Traceurs : A Dystopian Parkour Adventure (OC)

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How can all of you people have so many characters? I can barely handle one...
I'm crazy
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Don't worry I already know, and I see no shame in being character obsessed
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I love it! It's challenging and exciting. I love just running with all the ideas that pop up in my brain. I'm going to make another character tomorrow haha.
The hardest part is putting up a mass starter with 8 characters
I can't keep up with you people. I'm need a drink...
I'm just not gonna try. Never try, never fail. And I like this idea way to much to let it fail.
I know right?
Hopefully someone will be joining Anya in the Fae Bandits. 'Cause otherwise that would be terribly awkward for her to cussing out NPCs. xD
Finished Anya!
Accepted! (you put an emoji in Keys sheet so I'll count that) BUT OMGG I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS! :heartbeat:
:D Thanks! And man I totally forgot about the emojis! (Imma add one anyway though)
Hopefully someone will be joining Anya in the Fae Bandits. 'Cause otherwise that would be terribly awkward for her to cussing out NPCs. xD
I'll make one C: I'm thinking something diabolical. Diabolical is always fun.
I will probably also make a Virtue in addition to my Ascaroth, just so I have a lovely little mix of them all. :)
Darn, I wanted to have a virtue but you can't have everything
C o n s t a n t i n e S i n n e w

~ A R C H A N G E L ~ "Bluebird"

~ Appearance ~
Slender build with low body-fat, bruised flesh and messy brown/orange hair.
His skin is pale, dotted with small brown freckles that accent his face, and contrast with the pale green color of his eyes.
The dark circles under his eyes seem to be permanent, like the expressionless face he usually wears.
He has many scars on his body, the most noticeable being the one on his lip and nose, but under his clothing is a large, dark scar that crosses his entire back.
~ Age ~

~ Gender ~

~Sexuality ~

~ Position ~

Wheel. Hand-picked spy chosen by the Seraphim Jayce.
~ Strengths ~

Enduring pain/torture
Very good at disguises/blending into his surroundings
Skilled in criminal exercises, such as lockpicking, breaking and entering, theft and stealth (although his job usually doesn't involve theft, just information)
Musically gifted
Graceful with his movements, tying in with being limber/flexible (for crawling into small spaces)
~ Weaknesses ~

Sometimes too passive/submissive to those around him, especially Jayce
Crossing certain subjects involving those around him
Physically weaker, his stealth and quick escape being mostly his defenseAs above, he is not very good at fighting. Constantine can hold his own, but only for a little while
Internal emotional trouble that sometimes clouds his judgment
~ Personality ~

Constantine is a more gentle, mellow individual.
He is loyal to his superiors, and his cause, but can sometimes judge himself and question the means of how to do things.
The way he moves in a graceful manner resembles that of moving in water, and the almost dead tone of voice is masked by the soft way he speaks it. His mind is simple, but emotions complex beyond what he wants. He can feel a great amount, and sometimes not understand some of what it is.
~ Bio ~

Born in an enclosed community, Constantine was raised by his loving parents, but the Overseer of his community kept them living almost as slaves. The people in the encampment worked to live in safety, away from gang violence, and with all of the supplies and fresh water in the place, it was a prime target for taking. Constantine was always the Overseers favorite, as he made the young boy visit regularly. The words used to describe him were "Perfect for his youth" and "A gemstone among stones." While he didn't understand what was happening at the time, Constantine was in a bad situation. When his parents found out about the things their Overseen had been doing to their son, they lashed out, and the Overseer tore him away from his parents. He never saw them again, and didn't know if they lived or were executed.

After a few years of being the Overseers personal call-boy, a day came when he wanted to explore more, and began to regularly sneak out of the place he was enclosed in. It was always just outside of the complex, into a deserted area, but he liked getting away every so often. On one trip he met somebody who asked him about the complex, and because Constantine didn't know about the conflict of the outside world, he ended up telling the person all of the overseers secrets and vulnerabilities. That person ended up being the current Seraphim, Jayc. With that information he raided the encampment, took the supplies and killed the Overseer. The man was impressed with Constantine's knowledge-gathering and past, and took him in as a personal assistant, a spy for him and him only. It was there that Constantine joined the Archangels and worked for the person who freed him, as he didn't know what else to do. He was molded, shaped to help and serve the gang, and lived with them from there on.

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"Wiccan" Will Geyer


Name: "Wiccan" Will Geyer :bsmile:

Appearance: Will wears the clothes he's owned for years. A white muscle shirt with a single pocket that seems to be fraying in places, A dark brown tailcoat with a black hood that he never takes off, fingerless black gloves, cargo pants, and converse. In his multitude of pockets, he keeps various vials and elixirs he's managed to make after long hours of studying the flora and fauna.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gang: Fae

Position: Druid

Weapon of Choice: One-handed sword


Poor communication skills

Personality: William is the silent type. He spends his days walking amongst the outskirts of the ruined city, where nature has reclaimed most of it. He finds solace in nature and silence. Often times, William writes in a medium sized black book that he never let's others see, let alone read. He keeps many different vials on him with herbs or elixers made from the plants found in that part of town-- where no one lives. His main skill, and the one he is widely known for, is tarot readings. He uses his cards in a variety of ways. Including figuring out a person, making decisions, or even for simple advice now and again. Of course, tarot isn't a magical sphere in which he can see the future-- but his readings are usually very accurate, and people have come to him for such things before.

Bio: Born outside the city and raised on the road, Will has been going it alone for as long as he can remember. Often this would mean finding a place for solitude in a large world full of people who would be looking to steal from a traveler like himself. He grew accustomed to the silence, and soon ended up preferring the company of his own thoughts to that of a person. He started writing what he found in plants and nature, eventually discovering that certain herbs could treat various illnesses with varying effectiveness. A very long time ago he found a deck of tarot cards, and taught himself how to use them. Something about the cards always sort of called to him, and they became his most treasured possession. Now, he works for the Fae as a druid, using his skills to gather information and, if necessary, eliminate those who'd threaten him. A lot of Fae members come to him for guidance-- wether it be spiritual or physical. After a time, he'd earned his title. No longer called "William" by others. But instead, "Wiccan".
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