Tied to a minor chord

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She grimaced at the redness "Yeah, but it is still painful! I can go grab some lotion for you, it will help a little." She offered already turning towards the house to find it for him.
"Alright...I guess." He sat down to examine the sunburns. "Ouch these hurt."
Megan returned with a large bottle "It's Healing lotion with aloe vera. It always helps us. But it will probably feel really cold, you should rub it between your hands to warm it up a bit before putting it on your arms, it will hurt less that way." She spoke from experience having done that very thing with sunburns many times.
"Thanks for the info, and you are always so kind to me when I am in a dilemma." He rubbed it on his sunburns.
"It's a two way street, and you started it. You are so kind to others, it makes sense that you have friends that care about you in return. I love the chance to be here for you. Even when it's just little things." She was serious, Will was becoming one most important people in her life.

"Hey Will, do you want to pretend to have a social life for one night? One of my friends is having a party and...I was planning to go but not stay very long, I never know what to do at a party, and was wondering if you would want to come hang out with me for a little while? Only if you want to though." She didn't even really want to go but promised she would make an appearance, probably leaving early before anyone started doing really stupid things.
"Yeah no problem I'll go just as long as I do this." He pulled out a ruler and measured every single peice of grass to make sure it was all symmetrical. "I should go get an outfit ready."
"Great, I'll meet at your house and we can go from there." She happily agreed going inside to get ready as her father came out.

"Will it looks good, very good. I'm impressed. Next time we go out of town I'm hiring you to take care of the place!" Mr Bruner told him getting on his hands and knees to eye the perfectly level lawn. "Perfection." He admired quietly. His wife teased hem that he cared more about a well manicured lawn than their daughters did about manicured fingers. He didn't mind at all.
"I take great pride in symmetry." He beamed and turned toward Megan. "I will be at my house all day so take your time Megan."
After telling Katie over and over that it wasn't a date Megan made it out of the house, remembering sunscreen thanks to Will's unfortunate burn. She walked to Will's now very amused at how frightened she had been the night before on this same street.

She retied the ribbon on her blue flower top and proceeded to nock on his front door.
"One second!" He tripped over his shoes and hir the floor with a loud thud. "Ouch!" He got back up and opened the door holding his elbow. "Hello."
Megan stood with an alarmed look on her face. "Are you alright? What happened?" She asked quietly a if someone would hear if she spoke too loudly.
"Nothing much I only tripped over my feet, nothing to worry about." He smiled and gestured for her to come in. "I still need to get ready."
"Sure. There's plenty of time." She said coming inside. Megan didn't mind putting off the busy people filled introverts nightmare as long as possible. "I'm really not planning to stay very long, so you don't have to get to worried about it. Her house is right next to the lake, it's probably going to be more casual than dressy."
He put on a black vest a white dress shirt a black bow tie and black slacks. "How about we head out now?"
Meghan laughed, and had no intention of going with him so dressed up, it would draw all kinds of attention, and starring eyes she would rather avoid. "If that's going as somewhat casual, what would you wear to a fancy formal event?"
He scratched his cheek with a finger. "Well something along the lines of a white tux, a black dress shirt, a blue tie, and white slacks." He went to change into a button up forest green and black thin stripped t-shirt.
"Do you actually own a white tux?" She called to him when she couldn't hold back the curiosity any longer. It sounded like a wild combination, but if the tie was TARDIS blue perhaps it would look alright after all, maybe. She would have to see him wearing it sometime to be sure.
"Yeah let me go get it." He went to his room and came back with a black cotton tux cover and pulled out the outfit. "See nothing special."
"Are you kidding? I bet you would look great in that!" She exclaimed, "It's such a creative twist on the classic black suit, white shirt, red tie. Stunning." By now she had completely forgotten about the party they were actually going to, thinking of fancy events where such an outfit would stand out nicely.
"No, no not at all. You're just saying that." He went to the kitchen and shut off the light. "Are you ready to go?"
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