U.S Elemental War Experiment #2

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"I hope we all have fun I mean.." Mira started before the explosion sent her from seat with her arms above her head her as she slammed into the top of the cab as it flipped over itself till it rested on its roof.

"What the Fucking fuck!" Mira hollered as fell to the ground with a resounding thud that she couldn't hear over the ringing in her ears.

"Ugh that sucked!" Mira groaned as she grabbed her head attempting to stop the pounding. "The hell Adam, cut it out." Mira exclaimed as she pulled the flames that had engulfed the Guardian off of him and into the near wall tell it melted a hole in the side. "Need to get out, before sparkler decides to fry me." She whispered to herself as she began to climb out of the van. The sounds of gunfire filling her ears.

Driscoll felt the shockwave first, a disruption in the air, heading towards him. He couldn't do anything to prepare for the jeep to flip, except to brace himself and hope he wouldn't get hurt too badly. As the explosion hit, his transport flipped over sideways, spilling Driscoll and the other passengers out and sending them tumbling onto the ground. Pieces of shrapnel rained around them as Driscoll tried to dash towards the place he'd last seen the other jeep.
Stormy was sitting, looking out of the window, when she saw the other van in front of them hit a mine. "Stop!" she yelled at the driver of their van; he was not paying attention to the road. The van swerved as he tried to stop it in time so they didn't crash. They were sideways on the road, but they didn't crash or tip over. "We probably need to see it the others are okay after that; I don't think everyone will be," Stormy said as she saw lightning. She opened the door and stepped out.
The ringing finally stopped, and his vision un-blurred. Adam smelt the burnt flesh and saw he was still in the van. He heard everyone else yell at him over his miss fire. Adam stood up and shook his head he looked at the charred up body. He panicked at first then it sunk in 'this is the battle field friendly fire happens.' A creepy almost sadistic smile took over Adam's face. He walked over to the charred body and knelt down by the guardians head. "Ha, I guess I was right. Shit happens on the battlefield."

Adam with a smug look on his face left the van. As Adam walked to the rest of the team he was checking his surroundings. "So, where are the bad guys? I wanna hurry up and kill someone else. I think I'm starting to like it."
"Is that really your top priority? If we stay, we'll probably get overwhelmed. These people know what they're dealing with and still decided they had the strength to attack all of us at once." Azura interrupted her speech for a short while to deflect some bullets coming through the open door. "Plus, haven't you noticed? We're finally out of the hands of the government. If we run instead of fight, we may be able to avoid recapture." Though she spoke as if she was trying to persuade, she never gave the opportunity to respond, as she had already wedged a sheet of metal over the doorframe. "It's regrettable, but we've heard nothing from our electrical friend, so I think it's logical to assume she died in the initial explosion. While i would like to recover the body, I think our priority should be on preserving the lives of those still living, so I suggest we move as soon as possible."
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Driscoll reached the party just in time to catch the end of what Azura had been saying. He cut in, saying, "The other jeep has been demolished, and nobody followed me here. I don't like this place, but where would we go? We're still in danger while we're out in the open like this." While he spoke, Driscoll reached in spirit out to the bodies surrounding them, but he couldn't detect any signs of life. "I don't think any of these people made it..."
"I agree with Azure, we need to get the hell out of here, but sparky has a point.." Mira chimed in as she finnaly reached the others. Her Amber eyes darted to each of them as she counted to herself. "How many made it from your transports?" She asked as she counted over again, they we're missing some and from the sounds of things, those who were missing were likely dead or worse. "Look, I'm not gonna say we should, sit here and fight an army, but we should at least make sure none of our injured are captured, and it's not like we can just leave them here, they are your friends right?" She questioned kneeling down and picked up a hand full of sand and watched as it poured from in between her fingers. It was then that she heard Driscoll say he wasn't sure anyone had made it. "The hell…" She whispered angrily under her breath.
Adam smiled then grabbed Azure by the collar. "Fuck 'em" He stood there obviously beaten up more than anyone. "If they weren't strong enough to survive we don't need 'em. This jail breaks gonna be a pain without luggin' a bunch of weak babies on our backs" He let her go then stood up and headed tword the middle of the meeting.

