Traversing the Unknown

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Kimdris looked pleased to know the child's name and Wyn smiled a bit. "From what I've learned there are not a great deal of dragons left, but there are a few hidden away, waiting to be woken. I do think that shall be the job of the Earth Mother and the Ivory Lord to accomplish, though." It was the only information Wyn could give as she honestly didn't know much more than that. Such a question would be better posed to Tharulin or Cruyulina.

The light elf rested her chin in her palm, listening to the child as she spoke and she chuckled softly when Mirror admitted that the dragons were a bit scary to her and decided not to mention that Shade could grow to be bigger than Wyn herself. The child would find out soon enough, but it was better to let her have the comfort of the small scael at the moment when she was already surrounded by three large beasts. One of which had already started to go back to sleep. Ramis' side extended and deflated with his deep breaths, the sun soaking into his gleaming bronze scales, warming the light elf as she was close to him. He was probably growing again to be sleeping so much. Then again, did they ever STOP growing?

Kimdris for her part had smiled at both elves, warbling softly to her mother, but she stood and moved away and into the trees, moving toward the faint sounds of the stream in the distance. She'd be back soon enough, but could recognize that less of them would probably make Mirror more at ease. Kasenu didn't leave, though, lifting his nose and touching it to Shade's momentarily in greeting before he laid it back down again and watched all that went on silently.

It was a good thing, too, as Wyn suddenly found herself faced with a question she didn't rightly know how to answer and she white-haired elf looked thoughtful for a moment before she simply answered honestly, knowing that such was the best course of action. She could be gentler with her words Mirror's sake because she was so young, but the truth was always the best option in things like this. "I know you do, sweetie, but...I honestly don't know how we're going to open it. I wish I did." She rose a bit then and stepped over Ramis' head, Kasenu moving his own as she made to sit back down in front of the child, the black dragons head now beside Wyn's leg instead. She touched Mirror's knee gently. "We will find a way to help you, though, I promise. That's what Danny, Tharulin and Cruyulina are speaking of right now. We'll figure something out, little one."
Tilting her head back and forth listening to Wyn telling her the truth - something she was already finding quite admirable. Most adults sugar coated everything in hopes to preserve her youth, and she was far smarter than most would dare to think. "What if they can't come up with anything? Then what? Will Danny get upset and just decide that it would be best to break the seal? I mean.... I am suppose to oppose him. No matter how little I am, I was still raised to rival."

She sighed gently, "I wish I knew how to fix it." she flicked her wrists out pressing her fingertips together mustering a will that was forced behind her gaze, summoning the smallest of silver light's in her palms before it fizzled and popped into nonexistence. Frustration came out in a hot breath, "I can't even summon a solar flare. And those are suppose to be the easiest light magic but since I have drow blood... it doesn't work right." rubbing her palm to her forehead, the young curled up into herself a little more. "I wish I was more help. Like you Wyn! You seem so strong and proud! Like my momma.... like Auntie Vision. Like a real light elf."
"Oh, little one..." Wyn breathed even as she moved, pulling Mirror to her and into her lap without any hesitation at all, wrapping her arms around the small child who was facing outward, Shade still in her lap, and bringing her head down to speak quietly near the young elf's ear. "I am hardly a real light elf, sweetie and hardly strong. I merely know who I am and what I want to be, how I want to treat others and I strive toward those goals. Nothing more, nothing less. You can easily do the same, Mirror. It matters not what spells you know or what the world tells you about what you're supposed to do."

She reached up and brushed the child's hair back, lifting her head to look down at Mirror steadily, no lie in her eyes. "When I met Danny he was searching for the God's Gate, to release Tharulin and I got caught up with him. I found out that I was part of an ancient family called Valeri and it was my sole purpose to open the God's Gate and fight against the rise of a new Demi-god. Even when I was human the universe tried to tell me that I should be against Danny and when I was reborn a light elf, it still tried to tell me such, but I didn't listen to it. I love Danny and I would never harm him and I know he would never harm me. We are two sides of spectrum between the light and the dark, but we do not let that define us, control us. You do not have to let what Fate tells you dictate your actions, Mirror. You are part light elf, yes and your mother's burden was passed down to you, but that does not mean you have to do things as others have."

