him felt the same, as did the rest of the clan interspersed in the trees. No one would ever know the clans actual number, to big a risk. He cracked his neck, looking through the gates and waiting, humans always took their time.
He mounted the white mare with minimal armor,The aketon embroidered with his sigil two blades crossed over the top of a wolfs head. A simple cross around his neck on a silver chain. He did not know what would happen double checking the sword that hung at his side . He turned the horse around "When the Red Guard arrives have them meet me in the war room..as for now i must attend to something i should be back shortly. " He spurred the horse forward and through the gates .

Blue eyes fell on the dense woods just a few miles from the strong hold.
He drew in a breath then glanced over his shoulder at the darkness just beyond the borders.Looking up the sun was high in the sky blazing not a cloud in sight. He sighed almost relieved as he would be safe for the time being.

He spurred Ivy forward Hector had always loved riding the mare feeling her muscles between his legs as they galloped is as close to flying as he could imagine. Though most horses would have started frothing the paladin simply rubbed her neck erasing any fatigue she was the fastest horse in the land a perfect blend of speed and muscle .

Once they arrived at the tree line he looked around as Ivy started to dance in circles there was something in there he could feel it. "Easy girl" he patted her neck."Its just woods and we have both been in worse places" with those soothing words Ivy regained her courage and they rode into the woods .

Blue orbs fell on the place though it was lush with life he smelled death here the stink of it made him stay still for a moment and wrapped a white cloth around his mouth and nose. Demons bane did not react to the woods this was usually a good thing was as if the sword could sense evil and it had saved him so many times. He clapped his heels on her side and ventured deeper into the woods. Amidst the stench of death he could also smell wet fur of dogs seemed to come from everywhere.

"I am Hector Vines the Third ,I come in the name of my ancestors I seek to rekindle the fires of an ancient alliance ." He shouted loud enough to echo through the woods.he repeated himself a few times as he turned Ivy in a circle..-
Groans in the mans arms. Slightly opens her eyes and looks around, she was by a strange castle, hissing under her breath, "let me gooooo." Tries to move but cant.
Chronos stepped out, his markings mirroring his fathers, proving the blood line was still true. "Speak, Hector, as your ancestor once did." The mare was a beauty, strong and sure, but nothing like the stallion she had been sired from. Hector the First had had a war stallion, scared by wolves teeth, but with every scar became wiser. This mare was untouched, a good and a bad thing. "Speak your peace, or leave our woods."
"Hush, little one...Hector will come soon..." Kryos said, looking down at her while walking through the castle hallways. "This choice to bring you here was not mine, I'm afraid..."
'I am Hector Vines The Third" formally introducing himself.
A long time ago your kin fought against the dark alongside my father's father.

The bards still sing of the bravery and ferocity the lycans displayed during those days.."he paced around in a circle before continuing he had to handle this delicately as he had never actually meta Lycan before only stories he had heard.

I come here seeking the help of you and your kin...i have fought Dracula and i lived though a little beaten but none the less i survived.
I know he can be beaten."He clenched his fist briefly.
"But I cannot beat him alone".(dramatic pause)...He continued "As you well know there is going to be a war between the light and the dark .When that war comes He will fall by my blade,I am planning to bring the light to the devils doorstep"

He studied the lycan for a moment trying to see if he understood the importance of the message brought to him.
He stood toe to toe with the lycan his head barely reaching the chest of the beast. Before he looked up seeking Eye contact.

"So I wish to reignite the fires that forged the bond of your father to mine I wish you to fight alongside of me for the glory of the light and our future generations"The conviction in hectors voice was absolute truth he paused for a moment before speaking again
"Stand with me against the dark as My father stood with yours so long ago.."
Hector stood in silence awaiting his answer.-
Falls back to unconscioiusness. After a while she wakes up and looks around, "Hullo? Where am i?"
"We know your name, Hector; we have been guardians of your family for many generations." Chronos said, looking down at the man before him. He would turn to his human form, but he hadn't done such in years, and wasn't about to now. "I am Chronos, son of Kryos, the one who fought beside your grandsire and sire." He looked around the trees, hearing the lycans speaking through their minds about the old wars and tales. Many of the hidden ones here were among the elders who fought with this human family.

