To Hell and Back

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She rubs her eyes waking before him the next morning her small body stretches out like that of a reclining cat, her golden hair had come loose from her braid and here int he sunlight... she looked her old self again as she releases a yawn from her soft lips.
He stirs from her tossing about and smiles."You look beautifull." Not hot, not sexy, but beautifull. His tenor voice rumbles with pleasure as he sees her looking so beautifull. "Breakfast im afraid is sparse, i only eat once a day."
She blushes at the compliment and nods. " I eat three times a week. Do not worry about it" which explains her weight loss and she settles against his chest her small body seeking heat from his
He shakes his head."Thats why your so thin, its unhealthy to eat so little. Please, eat at supper with me." He asks her softly, he takes her out to his forge. Not that she hasent been in the smithy before, however he wants her to see how he enjoys his trade. There are many projects about but the shop is impecably neat and not a tool is out of place. He shows her the frame hes building for Quimblys wagon.
She blinks and bites her lip, " it is the way of the priestess.... A way to show love and devotion to the goddess" she follows him out and smiles touching the tools, she is happy that her forcing his servitude paid off for him... " it is lovely"
He scoffs at that."I may serve her now, however that does not mean i agree with her. The only reason she wants me is because she knows i will kill the next one sent up without remorse, knowing what he will do." He says quietly."You to will fufill your uses someday and she will abandon you." He states dispasionetly as he heats the metal of the wagon, prepareing to weld in a new rod to strengthen the metal frame.
She knows this is true but she says nothing to that and then kisses his cheek " I love you... But i am loyal"
The hammer falls once, twice, three times as he pressure welds the metal together."As you wish Tessa" He says as he begins welding the other end together.
She blushes and sets her hand on his back and then looks around, "is there anything you would like me to do???" She feels useless.... she looks around the room feeling worthless and unnecassary
He raises an eyebrow."I doubt you would have the strength to do half of this work, no insult to you. However i have a horse named Raze in the stable. He could do with being groomed. After your done we will break for lunch." He says in between grunts and hammer falls. His concentration shifts to the metal he is working.
She nods, "I am good with animals..." she goes out to the stable and looks inside, she finds the brush and gets some water. She then goes in the stable and clicks her tongue softly, "Raze? Time for a bath and a good brushing."
The powerfull horse neighs lightly at the attention. She can hear the hammer hitting metal in the forge in an endless monotony. No wonder his arms are so strong, repetition builds muscle. The equine seems rather calm and there are fresh apples nerby. Seems he treats his horse.
She dips the brush in the water and scrubs his skin clean then brushes through his mane making sure to remove the knots. She then drys the horse and scratches behind his ears, walking outside she dumps the water in the mud and sighs sitting down. What was her purpose now? She had no goal in life....
Words from last nights conversation replay, that he would help you in whatever you decide. She forced him into society and he adapted rather well. Sure hes in the odd fight, with his life confrontation is not something he will ever back down from however he adjusted well. His energies thrown into the forge as he calls for you to bring in the horse.
She did not know what she wanted. She feels purposeless.... she sighs and runs fingers through her hair... she then gets up and walks over to him leading his horse. She was really good with animals. She smiles for him and tilts her head waiting for instructions
The dark haired man hitches the now finished wagon to the horse and climbs on."Comeing to the carpenters with me?" He asks softly.
She blinks then nods, " sure" she climbs up after him and sits by him, back straight, disciplined. The girl had been told what to do her whole life... She didn't really know how to think for herself
He sighs gently and eases the horse foreward. The strong draft horse easily pulling the metal frame down the path. He dosent force the horse to go fast since it is quite the beautifull day out. He turns to look at her."Is it not a beautifull day out? I thank you for getting through to me every day. Knowing what would have happened had i finished." He smiles. Its a strained smile from very little happiness in life however hes trying for her sake.
She looks at him, " I did not get through to you, it was your decision. The whole time. You... I don't think you would've gone through with it" she snuggles into his side
He shudders."You have no idea just how close of a decision it was." He murmers softly, holding her hand with his own calloused one. One cut of the knife....and it all would have been over. Said knife has long since been destroyed. Melted in the hottest fires of his forge, then crushed beneath his hammer, then melted again into nothing but mishapen metal.