Two Different Worlds

  • Thread starter Soul Breaker Sam
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She frowned and quickly added, "He wants to also press attempted rape charges..." that was really hard for her to say it...
The words had caught him off guard, making Niko quickly turn his gaze to Rain, his eyes widening as he listened to the words that she spoke. Attempted rape charges... So that was what she had meant before, what she hadn't want to tell him before. That guy tried to rape her... It angered him to think that had happened to her, to think that someone actually wanted to do something like that to her? Though he didn't know her, she didn't seem like the type of person to deserve that kind of treatment. No one should.
But she said attempted, so that meant that nothing happened. But still, the fact the guy even tried to do something like that... He didn't understand people like that.

Niko's hands clenched around the windowsill on their own accord, something he wasn't even aware of, as his body tensed. "I'm... Sorry." He didn't know what to say, didn't know what to tell her, so that was all he could think to say. His yes looked down then, his lips pinched together in a straight line.
Rain noticed his body tensed and sighed. She grabbed a tree branchs then hopped to the closest branch next to his windowsill. She sat down on it and looked at him, "What do you need to be sorry for? I mean... its not like you didnt try to... uh you know." she laughed lightly hoping that would relax him a bit.
He didn't look up until he heard the shifting of leaves as something moved them, that something being Rain as she climbed along the branch to sit a little closer to him. He stayed silent for a moment and jut looked before shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just..." He stopped speaking when he could hear the vibrating of his cellphone again, this time the rumbling lasting longer than last time, indicating that he had a call. Again he decided to ignore it, though, knowing that it wasn't his mom since he had a ringtone set up for her, not a vibrate. Besides, who would be calling him anyway? Probably a wrong number.

He turned back over to where the phone was, but sighed and looked back at Rain. "I don't think anyone deserves to have had that happen to them," he spoke, finishing up what he was saying before.
She smiles, "Yeah I know, nobody does." she lightly patted his cheek, "You know who I find pretty scary though? His dad." she laughed lightly.
She didn't seem all too worried about what happened before, or so Niko thought as he looked at her, her actions meaning that she was obviously trying to lighten the mood or something. He wondered, though, if this really had affected her, but again he didn't find it in himself to ask her. No use in bringing something like that back up to the surface, right? Maybe he should just leave it alone...
He blinked when she patted his cheek, bringing him back to reality. He shook his head and pulled back a little, his brows furrowing. "Why do you say that?" He asked, curious about why she brought up the guys dad.
She shrugged, "Well he has never done anything to me but... he does beat his wife alot. And well, I am not going to lie... she is weak and she can never defend her self. She always makes excuses for why he beats her... it is sad actually. Also he has beaten Chase up a couple of times. But he mainly beats his wife." she sighed, "I wish I coyuld talk her into leaving him..."
Damn. No wonder that kid was so messed up. To have to go through something like that and not be effected... Was that even possible? But really, could it have been helped? Maybe that was why he acted the way he did towards Rain. He was being led by his father's example, like most sons did, right? Followed what their dad's did, wanting to be like them, looking up to them to hope that one day they could be like them? Niko couldn't be too sure about that, he knew, but it sounded right. Each gender wanting to be like their mother or father, depending on the gender?

