Two Different Worlds

  • Thread starter Soul Breaker Sam
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As long as his mom wasn't coming up with any type of punishment for him, Niko was completely fine with them just catching up. Still, it was a bit odd, in his opinion, to just randomly run into someone that you knew from a while back after just moving in a week or so ago. He snorted at the thought and leaned his head against the wall again, shrugging his shoulders. "A little. Never would have expected mom would know someone from here, much less someone related to you."
She laughed, "Back at ya." suddenly Rain heard a commotion going on in the school and she whipped her head in the direction of the door. She saw the security guards blocking the door way... Suddenly she realized who it was they were blocking the door from. "OUT OF MY WAY!" Chance's voice came from the crowd. She squeezed passed the guard then she looked at Rain, her eyes filled with concern, "Rain!" she ran up to and Rain knew what would happen next. "Here we go..." Rain muttered then was suddenly tackle hugged by Chance. Rain made an sound when she got tackled and both girl fell down. "OWWWW!!!" Rain said when she fell.
Niko smirked, the expression dropping from his face when he started hearing the commotion in the school, making him turn his head around to look, only to look a bit dumbly since he really wasn't sure what was going on. Why were there even security guards out right now? What were they, Rain and himself? Dangerous? Well, Niko figured, while he wasn't he knew Rain was, if only because of how she handed the situation with Chase.
But when Chance cam bursting through the guards, Niko took a step to the side as she rammed into Rain, his brows raising as he watched the scene unfold before him. The sight made him snort and roll his eyes. Typical girls.
Chance was still hugging her and finally Rain said, "Chance... off..." Chance pulled away and giggled. "Oops. Sorry!" She said and stood up, helping Rain back up. Rain rubbed the back of her head, "You know what? That actually kind of hurt." She laughed. Chance grinned then frowned and punched Rain's arm. Rain looked at her, "Hey!" she rubbed her arm even though it didnt really hurt, "What was that for?!" Chance pouted, "For scaring me!"
Niko continued to watch the scene, beginning to think that females were much more violent than he had previously thought. Oh well. He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled a bit at their actions, shaking his head after a while and crossing his arms over his chest. They certainly had a way with dealing with things.
Rain blinked at her, "God! I am getting all types of abuse today!" she said jokingly and smiled. Chance pouted, "Rain!!!!" she whined. "Chance!!!" Rain mimicked her and grinned. "Stop that!" Rain paused and bursted out laughing, "Chance! That sounded sooo wrong!"... yes, Rain secretly had a dirty mind. She could make anything sound perverted. Chance wrinkled her nose, "Gross Rain!" she started laughing too. ((Just have to wait a mnute XD. Chance will leave soon.))
Niko blinked, his brows furrowing as he listened to their squeals, only to shortly after hear their words of protest of the matter. Now that actually got a decent little laugh out of him, his mind having been able to pick up the little innuendo behind their words. "I'd hate to see how you two act when something bad actually happens..." He muttered, turning his head to look in another direction as he put his hands in his pockets.

((Haha, it's fine. I just really don't know what to do with Niko. XD))
Rain and Chance shared glances at each other then Rain looked at Niko and grinned. She walked up to him and randomly poked his stomach.
He hadn't been expecting it, especially since he turned his head to look away, so when he was suddenly poked in the stomach Niko made an odd sort of noise. He quickly brought his hands to protect his stomach, his back bent a little as he tried to bring even more protection to the area. He did not like people poking at him, especially in his mid section. "What was that for?" He looked up at Rain, frowning a bit, though the hint of somewhat playfulness could be heard in his voice. Not much, but a little.
He took one of his hands off, then, and reached over and poked Rain in the stomach without waiting for a response, smirking afterwards.
Rain laughed but then covered her mouth. She was extremly ticklish on her stomach. Chance grinned and whispered to Niko even though she knew Rain could hear, "She is EXTREMLY ticklish on her stomach." then before Rain could even give her a glare, Chance was gone.
Niko's brows rose again as he turned to look at Chance, giving her a questioning, though amused, look. "Oh really now?" He titled his head to the side before smirking, watching as the girl walked off before he turned his attention back to Rain. He poked her one more time in her stomach before straightening his back and crossing his arms. "I find it odd how you can be so tough yet be so ticklish. That doesn't add up to me." He took a step away from her, just in case she had anything else in mind. "You really are weird, just like your name."
Rain giggled when he poked her again, this time she was protecting her stomach with her arms. His last comment made her look up at him, "Hey! I take that as a compliment." she smiled.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "A compliment? Yeah, that just reinforces the fact that you're weird." He chuckled a bit before leaning against the wall, his eyes trailing back to the school. "People aren't usually happy to be called weird." Or, at least, that was how it was at his old school. But as far as he could see, this school was nothing like his other school, something that he somewhat liked, but also didn't like. It was just so... Weird, being in a new place. Being away from home, even though his mom had told him that this new place was his home. He still didn't want to believe though, or think like her.

After all, since he first heard about the move he had been against it. But he shook the thought away with a sigh, his lips sinking down into a frown.
Rain smiled and straighten up her back, "Noooo I am unique." she said. She say him frown and as soon as she was about to say something the door opened again. This time it was her father.
"Unique my ass," Niko mumbled, a teasing tone in his voice. "More like crazy." He rolled his eyes but picked his head up to look when the door opened, his body tensing visibly at the sight of her father walking outside to see them. He pushed himself from the wall and looked, a frown, again, creasing upon his lips.
Rain smiled slightly at her dad, "Hi Daddy. What did he say?" Her father smiled back then looked at the too, "I will explain it on the way." he looked at Niko, "You must be Niko. Your mother asked me to drop you off at your house. Her and my wife are I guess having a girls night out or something." ((Btw they find out that there houses are right next to each other and Niko's and Rain's window are facing each other ^_^))
Niko nodded his head when he was addressed, giving the man a skeptical gaze when he mentioned something about taking him home because him mom told him to. So she was telling their addresses out to strangers? The idea put a bad taste in Niko's mouth, the frown deepening on his face as he, again, tensed. "Figures she would do something like that..." He turned his head to look down at the round, his hands shifting in his pocket before he looked back up. "Look, you don't have to drop me off; I can walk. Wouldn't want you to go out of your way after all." Or maybe it was just him being defensive around this man as to why he didn't want him to take him home, no matter what his mom had said, or maybe it was just because he didn't know him. He wasn't exactly sure himself though.

((All right. Fine with me! (:))
Rain looked between her father and frowned when she saw Niko frown. Rick smiled, "Its no problem at all. I am off of work now and besides, I am always willing to help people." at least now you know where Rain gets that from. She is really close with her father. Rain smiled at Niko, "Come oooonn Niko." Her eyes even seemed to smile at him.
Niko grit his teeth before biting his bottom lip, looking between Rain and her father, his eyes quickly looking down at the sight. He stayed silent for a moment, debating on what he wanted to do, and when he finally did look back up to see Rain smiling, and after listening to the pleading in her voice, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Fine," he groaned out, looking back at her father after he spoke. "You're not going to kidnap me, are you?"
Rain was happy he was riding with! She really enjoyed his company. When he asked if her father was going to kidnap him, Rain had to cover her mouth to keep the giggles from escaping her mouth. Rick laughed, "Oh no I wont. Trust me. Or if you dont trust me then trust my daughter. He walked around to the drivers side and got in." ((Is he scared of her dad? XD))
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