Wyn smiled down into those innocent silver eyes, reminded of all the times her own family had spoken to her in such a manner, calming her fears, leading her into the sunlight again. "If you want to help Danny then that is what you should do, no matter what anyone tells you you're supposed to do. And as for Danny; he would never hurt you. Not ever, not for anything, I promise. He is good and kind and the most pure heart I have ever known and he will hardly be upset with you over something you could not and can not control. He will not risk you life for the heart piece, little one, I swear it."

The light elf leaned a little closer then and a smile danced in her eyes. "Mirror, I don't know how to do a solar flare either. You'll learn in time, little one."
Chewing on her bottom lip holding Wyn's gaze with an adult maturity, the young child blinked frantically at the overwhelming rise in her chest. It might have only been a year since her mother died, but... it felt as if a lifetime had passed over her.

It took no notion at all as Mirror turned around in Wyn's grasp and lap to tether her arms around her waist and bury her head into her ribs. She didn't know why she done it, why she wanted too but all she knew was she trusted Wyn without question. She had no reason not too and the young mixed breed child felt nothing but the honest truth coming from her lips time and time again.

She stayed that way for a long time before she looked sideways back out at the rustling of footsteps coming forward, Danny stretching leisurely with a yawn as his gaze came down in wonder to the sight before tipping his chin sideways letting a soft comfort span through his eyes. Similiar to Wyn's, though his held less of a maternal instinct, Mirror offered a vague smile back. She snuggled into Wyn a moment more before pulling back holding the elder woman's gaze firmly. "Thank you Wyn." she spoke privately for the light elf alone, before she leaned in and cupped a hand to the side of her face. "Maybe we can learn together about the solar flare." she gave the purest innocent giggle ever heard as she slipped out of her grasp to come bounding forward as Shade made his way up to her shoulders as Danny crouched down keeping a gentle look in his gaze. "Wyn said I can come!" she blurted out with a wide one tooth missing grin. "Isn't that great?"

"Aye." he chuckled gingerly, his violet eyes darting across to hold a fond affection for Wyn. "She does know best. I'd trust her instincts and her judgement without question."

Tiny hands reached out to touch his knee, "What did the Ivory Lord and Earth mother say?"

Danny paused pulling in a breath before he let it out. "Nothing of help, that much is certain. For now, I think we just need to bring along the box and see if as you said, your aunt may be able to help."

Mirror pressed her lips firmly, "Okay, Danny." looking across her shoulder to Wyn before returning it to him, the small child skirted forward to slip into his grasp. "Thank you."

Ample surprise registered across the gremlin's face bringing forth the crimson heat - seemingly familiar today- "For what?"

The girl shook her head without an answer, merely smirking in a welcomed enjoyment.
Wyn couldn't accurately describe the happiness she felt at having been able to reassure and help the young girl and she smiled back to that giggle with mirth of her own, nodded and easily letting the child go to Danny, though, she had rather liked the hug she'd been given, the trust placed in her. She stood then, giving him a soft smile at his words, grateful he had nothing against her decision and she knew in that moment that the near-spat from the morning was forgotten. She was happy such was so and moved away from the dragons and toward the demi-god and the drow-mix.

Her green eyes met Danny's with a message that just told him to go with it and then she touched the child's head softly and before doing the same to Danny's arm, needing some contact with him even if it was brief.

"Why don't we go find something to eat? Deep thought is always better left to fed minds, not hungry ones."

She looked back at Kasenu and Ramis, the black dragon flicking his tail in a lazy manner and the he nodded slightly to his mother, silently telling her he'd be staying here for the moment. With talk of leaving already he would get as much time spent with his siblings as he could. They would not doubt be staying to continue their training, but it still wasn't the path he wanted. Wyn tilted her chin back in understanding and then took Danny's hand, giving him a gentle pull toward the way back to the village.

