Tied to a minor chord

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When the scores had been posted Megan couldn't wait to tell Will how well she had done. The fact that he was nowhere to be seen in the band hall hardly detoured her enthusiasm. Instead she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote out a note sticking it to the wall.

Master of Arts and Math, I tried my best and got (insert drum roll) an 86! ^^ Arigato!!
<(-_-)> "Say it like that you should not. Do or do not, there is no try."

Stepping back to look at it she wished she had stopped while it still looked decent instead of so goofy, but left it up there anyway. Although she still planned to be back before English when he had band to tell him herself.
"Hi there." He had snuck up on her and poked her sides "I'm so proud of you." He had extended his hand to give her a high five. "Looks like I dont need to tutor you anymore, I've taught you all you need to know to apply for a pre-cal or cal class." He had sadness in his eyes but his face showed nothing but happiness for her.
Lurching forwards a high pitched "eeahaha" escaped when he poked her sides. Spinning around she faced him and landed a triumphant high five on his hand before throwing both arms around her friend "Thank you! I could never have done it without you. You made all the difference, and you are super fun too."
"Nah I'm not that great the only person you should be thanking is yourself because you took the time to practice, study, and gave it your all on your test." He hugged her back savoring the moment.
Her cheeks grew rosy with his praise. "Well it was impossible to get bord and frustrated and give up with such an entertaining tutor. Don't forget you promised to let me do something for you! One sandwich hardly covers it." Megan insisted.
"It's fine really. I told you its free." He didn't want to accept because he couldnt let her pay for his own sustinance but he wanted to accept to make her feel better.
She almost scowled letting go of the guy. "You promised, and nice guys like you should keep your promises. Figure something out, I won't stop asking. I'll see you later." She told him very seriously. She had to go to class now but was determined to do something to help or at last thank him, even if was not as simple as buying him food.
During band he pondered over what he should let megan pay for so he decided that it would be a simple dinner after school, at a restraunt and he would order the cheapest thing on the menu.
How do you convince a guy that he did so much, and you appreciate it, when he won't believe you when you speak, and won't let you buy him food? He certainly wasn't the average teenage guy that would eat anything at any time. She knew there had to be something else she could come up with, and spend most of English brainstorming ideas.
After he had swabbed his flute with a rag to clean out all the saliva he had started a conversation with Drew and found out that Drew had been dating a girl for the past week. "Dude that's spectacular. Best of luck to you both I gotta run. See ya." He had ran to his house for lunch and picked out an outfit just incase she wanted him to dress nicely.
None of the possibilities she came up with could be accomplished without a little time and effort outside of school, but at least she had some ideas. Megan carried on with a normal day and didn't bother to venture down the band hall again, doubting he would have taken time to think about something she could do when he didn't see the need for anyway.
He strolled back to class for the rest of the day and was sort of looking forward to the dinner but tried to let himself allow her to pay for it.
After the last bell had sounded Megan went to the library as usual. She wasn't working today but would rather be around quietly whispering people than have the silent house to herself, empty for another two hours. This was a good place to study and do homework after all.
He had headed home and gotten dressed in the black sweater vest with a white with black plaid stripes dress shirt and black bowtie. Afterward he had headed to the library after checking every single other class to find her.
Megan sat curled up on a chair, knees propped up against the table to balance a literature book she was reading. Intending only to glance up as someone moved nearby she caught sought of Will and smiled, never going back to the page.
"That looks nice, what are you all dressed up for? Band concert tonight?" She asked, thinking she would like to go see him play.
He smiled back. "Nope thats tomorrow night. I've come here looking for you to tell you i've made my decision." He sat on the floor next to her. "I'm taking you to a restraunt and paying for the food." He thought he would tease her a bit to see her reaction.
He actually thought of something she could do for him? And it involved him dressing up? She looked over at him, chocking her had to one side and listening intently. "You what?" She exclaimed a little too loudly. Holding the book to hide her face from the librarian she whispered to him out the side. "What kind of twisted story problem have you got in that head where subtracting from your wallet equals me adding something to you?"
He chuckled at her tyrade. "Nothing I was joking about paying I was going to take you to a restraunt to let you feel like you have repayed your quote, unquote debts to me tutoring you. So I dressed up."
Understanding lit her eyes. "Oh! That makes much more sense. Excellent idea." She declared snapping the book closed and packing it away in her bag. "Will...when were you planning to do this? Should I go put on something nice too?" She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt and though she normally wouldn't care how casual she looked, thought that since he took the time to dress up, maybe she should too.
"Well, my ill informed friend, I was thinking on around 6:30, or sometime around then that will give us enough time to eat then go watch the sunset somewhere near the top of a set of stairs." He had made up the last part trying to seem more romantic then needed but nonetheless he hadnt failed to impress himself, he couldn't decide for the fair maden though.
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