Too Young to Die [akela x wildpelt]

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Taryn gasped loudly, immediately drawing her hands against her chest with fingers laced together. So. He was just like eveyone else in this God forsaken city. Fine. They weren't to be friends, he just wanted a business transaction. She could do that.

The fear in her eyes turned to resolve and she nodded once."Any other rules i need to know before I start living with and training under you?"
Ruke could feel her turn from open and sympathetic to cold and closed off. Fine by him, he was the same way. Being open was always a weakness, and weakness came in all forms. IT all lead to the same conclusion. If he let her into his life, he would become vulnerable. No, just no. Not now, not ever, not possible. He said that in his head over and over again, not able to find reason against it. He moaned once more from the memory and began to drive without acknowledging her, other than a few hasty words.

"J-just...s-stay away...from the basement...." He hissed and his eyes filled with tears again. He laid back against the seat and they, together, drove across the town and out into the nicer sector. His body burned from holding back the sadness, but he was unable to ever tell her. When tehy arrived at his large mansion, he opened the door for her, "Come in, please."
Taryn would be lying if she said fear didn't grip her heart at his words. Yet she did her best to look unnerved as she stared at him calculatingly, arms crossed over her chest. "Fine. No physical contact and no going in the basement." Freak.

No, she couldn't think that way. She refused to. He'd been so kind and so nice before mentioning family...there was something she didn't know, something that made him act this way. Taryn could understand that, the difference was she kept her secrets by pushing others away through ignoring them, not yelling. She only acted hatefully if it was in self defense.

So...maybe this was him using self defense? She sighed, knowing she would need to think on it more. At his invitation she shook her head, peering in. "I... I don't know if it's safe."
Ruke walked right in like he hadn't heard her. The house was two story, but it wasn't all that fancy. Yes, it was above average, but it was not over the top. The stairwell lead to the second floor, and it was spiffy, but not too hard to see. He preferred simplicity in an overdone sense. So he smiled and turned to her, "I'll" Ruke felt the pain grip him again and he tried his best to keep calm. He smiled and then ran quickly away, up the stairs and collapsed against the stairs.

Ruke was having a painful flashback, a memory intruding on him. He had too many of those. HE had night terrors, he had painful memories, he had much of those sort of thing. He clutched the doorway did as he was always told: deep breaths and focus. But it was impossible, and he kept sobbing. Why was he doing this now? He tried desperately to undo the door.
One thing Taryn could not stand was being ignored. She huffed as he went right in, and her mouth dropped when he simply said a few words and ran off. "Oh no you don't," she hissed, practically stumbling over the threshold in attempt to chase after him. There was no way he would out run her.

By the time he reached the door he was bawling again. Knowing he didn't want her comfort, and quite put off by being ignored, Taryn spoke as if he wasn't even crying. "Hey! You can be a jerk all you want, but the deal was you'd let me stay here with a bed and food! I'm not asking for a grand tour, but I would appreciate it if you could at least show me my room and a bathroom. Don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere else until you make me."
Ruke looked at her, still crying. He looked down and he whispered to himself, "hold me, please. Someone care." He had attacks like this frequently. He just didn't seem like the guy to do so. He liked to appear strong, but inside he was broken. He needed someone.

"Hold me," he .pained. His body hurt, as well his mind, "hold me."
Despite yet another sudden change in personality, Taryn was hesitant to move forward. Again, she wasn't used to holding anyone, and to her it was a strange request from someone who acted like he had his life together. Was he going to drag her to this secretive, dreaded basement? No, he would have caught her by now if that was his plan.

No, there was no danger in this that hadn't already been present. " 'kay," she whispered, slowly making her way to Ruke. He was a good amount taller than her, so with a weak smile she reached up and put her arms around his neck, her chin resting on his chest as she looked up over his shoulder. Her thin fingers curled around his long hair, the tips running along his shoulders. "This would be a lot easier if you'd sit down with me somewhere."
Ruke looked at her and whimpered, his mood somber. The memory was deep, and hard to miss. He shouldn't have let her see that. She now had...power over him. She knew about him. So he stood and he opened the door with her help.

Ruke laid on the bed, then sat up, "hold me." He couldn't stand being so strong it hurt him.
Taryn slowly followed, barely paying attention to what the room looked like. She was so focused on him, on making Ruke feel better. And on keeping herself safe. As soon as he laid on the bed the girl stiffened, standing a few feet away.