"The bards only knew us as the Demon Dogs of War. Merciless and cruel, don't leave your back barren, for if you risk it all, you'll be lifeless, staring. We were the monsters." Chronos said, his voice a slightly tainted growl. He hated bards, they never told the story straight.

As the man locked eyes with the Lycan, the wolf decided his answer then before he even truly heard the plea. He folded his arms over his chest, looking down with a slight smirk on his face and a faint light in his eyes. "Dracula took my father prisoner, the night that your father came home to you alone. My father shielded him, made the human run." He shook his muzzle, "We do not believe in light, in glory; we are blood letters and demons of the shadows and nightmares that haunt every man." He looked at the trees around, "Our future generations are ourselves, until we bear a blood child of our own. So neither do we care for that."

"But my father taught me well before he was lost to me." He looked back at Hector, eyes void but true. "Honor was the curse no lycan would bear before him. Now, we all would bear it willingly." He placed a pawed hand on Hector's shoulder, "We are demons and devils, haunting any who cross the innocent ones we are sworn to guard. Our claws have felt more flesh and our tongues tasted more blood than that sword you bear, old though it is. My father was their when it was foraged, he imbued it with Lycan magic that had thought to have been lost."

Chronos stepped back, looking at Hector with a emotionless grin. "We do not fight for the light. We do not fight for glory. We fight for honor. We fight for our Alpha, Kryos, who still lives under Dracula's whip. We are the Devil's Hounds, Hector, and you've called to us, reaching from the light into our dark domain. Those who do that, we would make a deal. Their first born child to become a Lycan." He paused, looking at Hector, "But you, Hector Vines, the third of the line, have called to us for a common enemy. By demon blood, demon soul, you have called..." He spread his arms to either side of him, "So we go." The wolves appeared on either side of him, surrounding the two as they had been the whole time. Some stood as he did, other stood on all fours, then some stood in suits of armor, as humans; as Hector's own Red Guards. "We have been bound to your family for more than three generations, Hector, farther back than you could ever fathom. Our fight with Dracula only strengthened the bond."

He rolled his neck, lowering his arms, "You have our alliance, Hector, same as your sires before you."


Kryos, despite the cats disoreinted words, walked into Dracula's library and sat her in one of the chair, growling at the vampire. He had little choice; he was shamed that he could no longer fight the vampire as he once had, but he sat back against the wall, head bowed and arms crossed over his chest.
"where am i?" looks around, notices the man growling. Weakly she hisses at him, cat and dogs do not mix. Then she notices what he was growling at. It was Dracula. The mutt had brought her to Dracula?!? she was too weak to put up a fight, for now.
Dracula turns to Kyros " I fear your paladin friend is not enough to stand against me. Even if he got the forest lycan a to join him, all tge lycan a here and human slaves are under my spell as are you. So to make it so I don't become bored this time I shall release you completely. Run little Kyros, for you will need as much aid as you can muster. Watch the skies for the Dragon King, last of his kind. Chained for eons, his rage may consume us as. But it shall be your friends he goes for first. So run little wolf." He turned to the cat girl with a devilish smile. " you can't help her and you know it but she will be kept alive."
Snarls at the demon. Pins her ears back against her head as she regains some strength. "What do you want? I willl give you nothing!!"
Kryos growled, backing out of the room slowly. She'd stay alive. That's all that mattered. He'd come back, with help, and free her. He backed out then turned and ran, shifting to full wolf and sprinting through the trees. With the hold from the vampire gone, he felt free in a way. But he was still broken. Still damaged. And he'd need help to make sure everything went the right way.
" good doggie." Dracula whispered. Perhaps after all the years some amusement after all. He turned to the cat girl and smiled showing his fangs. " your going to give me far more then you know." He snapped his fingers and a red band cuffed her arms behind the steel chair. Eyeing her he walked in a circle slowly around her before placing his hands on her shoulders.