"Come, my bottomless pit. You can't rightly tell me food doesn't sound good right now."
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Chasing Shade through the trees listening to the delightful glee of the child laughing jovially, as he was being pulled along by the beautiful light elf, Danny couldn't dispute her fact that he was well... hungry. Like that was new news.

Trailing leisurely though letting the scrael and half breed girl play along the way; Danny pulled Wyn into his side. "I swear the light elves get more moronic every time we run into them." he stated softly for Wyn alone, showing his own frustration at what Image had done to her own child. "Progressively worse each time. What sort of monster tether's their own daughter to a relic and literally by her own life! The stupidity of it is beyond my comprehension." he prattled carefully making sure that Mirror was always in sight and out of ear shot. As much as he took a detest to Image, he didn't care to make the child feel the pain of his words.

"Though I have to beg the question much like yourself... her father..." Danny curved his attentive gaze to Wyn, "And people think I am the demon incarnation."
Her arm wrapped around his waist as they walked even as his own was around her shoulders and Wyn watched Mirror play, smiling periodically at the sight, especially when the child looked back at them, but she had to agree with Danny's mood right now. The very thought of what could have happened to the girl had Danny not been who he was disgusted her. Mirror would have died! If the hell god had not been Danny, had been Talograth - or even someone else! - all over again, then this sweet, innocent, smart little girl would be dead and the knowledge of that made Wyn simmer with righteous anger.

Such a thing was barbaric. A complete waste!

She almost felt ashamed to be considered part of a race like this. "It's cruel. Her life could have been snatched away at any time and she had to live with that knowledge hanging over her head? In constant fear?" Wyn shook her head, green eyes snapping fire. "Danny, I don't want to give her back to her people if this is what they do to their children. You are better than any light elf we've met so far."

The white-haired elf rubbed a hand to her forehead with a sigh. "Just once I would like to meet a decent member of this species I am supposed to belong to." she muttered.
He shook his head, "I am not about to send her off with any of her light elf family, if her own mother can set her life around a relic piece without a care, then there is no telling how the rest of her family would react." a guttural growl came up at a slow pace, "I'll personally see their end before I hand Mirror over." that was a threat and one that anyone could feel free to test. "Now I see why she has lived out in the forest for as long as she has, with the fear that someone would come and snatch up the box only to threaten her life at the same time." Danny shook his head, "I'm really feeling these light elves are more monster's in flesh than any other being."

A soft tussle to her crown and he smirked privately to Wyn. "You are the only decent member of your species and that," Danny pointed to Mirror as she held Shade in her hands, dancing in spot cooing and whispering to the scrael, "Is the only other one that will be decent."

Seemingly registering that him and Wyn were watching her, Mirror skipped forward to look between them and then held Shade up letting the creature grab a hold of Wyn's clothing to scramble upwards to let out a chirp and a click of his tongue tugging on the woman's white hair. "Are we going to eat in town?" Mirror came around to slip her fingers into Wyn's free hand. "You won't get in trouble for having me... right?"

Danny wrinkled his nose letting his gaze turn sharp, "If they know what's good for them, they will grin and be merry about all of us being there." Mirror blinked before she gave a soft smile in appreciation.
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That was the only thought Wyn could coherently give to his decision about the child amidst her private fury about the matter - though, Danny probably felt it, hell god that he was. She agreed with him completely even if quiet logic told her that they weren't monsters so much as severely misguided and corrupted with the weight of their own importance and power. was that any different than being cold-hearted monsters who sacrificed their own children?, the snarky part of her mind retorted. The logical side shut up.

Her mood had to mellow a little under Danny's affection, though, and she smiled up at him at his words, nodding in agreement as she looked to Mirror. The child would be different. She and Danny would see to that one way or another. The thought made her happier and when Mirror came back, she chuckled at Shade's antics, glad to know he was still fond of her and her hair even after getting a new playmate. She reached up and scratched at his belly for a moment before looking down to the half-blooded child who's hand was now in her own. She gave those smaller fingers a squeeze and looked to Danny at Mirror's question, nodding to his reply before she chimed in with her own.

