Two Different Worlds

  • Thread starter Soul Breaker Sam
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Sighing, Niko turned back around when everything seemed to be taken care of. Rain could definitely handle things on her own, and when he saw her turning and running towards her brother. He watched as she examined his eye, saying something to him that he could hardly hear. But at that point Niko shook his head and turned back around, figuring that there was no more point for him to be watching. Seemed kind of weird, too, when he thought about it.
He walked to the door and unlocked it, opening it up before he heard the small, muttering of Rain's brother asking her something, something that sounded like he asked who he was. Niko couldn't help but smirk and shake his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips before he walked into the house, closing the door behind him.
Rain explained who he was to her brother then they went inside~~~~~~~ 10 minutes later after fixing up Andy's wounds, Rain went upstairs to her room.
Niko locked the door and headed into the house, sighing as he listened to... Nothing. This place was still weird to him. Sure, there were no more boxed littering the house anymore, and things were all cleaned up and everything with him and his moms possessions placed around here and here, but this place just didn't feel like home. His mom told him that it would take some time for him to get used to things, for him to get adjusted to everything, but he had a feeling that it would take much longer for him to get used to things. This place was just different. Definitely bigger, which he figured most kids would probably like, but different.

Grumbling something under his breath, he climbed the stairs, walked down the hall, and entered his room, taking a look around it. It didn't look like the room he used to have in the apartment. It was much more spacious than what he was used to, and with that came this empty feeling that entered him when ever he walked in. Like things weren't in the right place.... For a while he had disagreed with unpacking his things, the more defiant side coming out of him, but after a few days of living out of boxes he grew tired of it and unpacked everything.
The room was stifling all the same too, as odd as it probably sounded, but nevertheless he couldn't help but feel as if he was contained in something that he didn't want to be in. He grunted and walked over to his window, unlocking it and raising it up. He leaned against the window sill and sighed, closing his eyes a little as he let a little of the wind that passed by flicker across his face.
((Sorry it took me a while to reply XP. Had to do something XD)) When Rain got into her room she immidiatly walked towards her window. She moved the curtains so some sunlight could enter her room then she walked to the other side of her room.
((Haha, no worries. I fell asleep anyway. XD))

When he saw the flicker of movement in the corner of his eye, Niko turned his head, only to have his eyes widened when he caught side of the inside of the house next door to his. He blinked, turning his head a little to get a little better of a view before he tilted his head to the side. Obviously it was a room, though when he caught sight of a female figure in the window, he stopped, quickly grumbling and turning his head to the side to look away. No need in trying to look like some type of creep, right?
But of course it had to be Rain's room that sat just opposite of his. Nevertheless, the thought made him chuckle a bit. Of course it would be. He just wondered why he hadn't notice this before. Probably hadn't paid much attention anyway, until now that is, but still the situation was kind of funny.
Character info:
Name: Fluffy
Species: Pet demon
Rain pressed play on her radio and started dancing around in her room.
He tried to keep his eyes away, really Niko had, but when he saw more movement inside the window opposite his, he couldn't help but look. And what he saw definitely took him by surprise, but definitely amused him more than anything. To think that she would be the type of person that would dance around in her room, though he had more reasons to think that she might have only been doing that because she thought it was in the privacy of her room. But he couldn't be sure of that, especially considering he didn't even know the girl or her habits.

Still, the sight made him laugh, probably for the first time since he moved. Actually laughing. What a concept.
Rain stopped dancing for a sec and walked over to her window and opened it. She was completely surprised to see Niko, "Niko!"
He hadn't noticed that she stopped dancing since he had his eyes closed as he let the bubbles of laughter run through his system. Not until, at least, he heard his name being called from across the way. So the noises that came from his mouth slowly died down before he turned to look up, clearing his throat for a second before he smirked. "So what are you? Some type of karate, completely weird, dancer girl? Never would have picked you for a dancer." But, then again, he hadn't expected her to know how to fight either, so obviously there were a lot more surprises to this girl than he thought.
Rain could feel her cheeks burning, "Hehe... how long have you been here?"
Even from the distance between the two, Niko could see the tinting of Rain's cheeks as her face heated up, obviously because of what he said before. The boy couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the thought, but he quickly shook his head and sent the girl an amused look, pushing the thought aside. "Long enough to know that you obviously don't pay attention to your surroundings before you do things like that."
Rain blushed evenly more and tried hiding her face in her hands, she parted her finger so she could see him, "Gosh...I blame you."
Blinking, Niko tilted his head as he furrowed his brows, continuing to take note that her cheeks were getting redder and redder as he spoke. ice... The thought brought a chuckle out of him, but he quickly shook his head and sighed as he leaned more against the window. "And how, exactly, can you blame me? I wasn't the one prancing around my room with the curtains open for everyone to see." Or at least anyone who was looking.
Despite what he was doing she cracked a smile but blushed even more, "You weren't suppose to watch!" she moved her hands away.
Niko shook his before shrugging his shoulders. "Like I said before: I'm not the one who was dancing in my room with my curtains open. Anybody who wanted to look probably could, and see you." He wagged his finger in her direction, his smirk never faltering. "So you can't blame me for you getting caught doing that."
She pouted, "You are so mean!" though you could hear a hint of amusement.
Niko snorted and turned his head to the side. "Yeah, I'm the mean one." He rolled his eyes, but chuckled nonetheless. At that point he started to hear a little rumbling noise coming from his backpack, his eyes shifting over to it as it only made the sound twice, indicating that he more than likely just got a text from someone. He decided to ignore it for the time being, though, and looked back over at Rain, the sudden realization that he had not been told what the adults talked about in the office when they were told to leave dawning on him.
"Hey, you know your dad never really did say what happened in the office after we left... He tell you?" His tone was slightly serious, his smirk falling.
Rain nodded, "Well, concidering my dad is a lawyer... he is going to to get a restraining order against him, he is also going to make me talk to the police and he is going to be kicked out of the school."
"A lawyer, eh..." He wondered if a simple restraining order would work in the kid and if would actually keep him away from her. Niko wasn't exactly sure why, but he couldn't help but think that something that little wasn't going to stop someone who obviously seemed determined in ruining her life. But maybe he was thinking too hard about it. Maybe the restraining order would work, and maybe it would keep that guy away. If anything at least he would be kicked out of school.

"Well, it's good to know that he won't be able to bother you." Legally, he thought, but decided to leave that out. "That's good..." Again it made him wonder about what she had said before, about that guy having done something to her though she never specified what exactly he did. And though eh wanted to ask, he didn't, and decided to keep his mouth shut.
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