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Jaylin sighed and stood up. "Can you do me a favor?" She asked? She was going to write a letter to Liam.
After some thinking she decided to at least give him a reason. He was the father, he deserved at least that much.
Jaylin rung her hands as she pulled out the letter she had written the night she got here, when everyone was asleep. It was a little crinkled from handling but it would do.
"Can you give this to Liam? He deserves to have a reason."

Dear Liam,

I love you. I love you so much it's crazy. That's why I had to go. You love Alex. I can see it. You two hold so much for each other and I was getting in the way. I'm sorry for that. Be with her Liam, you love her. I saw that when you kissed her. It was like you two were long lost lovers. I see that now. I'm sorry for all the problems I caused. I should have left a long time ago. I hope you can forgive me someday. Give that ring to her Liam she deserve it. I just get you hurt and hurt you.

Love you forever,

Jaylin handed the letter to Zerian. "Don't tell him about the baby. I don't want him feeling obligated to come find me."
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Alex held him close, gently rubbing his back. "But it is, Liam..I'd never lie to you to hurt you." she whispered. She believed it true. She though Jaylin was only trying to hurt them, tear them apart. She placed a gentle hand on the back of Liam's head, her hand gently running through his hair. "I'm...I'm sorry she wants...to hurt you." Alex said softly. It hurt to see him like this..but she knew he had to hear the words. "Liam...I'll never let her hurt you again..I won't let anyone hurt you." she said, holding him close to her, not wanting to let go. She'd never let anyone hurt him.
Zerian lowered his head to read the note, a tear running down his face at the emotion she poured into it, before speaking to her in a tone of discord, unable, for the first time in his life, to know what it was he was truly feeling.

"I'm sorry Jaylin, I already let it slip, but I don't know if he truly understood what I'd said, because I doubt he'd even believe me."

He stared into her eyes as the emotions mixed and swelled within his own, distorting their color, as he continued,

"He hates me because I care too much, because I'm not afraid to show my every emotion to the world, while he's in an eternal conflict over every single feeling he's got. Right now, I know how it truly feels to be in such emotional turmoil, for the first time in my life.
I can't decide whether to take it to him, but not come back for risk of luring him here, never seeing you again to prevent it, or if I should just stay here, where I know you are, and protect you until he gives up searching."

He looked back to the letter and then back to his sister, shaking his head with a sorrowful tone to his voice.

"I can't take it to him because I'm not going to leave you alone.
I trust these people, yes, but if I go give this to him, he's going to follow me for sure this time."

A weak smile creeped onto his lips, a hopeful gaze in his eyes.

"I have an idea as to how I can deliver it indirectly, but it's a long shot, and the letter may be destroyed on the way, if none of the others kill its messenger first."
Jaylin sighed hugged her brother. Than an idea popped into her head. "Vane! We can send it through Vane!" Jaylin said excited.
Running out of the tent, Jaylin stood on the edge of the camp. "VANE! COME HERE!"

Off a ways playing was Vane. He paused mid-bite, ears twitching. He sniffed the air and stood. He knew that voice, that scent.
Vane left the carcass of his deer and bounded off.

Jaylin stood waiting, hoping the large jungle cat had heard her. About to lose hope Jaylin took one last good look at the trees. The large figure was unmistakable.
The large cat barreled out of the forest and into Jaylin. He licked her face affectionately.
"Hi, I missed you too!" For once her smile lit up.
"Do me a favor?" Vane nodded his furry head.
"Here. Give this to Liam for me. Do not let him come here though. He can't." Vane tilted his head confused by Jaylins request. Why wasn't Liam allowed back?
"Please." Jaylin sounded desperate. Vane nodded and Jaylin gave him the note. He took it in his mouth and ran back to the church. His feet pounded into th ground with dull thuds.
He didn't stop until he saw Liam and even then he kept going.
Unaware of the exchange between his master and Alex he pushed them apart with his body to hand Liam the letter.
Alex stared at Vane, sitting on the snow where Vane and shoved her away. She looked confused between the letter and him, and it hit her. "Oh.." she mumbled. "Liam..she's only trying to get to you..be careful." Alex said quietly. "Jaylin wants you to think she's innocent."
Vane glanced at Alex. What was she talking about? Innocent of what? As far as he knew the other girl had done nothing wrong.
He whined and shoved the letter into his hands.
Alex looked at Vane and sighed, sitting up and patting his head softly. "Shh..." she whispered, rubbing the fur on his head. She removed her hand after a moment and sat down, tired, but not going to go back to the house without Liam.
Zerian laughed as a the large tiger acted like a playful kitten.
As he bounded off, Zerian smiled at his sister's ingenuity.
"And here I was, ready to catch a wolf." the smile grew wider as he looked at her. "I know I can trust Vane, but Alex was acting weird before I left, so do you think I should go ahead and send one to help make sure Liam understands, as well as let Vane be sure not to lead him here?"
Liam held Alex and let go when he saw Vane. "Hey, boy. What you..." he stopped as he saw the letter be shoved in hand. He looked at it, it was from Jaylin. He stood up and began to read.
Alex looked weakly at Liam and stood, shaking. She put a hand on his shoulder, hoping he'd understand her words.
He looked at Alex and then he looked back. He read the letter but not all of it, not nearly half it. He put the letter in his pocket and held onto Alex. And smiled a little "Come on, lets get you in and into your need." he said as they walked in and toward her room. He laid her softly on the bed, and kissed her forehead. "If you need me, just let me know. Ok?" he said as he began to walk the other way.
Alex grabbed his hand. "P-please..s-stay." she whispered, her voice weak. She was freezing as she held his hand, not wanting him to go. She wanted him to stay..she needed him to stay.
"No....I....okay..." Jaylin nodded. Deep down she really wanted him to see what Alex and Liam were doing. It ate at her. "But....come back." She whispered.