"It will be fine, little one. The drows are happy to have Danny with them and they know that anyone he has with him is important to him. They won't be mean." She gave the girl a smile while silently vowing that if anyone was she'd personally tear into them, perhaps even before Danny could. Maternal instinct was rather strong in Wyn on a good day, but hurt someone she cared about and all bets were off.

They were approaching the village now and Wyn instinctively pulled the girl closer, knowing she was probably going to draw near anyway, her gesture protective and warning to anyone else all at the same time.
Eyes drew up out of unified curiosity as they came approaching the small village of Bastion, drows of all sorts looking them up and down letting the murmurs of wonderment rise up to make a constant hum of sound, Mirror looked like a kid in a candy store. Her eyes were massive, taking in the dark ashy skinned beings as they seemed to revere Danny with a awe that flickered across her skin.

She had been wary about entering the place but the moment of naivety took over and she escaped from Wyn's grasp to trot forward. "I've never been here before. Not that I can remember!" she grinned mirthfully as Danny seemed to take on a new alert that was more of a dominate feel than a warning.

Giving a click of his tongue, and Shade went jumping off Wyn's shoulder to blossom back into his massive size trotting quick to go after Mirror like a loyal hound, the girl gasped and trotted in place out of minor fright and excitement seeing the scrael as large as he was. Hands took quick to reach forward and put her forehead to Shade's letting out a string of words out of sheer amazement and docile panic to knowing the creature was so huge, the only reason she didn't freak out was knowing Shade could be small. It was greatly different to her than the dragons were. But she'd come to warm up to them as well.

Drows blinked but said nothing as the group of them walked back to the inn as Shade slithered under the girls frame to carry her like a horse on his back, snapping a tail in warning when someone came too close. "I think indulging to eat outside might be a good choice." Danny lifted his gaze to peer around, "Let Mirror and Shade run around as much as possible to tire the children out." the demi god gave a silent command that had the long black creature turning back to bring himself and Mirror forward. His mouth opened only to be silent.

"Can I keep Shade, Danny!" Mirror asked gleefully, "Like a pet!"

"A pet... you realize that Shade-"

"I'll walk him, and bath him and take care of him. Please? I've never had a pet before, oh please please please!"

His ears pinned back smirking all the while as he dropped his gaze to Wyn for help on the matter. Shade was still a piece of him technically.
She was happy to see the child be a child in that moment that she darted away and Wyn leaned into Danny as Shade went after her, laughing in delighted amusement to the reaction Mirror gave. Yes, that was what she'd been waiting for. Still chuckling a bit, she nodded to Danny's words of reason and she pulled away from him a bit to look around better for a food stand or small restaurant where food could be obtained. Mirror's words brought her back to the issue at hand and it took everything Wyn had to keep a straight face, but oh how her eyes danced with mirth!

She cleared her throat and cast Danny a look that clearly said 'chicken' before she spoke to the child in the same way she'd done any time before, kind but truthful. "Mirror, Shade can play with you and I am sure he'd be more than happy to spend a lot of time with you, but he's not a pet, honey. He's part of Danny, a servant to him and he's got his own family in the shadow realm. I don't think he would much like being a pet."

The light elf smiled gently. "He will always be around, though. He won't leave Danny and as long as you are with us, he won't leave you either, all right?"
Danny returned his own look that stated, 'yeah, what of it!' in a playful light. As stern as he could be with her dragons, a real child well... he was an extreme push over. It had been that way with Garnett and he had a good feeling it would be no different with Mirror. He had a soft spot for them even if that was probably a sort of strange feeling to him.

Many eyes looked up to Wyn as Mirror seemed to pout softly at the voice of reason but she didn't make any quibbles to it. Rather she nodded with a soft okay, to scoot forward on Shade's leathery back to play with the creature's large ears rubbing them in a way that nearly had the scrael buckling at his knees from the pleasure being inflicted.