No, that couldn't be right. He shook his head and looked away. No one had an excuse to act the way Chase had, no matter what kind of example he was given. He had his own mind, so he didn't have to follow anyone else. But maybe something like that couldn't be helped... Niko frowned then. "I heard you can't get most women out of situations like that though. They always make excuses to stay..." It was sad, though, to think that.
"The reason why I stayed with Chase so long was because I thought I could change him... be a good influence on him you know? Try to stop him from acting like his dad... well I was wrong, sadly. I officially broke up with him when he tried to... you know."
"Well that's admirable, I guess." Niko actually let himself smile a bit, though it was small, hardly noticeable. He tilted his head to the side. "But you said he wasn't like that before. Not as... Rough, when you two first started going out, right? What made him change?"
She shrugged, "Honestly... I have know clue. He was actually nice for a while... then he started insulted me... then apologizing, then he would just keep doing the same cycle over and over again. And when he apologized he would put flowers on my motorcycle and hug me and keep tellling me how sorry he is and that he would change. Well... he didnt... eventially those insults changed to threats then one day he actually tried to hit me and well..." she smiled slightly, "He wasnt even in martial arts so he failed at that."
Again Niko stayed silent for a few minutes after Rain had finished speaking. That was a messed up relation if he knew one, and he couldn't even imagine being aggressive in any kind of way towards the opposite sex. That was why he didn't understand guys like Chase and his dad... But again, that might just because he grew up with his mom, not that he was complaining about it, but Niko was more than positive that that had left a huge impression on his own mind. "At least you were able to get out of it before anything happened. Before he was really able to hurt you."
She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Please. Chase is only a yellow belt. He never stood a chance." she grinned then thought for a moment, "You know whats odd? His dad never insulted me, not once. He only insulted his wife and Chase... He never even threatened me which was kind of weird... I am actually surprised he didnt stop over here to see if I was ok.... he is a very confusing man..."
Niko furrowed his brows. "That is... Odd." But it didn't seem like something to complain about. At least the dad hadn't done anything to her, which was good, but maybe the man was just smart enough to know that there would possibly be even more troubling when endangering the life, or hurting the life, of someone else's child. Either that or he was probably just afraid to do anything to her considering how it was obvious that Rain could take care of herself when it came to defense, but still. "But I guess it's something to be somewhat happy about. At least you didn't have something else to worry about, especially with everything else."
"Yeah... I suppose." she said then suddenly a rusty old truck stopped at her house. She knew that truck anywhere. Suddenly a guy who was partly bald and had a beer belly came out of the driver's side. Then she watched the man drink the last of his beer and throw it in the street. Then he yelled at someone in the passenger seat, "Get out here Lucy you little slut. We need to check on Rain. Rain looked at Niko, "Speak of the devil."
Niko turned his head and looked out over to the street, his eyes squinting before he cringed at the sight of a man exiting the truck that had pulled up. That guy looked disgusting, not to mention way too out of shape, and probably even a little drunk. He could heard the clanging of the beer bottle hitting the pavement, wondering if the bottle had broken and littered the street. If it had, that would mean trouble for who ever the first unlucky person was to have the tires of their car deflated. He hoped it would be his mom if that happened...

But the words the man spoke out stung more in Niko's mind than anything. He grit his teeth, not taking his eyes off him. "Why do you still deal with them if you're not going out with their son?" There was an edge to his voice as he spoke.
She whispered, "I didnt ask for that! They always ask me to go everywhere with them." she sighed, she knew she had to go down there. She looked at Niko and whispered, "I will be right back." she climbed down the tree. Once she was down she pasted on a bright smile, "Mr. Smith! What a surprise!" she said in a bright and happy voice.
((gonna edit the first sentence lol))
Edited version of sentence: Rain looked at Niko, "I only put up with them to try and save Lucy..."
Niko didn't know why, but he really didn't like the thought of her going down to see them, no matter what Rain had said earlier about the father never doing anything harmful to her. It made a nervous feeling fall in the pit of his stomach, and it couldn't help but worry. "But still..." He took his eyes off the couple that walked over to Rain's front door and looked at Rain, a sense of worry filling him when she backed up and started climbing down the tree, telling him that she would be right back. But he just simply nodded his head and looked back to where he had before, watching the man especially.
The man spun around and gave her a toothy grin... all his teeth were yellow. "Rain! Hey! Hows many time do I have to tell you? You can just call me Bill." Rain laughed and rubbed the back of her head, "Oh yeah thats right." he walked up to her and gave her a big hug which she was not expecting. He smelled like hard liqour, the scent was so strong it made her want to hurl. Her face looked sightly green, she looked like she was going to be sick. He pulled away and smiled, "I am glad to see you are alright. God I can never stand that damn boy. He is a discrase to the entire family. You did me a favor by kicking his ass."
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