Vane nudged Liam's leg. He didn't read it all. Came urged to break his promise and just hall Liam's ass to Jaylin but he wouldn't get away with it.
Liam looked at Vane and than at Alex. She wanted him to stay and him to red the letter. What the hell was so important about that letter. So he laid beside Alex on the bed, his back against the bed frame so Alex could lay on him. He grabbed the letter and began too read.
Alex rested her head on his chest, curling close. She yawned slightly and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms gently around him to be sure he stayed. Her breathing slowed as she already started to drift into sleep, cold, but warm at the same time.

Vane sat beside the bed, watching Liam intently as he read.
Jaylin easily fell into step with every day things in the camp. She helped do the laundry, cook, and watch the children.
Lucky for her there were a good amount of residents her age. She made friends with all of them but only talked to a handful.
Richard was a fourteen year old. He played songs on a guitar for the younger kids. Him and Jaylin were like siblings. She always sang with him to the children.
It was even better they shared the same taste in music. Today the sang if it means a lot to you by a day to remember. The kids loved it and clapped along.
Liam read the letter fully. His heart stopped at what she said. He wanted her and only her. Jaylin knew knew nothing of what happened. He was trying to save her life. He grabbed a piece of paper, a pen and started to write..


Jaylin, I want you and only you. When I kissed Alex, I had to do that because I'm a cure. When she fight A201, his chemicals got into her body and began slowly killing her..slowly, my blood or
saliva is the cure. If I didn't tract quickly she'd be dead...so I kissed her. I'm sorry for that. I really ash, I didn't think. Please, come back to me. I miss you in my arms, I miss your kiss. I miss your touch against mine. I miss the way we made love for the first time. I want a family with you. Too marry you. I'm in love with you and only you. Alex....tells me that you are just playing me and that you just don't love me like you say. That you are trying to tear us apart. I don't believe that. I don't want too. I can't. Come back and prove her wrong.

Please...come back or I will come find you.

Love you.

Liam gave the letter to Vane and told him to give it you her with haste.

Vane charged and ran faster than the speed of light. He made it their faster than he did when he gave it to Liam. He charged into the Camp and lightly tackled Jaylin, softly. He dropped the letter on her face. It smelt like Liam.
Alex shifted, whimpering in her sleep. She shifted closer before stilling again.

Someone knocked at the door.
Jaylin was walking back to her tent when vane came. He dropped the letter. "What's this?" She wasn't expecting a letter back.
Reading it fear and joy swirled inside of her, or was that just the baby kicking? It didn't matter. Liam was coming. That was the opposite of what her letter was supposed to do!
But there was a part of her, a very large part that wanted this. Wanted him to come for her.

Jaylin tucked the letter away and went to the tent. Laying in her bed of blankets and pillows she read the note over and over. She was going to see Liam, but, would Alex let him? What he had mentioned of her really annoyed her. It actually pissed her off. Alex didn't know what Jaylin was and wasn't doing. She was being manipulative and it was unnecessary.

Jaylin didn't fall asleep until well into the night and then Vane slipped away. He was breaking the promise. He would lead Liam here.
Liam held Alex in his arms as she was fully asleep. She slept soundly in his arms. He chuckled as she sleep. It was cute. He smiled and then he saw Vane and he was tucking on his shirt. Liam knew what that meant. Liam stealthy and slowly got out of need and followed Vane. He got his suite and Armor on andhis helmet came ion over his entire head and started walking.

3 hours later.
Vane and Liam started coming up to this camp. Vane growled playfully but stopped as he heard a gun cock behind his head. Liam had his weapons in him, he didn't blame them. "Where do you think you're going, mister." a man said. He whistled so loud it would wake up anyone. "Sir, I'm..." Liam stopped as the man yelled. "SHUT UP! MOVE!" he yelled. Vane turned and got onto a defensive stance as he saw what was happening to his Master. He began to growl. If someone didn't stop them. Someone was going to die.
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