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Chaotic Lawful
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  • Ah Seen It
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What do you mean by unethical exactly? Because I err, pretty much have him shipped with every female in cast... and maybe a goblin... also probably a turned werewolf... ;3

EDIT: Remy is a must of course because tall characters x taller characters. I love watching characters who are used to being taller than every one deal with having to look up at their love interests and feel short for having to do so x3
For Your Shipping Amusement:

Hmm, how do I explain? Sander (i.e., troll Versander Veen) has had his teeth kicked in (romantically speaking) and like a lab rat exposed to electric shocks has an aversion to females romantically. He doesn't HATE women, just wants nothing to do with them ROMANTICALLY. (They would have to be that one-in-a-million girl, for him to fall.)

But if he had to get information, steal something from them, etc., he wouldn't be averse at all to playing the pretend lover (with anyone) in order to advance his goals.

That's what I mean by unethical romance. Acting romantic / lying to get what you want, whether it is sex, murder, money, career advancement, revenge – or wotever.

Given his experiences, Sander's more susceptible to getting involved with a guy; but again, his heart is closed off, so a hook-up would be rare and it's likely he'd keep an emotional distance in any such involvement. Or try to, certainly.
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...is that a challenge?

Also, speaking of the Hogwarts Roleplay, I've just read one of those 101 Harry Potter facts and I'm like two seconds from pming you guys every Fred and George fact out there. Fucking. Heartbreaking.
...is that a challenge?

Also, speaking of the Hogwarts Roleplay, I've just read one of those 101 Harry Potter facts and I'm like two seconds from pming you guys every Fred and George fact out there. Fucking. Heartbreaking.
I also heard this morning from one of my Canadian friends that they're searching for freelance writers in Pottermore to expand the canon. I was like

I also heard this morning from one of my Canadian friends that they're searching for freelance writers in Pottermore to expand the canon.

is that like an open call or something or cause i am a freelance who has been published in not one but THREE different pathfinder articles which were not prose in any way.
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is that like an open call or something or cause i am a freelance who has been published in not one but THREE different pathfinder articles which were not prose in any way.
I don't know the details yet, I haven't looked into it that much. I heard it's an actual job offer that was posted on a website for job applications and searches. As in you get to write HP stuff. And get paid. Real money. For writing your passion. A real job about your passion that you get paid for nerding off. I didn't know these opportunities existed.

However, now that I'm searching for it, I only see the hype articles about it, but I can't find the actual application online anymore even though I heard from my friend that the application deadline should be in September 16th. Gorkana is at least saying that the application isn't available anymore, so I don't know what's up.
I also heard this morning from one of my Canadian friends that they're searching for freelance writers in Pottermore to expand the canon. I was like


Don't tell me that D: Do you have any idea how easily I am swept into projects? I'm still working on a choice game, which the demo has been pushed back to next month, I've been fanning of the Star Wars verse with a friend and drew up my cast from Land of Monster - probably the only art project I've got going on - as star wars au, and me and another friend fanning over SuperBut lead to a prp (to be fair, it's been literally years since we sat down and roleplayed together). Now my mind is going to be on Hogwarts again. I don't even think I ever written a Hogwarts fan fiction before actually.

...Well maybe that's the inspiration I need to reply but I've got myself cornered again o.e
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Nemopedia
I don't know the details yet, I haven't looked into it that much. I heard it's an actual job offer that was posted on a website for job applications and searches. As in you get to write HP stuff. And get paid. Real money. For writing your passion. A real job about your passion that you get paid for nerding off. I didn't know these opportunities existed.

However, now that I'm searching for it, I only see the hype articles about it, but I can't find the actual application online anymore even though I heard from my friend that the application deadline should be in September 16th. Gorkana is at least saying that the application isn't available anymore, so I don't know what's up.
Yeesh. Sounds typical. It's probably a pretty closed thing/was under-advertised until they mostly closed up. I can't imagine having to wade through giant piles of crappy applications to get to qualified people, even if they semi-automated the process. Sounds amazeballs if it ever goes up in public though.
Right? I don't have time for this since I'm working my ass off but eh. If the pay is good...

On a side note, I constructed a playlist for Remy just now and it's freaking 26 songs long and growing. I need to stop. Anyway, now I get into the Remy mood while listening to stuff that reminds me off him (even if the music that suits him isn't usually up my alley, but hey, I'm open for anything and everything that sounds good. Even metalheads can have pop moments!) and write! I have started the post now. It's happening. I've missed this guy so much since AtoF died, still bitter about that.

Anyone interested in the playlist, click here.
How the he'll do you construct playlists? I can barely find a theme song for my characters o.e
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Nemopedia
Yeesh. Sounds typical. It's probably a pretty closed thing/was under-advertised until they mostly closed up. I can't imagine having to wade through giant piles of crappy applications to get to qualified people, even if they semi-automated the process. Sounds amazeballs if it ever goes up in public though.
Right? I'm thinking this is the case as well. Too bad tho, I would have really wanted to apply for it. If it ever opens up again etc. I'll defs throw my stuff there like the HP geek I am. Regarding crappy applications... damn muggles, they're so numerous.
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How the he'll do you construct playlists? I can barely find a theme song for my characters o.e
Because I'm one of those people who listen to music almost all the time possible, and are in constant search for new material all the time. I've been a music addict since I was but a wee child, and MTV was my favorite channel way back when it actually played some music. I listen to lyrics and the tones and the mood of the song and find aspects of them fitting for scenes and characters, and since I've listened a good two decades, I have a large mental library I dig up stuff from whenever I'm doing something.
Yeah, it woulda been great to throw a hat in the ring, even if the odds weren't great.

Playlists are a love of mine. I love making them for characters. I don't do a great job, though, usually I just cycle through the same 9 or 10 artists because all of my characters are the same /s. And I am embarrassed about 90% of the music I listen to. Really it's just an excuse to make covers for 8tracks, which is really fun.
It's not that I'm not a huge music buff, or even that I'm restricted to genre, it's that it's very hard to find material for my characters because everything has to be just right from the message of the song, to the beat, to the lyrics. But also, I play favorites and if I like something it is very hard for to convince myself it doesn't fit. I mean, if I had it my way, the entire Imagine Dragons Album would be Raina's playlist when in reality, the only song that probably fits her is this.

Also, Remy Radicals? You dork.
I log on to a butt load of notifications. Which is great - except when they happen at the times when you weren't looking for them instead of at the times when you had nothing to do. :P
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Well I posted in the IC and it's utter crap and I really don't like it but eh. After few posts I should find the harmonic tune with Remy again. It's been a while.
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