"As I see it we got two choices. 1. We stay here and fight while we wait for more handlers to come, and force us to fight their shit fuck battle. Or option 2..." He paused for dramatic effect. "We run, and just for kicks kill anyone in our way." He saw that not everyone was liking what he had to say. "I don't give a damn if you think I'm cruel or an asshole." He slammed his hand against his chest. "I'm gonna live." He looked at stormy, driscoll, Azura, Mira and the rest. "Whose coming with me?"

@ everyone
"As thick-headed as always... that's what I've been saying all along!" Azura exclaimed, although added "I'd rather avoid killing people, though​" under her breath. "Well, if we let this guy be in charge, we'll end up walking straight into Isis's base and end up as crimson wall decorations, so I'm going to take initiative and move first." She stood up and looked briefly to see if anyone was following, before heading down the hallway, away from the sound of guns. She found herself in some kind of kitchen cluttered with cooking utensils she'd never seen before, but wasted no time moving to the window. "The road this side is littered with hollow vehicles and craters, so I don't think this..." She trailed off as she came to a realisation. "Doesn't this area seem awfully quiet to you? Normally, we'd expect to see a few American soldiers scattered about. I wonder if this is the entrance to a hideout they're protecting. Everyone, search for a door to the basement! It might be hidden behind something."
Max just stood silently and listened to everyone talking. Max shrugged "I'll just follow Azura. It's not like I have anything better to do." When Azura stared to walk away into a hallway, Max followed her with his arms crossed. "What do we plan to do Azura. I understand that we're escaping but what are we going to do once we escape. We have no money, no job, and we're just kids. Plus we can't escape from this hell hold. There's probably soldiers at every airport out here." Max said as he watched the others look for a basement.
"Honestly, I don't know. My plan was assuming we were back at the school. For now, I say we make our way to Turkey. We can act as if we're tourists who lost our documents and hide out in the British Embassy for a while. I hear military police are illegal on British ground, so we should be safe from recapture, too." As if politely waiting for Azura to finish talking, a man clad in dusty, faded robes with a scarf climbed out of a trapdoor and acted rather surprised, drawing a gun and screaming some incomprehensible nonsense about... something.
"I don't want to kill anyone," Stormy said in a quiet voice. She then turned and followed Azura into the other room. When the man came out of the trapdoor, she immediately ducked down and covered her head. She knew better than to stay in the path of someone with a gun, especially a crazy one.
Following a few steps behind the others, Driscoll was only half-listening, as he again tried to find any signs of life nearby. Because of this, Driscoll sensed that someone was coming, and was barely able to react first when the armed man burst from the trapdoor. With his hands hidden behind Max's body, Driscoll channeled his aura into a viscous, dark tendril that came out from the shadows on the ceiling.

The tendril shot towards the gun and knocked it from the man's hands, pinning it against the floor beneath Azura. He narrowed his eyes, and told the party, "I can't understand him - I'm not good enough yet with my concept connections. What do we do with him?" Driscoll prepared to fire another tendril. "There might be more people down there, bad guys or not."
"There will be. These people have tunnel networks all across the city, apparently. They'll be swarming with them, but I think it's our safest route. When we're in tunnels, we only have 2 sides to look out for, so anyone capable of blocking bullets can stand at the front and back, and the rest can attack from within the safety of the formation." Azura stood quite a distance away from the somewhat bemused man, held a small metal bead above her head, then promptly stretched it into an 8 foot lance of crudely cut steel. "As for this guy, I think we can just frighten him a bit."
Adam watched them all leave the opposite direction. "You guys think you can survive out there on your own? You don't have the guts to do what's necessary.. Fine forget you guys. I'll send you a post card from the sunny shore of..."

Adam suddenly heard a scream followed by a language he didn't understand. "Shit, I told them." Adam turned and ran full speed tword the group.

He arrived on the scene out of breath, hands held up electricity flowing around his arms. He finally saw the situation, they had disarmed and held a bad guy hostage. Adam caught his breath then walked through his comrades. He put his hand on Azura's shoulder. "Wow you surprised me I didn't think you'd guys survive this situation." Adam smiled. "Well don't let me stop you. Hurry up and kill him."