Dropping a hand to slip along the short maw getting the creature's attention back only for him to shake his head rapidly with a leathery slapping noise of his ears, Shade snorted and spun around a few times taking Mirror on a ride only to go jogging forward. "And this is why you are a natural." Danny made a pointed view to his other half, "Voice of maternal reason."
Wyn gave a soft snort, but a blush had spread over her cheeks and she ducked her head a bit to try and hide it, unable to stop the smile though before she cleared her throat, looking back up again. Her green eyes refused to meet Danny's lest she blush again as she looked around again instead and finally found what she wanted. Slipping her hand into the demi-god's without even having to give a glance as to where it would be, she gave him a gentle tug forward and together they moved toward the small restaurant.


The goodbyes had been both easier and harder this time, but Wyn and Kasenu both had gotten through them intact, and everyone was content with their decisions when all was said and done. They'd spent time the day before getting Mirror's things together and the child had stayed with them that night. She was riding in front of Wyn now as both of them together wasn't too much weight for Wind Storm while Cloudkicker already had enough weight already with Danny's large frame.

Kasenu flew overhead, the silent sentry as usual and much as Shade loved Danny, he was rather fond and tolerant of Mirror and at the moment he was in her grasp, both of them happy as could be. Wyn couldn't wait to see the girl's face when she realized there was more than one scrael and she'd said as much to Danny last night in bed. At the moment, though, other things were on her mind, namely the small box in Danny's possession and the light elf they were going to see.

"Where exactly does the map say Vision is?"
Tilting her head right back to look at Wyn upside down as she sat with the light elf contently on the gelding, Shade busy looking strange in his pose as he was chewing on his back feet laying on his back in her lap, silver eyes moved over to look at Danny as he seemed to be waking from a stupor. A part of her felt a little bad - not overly- when the sun rose and she went tearing into their room to bounce and hop on the bed waking her newly adoptive parental guidance, Danny hadn't nearly been ready to rise. Apparently the all nighter catching up with him. But she was just so excited that she couldn't help herself.

She promptly scurried into the covers to snuggle up with Wyn when Danny threw a pillow at her, lightly of course, only encouraging her giggles all the more. But now, he just looked exhausted.

Giving his head a shake trying to release the fog from his brain, Mirror started bouncing in the saddle. "Oh Oh! I know!" Shade squeaked in response to her juggling ways, nearly gagging himself on his own foot- "Auntie Vision lives past the port city that Cousin Reflection was in, east I think! In a big BIG city known as Tulim! It's all white and pure and snowy and has really good cookies at the bakery down the street with chocolate in the middle and-"

"Easy there, you are going to bounce you and Wyn right out of the saddle at that rate." Glancing down at the map, Danny smirked to her. "Well other than the bakery stuff, Mirror is right. Now I'm curious about the desserts."

"Can we stop there Danny? Can we?" her eyes drew back to Wyn, "Wyn? Please?" she started to bounce again.
Wyn was quick to wrap her arm around the girl with a slight gasp of surprise to the bouncing, instinctively wanting to make sure she didn't fall off, and her hand moved a bit to wrap around Shade as well. The poor little scrael looked completely affronted to the treatment and the light elf had to withhold a giggle even as she looked from the two before her - and calmed Wind Storm who had flicked his ears back in displeasure, gait changing just a bit - to Danny for confirmation. Once he'd given it, then she focused more on what the child had been spouting off.

A chuckle escaped as she looked down at Mirror and raised a brow, giving her a look in return that was both fond and playfully exasperated. "Oh, can those eyes get any bigger?" She tickled lightly at the half-drow's stomach and nodded. "Yes, we can stop by there if you show us where it is. I don't much think I could keep Danny away. His nose would lead him right to it." She tapped Mirror's nose and smiled over to Danny, both of them knowing what she spoke was rather true. Was it not their first encounter together that she'd caught him sniffing the air like a hound until he found the food he wanted?

