To Hell and Back

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She nods, " I felt how close it was.... But that is past us now. None of our concern" she kisses him gently. " the world is safe a few more years... And when the time comes... You will save it again"
He looks at her intently."And when i grow to old and slow to do the godesses dirty work? Am i to be put to pasture like a horse thats outlived his life" He questions, believing her to know her goddesses mind.
She looks at him and her eyes soften, " you will be allowed to live the rest of your life in the peace that you created"
He sighs."Then now where is your peace, you seem ill at ease here." He states quietly, pulling the wagon into the carpenters barn and unhitching it. He converses briefly before getting back on his horse and starting the short ride home.
" my purpose is not complete. The world is in danger. I am requires to help you, to stay with you...." she kisses him gently, " to support you my love. When that is complete we will have our peace"
He kisses her softly."What you choose not to adress is that in one form or another the world is always in danger. Lucifer will never stop trying to get earth."
She blinks at him and frowns at him " the goddess must have a plan... She knows the two of us cannot stop him forever"
He nods."I sugjest you find something you enjoy to pass the days. I noticed an empty building, im sure you could turn it into a school if you wished. I have a sneaking suspicion that you would enjoy that."
She blinks at him and nods. " we would have to buy it... And I have no money.... Surely you don't have that much to spare....."
He smiles."Dont worry about that, well manage just fine. Ill simply offer my services to the governer. They love free things and wont mind giving it to me for a few commissions."
She blushes, "I... I would not ask you to do that. It is not worth it. I wish you to be happy... you don't have to sacrifice for me... " she blushes deeply and looks at her hands
He takes her hands and holds them up."How much did you sacrifice for me? Your purity.....your innocence.....your virginity, your power. Nothing i could do would ever even come close to that." He says softly turning the horse towards the mayors house.
She looks at him her eyes softening... "I willingly gave that to you. You do not have to give that back to me, you do not need to do this." She hugs him to her chest. She was happy....
He kisses her softly."It is no matter to me, i work a seven day week so its no problem to outright buy the place. Im not rolling in gold but i have enough to get by."
She blinks and sighs, "alright Hun... I am willing to try.... is there an... orphanage here? I am afraid since... since that time I am barren now.. I am sorry"
He shakes his head."No the town is too small really. The only reason this town has so much is because its on the main trading route. Theres only about a dozen families that live here."
She nods and it is clear that she is disappointed... she really wanted there to be an orphanage, she visibly wilts at these words
He tilts his head thoughtfully."Im sure i could persuade the mayor to double it up with the school, it wouldent have to be large after all. I cant think of any orphans around but i could be wrong." He says digging his heels in to the horse for a burst of speed.
She shrugs , "if you say there is no need then it would be purposeless... there isn't even any children for me to teach in this school... I will figure something out for the building but.... I don't see the need for anything like that here....." she seems disappointed
He raises another eyebrow."Then we will leave. Carvahall city is only twenty miles from here. I can forge a wagon to take our belongings and tools. I can set up shop anywhere and make a living."