@Karakui @Cats @Eruantien @LittleWolf @Ko T'suno
"What are you talking about? There's a much better use for him." She stepped on the gun the man dropped - a 2-hand rifle - in such a way that it flipped up into the air. She snatched it in her hand, then used her ability to disintegrate every screw holding it together, so it fragmented and the individual pieces rained to the floor. The man had also dropped onto the cold tiles, scared out of his mind by the gang of freakish children who seemed to be thriving even in this warzone. Azura kicked his bowed face, forcing him to look up at her cruel expression. She pointed towards the trapdoor he had come from, then looked towards the gun and the massive lance she was still holding. She gestured for each of her friends to make a quick demonstration of their own powers. He seemed to get the message, and scurried into the tunnel. The girl quickly followed, and watched the man run hurriedly through the passageway, telling anyone who would listen to get out. Clearly, some didn't believe the man, since they opened fire on Azura, who nimbly deflected the hail of bullets as calmly as if she had been practicing all her life (she didn't mention that she actually had been). Upon seeing this display, the rest of the Jihadists fled too. "See, Adam? A little patience goes a long way."
Stormy remembered that this is what she had been training for. She flicked her wrist and a gush of wind blew around the room, scattering papers that had blown in before they had ever been there. Then she stood up and followed Azura down the trapdoor. She saw some of the bullets as Azura deflected them from herself. Stormy mad the air move the bullets away from the middle of the room so that they didn't step on them.
Adam shrugged at Azura's decision. As he watched everyone try their best to deflect bullets and shrapnel he looked annoyed. As he watched the terrorists flee he made an audible sigh. He finally couldnt stand it he pushed past the others and shot a bolt of electricity into one of the men fleeing.

It was low voltage at first enough to incapacitate him. Adam looked at Azura. "You know Azura these people are our enemies. Letting them run away is stupid. They could regroup bring bigger, stronger weapons and kill anyone of us."

Adam upped the voltage. The terrorists started shrieking in strange language. "See if I let this guy go he"ll probably run far away." Adam stopped the electricity, the man fell and looked at Adam as if he was the devil himself. "He might run...or." Adam found a grenade on the floor he kicked it to the man. "He could try to take revenge." The man hesitated then all of a sudden grabbed the grenade, pulled the pin and started yelling. He was about to throw it.

Adam smiled then looked back at the others. "Told you." Adam got serious his eyes went white as sparks of electricity ran across his pupils. He pointed his finger at the man like a kid playing cops and robbers. A bolt flew from Adam's finger hitting the man square in the chest sending him flying into several empty crates. The grenade exploded in his hand, the crates absorbed all of the shrapnel.

He walked back to the group. "See. It's like I'd been saying it's kill or be killed. He looked at Stormy. "You can hate hurting people all you want but this is reality." Adam walked back into his position behind Azura and the rest taking up the rear. "Proceed, I'll watch our backs."

@Karakui @LittleWolf
Max followed the group down the trap door. The meal user could sense a lot of metal down there. Could it be a bunch of people with guns, or something else? Either way him and Azura would deflect the bullets.

Once the group of kids where all the way down in the trap door bullets started coming there way. Him, Azura, and Stormy used their powers to deflect the bullets.

Not to long after shooting the group of kids, the enemies realized that they where no match for the kids, so most of them book it. All of a sudden Adam shocked one of the people trying to run away. Adam tortured the poor guy. Adam the kicked him a grenade. "Are you an idiot?!" The enemy pulled the pin, but before he could throw it Adam shocked him and the enemy went flying along with the grenade.

After the grenade exploded the attack stopped. Adam said he was going to watch their back ~I don't trust this guy to watch our back alone~ Max thought to himself. "I'll watch our back along with mr.kill joy over here."
Shrugging, Driscoll followed Azura closely, in order to watch for any secondary dangers that might be in a blind spot. After Adam exploded one of the fighters, Driscoll murmured, "And that just leaves five souls down here, aside from us. I'm not positive, but I think they're in front of us, and moving away quickly, in a line." He noticed something as their party filed past some stacked crates, and stuck out a tendril while he walked by.

"It's not like I've always wanted one of these," Driscoll said, mostly to himself, as he turned a small pistol over in his hands, "but I'm going to keep it with me just in case things get ugly." He reached back with two more tendrils and grabbed another pair of guns, one rifle, and another pistol. He then extended them toward Mira and Max. "You guys want one?" he asked the two.
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