Still, something else had stood out to Wyn and she looked back at Mirror, head tilting and ears perked even as her brows were. "Snow?"
"I can't help it if everything tastes far better than anything in Navirer." he retorted, "And you my love are just purely jealous." he teased her back though he didn't deny the fact which had Mirror looking at him as if he might suddenly turn into a hound right there and then. "What?" his ears came back though he developed quite the goofy look on his face to her scrolling gaze that only seemed to separate away when Wyn tapped her nose. Giggling happily at the tender notion, her eyes dropped to pick Shade up right who was chattering away despondently about his entire ordeal, little hands taking to petting him softly until the loud purring ensued.

"You look like an owl." Mirror mimicked Wyn's head tilting and ears perking, Danny doing well to cover his laughter having heard that very familiar saying spoken by another one of the children that was in their midst. "Hoot hoot."

Okay that did it, Danny had to turn away as he was in a fit of laughter trying hard to stay upright on the mare. Which only encouraged Mirror to start along in the commotion. It was a welcomed sound that rung through the down slope of the mountains they were coming out from.

Tempering off with little snorts and chortles, Danny rubbed at his eyes stopping the tears from coming from laughing so hard giving Wyn an extremely affectionate indulgent look that she was the only one privy too from him. "There's snow everywhere!" her hands shot out, "It's really pretty but cold."

"You'll have to send a letter to Aurora to tell her about your experience, darling." Danny managed to get himself under control though there were still giggles that came from him at times.
Wyn had blinked, startled by words, such familiar words, and she knew instantly that made her look even more owlish. Sure enough, the laughter started and for a moment she gave Danny a glare that she didn't actually mean in the least but had to give on principle before the infectious sound overtook her as well and she started to laugh a bit, too, shaking her head. Oh, she was never going to hear the end of that comment from Kimdris, was she? Then again, perhaps she should stop looking like an owl so often...

She gave Danny a side look and a blooming smile when he started to stop his snickering and gave her that look she loved so very much. "Brat." she shot to him affectionately and then rolled her eyes, looking down to Mirror again at her announcement. Oh boy. They were going to freeze. Green eyes glanced down at her bare arm, thinking about the clothes in the packs and Wyn bit her lip a bit before she blinked, focus coming to the demi-god once more.

Oh, very funny.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled that I was finally introduced to her element, but extremely jealous as she is still stuck in Chalice." Wyn grinned at the idea. "You know, I think I will write her and tell her all about how it was your idea to do so. That sounds like a good thing to do." This time she giggled a bit.
"Naturally." an impish grin with response to her comment of deeming him bratty in ways, Mirror turned as much as she could to snuggle briefly into Wyn in a way that stated she was still loved even if she was an owl. Though she looked up between them wondering who Aurora was but left it at that when the two adults began to converse on things she had yet to learn about.


Coming down the mountain was a trek all on its own. The steep descend meant a lot of back tracking to take the horses down steadier paths. Often inclining Danny to lead Cloudkicker rather than steer her through. Loose rocks were always a problem and one tumbling horse would just be disastrous. Something he wanted to avoid all the more.

Upon the bottom and a stretch outwards, there was audible growling coming from a stomach and it wasn't his own... two. The small girl hadn't made a peep about being hungry, but her belly sure protested it loudly when it had the time to do so. It seemed curious to the scrael as well. The lengthy twining creature kept staring at the stomach of the wee girl, attempting once or twice to communicate from what he could tell when it growled and the shadow beast gurgled in response. Mirror then started to fuss but it wasn't anything deplorable. She merely looked up to Wyn with her big silver eyes, to him and the show of bodies slowed until a halt was made on level ground.

He wasn't going to dispute the stop either. Granted he was still rather tired but that was entirely self inflicted on his own part but if they could rest, he would.

Letting the horses wander loose within range knowing full well that Wyn would be able to keep them close with her beast taming abilities - he had yet to doubt such magic as she wielded it so effectively- as he sat upon the ground, legs loosely crossed thumbing through the journal as he could hear the soft hum from Mirror's pack and the faint hue of silver and gold light peeking out from the small box that contained the heart soul piece. The gremlin was thinking, and deep at that of ways to dispel such a thing without harming the child. That had never been his intent. And it never would.