Because of her own past, being anywhere near a bed with a boy...that was something Taryn did not do. Even when he sat up her fists clenched, wishing they could be somewhere else. Were his intentions more frightening than she'd ever imagined? Time to find out. Ruke, the only person to offer her a place to live, needed her help, and Taryn wasn't going to let anything stop her from giving it. With another smile she came forward, crawling across the mattress until she was behind him. Getting to her knees she put a thigh on either side of his hips and put one arm over his shoulder and the other around his waist. Locking her hands together at his stomach she hugged him tightly, her lips near his ear and chin resting on his shoulder. "I'm a bit new to this," she murmured, closing her eyes. "What makes you feel safest?"
"I don't know," he read her body and he felt her tense, "I'm not going to do anything..." He preferred not to, ever. He was, surprisingly, a virgin. He wished he wasn't, but needed it. He held her close.

"I have attacks regularly," he sighed, "night terrors. I've cut myself on accident. I'm sorry...You didn't need this..."
Taryn smirked, shaking her head. "Need you scaring the crap out of me and treating me like that? No, I didn't. You asking to be held? Don't think about it for a moment, I don't mind." He really wasn't going to do anything, for once she completely believed another person. "I...have an idea. Might help a little more." Taryn released him and maneuvered her tiny body under his arm until she was in his lap, her legs stretched out to the side.

"Now I've got you," she grinned shyly, still a little afraid he would yell that it was too much contact and painfully push her off. But still Taryn wrapped her arms around his neck again, her head resting against his collarbone. It was...peaceful to her. She wanted to pretend this was normal, despite the circumstances. "Be even better if I had showered recently, huh? I'm sorry."
Ruke didn't care; just knowing she wanted to hold him was enough, "that's okay," he cuddled her close, "I couldn't care less about that. I'm not one like that either, so no worries." He smirked at her.

Ruke shimmied his jacket off and he sat still, still recovering. He could careless about the contact; he craved knowing she at least cared.
It was one of the most comfortable moments in young Taryn's life, though she'd never admit it to him. In fact, after a few minutes of silence Taryn gave a small yawn and her arms loosened around his neck. She was asleep in her new trainer's lap within a mansion of all places, the last thing she would have expected out of today. The young woman muttered something in her sleep, her thoughts completely submerged in dreamland.
Ruke watched her sleep and he felt pity for her. He'd had it rough, but at least he knew his parents. She looked so innocent, so pure. She was like a cat in his lap, simply cute and lovable. She appeared like she was at peace, and that she cared. With an equal yawn, Ruke laid back and fell asleep, arm over her.
( aw :3 )

They must have been more exhausted than either of them thought, especially for it being the middle of the day, because neither of them woke for another couple hours. Taryn probably slept so long because she hadn't had a true good night's rest in- well, in too long for her to remember. The winter temperatures outside weren't helping things. At any rate, she slept perfectly still curled up on his firm body, legs curled to the side and the rest of her reaching from his thighs up to his chest.

With a small groan Taryn woke just as evening was starting to arrive. It took her a moment to realize where she was, but as soon as she did she let out a short, quiet cry and tumbled off him to the floor. She didn't even bother getting to her feet, only scooted about a yard away and stared at him with wide eyes. What happened, what did they do? She couldn't remember anything other than sitting with him, holding him...
Ruke heard her cry and shot up, hands flailing. Then he pulled out twin knives and held them out as if to defend himself, "what is going on?!?" He looked around and began to scan the room, "oh." He sheathed the weapons and stood up, stretching his back. He looked down at himself and realized they must have slept for hours.

"Good...whatever it is," he chuckled, "why are you on the floor?" That was interesting to him. He hadn't done anything, just laid down.
Ruke pulling out weapons didn't exactly give her any reason to calm down. But once they were put away and he began stretching she tried to calm down, breathing still slightly labored. "What do you mean good? What are you talking about?" she asked in a distressed tone. At his questoin she blushed, slowly getting to her feet.

"We- we slept together!" she explained, as if it should be obvious. "In bed together! I'll have you know I'm not a slut, and I don't make a habit of sleeping with people I don't know."
"Sleeping together?" Ruke blinked, "actually you fell asleep on me and I laid back, wrapped one arm around you and fell asleep. I'm actually a virgin and, if I can, prefer to remain that way." He stepped back, "did I do something wrong?"

He didn't actually care, but she seemed so upset he had to be sure she was okay. He'd never do anything like that to her, but she didn't believe him.
Taryn wrinkled her nose and put her hands on her hips. "I know we didn't do that," she said with a shake of her head. "Duh. I literally meant sleeping! Haven't you heard what women are called if they get caught sleeping around?" she asked, obviously misinterpreting the phrase. Poor girl didn't exactly have a mother or peers to correct such assumptions. "I don't do that," she restated, staring at him.
Ruke blinked again, not understanding, "sleeping around means having sex," he corrected, "sleeping in the same bed isn't the same thing. It wouldn't matter if you slept in my bed with me, just not with me. I think you are misinterpreting the phrase."

Ruke found this quite funny, but he didn't bring that up. She looked annoyed, and that wasn't a good thing.
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