His attention skewed back into reality when he felt the scrambling of the young girl come rooting into his lap, fingers reaching up to push at the pages out of curiosity trying to read the scribbling of his native tongue, before she shrugged and leaned back into his chest holding a large apple that came from the horse pack of Wyn's. If there was anything that had been extremely beneficial of Bastion, it was the supplies given to them for patronage. Though he had disputed that too with very little luck. Any tension that had been in Mirror's body wondering if the demi god might reject her from his comfort was quickly null and void as Danny merely gave her a tap on the end of the nose and returned to scrolling his gaze through the pages. But even that was fleeting. "What is that?" Mirror's finger shot out to point at a page stopping him again only for him to bring his eyesight down to her. "That." she tapped more insistently.

"Notes." Danny responded flatly.

"I know that, but it looks like.... funny." Mirror wrinkled her nose, "Like it's only written in a narrow vertical line. Not like the rest of your scribbles."

Shade lunged out to plant himself on the book pages like he often did to Kasenu's face, Danny sighed a little more willingly this time before shaking the scrael off. "It's called lyrics." Now her gaze widened much like Wyn's had, "Now who looks like an owl! You're learning from Wyn already."
Wyn glanced over at the conversation, her hands busy repacking some things in a more efficient manner, and she smiled a bit to herself, but left the conversation to Danny. He was more than capable of handling it and besides, it was rather entertaining to see him squirm a bit, fighting his shyness about his musical ability with the pressure of a pair of adoring eyes on him. Far more effective than anything she could do to make him speak of it, that was for sure! Oh, no, she was not going to help out on this one.

Instead she stood from her task and took an apple from their supply, walking out a little ways and giving a short whistle. The horses' heads popped up and both trotted over eagerly, seeing what was in her hand. Wyn smiled as she carefully held on to the fruit, letting Cloudkicker have the first bite out of it as she was the more dominate horse and then feeding the rest to Wind Storm, petting both of them as they happily crunched away. She slid her hand down Cloudkicker's leg then, checking for any abnormalities and lifted her hoof, making sure there were no rocks lodged in her shoe. The process was repeated for each leg before she gave the mare a pat and sent her off with a push, moving on to Wind Storm. She found a small stone in his left forefoot, but it was easily dug out with her finger and she sent him away then, too, brushing her hair back as she watched the two and then looked around at the land the surrounded them.

It truly was beautiful.

Her green eyes strayed back to Danny, Mirror and Shade - noting that Kasenu was rooting around at a hole that probably held some poor creature the dragon was determined to get to even if only for fun - and she smiled easily, head tilting as she watched them. Their family was growing, constantly changing. She liked it. And she would have never thought in a million years that she'd have something like this, something this good.

Needless to say she was rather glad she'd decided to go with that goofy, strange gremlin elf that day in Nymaya.
No matter who he was, who he became there was still that meekness that still poked its head up every so often when he was questioned on things that he didn't overly speak about. Merely due to the fact he didn't overly think he needed that sort of focus. But when it came to a younger child with those all wondering, all curious and hungry eyes, he was pretty much at a loss.

It took more prodding for him to say anything about it, watching Mirror seem very very curious about him being musically inclined, questioning it with a fever and anxious to know what he could do. It took a bit, a sigh from his lips as Mirror leapt out from his reach and trotted up to Wyn leaving him with Shade to give the shadow beast a bit of a look that was of relief.

Her big silver glimmering gems came up to Wyn, "Danny said you can dance! I think he wanted to change the subject but is it true?" she circled around the long lithe woman looking her up and down, "And you are acrobatic! Have you ever been in the circus, can you do back flips and front flips and handsprings? Oh oh can you, can you dance like those ladies out in the streets with their bells?"

A smirk of victory came over Danny as he turned his attention side long seeing Kasenu digging in the hole feeling the smaller creature go leaping off his shoulder scurrying forward to the black dragon equally as curious about the hole as the large lizard was.

Nimble hands reached forward to twine through Wyn's, "Wyn can you teach me do be all flippy and flouncy? I wanna be like you, pretty and graceful!"
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